Chapter 31 – Offered to the Lycan King

River was astonished Eyes wide, she saw Alpha Hunter walking in the pub, his eyes geared at her with an intense expression. He had said that he was going to come the next day. How come he came so soon?

He was covering the long distance between him and her when River heard squeals and a few young starry eyed. she-Lycans rushed to meet him.

“Alpha Hunter! How are you?” said one.

“Alpha Hunter, would you like to dance with me?”

“Alpha Hunter, my parents have been asking me to call you for dinner!”

Most of them started talking to him excitedly, swooning over him, enticing him with their husky voices and flirtatious attitude. Taking advantage of the situation, Rosalie smirked at River and then walked over to him, swaying her hips

“Alpha Hunter,” she said in a soft voice, parting the group of girls surrounding him. She came to stand right in front of him.

River watched them all and her jealousy flared. She shouldn’t feel this jealous because after all she was just a breeder But the next she knew that her grasp on her glass tightened.

Rosalie talked to Alpha Hunter as if nothing happened between them. Just a few days back, Hunter had thrown her out of his castle and she was being so friendly with him? Was she so desperate?

“Goddess, this Rosalie has some guts,” Nancy said, voicing her thoughts. “Everyone in the pack knows that she is no longer living in the castle. She had tried to botch up her exit with a sad story that she wants to see her parents and at the same time her close friends, aka Mina and Gina are helping her to spread rumors about you that you can’t become pregnant and that you aren’t allowing Alpha Hunter to get close to you.”

“Wh-what?” River snapped her head to look at Nancy. “That’s ****. How can they do all that when they don’t even know what is going on? I mean they don’t even come to the castle anymore!”

Nancy shrugged. “That’s the sour world, River. You have to deal with it.” She pointed her chin at Rosalie. “Look what she is doing. She is trying to get back to Alpha Hunter desperately.”

River saw that Rosalie was laughing while talking to Hunter. Her neck was craned to look at his face and she looked like only Hunter was her world. She was so focused on what he was saying that nothing else mattered. River was so ***at this that it was a wonder that the glass in her hand hadn’t shattered. She felt like plucking Rosalie away from Hunter and throwing her on the ground. But how could she do that?

“What are you thinking, River?” Nancy said, elbowing her. “Ignore that ***. The whole pack knows what she is up to but she is so hopeless.”

But that wasn’t enough for River. Seeing the way Hunter was talking to the other girls including Rosalie, her jealousy only became a notch higher. Angered by it, she said, “I am coming from the restroom.” Without waiting for Nancy to speak, she got up and walked outside the pub instead of the bathroom. She needed fresh air to stop herself from fretting over it.

What Nancy said about pregnancy was actually right. She wasn’t allowing Hunter to come near to her and that was why the Alpha was waiting for her so patiently. So why should she feel jealous when other girls are getting close to him? It was her who wasn’t ready for having ***with him. She berated herself again and again, her chest pounding so wildly that tears came in her eyes. It was all her fault. And yet, Alpha Hunter had been so nice with her.

With so many emotions swirling in her mind, River started walking. Her anger fueled her walk and she started running towards God-knows-where. She just wanted to get away from all of it. Was she falling for Alpha Hunter? Was it that the lamb was falling in love with the wolf?

She shook her head. How was that possible? Just a few days back she had met him. How was it possible that she would develop feelings for him to the extent that it hurt her when she saw him with other women? She tried to reason it, confused about herself, but the more she reasoned, the more tangled she felt.

When River stopped the first thing she saw was the lake stretched in front of her. Panting, she stopped in front of it. The moonlight was glinting on its surface, making the water shimmer. Cool breeze was blowing and she felt a little bit of calm in this tranquil piace.

River started walking towards the lake, leaving a trail of her clothes behind her. She entered the lake and then jumped in the water deep inside. She needed to give herself time and the sudden cold splash of water numbed her mind. She wished that her wolf woke up so that she could talk to her.

River swam in the lake and tried to chase her thoughts in order to feel better, but whatever she did, it was not helping her Eventually she thought of coming back to the shore. She came back and picked up her clothes and walked towards the copse of palm trees. She paused when all at once she saw a dark silhouette emerging from the darkness Shocked, she gasped and clutched her clothes to her chest and covered her ***with her free hand

“Who is there?” she shouted a bit loudly. But a strong breeze blew and the familiar cedar and mist smell wafted in the air. “Alpha Hunter?” River was stunned. Did he come after her?

Hunter emerged from the forest, his brows furrowed deep and his eyes raking her body. He came to stand at an arm’s length from her, his chest heaving, his jaw clenched and the tendons of his neck strained. “Why did you run away, River?” he asked.

River’s body was behaving out of control. She backed up a little but she didn’t want to. Hunter took a step closer to her. She stepped away a little more and Hunter stepped towards her again, maintaining the same distance. She didn’t know what to say or how to explain things to him but continued to step back until she hit the trunk of a tree. Her ***in front of him should be bothering her but why wasn’t it? Her back was against a very coarse trunk, but that was nothing in comparison to her feelings.

Hunter placed his hands on either side of her, caging her. He leaned towards her and then tilted his neck a little to go towards her right earlobe. His warm breath was falling over her wet body and sent shivers down, making her toes curl. Her lips parted and she wondered if she was going to sustain his proximity. Every unpleasant thought in her mind fizzled.

“You didn’t answer me, River?” he said and now he was dangerously close to her. “Why did you run away from there?”

“I-1-” she wanted to say that she was jealous.

“I-?” he goaded her. “What River?”

She couldn’t speak. She let out a ragged breath, her control crumbling like a house of cards. 

Hunter leaned in and brushed her earlobe with his lips. River’s body trembled at the touch. This was so intimate and sensuous that she closed her eyes, giving him more access to her neck.

Hunter lowered his lips to her neck and brushed her skin over there. River felt his fangs grazing her neck and she yelped in response when he grazed them over her skin. “Alpha Hunter…” she rasped as if taking the name of her God. Her body was taut like a guitar strings waiting to be strummed.

“River…” He brought his hand to the side of her body and trailed it down towards the apex of her thighs and he started stroking her. And she realized that he was strumming her. Liquid head pooled in her stomach. Her body was ready to be strummed, desperate for his touch, desperate for his song. She did not know what was happening to her but whatever was happening felt like heaven. She didn’t want it to stop. The clothes in her hand fell down and now she was completely ***in front of him.

Hunter brought his lips to her jaw and trailed kisses from there all the way to her neck and back up to her cheeks. He cupped her ***and then crashed his lips on hers. River opened herself. She parted her lips for him to explore her ***, to taste him and to let him taste her.

He flicked her swollen bud as he kissed her. He plunged his tongue inside her and explored her as if he was waiting for her for all life. He couldn’t breathe because it was the first time his mate was letting him kiss and touch her. His fingers reached her swollen nub.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode