Chapter 46 – Offered to the Lycan King

River was so excited and busy with her emotions that the world faded around her. She realized the presence of other people in the office when Elijah coughed.

Since both Elijah and Asher knew that River was Hunter’s mate, they both were smiling when River

looked at them. “We are so happy for you, Alpha Hunter,” said Elijah. But they both knew that this was going to pose a lot of problems if it came out in the public right now.

Hunter kissed the crown of her head. He led her to the office and closed the door. His happiness was over the top. He was in the ninth sky He never expected River’s wolf to awaken and here she was. She called him mate. He made her sit on his lap, not able to part from her for a single minute now.”

River too loved to sit on his lap and she didn’t feel shy in doing so. It only felt natural. As for Hunter, he wanted to have alone-time with her. He was dying to take her, to sink his fangs in her and make her his so that everyone in the pack knew that she belonged to him. Yet he couldn’t do that, because of the stupid laws that his ancestors had created.

They resumed the talks about the attack of the werewolves. “Ella is leading the attack, Alpha, Elijah said. “I am sure that she is trying to build relations with the demons.”

“Ella?” River said, feeling miserable suddenly

“It’s not your fault that she has run away” Hunter reassured her.

River looked down in her lap. She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have trusted her.”

“Don’t worry, okay?” Hunter said “Whosoever aided her in running away, will be caught and once I catch him or her, I will make sure that they live in ***!”

River gave him a sad smile

“I will be going to deal with Ella tonight. I want you to stay in the castle, okay?” he said to her.

A sudden shudder passed through her body thinking about his safety. They had just recognized each other as mates. She turned to him and said, “You mean in the forest surrounding the Veil?”


Panicked, she wanted to protest but how could she? She just said, “Can I come with you?”

He smiled and kissed her forehead. “No, your woll wouldn’t be that strong initially. You have to stay at home.” “But-”

“Don’t worry, River. This is just a small operation my team will be conducting,” he cut her off, undermining the whole thing. so that she isn’t scared

She chewed her lower lip as worry marred her beautiful face

“It’s nothing, love,” he said. “It’s just a routine exercise”

She relaxed somewhat in his arms. “Okay.”

When he had gone to drop River back to his room, he said, “I want you to move in my room, River. This is where you belong.”

She blushed but nodded eagerly. Even she couldn’t stay away from him.

“Also, I want you to keep this as a secret that we are mates” he added.

She craned her neck up to look at him as pain flickered through her eyes. He placed his palm on her cheek and brushed it with his thumb. “I know it is difficult for you, but it is more difficult for me, River. I want to change these stupid laws so that we are all free to choose our mates. So many of us are devoid of pleasure and those who find their mates in other worlds are forced to reject them. I want to stop it, but for that we need a lot of patience. Are you with me?”

Without hesitation she said, “I am with you every and each time, Alpha Hunter.”

His breath was ragged when she spoke those words. It was as if their souls even thought for each other and were in tandem. “You should call me Hunter and not Alpha Hunter from now on.”

She gave him a big smile. “I will.”

Hunter had left soon after. For the whole day, Hunter became too busy with training and picking his best warriors to attack the werewolves in the forest. He wanted to meet River, but was caught up in one or the other job. Out of his busy schedule he came to have lunch with her and Mia. He noticed that there was a drastic change in Mia’s attitude these days. She was more bubbly and seemed happier. Her relationship with River was healthy, unlike that with Rosalie. They both shared a lot of secret moments and conversation that was normal for the teenagers, and they developed a stronger bond mostly because they were almost of the same age.

“Brother, can I come with you to the forest tonight?” Mia asked as she dug her fork into sauté mushroom and pumpkin.

“No,” he replied. He lifted a platter of cheese and gave River more of it. She was hardly eating. She needed to be strong if she had to run the Dark Moon pack and be his Luna.

“But why?” Mia’s lips downturned. “I can easily help you with it-

“I won’t allow you for now Mia. Maybe later. At least a year later.”

He spoke so firmly that Mia pursed her lips and sulked.

“Mia, I am staying back in the castle,” River said as if to cheer her up. “Won’t you give company to me?”

Mia chuckled, nodding slightly but there was tension in the air.

Hunter soon left to pick up more warriors and discuss his strategy with them. River went back to her room where she asked Faria to help her move in Hunter’s room.

“Are you sure?” Faria asked, bewildered.

“Yes, he asked me to be there.”

Faria didn’t ask further questions and gave a sweet smile to River. She just helped her pack up her stuff to move into Hunter’s room. “Do you know it’s such an honor to be in his room?” she said as she unpacked her clothes and made space for her in his closet. “Alpha Hunter had never ever invited any she-Lycan to live with him in his room. Even Lady Rosalie was living in a different room and that too in a different wing.”

River blushed as she tightened her lips so as not to smile and accidentally reveal that she was Hunter’s mate while Rosalie wasn’t.

It was 4PM by the time River settled in Hunter’s room. It was the most beautiful and luxurious room of the whole castle. There was a large chandelier in the center. A four-poster bed with a canopy of gauzy material was in a corner. There was a writing table with a cushioned chair in the corner that overlooked the balcony. The floor was covered with a soft plush rug and apart from it there was a music system that looked way too complicated.

She waited for Hunter to come and be with her, but he hadn’t. She knew that he was too busy and even though she was dying to meet him, she stayed in the room and decided to catch up with her course.

By 6PM when Hunter didn’t come to her, she grew anxious. Mia had come and gone because she too was busy with her school’s projects.

The moon had begun its ascent in the sky making her all the more nervous. She paced the room, hoping to talk to Hunter at least once, but hesitated. Suddenly, she heard commotion in the hall downstairs. Wondering what it was, she rushed there only to find Rosalie arguing with Faria.

“Where the ***is that breeder who has started thinking herself to be the queen of the castle?” Rosalie shouted. “I want to talk to her!”

River narrowed her eyes at Rosalie. She knew that since Hunter wasn’t in the castle, she was taking the advantage of his absence. She came down the stairs, watching her shouting at the servants.

As soon as Rosalie saw her, she stormed towards her. “You!” She came to stand right in front of her and pointed her index finger towards her face. “You ***. Because of you and your kind this whole problem has come up. If Ella hadn’t been freed that night, she wouldn’t have attacked us. Now that she is free, she has teamed up with the demons and is attacking us. This all happened because of you. I am sure that you have a hand in this fiasco. Why don’t you just go back to your*** and save us from your pathetic fate?”

River was… angry. She had taken enough of her. “Do you have evidence that I am the one behind releasing Ella?” she asked. “If you have, let me know, otherwise-”

“Otherwise what?” Rosalie snapped. “You will go and snitch to Alpha Hunter?”

River crossed her arms across her chest. “Yes, I will go and inform him that you are accusing me without evidence.”

Rosalie ****her face back with shock.

But River Continued, “And this whole situation is not because of me. It is because of a long-standing feud between Lycans and werewolves of which I am not even aware of. So you can shove up your pathetic excuse of coming up and insinuating me for everything that goes wrong in this castle.” She stepped away from her. “It is time that you move on and not dream of becoming the Luna of this castle. If Alpha Hunter doesn’t want to talk to you, then it means that he never ever loved you!”

While River said all this, her heart was beating wildly. Hunter had gone to confront Ella and her group of werewolves and demons. How could she stay back and wait?



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode