Chapter 41 – Her Triplet Alphas

Chasity’s POV

Luna Ronnie’s jaw almost dropped to the floor when I walked in with my Mom. My Mom grinned at her. The former alpha was dumbfounded. My father entered the pack house and spotted acting Luna Ronnie, his step-sister. His face broke into a smile and his eyes filled with tears. Ronnie’s expression softened. She got up and went to him. She hugged him tightly. She was crying into the collar of his shirt. The former alpha ruffled my hair to my surprise and pulled me into a gentle hug.

“I’m glad you’re safe Chasity!” He said. “My boys were a mess without you.”

I nodded. “Thank you,” I said softly, smiling.

“Dad, I owe you an apology,” said my mother to Grandpa Chance. “I should have let you have custody of Chasity back when you asked for it. I was a junkie back then and I wasn’t thinking straight. All I could think was how upset I was that you were trying to take my baby away.”

Grandpa Chance smiled, teary-eyed. He embraced my Mom.

“Chance,” said Luna Ronnie stiffly. “I’m sorry for accusing you of killing my stepbrother and his wife. I was…that was unfounded.”

“I’m sorry for accusing you!” Said Chance, sighing. Luna Ronnie smiled stiffly. It would be a long road with her. She still wasn’t the biggest fan of my family.

“I’m not sorry for accusing anyone I accused,” announced Felix.

“Felix!” Said Alex and the former alpha in unison. Calix laughed.

“I had my reasons,” Felix said defiantly. “The important thing is it all led up to finding my Baby, Chasity, who, I would like to announce, is having my baby!”

“Our baby!” Corrected Alex. “Yeah” said Calix.

I smiled and blushed. I watched Luna Ronnie’s face closely. She smiled and it honestly seemed genuine. “It would be wonderful to have a baby in the house again,” she whispered to the former alpha. “Remember the triplets as babies.”

“They were a handful,” said Romeo. “We were not ready for that. We were scarcely prepared for one rambunctious child let alone three!”

The triplets chuckled. I needed to take a bath in my bathtub! I was exhausted and had not properly relaxed in a while.

I went to my downstairs bedroom with Felix close on my heels. Alex and Calix followed too. I gasped when I walked in. It. Was. Empty. I screamed!

“You’re not to stay down here! You were kidnapped here!” Felix said defensively.

“Where are all of my things?” I demanded.

“In our new room. We got a fourth bedroom on our floor that has all of our stuff,” said Alex sheepishly.

“Isn’t that cool?” Asked Calix, grinning, not understanding how upset I was.

“Go look in the new bedroom and bathroom! Please!” Insisted Felix.

I trudged up the stairs. I was so exhausted. My legs were about to give out under me when Alex lifted me up and carried me bridal style. Felix opened the bedroom door for us. The new bedroom was really pretty, all baby blue, and even a lovely crib in one corner.

“For when you want the pup nearby!” Felix said. “We’re working on the nursery, don’t worry!”

I nodded sleepily.

They took me to the new bathroom which was also all baby blue. The bathtub was huge! It was perhaps twice the size of the one downstairs I had been obsessed with.

“Tada!!!” Exclaimed Calix.

I leant towards Calix to give him a gentle kiss. Felix kissed me like I was made of porcelain and Alex kissed me afterwards, slowly and methodically. The triplets helped me to undress and ran a warm bath for me. They lowered me into the tub. I pouted when they didn’t join me. They were acting like I was so fragile. Was it because of the recent kidnapping or the pregnancy?

Felix lathered me up while Alex shampooed my hair. Calix massaged my feet. I sighed. This was heavenly. I must have been in and out of sleep because the next moment I was suddenly in my night gown being spooned by Felix with Calix in front of me. They had claimed the night I had gone missing it had been their turn. Alex had grumbled to himself. I had placated him with a steamy kiss. I squirmed around, rubbing my behind against Felix’s member but making it seem coincidental. I really missed them. Maybe it was the pregnancy but I felt really aroused and I needed to be sated. No matter how much I wiggled about, my alphas just snuggled me and kissed me gently, planting soft kisses all over my nose, cheeks, forehead and neck. I was really annoyed.

I wrapped my legs around Felix’s waist and placed an urgent kiss against his lips. He hugged me tightly to his chest and kissed the top of my head then promptly fell asleep. Ugh! Eventually, thankfully, despite my restlessness, sleep came and carried me off too.

In the morning I decided to complain. I awoke to the sound of my triplets talking softly among each other, trying not to wake me. They were discussing the pup and taking me to a doctor today.

“Alphas,” I said softly.

“What it is, Baby?” Cooed Felix, stroking my hair.

“Morning, Luna,” said Alex with a huge grin, leaning over to kiss my lips.

“Hey Goddess,” said Calix, kissing both of my cheeks over and over again, making me giggle.

“Last night…nothing happened,” I said sheepishly.

They were quiet.

“Nothing can happen until you see the doctor,” said Alex sternly.

“What?” I yelped.

“You were kidnapped for the beginning of your pregnancy. We need to make sure everything is ok with you and the pup. You both need a proper checkup,” explained Alex.

“Yeah,” grumbled Felix although he half-wished something had happened last night.

“There will be many, many, many nights of passion in your future, Chasity,” said Calix, winking.

I blushed.

The triplets insisted on helping me shower for the doctor’s visit. They hopped in the shower but we literally just showered. I was not pleased. Alex picked out my outfit and wanted to style my curls but I wouldn’t let him. I wore what he chose though, a baby blue maxi dress, surprise, surprise. They bundled me up and carried me to the private place. The clinic was so fancy. Whenever I had been sick when I was younger, I had to go to a public place except after the ice water incident when I was taken to a private hospital. The doctor was really nice and surprisingly young. She said everything was normal: mu urine, my blood work and my vitals. My pregnancy test was positive of course. She had wanted to use her more accurate test as I had only used a drugstore one while being held captive. Then she examined my belly and did the ultrasound. She grinned.

“Congratulations!” She exclaimed. “Three future alphas in the making.”

The triplets were stunned.

“What?!” I asked.

“You’re having triplets! Three pups. If you were human, it’d be too early to tell but as they’re werewolves and their momma is a she-wolf, I can see the three of them quite clearly though you’re early so they’re tiny,” she explained.

“They’ll be as big as their Daddy, give them time!” Said Felix defensively.

“Their Daddies!” Specified Alex. Calix glared at Felix.

“Is it possible to tell who is the father?” Asked Calix.

“Probably not because your DNA is identical. Identical triplets. Identical DNA. I can try to make an educated guess based on sexual history like who last had sex with Chasity and how that coincides with her last menstrual period to see when she might have conceived…”

“No, that’s ok,” I said, blushing.

There was very little solo sex so that wouldn’t make sense. In future, I did actually want more one on one time with each triplet. I wanted to make each of my future husbands feel special. I smiled at them and they grinned back.

“We love you, Chasity,” whispered Calix. He cupped my face and kissed me gently.

“And we missed you like crazy!” Added Felix, massaging my shoulders.

“We’re keeping you and these babies on lockdown!” Said Alex, nuzzling me.

“Fair enough,” I said, smiling, to their surprise. “I love you you too, all of you, so much! And I missed you! Every second was horrible without you. I thought I’d never see you again!” I started to sniffle. I tried to hold back tears but their came pouring out. I started to sob and all the triplets rushed to comfort me. I knew a little bit of this was hormonal but it had been scary.

“Hey!” I said suddenly. “What happened to Dante?”

Chapter 50: Future Family Fiasco

Chasity’s POV

Apparently the triplets had held Dante in a cell and planned to do so for as many days as I was kidnapped. He would then be transferred to regular jail. I told them he wasn’t the worst honestly. Maurice was dead due to a totally unrelated event. He had choked on a sandwich sitting in his car in the parking lot of a convenience store he had just robbed. He had shot the owner there, a father of five in front of one one the children who’d been helping out in the family store. The father lived as the bullet missed all major organs and major blood vessels but he was still recuperating. The sandwich itself had been stolen. It was kind of a sick poetic justice. Maurice actually belonged to Deidre’s centre for whatever and whatever else. I really couldn’t remember and I didn’t want to. I was trying to blank out some stuff. Due to that membership, he was entitled to boarding and meals which is how Deidre (the old imposter Deidre) kept followers quite easily. However, Maurice had a string of petty thefts despite having buffets available to him. Maybe I was soft but I didn’t want to judge him too harshly. Maybe his life had been awful? Alex reminded me my life had been awful and I was not someone who would shoot someone over a sandwich when I already had food at home.

The triplets were concerned about my sense of justice as I kept reminding them that Dante wasn’t so bad in my opinion. They hired me a tutor to teach me pack law proceedings as I was preparing to be the official Luna so Ronnie could stop being acting Luna. I told Ronnie I wasn’t in a rush and she seemed secretly glad. Felix had said “Three more months tops!” And Ronnie had frowned. I had smirked to myself. I fully intended to be Luna but I would be more lenient. The triplets were tough. We would compliment each other. Everyone would wait for Luna hearing days instead of the Alpha ones to come for their problems. The triplets seemed to have guessed my plans and Alex and Felix said they would supervise my Luna hearing days for the first couple months. Ugh! I planned to cry in front of Calix about this soon to see what could be done. I didn’t want to be supervised.

June and April made full recoveries! They were were-foxes and they did not necessarily need to body-snatch. They could live forever like werewolves once not killed but they would age. Their ageing was a bit faster than werewolves but slower than humans. Deidre’s imposter had wanted youth and beauty. This somehow made her body snatching worse. I had thought perhaps she was mortal without the snatching and feared death. She didn’t actually need those bodies. Her original body which would be an old woman was already placed somewhere and if her fox spirit got to it in time she would still be alive. That terrified me. The fox body snatchers who were in my parents bodies could also reunite with their original now aged bodies if their fox spirits got to them in time.

I didn’t know what the time limit for a fox spirit making it back to its original body was. The girls didn’t know either. June and April were from poor families but their fox families never snatched bodies. Their relatives just aged. The girls apologised profusely and were very ashamed due to their involvement. The triplets made them serve short jail sentences in the prison infirmaries as they were accessories to a kidnapping. When they were well enough to be discharged from the prison infirmary, they were released on probation so they were essentially sentenced to time served in a way. June and April wanted to help plan my bachelorette party, bridal shower, wedding, baby shower and help the triplets plan my honeymoon!

(Author’s Note – Sorry to interrupt the story. I want to write several epilogue type chapters based on all the events I just described including the birth of the new triplets. What do you all think? – Joanna J)

Mina and Tina were pissed. They told April and June they were not in charge of planning but could be assistants if necessary. Mina and Tina did not trust or like April and June but all four girls had really shown me a lot of loyalty. April who I thought disliked me fought Madame, a much more powerful were-fox, to save me and my pups and June helped me locate my parents. I couldn’t ignore those things but I did pronounce Mina and Tina the Official Ladies in Waiting and Event Planning Committee Heads for the Luna, a very long name that they came up with after Mr Johnson suggested they apply themselves more. They wanted to be event planners because “being lit came naturally” to them. They also wanted to be makeover experts and start a television show. I would honestly binge-watch a Mina Tina Makeover Show.

Everything was going pretty swimmingly until about a week after I had my first checkup. I heard angry voices downstairs so I slowly made my way down. I was still very early in my pregnancy but the triplets wanted me to be careful around all “dangerous activities” like ascending and descending steps apparently.

“If I had known that you’d brutalise my little girl, I would’t have dropped her off here! I thought you would at least treat her humanely if not like your own!” Bellowed my father.

“Brutalise is a very strong word!” Snapped Ronnie.

“And you are a very weak person!” Bellowed my father. “Taking out your grudges on a child!”

“You were a DRUG ADDICT! YOU LEFT HER!” Screamed Ronnie.

“I WAS ON THE RUN AFTER CHALICE AND I SAW THE BODY SNATCHERS IN ACTION!!!” Bellowed my father so loudly the house shook. I gasped. He was not an alpha because his father had had no pack but his father had been a Sigma Wolf which is like a Lone Alpha. He was physiologically as powerful as an alpha but had no pack to command. Some Sigmas formed packs by gathering rogues. Many snotty packs who look down on rogues actually originated that way. My tutor for pack laws was really good so I was learning a lot. Alex had selected him. His name was Nicolai. He was a brown-haired werewolf with huge brown eyes and dimples. Felix hated him and wanted me to have a female tutor. Nicky had come out to me but I promised not to tell anyone yet. He was going to tell people himself when he was ready. Mina and Tina liked him, especially for his fashion sense. They thought he could be a third expert on the Mina Tina Makeover Show but he wouldn’t get his name in the title.

The triplets ran towards the commotion. Calix immediately scooped me up and carried me away from the arguing saying it was bad for the pups. I could hear Felix and Alex talking and they sounded as though they were calmly agreeing with my Dad and apologising. Ronnie was so infuriated by this that she stormed out and drove away. She came back twelve minutes later and sat on the porch fuming. I really didn’t like her but she was the grandmother of my babies. I had recently received all the hundreds of things Grandpa Chance had gotten for me over the nine years. That was awful of Ronnie to keep those from me and to return the letters. I sighed. She was such a bitch but I had to fix this somehow. I knew she would actually treat my pups well. I sat in Calix’s old bedroom. He was playing video games with me in his lap and he was holding the controller over me. I kept pressing random buttons when he wasn’t looking and he was getting frustrated.

“I never got to go to my therapist!” I exclaimed.

Calix paused his game. He looked at me, his eyes filled with concern.

“Let me remake the appointment,” he said.

“Make one for a big family counselling session too,” I said.

“Ugh, that’s gonna be so much drama Chas…”

I glared at him.

“Ok one solo appointment, one family fiasco, coming right up!”

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode