Chapter 50 – Offered to the Lycan King

When River stopped talking. Hunter stroked her cheeks with his thumb “I am with you on this in ***way

you want it to be, he said softly. It tore his heart to see that she was the true heir of the Crescent Moon pack and she was brought up in the worst possible way. He didn’t want to imagine what all she suffered

He was appalled by the fact that Maxim was Ella’s brother. That meant that he and River had the same purpose. But he didn’t know who else was with Maxim in this conspiracy. He had to find out about that before taking any step that would risk River’s life or his pack

She placed her hand on his and leaned into it. “I know. She kissed his palm and closed her eyes, reveling in the warmth and scent of it. “I don’t think that Alpha Maxim was interested in fighting with the Lycans as much as he was attaining my father’s position. I don’t know whether he has a secret set of warriors who fight for him with the Lycans, but I do want to know about it.”

“I will send my warriors and spies to find out about them as soon as possible.*

She shook her head. “No.”

Alpha Maxim was looking at his sister’s body that his warriors brought back from the forest. They found it after a day. She was lying on a bed in the Shaman’s cottage, her head turned at a weird angle

Ella had been both physically and ****strong and she led the whole rebellion against the Lycans. She was the leader With her gone, he didn’t know what other Alphas would do.

As he circled her body, a shudder of pain passed through him. His sister had come back after a gap of twenty years. Everyone was so happy in his family. There was jubilation of sorts. He had rewarded Victoria with announcing her marriage to Hector soon after

After Ella recovered, she had come to visit him and they both talked about their future strategy. So much depended on her. The last strike against the Lycans was one of their biggest, which Ella had led and she ended up being ***. What he couldn’t believe was that someone had snapped her neck.

Ella was a very strong she-wolf. She also had the support of the demons. Demons practically moved with her when she fought with the Lycans. He had never seen a she wolf stronger than Ella. Then who could have k***her like that? There were signs of struggle on her body. A few bruises here and there. As Maxim stared at her bruises, he realized that someone stronger than her must have ***her.

The demons who were with her were also dead. He clenched his teeth as he closed his eyes. If Hunter thought that he had quashed the rebellion, then he was wrong. Maxim was going to increase his efforts and for that he had to meet the other Alphas. This time he was going to do it or ***for it! He looked at Ella again and his throat choked with emotions. His sister had rejected her mate for this cause and here she was lying… dead.

“Alpha Maxim,” his Beta, Rick, called him.

Maxim snapped his head in his direction, irritated by this sudden intrusion.

Rick winced. “Th-there’s a message we received.”

“What message?” he growled.

“River is coming to meet us.”

Maxim was shocked. “That ***! I had asked her never to come back. How dare she defy my orders? I will ***her if she steps in my territory!”

“She is coming along with Alpha Hunter,” Rick said in a low voice, scared of his Alpha.

Another shock blasted through him. “With Hunter?”

“Yes, Alpha!

Maxim narrowed his eyes. He knew that Hunter was well aware of the attack of the werewolves on the

Lycans, but there was no way to connect him with the rebel werewolves. Nonetheless, after Ella’s death, they could connect him with her. And to remove that evidence, he had to do away with Ella’s body as soon as possible. He had to be extremely cautious and fathom if Hunter knew about his involvement with the rebellion. At the same time he had to deal with River.

After he had ***her father and her family, on numerous occasions he wanted to ***her too, but that would mean that his reputation would go down in his pack.

He looked at his sister and let out a rough exhale. To his Shaman he said, “Burn her!” He wore his goggles and walked out of the room. His Beta joined him on his way out. “When are they arriving?”


“Did they state their purpose of coming?” he asked. He was surprised that they were coming just after Ella’s death. Surely,

there was a connection, one that he had to figure out. It was possible that Hunter was coming to find out about the werewolves’ attack and using River as an excuse. He could use this to his advantage. He was going to inform all the rebel Alphas about his arrival and they would devise a plan to ambush him.

“River wants her graduation certificate from the school. She has joined some online course where they are demanding her high school certificates.”

Maxim walked with his hands clasped at the back. This was definitely an excuse. “Ask Hector and Victoria to receive them. Put them in the guest rooms and-”

“They have booked the entire Central Point Hotel, Rick informed him. It was a hotel on

Shocked, Maxim stopped in his tracks. He frowned. “And why so?”

“They are coming with a group of twenty Lycans and so they don’t want to be disturbed.”

Twenty Lycans? To get the high school certificate? Something was not right. Maxim’s senses went on high alert. Why would Hunter come with such a large group? The Lycans were too powerful. Were they secretly hatching a plot to ***all the werewolves? “Put all our warriors on high alert,” he said.

“I will,” Rick replied. “Maybe, we shouldn’t let Hector and Victoria receive them,” he added after some time. “River and Hector have rejected each other and they won’t be comfortable in each other’s company.”

“Do as I say!” Maxim growled. He wanted to distract River and also see how it affected Hunter by sending Hector and Victoria.

As soon as Rick left, Maxim went to his office. He had to call the other rebel Alphas and inform them that Hunter had come with a very large group of his warriors. Once he had called them all to apprise them of the situation, he called Hector in his office.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode