Chapter 26 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Global entertainment and the event organizers release statements with information on how to get tickets to see Emma. As soon as they release the statements, the online community responded with negative comments. “

Evans still appearing at this event? Is she really that desperate? She’s just sinking to their level. She’s seriously become a disgrace. I really thought she would have made something of herself as a model. I must have been blind. Emma, take yourself and your cheap product and go hide somewhere far away. Everyone is complaining about you, and you’re still planning to attend the event. From now on, in my heart, I’ve completely written you off. You’re just the worst.”

At Global Pictures Entertainment, the mood was much lighter. Amber was sitting in Nathan’s office chair, happily reading through all the abusive comments. They had put her in a very good mood. If Emma was going to fight with her, she’d better be prepared for the worst. Amber could do a lot of damage, and after tomorrow, no matter how much Emma wanted to make a comeback, she was going to fail. In fact, it would be even worse this time around than it had been three years ago. Amber was looking forward to seeing her downfall. The joy she would get from that experience was not something she could get anywhere else.

Meanwhile, Emma was also at Global’s offices. She’d come to meet Nathan and review her statement. He handed her the script he’d prepared earlier and then ordered, “Memorize the script word for word. Tomorrow at the event, I’ll be expecting you to deliver it exactly as it’s written.” Emma could barely refrain from rolling her eyes as she looked at the script. Nathan was seriously not embarrassed in the least.

On the way home, Ashley drove while Lisa and Emma sat in the back. Lisa read through the script, then pointed to it angrily. “It’s Nathan trying to provoke us. He really would do anything to clear Amber’s name. I swear he has no conscience. He certainly doesn’t care about wounding your heart.” Ashley looked at Emma in the rearview mirror, but Emma’s face was as calm as ever. She had been in the entertainment industry for years and experienced the worst of the industry’s machinations. But even she was still shocked by his behavior. She didn’t understand how Emma, who was the object of his heartlessness, could remain so calm.

“Emma, what do you want me to do tomorrow?” Ashley asked, her eyes going back and forth between the rearview mirror and the road ahead. “I’ve prepared everything you’ve asked for. I’ve gathered all the evidence, and I have a recording of Amber saying that she’ll prevent you from getting any work.”

“Tomorrow, I plan to take full advantage of being in the spotlight to announce my official comeback,” Emma said to her two companions. “I trust Lisa completely. Ashley, can I trust you too?”

“You don’t need to say another word. I’m with you all the way,” Ashley responded, eager to take on the challenge. “I admit I’ve been in the industry too long, and I didn’t have my head straight. But now that I’ve seen them in action, you’ve got me right by your side. I want you to sell the evidence to the biggest media companies as a headliner. Emma, up until now, all my efforts against them have been too weak. I’ve obviously got to step it up. From now on, they’re not even gonna know what’s hit them.”

Lisa whooped, and Ashley felt her pulse speed up as she heard those words. Any woman with half a heart who saw Emma betrayed and humiliated would be angry. Fortunately, Emma’s method of revenge was to step it up a notch and get right back at the conniving couple. Ashley knew that Emma lived in Tribeca but didn’t know she lived there with Eric. And despite Ashley’s assurances, Emma wasn’t ready to completely trust her. So after arriving at her building, she asked Ashley to drive Lisa home.

Upon entering the house, she realized Eric was already home. His handsome figure was stretched out on the sofa peacefully, his right arm over his eyes to block the lights. Emma smiled as she sat down next to him and gently ran her fingers over the contours of his face. “Why aren’t you sleeping in bed?”

“I’m just resting,” he answered. “I want you to know that Kaleidoscope has already sent out a letter from our lawyers. We’re suing the company that you’re endorsing tomorrow for fraud.”

Eric sat up and looked at Emma. “By tomorrow afternoon, the news will be all over the place.”

“That’s okay. I’ll be appearing in the morning and all done by the afternoon,” she replied. She embraced him, and even though she didn’t say much more, he seemed to have read her mind. He knew what she was planning to do the next day. At the same time, he also knew that the client would not let her off so easily. That’s why Kaleidoscope, who wouldn’t usually waste its time with such a small company, had decided to send out a letter from their legal department.

“Sweetheart, thank you,” Emma said.

“For what?” Eric asked as he gently stroked her back.

“Thank you for understanding me, thank you for protecting me,” she expressed her gratitude.

He didn’t say anything as he put his head on her lap, using it as a pillow. “I’ve been looking at documents all day. My eyes are tired. Then how about I read them to you?”

Emma picked up the documents and started reading them out loud while he listened with his eyes closed. When she finished, she said, “A while back, Star King offered me good terms, but I missed out when I stepped away for those three years. After all that’s happened, who would have thought I would end up with you by my side? I’m so lucky to have saved the best for last.”

“After canceling your contract with Global, what company do you want to sign with?” Eric inquired.

“It’s still too early to decide,” she shook her head, unsure of how much of her career she would be able to recover.

“Side with me,” Eric offered. “That’s sweet, but I’m not special enough for Kaleidoscope.”

She knew that getting into Kaleidoscope wasn’t a realistic prospect for her. Eric laughed but moved away from the topic. His wife obviously did not understand what he was suggesting. He hadn’t meant that she should sign just any old contract with Kaleidoscope. The agreement he had in mind would be unique. She would be the only talent in the entire world with Eric as her manager. He would leave this surprise until later. He wanted to see how things would play out, but he was bothered by Emma’s lack of confidence. He pulled her down toward him for a kiss. “Don’t underestimate yourself,” he insisted.

“I think you’re just trying to find an excuse to kiss me,” she laughed. Then, she grasped a hold of Eric’s warm hands and placed them over her heart. She surprised and delighted him with her next words. “I’m ready to take things further with you.”


The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode