Chapter 105 – Offered to the Lycan King

Faria let out a sigh. She gave an affectionate look to River. “Luna River, I am so glad that Alpha Hunter found you as his mate. You have saved us from a lifetime of torture. We all will remain loyal to you forever. I think you should come to the Dark Moon pack forever and give the reins of the Crescent pack to your Beta, Lena.”

River patted her h*and as a grin split her face in half. “Faria, you are very cute.” She got up, thankful to Faria that she reminded her of her pack. She had to go there and take the reports. It had been quite a long time. Suddenly, she missed her pack. “I have to leave, but you get well soon!”

“I am going to get well as soon as possible, Luna, because I want to come back to you and take care of you and Alpha’s heir in your belly.” She paused and then blurted. “How is Berta? Is she as good as I am?” There was a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

River jerked her head back and then let out a laugh. “She is as good as you are, Faria,” she said. “But I miss you.” That was enough to quell her jealousy. “Then I will be there in a few days!”

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“I look forward to it,” River replied with a broad smile.

River never visited the Jennas and she came to know that they were both repenting of what they did and sent multiple requests to Alpha Hunter to release them and throw them out of the pack, but not keep them in the dungeons. Their pleas were rejected.

After she left the hospital, she went to Hunter and said that she wanted to visit her pack.

A growl erupted from his c*hest. “No!” Hunter simply ruled out her request. “You are not going anywhere.” He grew all protective. “You have just come back from that hideous kidnapping a few days back. I won’t let you go anywhere and that’s it! Over my dead body!”

“Hunter?” she said softly. “I have to look after my pack too. How long are they going to stay without their Alpha?”

“Lena is there and she is good!” Hunter countered. “You will not step out of the castle for the next few months!”

“Few months?” River squeaked. “That is crazy!”

“I don’t care,” he growled in a voice so dominant that the little shifter in her wanted to submit. He was going all Alpha on her. Though she loved how he dominated her, she also needed to see her pack members. She crossed her arms across her c*hest. “Hunter, when are you going to allow me to go there?”

“I don’t know!” he said and got up from his chair. He was in the office working on some documents. He approached her and encased her in his embrace. “I am too rattled after the last incident baby,” he said in a voice full of worry, burying his face in her n*eck. He inhaled her scent and remained quiet for a while. He removed himself from her. “Please let me have my way for a few days. I want you to be with me, in my house, in my castle and in my bedroom. I want you to always be safe. It tears my heart—” His t*hroat choked with emotions and his green eyes became moist. “The last few days had been pure torment.”

“Hunter…” she said his name softly as she placed her h*ands on his c*hest. She could feel his desperation. And she realized that he really needed assurances. He was feeling insecure. Her beautiful and tough Alpha who was soft inside. “Okay…” she said. “But I want to go there.”

He hugged her t*ightly as a smile spread on his l*ips. “You can go when I am ready to send you.”


In the next week, Mia became much better. River saw how Elijah was taking care of her silently. Even though as Hunter’s Beta he had many duties, he would rush to Mia’s room whenever he found time. Mia loved his company and though she didn’t realize it now, River was sure that she was Elijah’s mate. The two were inseparable after the last encounter. As soon as Mia was ready to walk, Elijah took her out for a small walk in the gardens. As soon as she was ready to go and dine in the main hall, he held her h*and and guided her to dine. He sat near her and filled her plate with tender meat and stew as if giving her and offering.

It took one more week for Mia to be absolutely fine. Faria had also regained her health, but River asked her to stay at home for one more month before joining her duties.

Three months had passed and River was sitting under a gazebo in the front gardens. She was having tea and toast with Hunter. Her tolerance to food had improved. Hunter was buttering a toast for her and he still hadn’t allowed her to go to the Crescent pack. Lena would come and report her and tell her that the way Hunter was taking care of her pack, it was more than they had ever imagined. Lena was supposed to come today in the afternoon. Hunter gave her the toast and said, “How is my pup doing?” His eyes went to her tummy and his c*hest swelled with pride.

“At the rate you are feeding me, I believe I will pop out more than two pups!” she said, taking the toast. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful!” he said with a glint in his eyes.

River glared at him as she ate her toast. “How many pups do you want to have, Alpha Hunter?”

“Oh, at least four to six!” he replied, feeling jubilant at the thought of having little pups around him, jumping and clapping and all over him.

“Are you mad?” she shot at him. “Do I look like a baby producing machine to you?”

Hunter stilled. “I am not saying that but—”

“We won’t have more than two pups! And that is final.”

Hunter pursed his l*ips. He should have added fertility medicines to her food. He had heard how humans used those medicines and often ended up having triplets or quadruplets. The idea thrilled him. Maybe, next time he would coax her. She would have at least three more pups and then he would stop pursuing her. He took a deep sigh of relief at his own thought, patting himself silently for his clever idea.

River waved at Mia who was walking towards them with the shawl wrapped around her body. “Is he again troubling you?” she said as she came to sit beside her and leaned her head on her shoulder.

“He is!” River said, blowing a strand of hair from her face.

“Do not say a word to my sister-in-law, okay?” Mia said, taking a toast from her brother. “She is the best I could ever get. And if you will trouble her, I will fight with you.”

“I don’t believe this!” Hunter said with wide eyes. “I smell mutiny!”

“Yes, we will rebel!” Mia said.

“That’s right. We will rebel!” River added.

Faria came with freshly baked buns and gave them to River. “The cook has made them specifically for you, Luna,” she said. “He said that he learned the recipe on the Internet.”

She picked up one and as soon as the flavors burst on her t*ongue, she m*oaned, closing her eyes. “Mmm… ahhh…” She took a deep sigh as the butter from inside the bun dribbled out and spread to her l*ips. She l*icked her l*ips, m*oaning more. She opened her eyes and found Hunter staring at her with a clenched jaw. She wondered why.

Then she looked at Faria and said, “Ask him to make more of these. They are my new favorite.”

“Yes Luna,” Faria giggled as she glanced at Hunter and went back to the kitchen. Mia too got up and ran after Faria.

As she l*icked the tops of her f*ingers, Hunter’s c*hest vibrated with a deep rumble. He got up, picked her up in his arms, bridal style. She squealed, “What are you doing?”

He strode across the garden, all the way to his bedroom where he deposited her on the bed. “I too have salty butter that you can l*ick and m*oan.”

River’s eyes became wide as she laughed. “Hunter!”

But Hunter stripped right in front of her. His massive e*rection sprang free. He stroked it with his h*and and pressed the tip to her m*outh. “S*uck me!”

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Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


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