Chapter 43 – Offered to the Lycan King

River’s cheeks darkened when he suggested a date. He tilted his head slightly in astonishment. She was blushing at his suggestion and it thrilled him. She had pursed her lips and looked away as if contemplating it. So he coazed her a little,

“Can I?”

When he asked for a date, she was speechless. It was such a wonderful invitation, one that she realized she was looking forward to. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded slightly and a wide smile appeared on his face.

When she hesitated, his hopes deflated, but when she nodded, he felt a stronger emotion, one that of excitement. Excitement that was akin to that of a teenager who received his first kiss. “Then we will go tomorrow morning”

Next morning Hunter was ready before sunrise. River was sleeping beside him, curled up like a bunny.

She was over his chest, sleeping like a baby. He had kissed her head and gently slid her down his body.

After covering her with the blanket, he had gone to take a bath. And then he waited for her to wake up.

The helicopter was waiting for them to take them to the nearest city where Hunter had decided on a list of things to do with her on their first date. He had gone down to talk to Elijah on what to do for the day. It was almost an hour before he was free and when he thought of going up and waking her up, she was already coming down the stairs, all dressed up. He watched her walking down, mesmerized by her beauty.

River was wearing blue striped shorts that accentuated the curve of her hips and a ***silk blouse. Her hair was open, falling in soft waves over her shoulders.

“Ready?” he asked her when she came to stop next to him.

“Yes,” she replied, breathless.

He intertwined his fingers with hers and took a deep breath in. How was he going to survive the day without taking her? The ride to the nearest city ended in less than an hour. River was feeling excited as

**. She had never thought that Alpha Hunter would take her on a date. For all she knew that he would simply demand ***from her as his breeder. But the man was so patient and he even got her on a date. She was all starry eyes for the man who respected her feelings.

The helicopter landed on a private air strip where a Mercedes Sports Car was waiting for them. Hunter waved at the driver who bowed to him and handed the keys. “Good morning, Alpha,” he said.

“Good morning, Joe! How are you?”

“I am well, Alpha,” said the elderly driver. “Everything is arranged”

Hunter winked at him as he led River to the passenger seat. When he slid into the driver’s seat, he said, “I hope you like the day!” He really wanted to impress her, little knowing that there was no need. She was falling in love with him.

River was amazed that Hunter had everything planned. While he ***the car, he didn’t leave her hand and their intertwined hands were on his thighs. He would pick up her hand and kiss it once in a while.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

He smiled at her in a mysterious way and winked. He was not going to reveal anything to her. She understood it immediately and giggled. She was up for his surprises because she trusted him… blindly.

Their first stop was at a bookstore with an alfresco coffee bar. Excited, she jumped out of the car while he laughed at her eagerness. He knew she would love it. Inside the bookstore, they both picked up her books and other tools to aid her in studying. “This is lovely!” she said, grabbing a lot of books in her hands.

He took them from her. “Take all you want.”

An hour later, they finished her shopping and were sitting beneath an alfresco, sipping coffee and eating pastries. Hunter didn’t know that bringing River over here would make her smile more. He noted in his mind to get her out on more dates.

“There’s a nice flea market here. Do you want to go there or we could go to the art museum also?” he asked after kissing her hand for the twentieth time.


He grinned. He knew that she would prefer the museum. While they were looking at the displays, they talked a lot about the art over there. They shared their views and she got inspired for her ***. After walking for an hour across the museum, River was tired. She sat down with her head on his shoulder, her arm curled around his. She had closed her eyes, loving the warmth when she wondered if she would even be this comfortable and happy in her mate’s company “Where are we going next?” she asked after they were in the museum for two hours, over bacon sandwich and teal He winked at her again and she giggled. “Sorry!” she said. “I won’t ask again.”

To her surprise, Hunter took her for a kayaking trip. They stood in the line for half an hour like other normal couples for tickets. She loved the sense of adventure with him. They talked non stop about various things and opened up more, became more intimate.

River noticed how other girls were ogling at Hunter because he was clearly standing out as the most handsome amongst all other boys. So she made sure that she was clinging to his arms to show them who he was with and who he belonged to. Only when they hit the water and she had rowed furiously away from the deck, did she relax. She realized that this was going to be a problem in the future as well. After she had rowed quietly for some time, she relaxed.

Next, they went to a local flea market where she got lost in all the small souvenirs, small bags, local crafts and other items. By the end of it, she had a bag full of tiny items that he carried. And then she declared, “I am hungry!”

Hunter could have taken her to an upscale restaurant, but he chose to sit with her in an outdoor dining café.

“I love it!” she said. “And I would love to come more, if you allow it.”

He placed a hand over hers. Staring into her beautiful blue eyes, he said, “Whenever you want to come, just let me know.”

She bit her lips as she stared at this magnificent man in front of her. “Thank you…” She had no words to describe her growing affection for him.

After spending the day in an amusement park, Hunter took her to an outdoor movie location. He had bought a lot of snacks for her to make sure that she wasn’t hungry while they watched it. When the movie started, he increased the temperature of the car to make her cozy.

“I hope you like this movie,” he said, offering her a tub of popcorn.

She grabbed some, accidently touching his hand. “I love all romantic movies and Titanic is my favorite!”

His body burned at her touch. So he moved closer to her, but the ***control gears were in between them. He placed his elbow close to her, just distant enough to not hog the space between them and make her feel comfortable, but all he wanted was for her to come to him.

While eating popcorn, her hand came really close to his elbow and all his focus went to the heat that was between them rather than the movie. Suddenly, her hand brushed his arm and he stiffened. He didn’t move his elbow away and waited for what she would do next. River rested her hand over his arm and he burned with need.

With a ragged breath, he got close to her after about ten minutes and softly whispered to her, “Are you having a good time?”

She was watching the movie with wide eyes, but she turned her face and said, “I am having a great time.” Her lips were close to his and their breaths mingled. She was feeling so smitten by him at this point that she couldn’t watch the movie. The ****attraction was overpowering every other emotion. As if in a trance, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips on his.

“*****!” Hunter’s fingers curled the back of her neck and he pulled her closer to him. In a second they were all teeth and lips and tongue.

River couldn’t think of anything else when he kissed her. All she wanted was to be closer to him, to end

***little space they had in between them. As if understanding her need, he grabbed her waist and pulled her in his lap. She didn’t, she couldn’t, stop the flow. His hands slid to her hips and he pressed them as she curled hers around his neck. They both kissed each other passionately, exploring and burning with need for each other.

When they stopped, they were both breathless. He rested his forehead against hers and rasped, “I want to take you so badly that this need is ***me.”

After a moment she said, “Then take me.”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode