Chapter 42 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

He got suspicious looks from the security and guards around but he ignored them all, not giving a da mn. They tried to reach out to him but he did not pay them any attention. With fast steps, Oscar made his way to the car and instantly drove off.

In about thirty minutes, he got to his hotel suite, went straight into the bathroom to take a shower after which he dried his body, changed into a fresh pair of joggers, then reached for his luggage box which he placed on the bed and opened..

Before doing anything, he noticed his throat felt dry, so he went over to the mini bar and poured himself some scotch which he gulped almost all the content in the glass cup at a go.

Oscar was about to go back to doing what he was doing earlier when his phone rang. He went over to his nightstand, reached for it, and instantly rolled his eyes when he came face to face with the caller ID.

He tossed his phone on the bed, went to his closet to bring out all his hung shirts, and started arranging them in the box.

His phone, which stopped ringing a while ago, started ringing again. It was still the same person calling. Oscar cursed softly.

Knowing the person would not probably stop calling, he picked up anyway!

“Christ, Son! Where the hell are you?”

“What do you want?” His tone came out uninterested.

“Really? Is that how you speak to me after being here worried as hell?”

“I am going to end this call if you do not have anything important to say.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me!” She said at the top of her voice

“What is going on with you? You are so hard to reach. From what I know, your appointment in Australia is just for 6 hours. Why are you there till now? You did not go with any assistant or guard. What were you thinking? Don’t you care about your safety? Ingrid and your son have been so worried about you, why didn’t you tell her you were going to Australia? Why have you been ignoring her calls?”

“How old am I? Four-year-old? So I need to inform you of my every move?*

“Of course, Son, I am your mother!!!”

He chuckled, “Really?”

“Stop playing pranks on me, Oscar! What do you mean by ‘really? do I have to remind you that I birthed you?”

“So you have to ruin me because you gave birth to me?”

“What is wrong. Oscar? I do not like the tone of your voice. You are being really harsh to me. We were still on good terms as of last week. We spoke so well over the phone. What has come over you? Did anyone annoy you?”

“I was hoping to get back before having this conversation with you but now that you called, I think I am going to throw it in your face.”

“What conversation? What is going on?” Her worried voice came through.

“We had a deal five years ago. I agreed to marry Ingrid in return that you would let Vicky stay back in the apartment. But kicked her out and told the securities to lie to me that she left.”


“I….I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Mom, don’t you dare lie to me. You know what I am capable of doing!”

“What is this conversation all about? Why are you bringing someone that abandoned you five years ago into the picture? I really do not know what you are talking about!”

“Stop that act, Mom!” He raised his voice at her, honestly wishing he was physically where she was so that he could put her in her place the proper way.

“You think I am stu pid? I may be st upid but not anymore. We had a deal and you literally ruined her life.”

“I am honestly confused by your outburst. This was a long time ago and we have obviously moved on from that phase. Does it matter if I did anything or not? I always have my children’s interest at heart so whatever I did, I have no regrets.”

“You should be really ashamed of yourself, Mom. I did not think I would ever say this but I regret knowing you or even having you as my mother.”

“Really? You are saying all these to me because of that gold digger sl u t?”

“Please shut the f uck up, Mom! And don’t think I am going to go easy on you this time around with those fake tears of yours.” He said in response to the teary voice he heard over the phone.

“I am not immune to those fake tears. They do not work on me anymore.”

“You claim you love me and yet you keep ruining my life? We simply had a deal. I played my part and you went back on your words. Who does that?”

“I know you, Oscar, if she was still here, you were going to still go after her and your marriage with Ingrid would not work. I know people like Vicky. She is nothing but a gold digger. She only intends to use you to escape poverty. It is sad how you think I am against you when all I did. I did them for your good”

“Please stop it, Mom!!!!!! Stop saying you did anything for my good. No doubt you love me but you always ruin everything by doing too much!”

“Who the hell cares if Vicky was a gold digger? If you, my mom, could lie to me for years and ruin me, how in hell would I be able to trust other people?”

“Look, I am sorry if this upsets you. You know I have your interest at heart. I did so because I thought it was the best thing to do. I did not like the fact that you were dating her so I did what I thought was right.”

“I am really sorry!”

“But I do not understand why you are bringing this topic up now. It is all in the past. You should focus on yourself and Ingrid. She has no idea where you have been. She has been worried as hell.”

“You ruined my life, Mom and I am never going to forgive you.”

“What do you mean by I ruined your life? I thought my explanation was sufficient. Why do you keep blaming me?”

“You chased Vicky away when she was pregnant with my child.”

“So you are not going to say anything?” Oscar voiced out after a couple of seconds of silence over the phone.

“What do you mean she was pregnant with your child? She did not look pregnant.”

“Because she was a few weeks old.”

Lisa sighed, “Look, I do not know where you get all your information from. This could be all lies, besides, it was a long time. ago. Why worry about the past?”

“You would never understand because you believe whatever suits your desires. That is the problem with you. You believe that you know it all and that you can never be wrong. How pathetic!!!!”

“But what proof do you have since you are making me look like a bad person?”

Oscar chuckled in disbelief. “Really mama? That is what you are concerned about? The fact that I am making you feel like a bad person when in reality that is what you are?” Even though Oscar was extremely mad at Victoria right now, he did not wish her bad which was why he was being really careful not to reveal too much because he does not trust his mother either. “If you feel that I have done something terrible then it only makes sense that you give me a valid reason. For G od’s sake, Oscar, I know naive ladies when I see them. They tried all sorts with your father. They tried to seduce him so badly and you being the heir to all we have, it is normal for ladies to be after you with news like this. They do not want you, they just want what you have.”

“Cut that cr ap. Mom! So you are saying Ingrid genuinely loves me?”

“Of course, she does, my love. You are the one giving her a very hard time. If she does not love you, Your Dad and I would not have agreed to the marriage.”

“I am sure Vicky was never pregnant. I can bet it was all a plan….I mean, fake news to scare you off!”

“You cannot always be right now and you need to quit assuming that you know what is best for everyone.”

“I am your mother. Of course, who can tell you what is best for you than me?”

“You should stop with your Ego! You literally know nothing about me or what I want. I thought mothers always act in the best interest of their children but it is literally the opposite for you.”

“You do not give a f uck as long as you execute every evil plan that you have in your head.”

“Did you ever consider the fact that I love Victoria so much?”

“Stop making me look like a bad person, Oscar. How did you expect me to believe that? She is not the first person you claim to love so obviously she was no different.”

“It is so pathetic that I get to call you my mom. It is so obvious that you will never admit your wrong and I really do not need your sympathy.”

“Just know that you are the reason I lost the love of my life and thanks to you, I am forever going to be miserable.” “Vicky was pregnant with my child. The day she wanted to tell me was the day you sent her packing. And before you say anything negative. Yes, the child is mine. They both want nothing to do with me so just now that you have a grandchild somewhere that you are forever not going to meet.”

A grandchild? Where? Where did you see them? Did you run a DNA test?”

“Really? DNA? That is all you are concerned about?”

“Of course son, you seem so confident and I need to know the details. I am surprised you ran into her after all these years but do not tell me you believe everything she told you.”

“And If I knew she was pregnant, I would not have chased her out of the apartment. I would have struck up a deal or something. We would have found somewhere for her to stay and once she gives birth, we send her off.

“Really? So you are admitting to my face that you purposely chased her away from the apartment after we had a deal and you promised that you were not going to hurt her.”

“How can you be so cruel that you would even have the mind to separate a child from its mother?”

“You are honestly not understanding me, Oscar. I do not know if your anger is not making you see things from my perspective.”

“You have no point, Mom.”

“Of course I do, regardless of anything and everything, You and Vicky are not just meant to be. You were eventually going to end up with someone of our status. The best thing we could do was accept the baby and get a nanny to raise it!”

“You are pathetic!!! Did you just call your grandchild “IT?””

“What should I have called it? You did not tell me the gender! I am being realistic here, Oscar, and I do not know why you hate me for speaking the truth!”

“Can you just listen to yourself? Do you feel like you are actually saying anything sensible? Oh, F u ck!!!” Oscar sighed, running his hand over his face.

“I honestly do not recognize you anymore, and I am honestly heartbroken to even call you my mother.”

“I was mad at Vicky, thinking she did the wrong thing by running away without telling me about the baby but I am now convinced that she made the right decision. You would have done nothing but made life extremely miserable for her and the baby.”

“All my life, I have always done nothing but obeyed you and Father. I have always pleased you both, protected the family name, and sacrificed my happiness to keep the business running just because I am the only son of the family, but that is not going to happen anymore. Even Fedora has so much more freedom than I could ever dream of having.”

“You are taking this conversation all wrong, Oscar. You Dad and I love you so much. Try to see things from our perspective, you will end up thanking us. We would never do anything to ruin you. Fedora had always been a difficult kid, please do not be like her.”

“Yeah, I regret not emulating her behavior. I have made up my mind and there is nothing you are going to say that will change it. I am divorcing Ingrid. I spoke to my lawyer already and he is already working on the process.”

“This has to be a joke.”

“I am not seeking your approval, Mom.”

“Why are you being so difficult, Oscar, what has come over you?”

“Once again, I am not seeking your opinion or your approval. I am getting a divorce.”

“You can’t do that? The basis of this marriage was to save the company. Divorcing Ingrid would mean losing money, and partnership. Don’t throw all these away because of some past that does not matter?”


The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode