Chapter 39 – Offered to the Lycan King

Hector was carried out by the Lycan warriors and was made to sit in the helicopter Victoria sat beside him, holding his hand She was happy on the inside that he had rejected her, but was nervous that the flight took off before they discovered that Ella was missing She hadn’t been able to wrap her head around the fact that Ella was Alpha Maxim’s sister. As soon as the flight took off, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In the castle. Hunter was sitting with River who had again fainted because of the immense pain after Hector accepted her rejection. The healer was called and he said that she would need a lot of rest Hunter couldn’t leave her side, so he canceled all his meetings for the day. He was least bothered about all the murmurs that were going on at the castle amongst the servants about how he was treating a breeder All he cared about was for River to become okay.

He was sitting next to her on the bed and stroking her hair lightly while she was sleeping Feeling mentally exhausted, he rested his head at the back and closed his eyes. He jerked open his eyes and realized he had slept for an hour when Fana came inside, rushing and looking nervous. Hunter’s eyebrows furrowed deeply when he sensed her fear “Alpha Hunter!” she said, almost crying “Ella

Hunter narrowed his eyes as his body stilled with tension

Fana looked like a ghost Blood had drenched from her face. “Ella has escaped!”

“What?” Hunter growled loudly and was at Faria’s neck in less than a second. “What the fuck do you mean?”

Faria grasped his wrists as she tried to wrench herself out of his grip, but Hunter was such a powerful Lycan He lifted her off her feet. “How did this happen?” he snarled on her face. “What the ***were you doing?”

She coughed as her eyes filled with tears at the want of oxygen. “P-please, A-Alpha Hunter!” she spluttered. Asher rushed in after her. When he saw Hunter with Faria, he ran to them. “Alpha Hunter, this is not her fault!” he said and bowed to him.

Hunter’s eyes flickered an amber. He left Faria who dropped on the ground and then snarled at Asher with his lips peeling back. “Then whose fault is it? Ella had been in that prison for the past twenty years. How did she manage to break it? That was a ***place!”

Faria scrambled away from them wheezing and coughing and crying. She was so nervous that she was sure that the Alpha would throw in the dungeons. When she had gone in the morning to give breakfast to Ella, she saw that the prison was empty and that the door was partially blasted. Panicky, she had informed Gamma Asher and rushed to tell the news to Alpha Hunter.

Asher pursed his lips. “Her door was blasted by what looks like a dynamite strip.”

Hunter’s muscles bulged. “Who had the gall to free my prisoner? Tell me the details!”

“It would be better that you come with us to the site.” Asher and the other gamma warriors had taken a decision long back to remove guards from the tall tower on the south almost ten years back. “It seems like she used an external support but none of the guards were present over there at the time when the blast took place and her cell was breached. I do believe that it is the work of someone else.”

Hunter clenched his jaws. The only ‘someone else’ in this equation were Hector and Victoria. But would they take the risk of helping Ella and then also why? Nothing made sense. Yet he couldn’t wonder about the timing. Also, where was Ella hiding now? Had she run out of the Veil that was filled with demons or she was still hiding in the Dark Moon pack? “Send warriors to scan the forest and look at every nook and cranny in the Dark Moon pack. I want every place to be combed. Now!”

“Yes Alpha,” Asher replied. There was a lot of tension in the air. Elijah too came running after hearing about Ella’s escape.

Hunter glared at Faria and snapped, “Stay with River while I come back!”

“Yes Alpha,” she replied, bowing to him. She was shaking visibly and praying to the goddess internally that they found Ella soon.

Hunter left in a hurry with his beta and gamma while Faria stayed back. Her gaze went to River who was still sleeping and was unaware of what was happening. She remembered that River had asked as to where she lived. Faria’s suspicion rose because she still couldn’t understand why River would ask that question. Also, a few days back when she had come, she didn’t find River in her room. She had become panicky and had asked the servants about her. They all had said that they saw her going to the south wing.

Faria took a ragged breath. Surely, River couldn’t have done anything in Ella’s escape. But what if she aided Victoria and Hector? Faria was trying to connect the dots She sat down on a couch while rubbing her neck and feeling ***about the whole incident Resting her head at the back, she closed her eyes.

“Mhhhmmm River stirred.

Faria rushed to her side. “River?”

River turned her head towards her and gave her a faint smile. “Faria…”

Faria held her hand. “How are you feeling? Do you want water?”

River licked her lips and nodded. Faria helped her to sit back after propping up pillows and gave her a glass of water River drank it and took a deep breath. She rubbed her forehead with her thumb and forefinger. The last few hours had taken its toll on her mentally and physically. Layla had talked to her once and after that she had gone off to sleep all over again. Maybe, Layla would come back when she was healthier.

“Where is Alpha Hunter?” River asked, still having a pounding headache.

“Th-there’s been a situation!” Faria said.

River turned her face to see Faria. She was looking nervous and was fidgety. “What situation?”

Faria pursed her lips and looked at the floor. “We had a prisoner called Ella.”

River stiffened. Her shoulder tensed and she drew it back. Did they come to know that she was talking to Ella? Goddess. “What about her?” she asked with trepidation.

Faria continued. “Ella was one of the werewolves who had rebelled against the Lycans. She was one of the leaders and had been carrying out her rebellion for a long time. Around twenty years back she was captured by the Lycans and then imprisoned for the rest of her life”

River was dumbfounded. Ella had said that she was a breeder. River was ready to help her to escape from the prison. “Ella had spearheaded many attacks against the Lycans and was responsible for***many of them. Alpha Hunter’s father wanted to ****her, but it was decided in the meeting with the warriors and other nobles that she should spend the lifetime in a dungeon. She should suffer for what she has done.”

River was listening to her with terror surging inside her. She was about to help a rebel? “How do you know so much?” she asked in a barely audible voice.

Faria knelt on the floor and hid her face in her hands. “I used to go and give her food every day. Over the years we began talking. I had also informed her that Alpha Hunter brought a new breeder who was also a werewolf.”

And this was when realization hit River Ella was manipulating her into believing that she was a breeder and that she was brought by a previous Lycan king. Ella already knew about her from Faria. “Goddess!” she spluttered. “Ella knew about me?”

“Yes!” Faria began crying. “She knew that a new breeder had come. I am so sorry, River. I didn’t mean to pass this information to her, but it has been twenty years since she was imprisoned. No one thought that she would even escape. It’s like someone helped her with a very well thought-out plan in mind.”

“Don’t cry, Faria,” River reached her. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is my fault. I delayed giving her breakfast today. I usually go at 6PM but today I went at 7PM. Had I gone earlier, it’s possible that I would have caught her. She is dangerous.”

“Jeez!” River was herself so shocked with all the information that she didn’t know how to console her. “Who could have done it? Everyone was so busy with… me.” Suddenly River felt guilty. Alpha Hunter, Elijah, Asher, Faria and several others were so occupied with Hector and Victoria and this whole rejection thing that their attention was diverted. Someone took advantage of the situation.

“I don’t know… Faria shook her head. “But, when I would come to know, I will ****that ****!”

Hunter came in after two hours. He found River lying down on the bed, but appearing better and not sickly. “River?”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode