Chapter 30 – Offered to the Lycan King

“I- I am fine…” River muttered, watching Rosalie run out of the room. Along with Hunter, River went to her room, still reeling under the shock of what Rosalie did. Her stepsister, Brianna was vicious, but Rosalie topped the charts. “Please don’t think much about her, River,” Hunter tried to allay her restlessness. “Rosalie is going to leave the castle soon and then you won’t be meeting her at all.”

River nodded her head still light with all the emotions swirling inside her. When they reached her room, she went to take a shower. At the back of her mind she was feeling guilty that she was the cause of breaking a marriage between Hunter and Rosalie. But at the same time why was she feeling like Rosalie was a good riddance.

Over the next week, Hunter increased her strength training. River thought that being an omega, she won’t be able to be as strong as the Alphas but every day was a surprise for her. She was feeling stronger and had become pretty agile. Hunter made sure that she was always paired with him in the training arena. He had started with her lunge training and combined it with scaling the walls. River liked every part of it. Her respect and attraction for Hunter grew even further because he never forced himself on him.

It was during one of these days that Hunter didn’t come because he had to fly out of the Veil on business. He had specially told her that he would come back in a day. Elijah paired her up with a young warrior named Nancy.

“I have been watching you,” said Nancy with a glint in her eyes. “You have picked up so well in just three weeks.”

“Thank you,” River replied, having her first normal conversation in ages.

“But I also see that Alpha Hunter pairs up with you only and no one else,” Nancy giggled as she took up her position.

River blushed. “I think he wants me to…” her voice drawled off. He really wanted her to strengthen. Over time all the rumors that she had heard about how Veil treated the breeders were dispelling. Or maybe those things happened in the past but not now. Nowadays, everything was so modern, despite the fact that Veil was surrounded by the demons and that no one was allowed to enter. It was so far away from the modern civilization but was far better in every amenity as compared to other werewolf packs.

“We know!” Nancy chuckled. “You don’t have to explain.”

River jerked her head back. “You know that I am a—”

“Yes, we know that you are a breeder,” Nancy replied. “Curtsey Mina and Gina. So don’t worry.” Nancy smiled. “All of us know it, but it doesn’t matter to us. Mina and Gina are close to Rosalie, and after Rosalie was sent packing her bags out of the castle, the twins have been trying to tarnish your reputation.”

River’s mood plummeted.

“Hey, please don’t worry about them. In fact, no one is bothered about the twin trash. We all are very happy that they were thrown out of the castle. Everyone in the pack knows that Rosalie was trying her best to gain access to Alpha Hunter’s bed. She was seducing him as much as possible and trying to scare every one of us into submitting to her. Trust me, we are so happy that she has gone!” Nancy let out a low laugh so that no one else heard her.

River tried her best to curb her growing smile by biting her lip. “Let us train a little,” she said.

“Oh yes!” Nancy agreed. “Do you know there is a lovely lake just a mile from here? Would you like to take a plunge in it after the training?”

“Sure!” River liked her idea. And then she spun on her left heel and landed her kick on Nancy’s abdomen.

Nancy tried to dodge herself, but was still hit. “You are pretty agile!” Nancy said and lunged at her. She tried to box her temple, but River moved back in a split second and her hand swiped in the air. Nancy laughed, surprised. She was about to lunge at her again, but this time River bent down and head butted her left thigh. Nancy fell down. “F**k!” she gritted her teeth.

The two had a great time training together in which River realized that she could easily match Nancy’s strength and agility. It was as if it was natural to her. When they finished, they picked up their towels and wiped their sweat. “Are you free in the evening?” Nancy asked her. “We all are planning to go to the Pink Harbor pub.”

“I don’t know if I will be allowed,” River said sheepishly.

“Why would they not allow you?” Nancy asked with a frown.

“I mean, I am a breeder and-”

“Chill girl!” Nancy laughed at her nervously. “No one will stop you. You can come with us! We are a group of four warriors. If you like you can bring Mia with you.”


Nancy bobbed her head. “I pity that girl so much. Ever since Rosalie was in the castle, she controlled Mia a lot, but now that she is out, Mia can be… herself.”

A low growl from behind made them snap their heads at the back. “Beta Elijah!” Nancy gasped, her body straining with tension.

“What are you girls talking about Mia?” he said, his voice laced with danger.

Nancy blinked her eyes. “It’s nothing much Beta. It’s just that I was wondering if River could come with us to the Pink Harbor Pub. And I asked her to get Mia with her.”

“Just like that?” Elijah growled.

Nancy froze in her place. “1– I am sorry Beta. I didn’t know that-”

“Mia can go with you, but I will also accompany these two girls. In fact, I will bring three warriors with me for protection.”

Nancy’s m*uth opened in the shape of O. She wasn’t expecting that the beta would also like to go to the pub. “S-sure,” she replied, shocked. “At 9PM.”

Elijah turned sharply to leave. “I will be getting the girls with me at 9PM.” Saying that he walked away from them to a group of young male warriors.

Nancy turned to look at River with raised eyebrows. “Beta Elijah to the pub? That is soon going to become the talk of the pack!”

River tittered. “There’s a first for everything in this world!”

Nancy took River to the lake that she was talking about in her car. It was a beautiful lake, surrounded by dense trees on all the sides. The water was clear and cool and River was surprised to see a variety of fish inside. It wasn’t too big but she couldn’t help thinking of Alpha Hunter. She couldn’t help missing him.

She wondered if he would ever come to the lake with her.

Nancy and River played in the lake for a long time until they were tanned. River realized that her tan lines had become wicked. When she returned to the castle, she found a very angry Faria.

“Where the h*ll were you?” Faria growled. “I was so worried!”

River mentioned to her about Nancy and that they had gone to the lake. “It was great, Faria. You should come with me next time!”

“No way!” Faria growled again. “But at least tell me where you have gone the next time. I get very worried!”

“I am sorry, Faria. I will let you know from now on.” River turned to go to the bathroom when she spun. “Oh, I forgot to mention. Tonight I will be going to the Pink Harbor Pub along with Mia. Beta Elijah will also be coming with us.”

Faria’s eyebrow shot to the roof. “Mia? Elijah?”

“Yes! Could you please get her ready as well?”

A semblance of a smile spread on her lips. “Yes, I will get her ready as well. Mia would love it. That girl hasn’t experienced a good life ever since Rosalie stepped in the castle…”

Exactly at 8:30PM, River and Mia were dressed for the pub. River was wearing black mini skirt with a red sleeveless top while Mia was wearing blue jeans and a whte silk blouse.

“You look so beautiful!” Mia said and hugged River. “And thank you. I am dying to go to the pub!”

“Hey, you look just as pretty, Mia!” River said. She really felt bad for Mia. Being a royal she had limited access to every place.

Elijah came to pick them soon after in his jeep. Another car with three warriors was behind his jeep.

River noticed that Mia blushed heavily in his presence. Before she could sit in the passenger seat, Mia hopped in it. River poked her tongue in her cheek and sat on the rear seat. Throughout the journey, Mia was quiet and kept glancing at Elijah once in a while.

They reached the pub and as soon as they entered, Nancy spotted them. She waved at them and called them to the table at which she was sitting along with her group of friends.

River saw that it was a pub with a small dance floor in the middle where some couples were already dancing.

“Thanks for coming!” Nancy said with a bright smile. “This is Joey, Bella and Brigg!” she pointed at her friends. They were the regular warriors who were also being trained. As they all settled down and started talking over the drinks and snacks, River’s eyes fell on the bar where she saw Mina, Gina and Rosalie. And Rosalie was shooting daggers at her with her eyes.

River ignored her and continued with her gin and tonic. Mia mingled well with the group when suddenly, Elijah said, “Mia, would you like to join me for a drive to the Moon Point?”

Mia lifted her gaze to River as if asking for permission. River stifled her smile and said, “She can join, but please bring her in one hour.”

“I will!” Elijah got up immediately and extended his hand to Mia. She caught it, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Together, they walked out of the pub amidst a very quiet and surprised crowd.

River let out a laugh. “These two are so apparent!”

Nancy laughed with her. “The whole pack knows and they both try to hide it!”

Just as River was again laughing at how cute the two of them were, she saw the door open with a bang and Alpha Hunter walked in.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode