Chapter 32 – Offered to the Lycan King

“Ah!” she arched her body to give him more access. He strummed her and her body started singing his song.

Hunter wedged a thigh in between her legs as he kept her pinned against the trunk of the tree doing what he wanted to for so long. And he was rewarded by the juices that were flowing in his hand. She brought her hands to his chest and her fingernails dug in him as if to bring him nearer. He smirked at her possessiveness. He was hers.

Hunter left her lips and nibbled at her jaw. His fingers were already creating their magic on the apex of her thighs. He brought his other hand to her breasts and squeezed them. “So perfect,” he mumbled. “For my hands.” She kneaded them and she cried. “Come for me, River,” he commanded her “I want you to come on my fingers. I want to feel you” River had never heard such words. They were ****, but she was feeling like the liquid head in her stomach was going to explode any time. “Oh, Hunter!” she rasped and when he pinched her swollen bud, her body shuddered and she came all over his hands. The feeling left her trembling in his arms and it had nothing to do with the cold breeze. River was so spent that she didn’t have the energy to move or talk. She let herself be and Hunter wrapped her in his arms, satisfied with himself that he had given orgasm to his mate and that her first orgasm belonged to him.

When she settled a little, he scooped her in his arms. She curled her arms around his neck and buried her face in the ***of his neck. She was not wearing any clothes and yet she wasn’t feeling ashamed of herself. It just felt… right. Hunter carried her all the way back to his car

He had come after her in his car after he saw that she had left. He was still talking to Rosalie and other girls in the pub. Rosalie was trying to show how close he was to everyone at the pub and he was getting repulsed by her behavior. The only reason why he wasn’t retaliating to her was because he didn’t want to make a scene in the pub.

He had come a day earlier from his trip because he was unable to stay without his mate who was still unclaimed. So he cut short on the trip, declining every dinner and lunch invitation, squeezed all meetings in a day and then flying back to her.

When he reached the castle, the first thing he did was to go to meet her, but his mind went into panic when he saw that she wasn’t in her room. Faria informed him as to where she was and that Mia too had accompanied her. Elijah was escorting the two girls.

The next Hunter knew was that he was running to his car. He must have over-sped it because he reached the pub in merely fifteen minutes. It was at least a half an hour drive. He cursed himself that he should have shifted and rushed here. Then he would have made it in less time.

When he reached inside, his eyes scanned the crowd and they got fixed on her automatically. She was like a magnet attracting him. The world faded around him as he walked towards her.

However, it was punctuated by the female Lycans and Rosalie. He was replying to them and was trying his best to get out of there. When he looked at her again, she was glaring at him. Was she jealous? That was a lovely thought. So he waited a little more with the females and talked with them just to test his theory.

When he looked back at her to see her reaction, she wasn’t there. Dread skittered inside him and making his way out, he went after her. He was never going to make her feel jealous!

He was surprised that River ran so fast that she reached the lake that was a mile away so soon.

In front of his car, he set her on her feet. He removed his shirt and made her wear it. He didn’t know where they left her clothes and he wasn’t bothered. She was safe and secure and satiated with him. Once she was in the car with him, he grasped her hand and tugged it to his thighs as he ***back to the castle.

River was feeling embarrassed of her state. She wasn’t wearing panties or her bra. Draped in his shirt, how was she going to enter the castle? “Ah!” The skin of her back burned. This must have happened when she was against the trunk of the tree with him.

“What happened?” he asked, whipping his head to her. “River, are you okay?”

“My back…” she said. Her cheeks pinkened.

“I think you need a hot bath, River,” he said and lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. “I will add a healing lotion to it.”

River blushed but she didn’t speak much, feeling coy. This was the most intimate moment of her life and the burn at the back was nothing compared to what she experienced.

They reached the castle somewhere during midnight and though he wanted to scoop her and carry her to the bedroom, he just intertwined his hands with hers and walked with her till there. He made her sit on the bed and went to prepare a hot bath for her in the bathtub.

River submersed herself in the hot, steamy bath that was smelling of thyme and lavender and basil. She moaned in pure pleasure when hot water rippled around her. Hunter had left her alone even though it was apparent on his face

that he wanted to join her.

She closed her eyes and rested her head back. Her mind went to what happened at the lakeside and she couldn’t help a blush rising on her cheeks. But her mind went back to her mate, Hector

She realized that Hector hadn’t rejected her yet. Then how was it that she had feelings for Hunter? This was all so wrong What was it that she was missing? Was this just love? Or was this lust? Nothing made sense.

For the time the realization hit her like a punch in her gut and sadness marred her beautiful feelings. She should have rejected Hector before coming to the Veil. Because now how would she do that? At least she could have moved


Thinking of Hector made her feel like throwing up. Over the past she had experienced way too many heartaches and stomachaches. Often, she would double up in pain at nights and sometimes during the day too. She knew why this was happening. This was because Hector must be having ***with Victoria. River would cry as to why it was that the Moon Goddess chose to punish the female while the male enjoyed it.

Now all over again, she was beginning to get the same ache. But River stayed quiet by biting her lips as she caught hold of her stomach and suffered silently in the bath. The pain was so strong that it punched the breath out of her. The pain subsided after almost twenty minutes and by that time she was a crying mess.

Somehow, River dragged herself out of the bathroom back into her bedroom, not having the energy to change also. When she came into the bedroom, she saw that Hunter wasn’t there. “Thank goddess,” she cried and went directly to the bed to lie down in her towel. After such a beautiful evening she was miserable that it ended like this.

“River?” Hunter’s voice woke her up with a start. He was sitting by her side on the edge of her bed and stroking her hair. She turned her face towards him and saw that his brows were furrowed. “Were you crying?” he asked. Her tear-stained cheeks were red and her lips were swollen like that of a baby. She was curled in a ball.

“N-no,” she lied.

He continued to stroke her hair with his long fingers as he assessed her face. “You can tell me what is wrong. If you are not happy with what happened-”

“No, it’s not that,” she replied immediately. How could something so wonderful make her unhappy?

“Then what is it? Did someone insult you again?”

She chuckled. “No.”

Taking in a deep breath, he thought that perhaps she needed space. “Then have some coffee and tuna sandwich. I made it for you,” he said, pointing at the plate on the bedside table.

She got up, her body still wrapped in the towel and accepted the tuna sandwich. It warmed her heart when he made things for her. As she ate her sandwich, he looked at her fondly. “How is it?” he asked curiously.

“It is great,” she replied, chewing on it and then sipping the coffee.

Hunter got up and brought a nightgown for her and when he placed it beside her, he saw black and blue marks on the side of her belly through a slit in her towel. “How did you get that?” he growled, his body going tense.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode