Chapter 19 – Offered to the Lycan King

Since she had the whole day with her, River thought of taking the tour of the castle. Although Faria had said that she would take her, River was growing impatient in her room. Additionally, she had to find routes of her escape. And this she couldn’t do with Faria. As if Faria would tell her.

She intended to go to the library as well where she hoped she would find the map of the whole castle and the surroundings. The castle was a large place. Without a map, she would be lost.

So, at first, River sneaked to the library after asking directions from the servants. As she entered the library, she realized that it was mostly vacant, apart from a man who was busy cleaning the shelves. She walked in, smelling of leather and paper and candle wax. With tall shelves that were filled with numerous books, River couldn’t help admiring it. She found her way to the history section where she searched for a book about the castle.

As she read through it, she gleaned that the court was in the form of a semicircle with numerous flower beds around it. It was a medieval castle standing tall and proud. There were about 150 rooms and that fact was overwhelming. She found the map at the back of the book. She studied it properly. Feeling a tad guilty, biting her lip, she tore the page and stashed it in her pocket. Satisfied, she placed the book back on the shelf and walked out triumphantly.

The Castle of Dark Moon was atop a hill. It was like the crowning glory of the Dark Moon pack. Winding roads down the hill led to the town.

She wandered through the palace, admiring its glory. It became evident that the castle was renovated.

She reached the roof of the tallest tower. She gasped at the view of the surroundings. It was… stunning.

Alpha Hunter was a king. She wondered if any of the werewolf pack Alphas came near him.

Suddenly, Lena’s words came to her mind. There were dungeons so deep in the castle where the breeders were thrown. She had already seen the map, memorized it, but there was no mention of dungeons in it.

Taking a deep sigh, River started to come down, exhausted and tired. She was sure Faria would be throwing a fit about her absence. So she hurried back to her room. However, she stopped in her tracks, looking around utterly confused, hearing a soft cry

“Where did that come from?” She rubbed her neck and whipped her head around. She took another step down and there it was again. A soft, muffled cry. Her eyes flew wide open as chill ran down her spine. The place was deserted when she had come.

She touched the damp wall of the staircase and more muffled cries came. Cold sweat broke on her face as her heart started to beat wildly when she realized there was someone there behind those walls. River rushed to the other side with a heavy lump in her throat. Were these the infamous dungeons where the breeders were held?

She hugged herself and then took a couple of steps towards the stairs that bifurcated and went to the left. Walking on her tiptoes, she came closer to the sound. Another step and she came in front of a tall, thick wooden door right in the middle. of a ****wall.

Her ***was paper dry. The sound was more like a sob now.

“Who is there?” she asked, scared to hear her own voice.

After a long silence, a soft and weak voice came from the other side. “Who are you?”

“I am River,” she replied. “The new breeder,” she added on instinct.

“Ah!” The girl let out a sigh. “I am Ella, one of the old brides who is a captive now.”

“Oh my God!” River rasped. Her hands covered her ***in pure panic. So it was true.

“River?” Ella said.


“Run away from here. And if possible, help me also. I know the way out. Both of us can escape together.”

All her nightmares coalesced as River stood right there, frozen.

“Promise me you will help me,” Ella pleaded.

River croaked a “Yes!”

“How old are you?” Ella asked.

River didn’t have the time to talk more. “I-I don’t have time to talk to you more, but I will come tomorrow, okay?” “Okay, but please come,” Ella pleaded. “I am so lonely here.”

Her throat choked with emotions and now she was all the more determined to find a way and escape.

Along with Ella.

***and physically tired, River came back to her room and slept restlessly.

Mia’s voice woke her up with a ***. “I heard you got a dress for me!” she squealed and hurried to the closet. She opened and quickly found the dress that was hung in there. “Oooo!” she plucked the hanger out as her eyes popped out. “Such an elegant dress,” she breathed, looking at the embroidered carnation pink silk gown.

River woke up with a start but the moment she saw Mia, she couldn’t help laughing. Mia was a bundle of energy.

“Thank you, River,” she said excitedly. “I really appreciate it.”

“You are welcome.”

Mia giggled and came to sit beside her. “I heard from Faria what you did at the boutique.”

River stifled a laugh. “I didn’t do anything.”

Mia continued, rolling her eyes, “I am so happy. Usually Rosalie dominates this place as if she is going to marry my brother the next day, but my brother hasn’t even given her a date.”

River curled her arms around her knees as she listened to Mia. But Faria said that she was betrothed to Hunter.

“He keeps delaying it and I have no idea why!”

“Maybe because he is waiting for an auspicious day,” River suggested.

Mia rolled her eyes. “I highly doubt it! Anyway, please get ready for the ball as soon as possible!”

River tilted her head. “I will.”

Mia whispered, “I really like you, River. Don’t go anywhere. I will talk to my brother to let you stay here for as long as you want.”

Suddenly, Mia hugged her tightly. They were quiet for a long time. Mia removed herself and then got up, wiping a tear, which puzzled River. She gave her a sad smile and went back to her room.

Moments later Faria came in like a hurricane. “Where the ***were you in the afternoon? You are not supposed to walk. around the grounds on your own. What if the Alpha learns about it? I will be punished!”

“I was just looking at the stunning castle, River replied, hiding that she met Ella and surprised that Faria came for her.. Faria pursed her lips. “Well, get dressed now. I have some work to do!”


However what happened next wasn’t what River anticipated.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode