Chapter 36 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

After I made my debut as a model, I did quite a lot of traveling, and I got to know many international supermodels. The editor of Fine Figures magazine, who now lives here, was also my mentor for a while. Of course, she may not remember me now. A lot has changed in a few years,” Emma explained calmly.

“I know Mia wants to get rid of me as soon as she can and is using me to boost Amber, especially now that she thinks I have no chance. We’ll just have to prove her wrong,” Lisa responded.

Eric suddenly chimed in, “I know the editor at Fine Figures. Would you like me to connect you so you can catch up with your mentor?”

“Eric, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I need to take care of my career by myself, without your help. This isn’t about my helping you with your career. I’m just helping you get together with an old friend,” Eric smiled at Emma. His charming face was hard to resist.

“Okay then, I look forward to it,” Emma agreed. Of course, she never could have expected that this private get-together would end up being the deciding factor in the fight between her and Amber.

Eric’s house was beautiful and spacious. There was no need for Emma to stay at a hotel. This style was warm and cozy, far more comfortable than any hotel suite. As it was a bit far from Secret Magazine’s offices, Eric had already instructed Luke to find out Secret’s schedule so that they could be prepared. Luke was able to get all the information, including the times that Emma was expected to appear at Secret’s offices.

After a quick shower to wash off the travel, Emma stood by the window in Eric’s bedroom and looked out. Eric quietly approached her, wearing nothing but a black robe with a towel flung over his shoulder. His hair was still wet from his own shower. Emma took the towel off his shoulder and reached out to dry his hair. Eric stared at her with a serious expression.

“What is it?” she asked. “You’re looking at me so thoughtfully.”

“I was just wondering, since it’s daytime, what our options are,” he slid his hand under her chin, gently tilting her head toward his, and kissed her. His soft lips slowly made their way to her ear as he whispered seductively, “While we were on the plane, I just wanted to keep kissing you and kissing you.”

Emma glanced out the window, worried that someone could see them from outside, but she found she couldn’t resist Eric’s electrifying teasing and felt herself drawn into his passion. Their robes somehow found their way onto the floor as they faced each other with no barriers, letting themselves be completely vulnerable. Holding each other by the hands, they slowly made their way to the deliciously soft bed.

Eric’s body was thrown into sharp relief by the sunlight streaming in through the window. Emma was the model, yet he could easily have been one as well. His figure was firm with sculpted muscles. When did he find time to exercise? His skin seemed to shine like bronze in the sunshine, beckoning Emma, driving her crazy.

Eric took pleasure in watching Emma react to him. He was astounded in turn by her beauty. She had the ideal model’s body with perfect proportions and legs that never seemed to end. The two figures complimented each other perfectly, as if they were meant to be together. “I never met anybody as wonderful as you or as gorgeous as you. How did I get so lucky?” Erica laughed.

“I respond with a laugh. She gently lifted her left hand and brushed Eric’s right earlobe. “I love this birthmark of yours. It makes you look so dashing. It’s like you were born with an earring.”

Eric could no longer hold back his burning passion as he leaned over and pressed his lips against Emma’s. His warm hands seemed to have a life of their own as they explored lower and lower. Emma quietly moaned with pleasure as she explored Eric’s body as well. While still not ready to have complete physical intimacy, they were growing more and more at ease with each other, finally falling asleep in each other’s arms. Emma wished this moment could last forever. It was perfect.

Meanwhile, Mia was having dinner at the hotel with Nathan and Amber. She could tell by Amber’s rigid body position and uneasy smile that she was nervous. Mia decided to address this directly. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, you know. I’m not satisfied that you’re the best he could do, but my brother has made his decision. Since we’ll become part of the same family soon, you don’t need to worry. I’ll be on your side.” Mia cut the steak in front of her and placed a piece in her mouth. She then looked again at Amber.

“I know you and Emma are like oil and water, and Emma is quite arrogant at the moment. Originally, because of what happened between you, I felt we owed her something. But after what she’s done recently, I’m through with pitying her. The meeting with Secret magazine will be at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, but I’ve already told my assistant to tell her it’s at nine. Their editor’s pet peeve is lateness, so it’s likely that Eva will already be replaced by tomorrow afternoon.”

“But wasn’t the plan to have us attend the shoot together?” Amber didn’t understand Mia’s actions.

“I only said you were shooting together to create a stir and take the focus off your scandal. It’s not like she’s the only model around. When the time comes, we can easily find another model to replace her,” Mia explained.

“You know that she isn’t going to give up so easily,” Amber said, speaking from experience.

“This will be the magazine’s decision and will have nothing to do with Global. Once the shoot is over, your value will skyrocket. Emma’s career, on the other hand, will suffer after people find out about the cold reception she received here. That’ll teach her a lesson,” Mia asserted. Emma had pointed it out before—Mia was the type of person who enjoyed controlling her artists. When Emma had refused to be goaded by her, she had ignited Mia’s hatred, and now she took great pleasure in finding a way to make her suffer.

Amber looked at Nathan and Mia and felt like she was on her way to being a superstar with these two people backing her. How could she fail? And Emma, who had nothing, had no chance whatsoever.

True to her word, Mia had indeed told her assistant to notify Ashley that the meeting with Secret magazine was at 9 am, an hour later than the real time. Unfortunately for Mia, she had no idea that Eric had already gotten a copy of the schedule. When Ashley saw the difference in the time, she could already guess what was going on.

“Emma, it’s obvious Global and Mia are up to their old tricks,” Ashley said. “What do you think we should do?”

“Since Mia is expecting me to be late, I’ll surprise her and be early instead,” Emma replied. “But we still should be prepared for something to go wrong. Whatever we do, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already planned my replacement.”

“I’ve been prepared for a long time,” Ashley responded. “But don’t you worry, I’ve also prepared a way to make sure you get everything you were promised.”


The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

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Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode