Chapter 12 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Oscar froze where he stood. His heart was heavy and suddenly filled with disappointment and hate. He was so jealous, seeing her talking and making conversations with the man at the cafe but the thought of Victoria having an affair with another man to the point of making a child, made jealousy run down to his bones.

All Oscar could see was red. He hated the fact that his eyes were getting watery.

“You bi tch!!!!!!” He yelled, slamming the glass cup he was holding against the wall with the drink in it spilling on the floor and the couch, and soon enough, the pathway was filled with broken glasses.

All that Oscar could see was red. He wasn’t an emotional person nor was he someone to show his weakness.

He had no idea why he was feeling terribly hurt. It was as though his heart were shattering into pieces with the information that he heard. He felt deep pains that he had never felt before and before he knew it, he was struggling to fight his tears.

He plopped down on the couch beside him, and burled his face in his hands, wondering what the hell was going on.

In the next three minutes, he took his head away from his hand, reached for his phone, and went through the mail sent to him by the personal Investigator, Drew.

The email contained well detailed information about Vicky, as well as her daughter, Sophie, who was four years old.

Sniffling, in order to push back his tears, Oscar went through his contact list, he scrolled through until he found the number he was looking for.

“What’s up. Man.”


“Yeah, you sound terrible. What’s going on?”

“I saw her, Greg.”


“Holy sh it….wait…”

“You saw Vicky?”


“F uck….where? I thought she died already”

“Here in Australia.”

“Holy sh it!!! How….where did you run into her?”

“At the Cafe. She was shocked to see me too. But she said she didn’t know me.”

“Drew did a quick investigation. She’s my Vicky. She has leveled up a lot. She left me with nothing and now she has so much more. She works in a top marketing firm as the senior manager. She has properties in her name and to crush it all, she has a daughter.”

“What?? A daughter???? Holy sh it, she’s married? She has moved on? Are you for real?”

“Drew said she’s still very much single and I remember not seeing any ring on her linger. Even though she is still single, he made it known that she has lots of admirers.”

“The daughter?!”

“I don’t know, Greg.”

“How old is the child?”

“Four years old.”

Things were silent between the duo for a couple of seconds.

“She left five years ago. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking but all I see here is Betrayal. She moved on so quickly. It means she didn’t feel anything for me. Everything was just a lie.”

“Calm down, Oscar and No that’s not what I was thinking. Is there any probabil….I mean, could she be yours?”

“Based on calculations, it makes sense if the little girl is yours?”

Oscar went deep in thought for a couple of seconds as his friend’s explanation dawned on him.

“No… I don’t think so. If she’s mine, I would have known. Vicky always told me everything. She never kept anything away from me.”

“It’s obvious that she moved on. She had an affair immediately after she disappeared and so the baby came through.”

“I get where you’re coming from. You could be right but that girl could also be yours.”

“Vicky would not keep any news as important as this away from me if the pregnancy was mine.”

“The four-year-old is bearing her now acclaimed surname. It’s so hard to find out who the father is.”

“I can’t believe I was over the moon a while ago. I even texted the pilot that I won’t be leaving tomorrow anymore, hoping I would sort things out with her before I leave here.”

“I should probably text him back not to change anything.”

“Calm down, Oscar.”

“I can’t. This pain is too much for me to bear. I need to leave here as soon as possible.”

Greg sighed.

“I know this is crazy, dude. But I want you to calm down.”

“It doesn’t matter if the child is yours or not. I feel you still need to talk to her. I’m sure you both have a lot to talk about.”

“I have nothing to say to her.”

“No, don’t do that bro. Do you know how long you’ve been searching for her? Now you know where she is, you want to let go of all of it?”

“It’s worthless, what’s there to fight for?”

“You will regret it if you leave without talking it out with her.”

She denied me. She disrespected me. She humiliated me and now she has a daughter!”

“This is what I want you to avoid. It’s okay to feel betrayed, to feel lost, to feel hurt but rushing back home isn’t the wisest thing to do.”

“Remember that she’s hurt too? The way things ended between you both, how hard things must have really been for her, so to some extent, her actions are justified.”

“You weren’t expecting her to jump on you when you saw her right?”

“I don’t know, Greg. This is a whole lot. Finding who has literally given me sleepless nights for the past years and regretting it.”

“Stop overthinking, dude. Take a couple of hours off if you need to. Take a nap if it will help to reduce the heartache. And trust me, bro, this is the best time to do away with every form of Ego left in you.”

“Not only must you talk with Nadia. Don’t come back home if you don’t settle with her!”

Oscar didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

“I got to go.” He finally mumbled.

“Take care. And don’t forget to do the right thing.”

Just as her brother suggested, Victoria drove straight to her daughter’s school to pick her up. She got there in no time and Sophie was really excited to see her mother. They walked side by side to the car, with her hands intertwined in Sophie’s smaller ones after which they walked towards the car.

Vicky buckled her daughter up after which she helped herself into the driver seat and drove out of the school.

The duo got home in no time. Vicky helped her daughter undress after which She took her bath for her.

Sophie occupied herself with her cartoons while her mother took a shower.

Once Vicky was back in the living room, the little girl got down from the couch, and ran towards her mom, hugging her legs.

Victoria chuckled. She picked her daughter up in her arms, hugged and kissed her cheek, after which she placed her on her hip and proceeded to the kitchen.

“What do you want to eat?” She asked, placing her daughter on the kitchen counter.

“What’s wrong, Mommy?”

Victoria arched her brow. “What do you mean?”

“You look sad.”

“Sad?!” She chuckled. “No Honey, I’m not.”

“It’s not good to tell lies, Mommy”

“I have you. So why would I be sad?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged with her tiny shoulders. “Someone made you sad.”

“I’m not sad, my love.” She caressed her daughter’s rosy cheeks. “I might be a little tired from work but I’m not sad. I have no reason to.”

“Okay, I know what will make you happy.”

“Really?” Vicky folded her arms. “What is it?”

“I drew a picture of us. It’s in my school bag.”




The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode