Chapter 44 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Greg chuckled. “Only Vicky is capable of pulling this behavior on you. I don’t think I have ever seen you this quiet and humbled.”

Oscar glared at his best friend over the screen.

Victoria’s eyes felt very itchy the moment she saw Oscar pick up his clothes from the floor. With the anger mixed with sadness in his eyes, she watched him put on his clothes and the moment he was done, he stormed out of the Kitchen, making Vicky’s heart fall.

She had no idea why she felt hurt about it, maybe because she expected him to stay back and say more.

But Vicky lost it the moment she heard him slam the entrance door as he helped himself out.

The tears she was holding back instantly rolled down her cheeks. She fell to the floor, rested her back against the kitchen counter, buried her face in her hands, and began to s ob uncontrollably.

She literally had no idea why she was feeling like a mess when she was so da mn sure that she just made the right decision and that there would be no need for her to regret it.”

Vicky had no idea how long she cried for. She cried and cried until she was brought out of her misery by her phone that rang

Sniffling, and wiping tears away from her face with the back of her palm, Vicky slowly rose to her feet from where she stood, stretched her hands toward the counter, and picked up her phone.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance when she came face to face with the caller ID. The plan was to not pick up the call but she eventually changed her mind as the phone kept ringing.

“Hello!” Her voice came out h oa rse in as much as she tried to pretend that she was fine.

“Vee? Are you okay?” She could hear Ashton’s worried voice over the phone.

“Yeah, I’m good” She answered, leaning against the counter for support.

“Are you sure? Did that ba stard do anything to you? Is he there with you? I called earlier but he picked up the call.” “I’m fine.”

“Come on, Vee. You do not expect me to believe that. You sound really sad. As though you have been crying.”

“Is it Oscar? Do you need me to come over? I am not doing anything right now.”

“It’s late.”

“It is never too late, babe. You know how I feel about you?”

“I’m fine, Ash. What do you want? I thought I made it clear to you at the office.”

“About that!” He sighed.

“I am sorry for everything that happened today. I feel so guilty that I can’t even sleep. That is why I took it upon myself to call you.”

“I know how painful it can be especially to someone like you that keeps to herself and does not get on other people’s nerves.” “I am really sorry about Bessie. She is just a psycho and I promise you that I have nothing to do with her.”

“I honestly do not regret grabbing you at the office and being in a very sensual position with you but I apologize if you felt offended by it.”

“I was vexed about the situation but not anymore. I still take my stand though. I am not interested in having anything to do with you.”

“Vicky, please, you can’t do that to me, you know I love you so much and all I need is a chance from you.”

“Let me show you that I am different and that I am worthy of your love. I am going to take amazing care of you, Vee. I give you my word never to let you down.”

“As much as I am kind of upset with you, I want you to know that you are a good guy and whoever would end up with you will be very lucky to have you by her side but I am just not the person.”

“You are a great guy who has so much to give and you deserve to be in that relationship with someone that gives you the same energy. I’m sorry, I am not just the one for that. I’m a mess who is still figuring her s hit out. No matter how long you stay patient with me or how long you are willing to try, I am just not the one for you. You honestly need to move on.”

“Why are you saying this to me, babe? Please don’t do this to me, Vee.”

“Wait, Is this because of Oscar? Is he still there with you? Did he command you to say those things to me? Please tell me, liabe.”

“Are you insecure? I had no idea that was part of you.”

“No, babe, I am not insecure in any way. I just really want to know if this is your personal decision or if it was influenced by that ba stard because I called earlier and he answered your phone.

“Does it matter if my decision is influenced or not?”

“It does matter, Victoria. It really does. We were literally cool until all of today’s event.”

“I don’t know how he did it but you and I both know that he influenced Bessie coming into our midst. I have partnered with you in business-related matters, you of all people should know how I feel when it comes to someone trying to cheat me or override me just because he has certain privileges that I do not have.”

“I promise I wasn’t going to let you go. Please do not push me away, Vee. I have become so fond of you that I do not think I can do this life thing without you.

“Let me prove to you that you do not need any other man in your life. You are not going to regret giving me a chance, I promise.”

Vicky thought she was done crying. She had no idea when fresh tears started welling up in her eyes again. She hated the way. she was feeling and she hated the attention she was getting even more. Heaven knew that she never prayed for this.”

“You have spoken so well but my decision is still going to be the same.”

“No Vee, please. You can’t do that to me.” He interrupted, pleading.

“You can’t tell me what to do or what not to do and neither can anyone influence my decision. I am a grown woman and for sure, I know what I want.”

“I apologize if my decision makes you feel uncomfortable but this is what I want and you have to respect it regardless of who I choose to be with”

Ashton was about to say something but she interrupted him. “It is honestly getting tiring going back and forth with you on this. Please do not let me lose the mutual respect I have for you. You are amazing and you definitely deserve to be with someone that matches your energy.”

She sniffled, “Please don’t reach out to me unless it is work-related. Thank you. She said, after which she ended the call immediately, not waiting for any form of response from him.

The moment Vee ended the call, She put the phone aside, buried her face in her hands with her elbow leaning against the kitchen counter, crying her eyes out all over again.

This time around, She felt even more terrible.

Before Oscar showed up at her place earlier, a part of her was still considering giving Ashton a chance in her life but after what happened with Oscar a while ago, she honestly had no idea if she would be capable of being with another man or submitting to someone else.

In as much as she hated herself for going too deep and too far with Oscar, even if she was lying to everyone, there was no way she could be lying to herself too.

She was too stunned and angry about the fact that the connection between them was still there after all these years of being apart. Her starved desires took control over her mind and she had no idea what she was doing anymore.

Thinking about it now, she could not help but feel so stu pid about letting down her guard so much before Oscar.

Vee started to feel even more terrible as she unconsciously replayed the last scene with Oscar in her mind, where he blasted her, before angrily storming out of her place.

She shed more tears, trying to convince herself that she should not feel any more terrible as she did what was right. The best thing right now was to stay away from Oscar, as well as other men, literally to push everyone away and just be in her tiny corner.

Vicky had no idea how long she was lost in her thoughts, crying, but she snapped back to reality when the sound of her phone ringing came through.

“Leave me the hell alone, Ash! I told you to let me be!!!” She literally raised her voice at him, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Are you okay?” The worried but familiar voice came through, prompting Vicky to remove the phone from her ear. She checked the caller ID, saw who it was, and heaved a deep sigh, wiping tears off the corner of her eyes with her fingers, before putting the phone back to her ear.

“Isn’t your phone meant to be off? Are you not meant to be in the air right now?”

“Are you fine? Who is Ash? Is everything okay with you?” Gabriel asked, ignoring his Sister’s question.

“What do you mean? Of course, I’m fine.”

“Stop lying to me, Vicky. I can hear it from your voice that you are not doing okay. You literally just raised your voice over the phone. I think it was four years ago that I last saw you in that mood. And who the hell is Ash?”

“Ti fine, Gabe. I think I am coming up with a cold. That is why my voice is like that. And Ash is nobody. Just a random person who just keeps disturbing me with calls at odd hours. How are you? Are you not meant to be somewhere in the sky right now?”

I think I need to take a step back with my frequent trips.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”Vee asked her elder brother.

“Because it has made you distant from me. You are no longer sincere to me.”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean?” Vee said, the confusion going totally unnoticed in her voice.


The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode