Chapter 18 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

In an instant, Nathan and Amber’s news became the talk of the town. Even Global’s PR team couldn’t make this story go away. Their previous success in hiding the truth behind the damaging photos was wiped out. Everyone had known that Nathan and Emma were engaged. Now they also knew that Nathan was a cheat and Amber was a conniving liar.

To make matters worse, an entertainment reporter stepped up with additional news. He revealed that Emma had nothing to do with the decision to fill in for Amber as the model for the Crown Star. Now the world knew the truth: Nathan and Amber had pushed for Emma to stand in for Amber, and then Nathan had forced her to take the blame for the whole situation. The online community was in an uproar, but worse was yet to come later that day.

Even bigger news came out regarding the incident at the airport. At first, things had gone according to plan, and Emma had been criticized for being rude to her fans. But after the video from the hospital was released, Amber’s fans decided that they’d had enough and could no longer support their former idol at Emma’s expense. They posted a statement on the official fan page clearing Emma of any fault at the airport. This statement revealed that Amber had encouraged them to plan the whole thing to embarrass Emma and protect Amber. Now they realized that Amber was not worth protecting. They also released evidence that Amber’s assistant had given them the details of Emma’s travel schedule, including her departure time, airport location, and airline. Finally, they clarified that Emma had not thrown the flowers on the ground; she usually had been much more polite to them than they deserved. They even recognized that Emma had tried to protect the fans by asking the police to be careful with them. Amber’s official fan club had become a leaderless army. Her biggest fans had turned their backs on her. How could they ever trust her again?

Not only were her fans abandoning her, it seemed that everyone had turned on her. A number of companies who had featured her in their marketing campaigns took down the ads and started the process to cancel her contracts. Amber knew she was finished, completely finished. Hiding out at Nathan’s house, she was looking for anything else that she could smash. Her assistant tried to stop her.

“Amber, you need to stay calm. You have to think about the baby,” Gary said. “There’s no need to get so upset. There are still good things coming for you. Remember, the pregnancy means you have a hold over Nathan. You may have to stop modeling for now, but he’ll eventually have to break off his engagement with Emma and marry you. Just think of all the power you’ll have as the wife of Global CEO.”

Amber started to feel calmer as she reminded herself that Gary’s words had some truth to them. Even if Emma was making a comeback, Amber still had a chance to come out ahead, especially given that she was pregnant with Nathan’s child.

As soon as they stepped off the plane, Emma received a video call from Eric, and Lisa began scrolling through her news feed. The news was looking good. Amber’s reputation had taken a beating. “Should I congratulate my wife on a victorious battle?” Eric asked, leaning back in his chair. The soft light in his room washed over his face, highlighting its sharp contours. He really was incredibly handsome.

Emma laughed gently and responded in a cheeky tone, “You don’t need to congratulate me every time I make a move. Can’t you tell I’m just looking for any excuse to give you a call?” Her heart fluttered. “Too bad I can’t come home tonight,” she whispered. “If you tell me that you miss me, a miracle might happen.”

Eric teased, “Do you want to try? You don’t need a miracle for me to tell you that I miss you.”

She replied seriously, “She was embarrassed by her emotions, though, and hung up the phone before he could respond.” Eric gave a muffled laugh as he called out to Luke, “Luke, I want to go to Seattle. Could you get me on a flight as soon as possible? And while you’re at it, prep those documents I need to review so I can take them with me.”

After leaving the airport, Emma and Lisa went straight to the studio for the photo shoot. Some of the other models who would be in the ad had already arrived. The photographer, Scott Young, thought they all seemed very professional, but he was worried about Emma. Her expressionless face and her low-key traveling outfit led him to worry that she wouldn’t be able to meet the high expectations demanded by this opportunity. He needed the models to react quickly and show emotions that suited the jewelry they would be wearing. This photo shoot would be a real test of all their abilities.

Emma changed into the clothes she would wear for the shoot: a simple, low-cut black dress and a sleeveless denim jacket. She exuded sex. Scott realized that at least he didn’t have to worry about her beauty coming through in the photos. Everyone there, even the other models, were impressed with her perfect proportions and refined silhouette. However, her expression still seemed blank.

Scott walked over to explain what he needed. “The photos we’re taking this evening really need to feel fierce. I want you to imagine you’re a wild cat out at night, prowling through your domain.”

“I understand,” Emma nodded. “I’m ready.”

Scott wasn’t convinced, but there was no time to discuss it further. “Come on, everyone. It’s time to start. Let’s get going with some solo shots.”

The models were called up one by one to pose in front of the screen. Each one was professional and efficient, and Scott was easily getting exactly what he needed for the shots. Now, the pressure was on Emma, who was up last. If she couldn’t deliver what he needed, the whole shoot would be ruined.

When her name was called, Emma walked in front of the screen wearing the bracelet from Bellamy’s Charming Night collection. Scott once again explained that she needed to show her wildness. Emma smiled and nodded, indicating her understanding. He was doubtful, thinking she was just pretending to understand, and hated when models did that. It usually resulted in a gigantic waste of everyone’s time. Deciding not to confront her about it just yet, though, he said, “Let’s just try a few test shots to make sure you’ve got it.”

“I’ve got it,” Emma responded. “Let’s just do it.”

Her confidence annoyed and aggravated him. He was starting to worry that his shoot would turn into a joke. “You asked for it. You won’t get a second chance.”

“That’s fine,” she answered calmly.

The other models were convinced that she was making a mistake. Why would she take the chance to get some test shots in first? “Alright, let’s go,” Scott waved at Emma to get started, even though he was sure she would fail. She nodded, and then, like someone had flipped a switch, she seemed to become a completely different person, shocking everyone in the room.

They watched as she took a wide stance, grasped her right wrist with her left hand, pulled it up to her mouth, and then gently spread apart her lips as she bit down on her middle finger. Her eyes turned so fierce that one of the models gasped. They were almost frightened by the threatening look in her eyes. It was like she had turned into a wild animal.

Emma’s moves were magical. She somehow made it seem like the bracelet on her wrist was supplying her with wild energy that was barely contained. The bracelet meshed together perfectly, like they were made for each other. The photographer was speechless. Where had Bellamy found this gem? Someone with this talent and skill could match any model on the international scene.


The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode