Chapter 38 – Offered to the Lycan King

Victoria watched Ella as she slowly raked her gaze over her. Her eyebrows shot to the roof when she came to know that Ella was Alpha Maxim’s sister.

Ella’s gaze went to Victoria’s mark on her neck and she leaned over to sniff her “You are related to Maxim?” she asked. “I can smell-”

“I am his son’s mate!” Victoria blurted. She couldn’t believe that Ella was Alpha Maxim’s mission. How did she end up here? Was she also given as a bride to the previous Lycan King or was she just captured? There were a thousand other questions in her mind, but she dared not ask them. This mission was more important than all those questions

“Oh!” Ella’s lips covered in a soft smile. “How come you are here in the Dark Moon pack?”

Victoria really wanted to speed things up because she wasn’t sure if any of the guards were alerted or not. “You need to run away from here!” she rasped. “Pick up whatever you want to from here and run.” Those were the instructions from Alpha Maxim. To make his sister run away from here. She didn’t want to think of all the demons that surrounded the Veil. “You don’t have much time!” Nervously, she glanced at her watch. It was already 2AM.

“Oh yes!” Ella said and looked around her room. “It is very cold…” she remarked and walked to her little bed from where she picked up her shawl and a sweater. “I don’t think I can shift into my wolf. I feel so… weak.”

Victoria was getting impatient. “I know. That is why you have to take advantage of the night and run as fast as possible from here.”

Ella nodded. She grabbed her things. “I am ready to leave,” she said.

Victoria came out of the room. She checked the portico all around and looked down to see signs of guards. There was no one. She motioned Ella to come out. Once she was out, she took out a spray from her satchel and sprayed it all over the room to hide her smell.

Together they hurried down the stairs of the tower.

When they were down and Ella was about to leave, she said, “Do you know River?”

Victoria pursed her lips and nodded. “I know her. Now hurry up!”

Ella’s eyes widened for a second, but then she decided not to ask further. Time was precious. She hurried towards the forest surrounding the castle and then disappeared. It was as if she knew where to go and which side of the periphery to head to.

As soon as Victoria saw Ella entering the forest, she rushed back to her room in the castle. Hector was still sleeping. Hurriedly, she took a bath. After drying herself, she applied a lot of lotion that smelled of mint. Later, she slipped next to Hector and curled her arm around him. Hector stirred a little but he didn’t wake up.

Next morning, Victoria woke up early at 5AM. She poked Hector. “Wake up!” she hissed. “We don’t have time. We have to leave!”

Hector yawned and stretched his limbs. He opened his eyes and saw Victoria in front of him. She was crouched and staring at him. His heart plummeted when he remembered how River rejected him. He should be the one rejecting her. How dare she reject him? That bloody omega! He was going to teach her a lesson. He wouldn’t accept her rejection and let her suffer like this and go back to his pack.

“We have to hurry up, Hector!” Victoria said with a sigh of relief, seeing him out of danger. “Our mission is complete!”

Hector’s eyes flew wide open. “Really?”

She nodded with a grin. “Yes. And now we need to get out of here quickly. I have asked Alpha Hunter to prepare the helicopter for us.” –

Hector grabbed her face and brought her down to kiss her. “You are the one who deserves to be my

mate!” Now he was going to leave so early and River wouldn’t have a chance to meet him, which meant that he wouldn’t be accepting the omega’s rejection any sooner.

Victoria giggled. She jumped out of the bed. Hector rushed to the bathroom and when he came out, he saw that Victoria was ready to leave. The two walked out of the castle with a victory smile on their faces and reached the helipad where the helicopter was waiting for them.

The pilot who was waiting for them out there said, “You will have to wait for a while. Beta Elijah wants to meet you.”

Victoria stilled. Had they detected that Ella had run away?

Hector clenched his jaws. He didn’t want to meet River at all.

“I don’t have time!” Hector snapped. “I need to leave as soon as possible.”

“I understand,” the pilot said politely yet firmly. “But those are my Beta’s orders and I can’t go against them. You have to wait until he comes here and if you don’t want to wait, you can go to the main hall and wait for him over there.”

“This is not done!” Hector protested with the tendons on his neck straining “You are holding us without our consent. I demand to leave now or else I will think that you are trying to abduct us!”

The pilot raised his eyebrow. “I don’t know

“You can think whatever you like, Hector,” a sharp voice from behind dropped on the tensive air.

Hector turned around and looked at Elijah who was walking towards them. He came to stand in front of the two. “You are free to think what you want to, but you very well know why you are rushing to get out of the Dark Moon pack” A muscle in his jaw feathered as anger flared. “You can’t keep me here against my will.”

“Oh, we don’t want to keep you here,” Elijah said with a sarcastic chuckle. “So do what you have to do quickly and this helicopter is going to take you back home.”

Hector clenched his fists tightly. He knew what game Elijah was playing. If he didn’t accept River’s rejection, he won’t be allowed to step out of the Veil. “What if I deny it?” he hissed.

“Then you are denied a ride out of the Veil,” Elijah stated matter-of-factly.

“Are you blackmailing me?” Elijah growled as if his wolf was ready for a fight.

“What are you all talking about?” Victoria intervened, her gaze darting between the two of them. She was totally confused. River had rejected Hector and it was time to move on. She just couldn’t wait in the Veil for a minute more Without looking at her, Elijah said, “Hector has to accept River’s rejection.”

“What?” Victoria was stunned. He had accepted her rejection?

“I don’t want to,” Hector hissed. “I want to-”

“Are you fucking mad?” Victoria shouted at him. They had to leave and every extra minute was like a ticking bomb and here this character was showing his ego? “You must accept her rejection, Hector!”

“I won’t!” he replied mulishly.

Elijah chuckled. “Then enjoy your stay in the Dark Moon pack.” He snapped his fingers and four Lycan warriors came running towards them. “Take them to the dungeons.”

“No!” Victoria shrieked, her irritation rising inside.

Hector was… dumbfounded. “Dungeons?” he whimpered.

“Of course.” Elijah shrugged. “You will remain our guests in our dungeons until you accept her rejection. After all, your father has breached the treaty, not us. And you will have to pay for your father’s mistakes.”

“This is pure blackmail!” Hector said. “You can’t coerce me into something I will never agree to!”

Elijah leaned forward. “We aren’t coercing you, Hector. We are threatening you. And mind it. Our threats are not empty. Would you like to test us?”

Hector paled, but he didn’t reply. He stared at Elijah whose face had a dark expression.

“Please take us to River. He will accept her rejection,” Victoria pleaded.

“I think she is smarter than you,” Elijah chuckled.

But Hector was so angry that he turned to Victoria and slapped her hard on her face. She shrieked and fell down. “How dare you go against me??” he hissed at her, as he towered over her. “You will pay for this insolence!”

Victoria was terrified of him. She placed her hand on her cheek that was stinging with pain. “Hector, 1-1-you know-” “Shut up, ***!”

Victoria clenched her teeth, wincing under his aura. Tears poured out as she watched him with disbelief.

He was such a thick-head.

“Seize him!” Elijah shouted. “And take him to the dungeons!”

Hector spun at Elijah. “You can’t fucking touch me!” he shouted.

Elijah growled, “I can even kil! you now and no one will say a word to me. Do you want me to demonstrate?”

This time Hector stepped back a little, scared of the Lycan. From the corner of his eye, he saw four warriors coming to capture him. He didn’t want to spend his time in the dungeons. He hated River more than ever and promised himself that he was going to ***Elijah one day. “Okay, wait!” he snapped, holding his hands in the air. “I will go with you.”

Elijah narrowed his eyes. He tilted his head and looked at Victoria. “Stay here. I will get him back in ten minutes.”

Victoria mumbled a yes.

With Hector in the center of the four warriors, Elijah led them all to the main hall.

Hunter was standing over there with his hands clasped at the back. He had such a dangerous mien that Hector gulped. Lifting his chin up, Hector said, “I don’t have time for this nonsense. Get that ***here and I will accept the rejection!”

Hunter was in front of him in a split second, his hands on Hector’s neck, his expression twisted. “If I hear one more word about her, I will snap your body into two!”

Hector was shocked at his reaction. He grabbed Hunter’s wrists and coughed. The Lycan was too strong.

“Hunter!” Elijah came to stop him. Hunter left him and stepped back with the same expression.

River came along with Faria. She froze in her place when she saw the two of them out there. She had awoken only a few minutes back and the first thing that she searched for was her wolf. But Layla had gone back to sleep. “What is going on?” she asked, her face pale.

Hector looked at her with loathe.

“Say it!” Hunter snarled.

Hector took a deep breath in. “I, Hector, of the Crescent Moon pack, accept your rejection.” A sharp pain slammed into his chest and that of River’s. They both gasped, falling down.

Before River could touch the ground, Hunter had already scooped her in his arms. He took her upstairs barking the order, “Send him away!”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode