Chapter 20 – Offered to the Lycan King

River wore her sapphire blue dress as Faria helped her with her hair and makeup. She left her auburn hair down in waves. They cascaded over her shoulders and bounced softly around her breasts.

“You have beautiful hair,” Faria remarked softly. “Let them stay like this.”

River’s hair was so voluminous and red that sometimes she felt God had sat down for a long time in crafting them. “Thank you,” she murmured. “What is the ball all about?” she asked, still feeling anxious to go there. River had never really been social. Not because she didn’t want to, but mostly because her parents never took her anywhere in social gatherings and at school also she stayed in the shadows, scared of the bullies. Her social skills were limited and the fear that she would make mistakes, made her nervous.

So, going to a ball was a big leap for her and hence social anxieties flooded. Though she knew that the ball was a charity ball, she actually wanted to know how to behave there.

“It is a ball that Lady Rosalie is organizing for charity purposes,” Faria said, understanding her question. “I suggest that you be there but stay in the fringes. You are a breeder and no breeder has even been allowed in elite ***. I am sure Rosalie wouldn’t like to see you there. However- Faria made her wear sapphire earrings. She continued, “-I am sure that Lady Rosalie will not reveal who you are. So, as long as you stay quiet, she won’t bother you.”

River took a shaky breath. Apprehension skittered down her spine and she wondered if her brain would snap from all the tension. She decided that she would come back as soon as possible.

A heavy knock sounded on the door. Faria went to open the door. A servant poked his head inside and handed a red velvet box to her. “Alpha Hunter has given it for the breeder.”

Faria raised her eyebrow as she looked at the box. She closed the door after taking the box and giving the servant a tight nod. She returned back to River and gave the velvet box to her. “Alpha Hunter has sent it for you.”

Astonished, River blinked at it incredulously. With trembling fingers, she opened the box and her eyes went wide. River let out an audible gasp at what she saw inside. There was a beautiful diamond and sapphire necklace that matched her dress. She let out a rough exhale as she glanced at Faria who looked equally bewildered. There was a small note in the corner. River picked it up. It read:

“Small gift to wear for the evening. Hunter”

River touched the diamond necklace with her trembling fingers, tracing the diamonds and the gems in it.

“Wear it,” Faria goaded her in a soft voice. She took out the necklace from the box and made River wear it. Faria turned her towards the mirror. The diamonds reflected the intense colors of light on River’s creamy complexion. “This looks stunning on you, Faria remarked and started to cover the necklace with her hair. “Be careful with it. It is very expensive and I am sure Alpha Hunter trusts you with it. That’s why he has sent it.”

River couldn’t help a blush that rose on her cheeks. This is totally out of the blue. Why would Alpha Hunter do this?

Faria stepped back saying, “I am going to get Mia ready for the ball.” She walked over to dresser’s table and picked up the invite. “The ball will take place in the Emerald Hall of the castle,” she said, handing over the red and gold invite that a servant had placed a long time back. “Be there in time and if you feel awkward, just come back. Stay away from Lady Rosalie. Okay?”

River nodded. That was her plan anyway. She took the invite from Faria and opened to see the instructions. For a moment she thought she would ask about Ella to her, but she went against it. What if Faria went and snitched to Alpha Hunter or Lady Rosalie. From their morning talk at the breakfast table, it seemed that Lady Rosalie never interacted with the breeders earlier.

As Faria closed the door behind her, River looked at the invite and the map that led to the venue. Her brows knitted. She grabbed her fur jacket from the chair and wore it, buttoning it to the top to hide her necklace.

Half an hour later, River went to the Emerald Hall, where she saw groups of young girls and boys entering. All were wearing. such chic and expensive clothes that River was amazed. She had seen the girls in her pack wearing expensive silks, but this was a different level. Money screamed all the way up.

Rosalie was standing on the door, receiving the guests. She was smiling at all of them as welcome words poured out of her ***. As soon as her eyes went to River, she stiffened. River climbed the steps that led to the entrance of the Emerald Hall. When their gazes met, Rosalie’s disbelief was apparent on her face.

“The Emerald Hall wasn’t too difficult to find, Lady Rosalie,” said River as she bowed to the future Luna with a soft smile. “The invite had wrong instructions.”

Rosalie narrowed her eyes at her, sneering. She didn’t say anything and soon focused her attention on others, ignoring her completely.

The invite that Rosalie had sent to River contained a wrong map. It led to the outskirts of the castle and if River would have followed it, she would have ended up in the forest that surrounded the castle and possibly had demons. However, thanks to the map that River had stolen from the library, she cross-checked the location and came to the right place.

She didn’t know why Rosalie was being so mean to her, but River decided to be on guard from now on.

She wished that she had come with Mia, but she didn’t know if that was even an option.

River walked inside and after giving her fur jacket to the buller, she noticed the end of the hall where there was practically no one. Her eyes scanned the place to see Alpha Hunter or Mia, but they hadn’t come. Feeling very nervous, she clasped the side of her gown tightly. She didn’t know anyone out here and no one knew her either. She intended to remain inconspicuous until she escaped. With Ella.

She could feel several eyes sliding her way as she crossed the hall to go to the far end. When she lifted her gaze up, she saw inquisitive glances coming her way.

She realized that the Lycan males were all very handsome, muscular and tall. All of them wore black suits and watched her keenly as she tread across the hall. Her heart thudding hard, she went to stand at the end of the hall and picked up orange juice. She had just taken a sip when a group of four men approached her.

“Hi!” One of them waved.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode