Chapter 106 – Offered to the Lycan King

River s*ucked in a sharp breath when he pressed the tip of his e*rection to her l*ips. Her arousal was instant. Her j*uices leaked and a sweet ache settled in her belly. His nostrils flared and he hissed when she k*issed his e*rection. She l*icked a bead of precum over there and his c*hest vibrated with a dangerous rumble. She looked up at him and slowly wrapped her l*ips around his c*ock.

“F*uck!” he buckled as he tried to control himself and prevent himself from t*hrusting i*nside her m*outh in one go. He knew that River enjoyed her own slow pace of pleasuring him. She grabbed the base of his c*ock and slowly worked her way to his entire length. When he was completely i*nside her, sweat collected on his forehead as he restrained his urge to pump i*nside her.

She started s*ucking him. Her head bobbed as her cheeks became hollow. He grasped her hair and guided her head over his p*enis. River lifted her shirt and rolled her n*ipple in front of him. His fangs grew in length as his Lycan wanted to come out for his mate. Sweat lined his c*hest and trickled down. His biceps bulged. “River!” he growled in a guttural voice. And he knew that his beast was also controlling himself in front of his mate which was remarkable.

She grazed her fangs over his c*ock and it swelled in her m*outh. “Goddess!” he rasped. She increased her pace of s*ucking him, pressing her boobs in a full show in front of him. Her f*ingers went further down to her c*lit where she started rubbing it. His eyes dropped to a half mast as he watched her pleasuring herself. Her h*ips buckled and he knew that she was about to come. “F*uck, you are so beautiful!” he hissed. Suddenly, she grabbed his balls and squeezed them. That was it. He tipped his head up and roared as he shot his release i*nside her m*outh. And she came just after he came.

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When they were lying n*aked beside each other with River curled up in his arms, she said, “Alpha Hunter, it is Mia’s birthday in fifteen days. She will be eighteen. What do you plan for her?”

Her back was pressed against his c*hest. He had brought his one arm beneath her and the other was above her. He pressed a k*iss to her shoulder and said, “Do what you like, love. As such Mia listens to you more than she listens to me.”

She giggled. “She doesn’t listen to you because you are very boring and you are always busy with the pack’s work!” He sighed and buried his face on her back to inhale her scent. “Hmmm… it’s fine. I am happy that she troubles you and not me.”

River shook her head. She turned to look at him and he took the opportunity to go down to her b*reasts and s*uckle them. “Alpha Hunter!” she said. “We just had a lot of s*ex.”

“My Luna,” he said in between s*ucking her. “So what?” He held her t*high and placed it on his h*ips as he s*uckled her.

“Continue,” he said as he continued s*ucking her.

She brought her h*and to his hair and stroked them. “I was thinking how about we send her on a cruise to the Mediterranean along with her friends?”

“Not a bad idea,” he said and resumed s*ucking another b*reast.

“With friends I mean sending her with Elijah.”

He stopped and tipped his head up to look at her. “With Elijah?”

She nodded. “I suspect that he is her mate and what better gift would it be than to send them together?”

Hunter’s face had a confused look. “It could be possible that he loves her a lot. I have rarely seen mates in the Lycan world.”

“It is possible but then also that would be nice. Mia also loves Elijah. Though she never says it, I can see the look she gets on her face when he is around.”

“But River, I can’t just send my sister on a cruise like that. It is too dangerous. What if she finds another mate? It would be bad for Elijah. And what if Elijah finds another mate? I mean do you understand what I am saying here?”

“I understand,” she replied. “But I strongly suspect that they are mates.”

“Even I suspect it, River” he said with a sigh. “But I have to take precautions for her. I don’t want either of them to have broken hearts later.”

“Oh, you are such a pessimist!” she rolled her eyes.

He pursed his l*ips and nuzzled her b*reasts. “I don’t care. But you have to amend that plan of yours!” He bit her skin and she yelped. “Your b*reasts have become so heavy,” he remarked. “When will you start milking?”

She narrowed her eyes, grabbed his hair and yanked his head back. “I will start milking when the pup pops out. And you won’t be getting any of it!”

A smile came on his l*ips as his sharp green eyes lit with something wicked. “Okay,” the sly wolf replied. He would cross the bridge when it came.

River gave him an assessing look. After a few moments she said, “I have another idea for Mia’s eighteenth birthday.”

Seeing that she resumed the topic, he went back to s*uckling her. He left her n*ipple with a pop and then went to the other one.

“How about we celebrate her birthday here in the castle and wait to see if they are mates? If they are mates,” she said as she began stroking his hair again, “Then we can allow them to go together to the Mediterranean cruise. If not, they can stay here.”

“Orrr—” he said. “We can just let her go for the cruise along with her close friends. Elijah can stay here.”

“Why are you so against him being with her?” River said with irritation. “He has been nothing but too doted to her.”

“Because I don’t want him to f*uck my little sister!” Hunter said with a growl. He rolled away from her and got up to sit. He was feeling too protective about his sister. He was going to assess each and every man who even thought of approaching her.

“What?” River got up. “Are you insane?”

“River! That’s it,” he said firmly. “After our parents died, I am her brother and father rolled into one. I won’t allow her to go with Elijah because the spark between them is undeniable!”

She picked up a pillow and threw it at him. “You are too controlling. Allow her freedom. She knows what is best for her!”

“Oh really?” he snapped. “She was the one who fell in Rosalie’s trap so easily. Remember? And it was only two months back!”

“Life is not going to stay at that point forever, Hunter. And you remember that she went there because of you!”

“I won’t let her go with Elijah because I don’t trust them!” he growled. “And I will not change my decision.”

“What if they are mates?” River threw that question at him.

“Then we will see,” came his clipped answer. He didn’t trust his Beta when it came to his sister.

River took a frustrated breath. “You are impossible!”

“I am what I am!”

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Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode