Chapter 46 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

While the models got dressed, the makeup artist and other staff chatted with Amber. 

She was charming and talkative with them but also demanded their attention. She dressed quickly, eager to get started. In comparison, Emma was quiet as she always was when she was working. 

She was friendly and polite but not expressive, which made it easy for people to overlook her presence and beauty. She took her time getting dressed, getting a feel for the clothes and imagining how she could best present them.

An assistant poked her head into the dressing room to see what was going on. “Amber, since you’re ready, please make your way to the studio to get your solo shots taken first.” In addition to the pictures on the front cover, each model would also have individual pictures in an accompanying story.

As Amber walked into the studio, she held herself tall and strode into the room as if she owned it. If the staff at Secret magazine had taken a vote right then, Amber would have been sure to beat out Emma. Inside the studio, the set was ready. 

A delicate blue and white porcelain vase holding a single pink rose in full bloom rested on top of an old wooden table. The only other furniture in the room was an ornate wooden chair. It had a trellis-like high back and curved arms and sat just under the set’s only window. The models would start the shoot by posing in this chair.

The photographer was captivated by Amber’s look. He could sense her energy and excitement, and her beauty was obvious. If all she did was sit on the chair and look lovely, the pictures would be great. If she had the skills to take it a step further, this cover would be absolutely stunning. “I’ve heard this model compared to Caitlyn Roberts,” the photographer’s assistant whispered. “She must be something special.”

“I have high hopes for her,” Danilo answered. “She looks perfect for the theme. Let’s take a few shots from the side.” Danilo instructed her with the help of the translator. Amber sat in the chair and turned to one side. She brought her right arm over the back of the chair and placed her left hand on her head, turning her head to the side. She smiled, lips closed, and pouted softly with a seductive look.

The photographer grunted to himself. This was all wrong. The look he was going for was more than just sexy. Thinking that perhaps a change of things could work, he suggested, “Perhaps you could try another pose,” directing her to hold a woven basket that matched the antique feel of the room. “Try sitting up more or going for a softer look here.”

This time, she sat up straight. She got the angle of the body right, but now she had her head down, and her wide forehead was on display. The photographer continued shooting, but he was not impressed. How could anyone compare this model to Caitlyn Roberts? Worst of all, throughout the entire shoot, Amber seemed to only have one smile and one facial expression to rely on, and neither of those was right for the look he was going for.

Danilo finally stopped offering suggestions. He just wanted to complete the job at hand. When Amber approached him after the shoot to ask how it had gone, he was almost sad. He realized that Amber had no idea that she hadn’t been anything special. She was never going to be a famous supermodel. Danilo couldn’t bring himself to respond; he left it to his assistant to turn to Amber and give her a thumbs up. Amber gave a proud smile. Underneath her beautiful exterior, she was just a model with no self-awareness. The photographer let out a sound of disgust after she left the room. “I hope the next one is better.”

At that moment, Emma entered the studio and politely greeted the photographer and his assistant in Spanish. Her smiles seemed natural enough, but the photographer was now in a bad mood after working with Amber. He thought the shoot with Emma was going to be even worse. Even though Amber wasn’t very skilled, at least she had a bright personality, he thought. But the model in front of him didn’t even seem to have a personality.

His low expectations led him to begin the shoot without giving Emma any direction, only mentioning the general theme for each photo. The first theme, gentleness, should be pretty easy for anyone. Emma was already calm, so she just had to be herself. When he called for curiosity, he’d never thought Emma could pull it off. But then Emma did something unexpected. She used her eyes. Unlike her usual calm, emotionless expression, Emma’s gaze was now focused in front of her, alert and clear. Her eyes were intense, like she was looking at something she loved but had to resist.

The photographer watched as she drew him into her story. What was she looking at, and how was she making him feel like he wanted to know what had captured her attention? That was exactly the look he was going for. Most importantly, Emma was able to draw the viewer into the scene without putting the focus on herself.

For the next pose, Danilo asked her to demonstrate true love. It drew the focus of the camera to her clothes, conveying the look of a woman who had dressed up for the person she adored. This was not a look of passion or sensuality, but of a deep, pure love that could withstand any challenges. 

Emotion and setting blended together; her gaze and the backdrop became one. “Wow!” The photographer couldn’t contain his excitement. “Perfect!” he shouted over and over. He had never seen such a skilled model. He became so enthusiastic that he felt like he couldn’t take pictures fast enough.

In an instant, Emma managed to portray an entire story. The clothes, the setting, the model— all of them fit together so perfectly that nothing was extra and nothing needed to be added. This was how a professional model should act. No matter how beautiful she was, a model had to present products, not herself. Most models could wear clothes beautifully, but how many could wear them as though they were made for them?

The photographer’s excitement and satisfaction continued to grow. At last, with this model, he had a chance to truly use his photography skills. Emma was an absolute dream to work with. She required almost no direction; every pose was exactly what was required, and every shot was worth saving. There was no point in comparing Emma and Amber. Emma was on a completely different playing field. 

Even though he had what he needed for the magazine, Danilo asked Emma to try a few more looks. No matter what he requested, she responded instantly— flirtatious, sad, innocent, envious. She could pull it all off with a simple gaze and a slight change in her body position.

When they finished, he had to applaud. She was truly outstanding today. Danilo had photographed two women, but while both of them were beautiful, only one was a true professional. The difference between them was as wide as the difference between the sky and Earth.


The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode