Chapter 45 – Offered to the Lycan King

After he settled a little, he asked her, “Are you hurt?” He had taken her virginity and he was damn proud of that. Her first orgasm belonged to him. Her head was on his chest. He stroked her back with his fingers along her spine right to the dip between her hips.

He could still smelt her arousal and he wanted more. He enjoyed himself thoroughly in the taste of her arousal, or hearing her moans, her body shuddering because of his ministrations. It all came for him, because of him.

“I am she replied, her eyes closing because of sleep and pure bliss. She had never experienced something so painful and pleasurable at the same tirne. “It did hurt in the beginning, but now I am fine. There is no pain.” A blush spread on her face as she said it to him.

Hunter cupped her cheeks in his hands and lifted her face tenderly. “Do you know that you have made me a content man? | can spend my life in between your thighs for my entire life and even if the world shattered around us.” He couldn’t believe that he was experiencing so much joy. Hope blossomed in him that this relationship would continue even if her wolf won’t wake up. “Our first will always be dear to me and I will hold on to this memory for the rest of my life. It is so precious”

A tear escaped her eye and her throat choked with emotions. She couldn’t speak what she wanted to.

She just placed her head on his chest again and closed her eyes.

He caressed her cheek with his thumb and whispered, “Sleep well, my butterfly” And while River slept, he was thinking about ways to marry her. He had to change the laws of the Veil in order to marry her and that was going to be one big issue

Next day when he woke up, he saw that she was still sleeping on him. Though earlier she would wake up and be embarrassed about it, today she was comfortable with him and… ***. He could spend more

hours just watching her. savoring her weight on him, cradling her and then spending himself inside her, but-he sighed. He had to attend to his office, talk to Elijah about his situation amongst other things.

He slid her down and she let out a reluctant cry in her sleep. He chuckled and covered her with a blanket.

Elijah and Asher were waiting for him in the office with an extremely worried expression on their faces

“What happened?” he asked as he sat on his chair and looked at the pile of documents on his table

Elijah shook his head “The werewolves have attacked again!”

Hunter ***his head back with surprise. “What?” They had only recently attacked and they attacked again?

Asher pursed his lips. “We should have executed that ***, Ella! She is spearheading it. The worst part is now she knows how to penetrate the Veil. From what my warriors saw, she is heading a very large faction and after their sneaky attack they have again gone back into hiding.”

“**** Hunter growled and got up. “They don’t have the guts to face us head on, that’s why they are attacking us like this!” He stabbed his fingers in his hair. “How many of us were injured?”

“About a dozen Lycans were injured, but none ***.”

“There’s another thing that I would like to tell you Alpha,” Elijah said with tension lacing his voice

“And what is that?”

“Lady Rosalie… She is creating a lot of trouble. She is spreading rumors that you plan on marrying the breeder who is a werewolf. And her timing couldn’t have been better than this!”

He clenched his fists tightly until his knuckles were ***. He wanted to talk about his marriage to Elijah and Rosalie was trying to create a scandal out of it. If he talked about his marriage with River at this time, the Lycans would take it badly “Throw that ***into the dungeons!” he growled.

“We can’t! If you lock her up in the dungeons, it would mean that what she is saying is true. The Lycans will rebel. We have to find a way past it.”

Hunter’s frustration mounted. He raked his hand through his hair as he stared at the gardens outside. “Take two dozen warriors and comb the surrounding Veil.”

“There are demons out there who will attack us but they won’t attack the werewolves, Elijah informed. “The demons and werewolves are working in cahoots.”

“That’s why we have to teach the werewolves a lesson now!” Hunter snapped. “If we don’t nip this alliance in the bud, we are going to be roasted soon!” When he was met with silence and questioning gazes of his beta and gamma, he added, “1 will go with you, and we will go tonight.”

“What? No!” Elijah protested. “I will not let you go and fight with the demons and werewolves head on!”

Hunter’s lips lifted into a slight smile. His beta was just too concerned about him. He walked to Elijah and clasped his shoulders. “Elijah, I am going with you and we won’t go at night. We will go just before nightfall”

Elijah didn’t question his Alpha. Hunter was too determined to be reasoned with. “Then we are going to take about fifty warriors with us.”


Suddenly, the door opened. They whipped their heads to look and found River looking at Hunter with a strange expression.

When River woke up in the morning, her senses were inundated with a ****smell. She tossed her blanket away to get up. Her knees buckled under the most delicious and sensuous smell she had ever smelled. It was the scent of cedar and mist but mixed with that of male musk, multiplied by a thousand times.

‘That’s the smell of our mate, Layla said.

‘Goddess! You have woken up Layla?”

‘Yes,’ Layla said. ‘And I can smell our mate. Please go to him fast!

River was amazed and excited. Not only did her wolf wake up, she found her mate. But this also meant that her mate was a Lycan? A sharp pain stabbed her heart because she had fallen in love with Hunter so much that she wished he didn’t find his mate, but now she had found hers. How would she face him? Confusion grew when the scent of her mate was like that of Hunter’s. Was it possible that Hunter was her mate? She shook her head as she quickly wore her shorts and blouse and followed the scent.

‘Layla, I am so happy you are there!

‘I will never leave you now, River Layla replied in her mind. ‘I want to go to our mate and play with him.”

River’s eyes welled with tears. So many emotions swirled in her mind. Her happiness had no bounds yet she didn’t want to betray Hunter. ‘But I love Alpha Hunter, she said to Layla.

‘I know you love him, but this is our mate, River. You have to go to him. We have to see who he is.”

“I can’t betray Hunter”

‘Please River, Layla begged her ‘Let us meet our mate. Trust me. I can feel this is going to change our world forever!” River nodded as her body shuddered with anticipation. She followed the scent, her chest heaving with nervousness. Breathless, she was surprised to find herself walking to Hunter’s office. And when she reached there, she opened the door. Her gaze locked with Hunter’s

“River!” he said and rushed to her. “Is everything okay?”


Hunter’s ***dropped to the floor in astonishment. “Your wolf has woken up?” he asked, a shudder passing through his body

River’s lips trembled. Tears poured out of her eyes out of pure happiness. Hunter was her mate. Nothing could be this beautiful in her life. She was battling with her emotions and even contemplated on rejecting her mate to be with Hunter, but this “You are my mate.” Her eyes flickered amber.

She heard gasps from behind but she didn’t care about them. She didn’t know what was going on. Her world had stopped, tilted on its axis and started spinning again. Around Hunter.

Hunter nodded as he cupped her cheeks. “I am,” he replied. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips. Something snapped between them.

River threw her arms round him and buried her face in his chest. “I love you so badly that it hurts,” she murmured through her tears. She still couldn’t believe her luck. Why was everything becoming so perfect? The Moon Goddess had finally blessed her.

“I love you, too,” he whispered, wrapping her tightly in his embrace. “And I know your wolf wants to meet me.”

“Yes!” River looked up at him. “Layla is dying to meet you.” Layla was somersaulting inside.

“I told you to trust me she chuckled inside her. “I want to see his beast!”

River laughed through her tears. “She is dying to meet your beast!”

Hunter chuckled. “Mine too!”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode