Chapter 50 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

“So how did the hate turn to love?”

“You are not making me talk just because you are in the mood to hear a romance story right? I am expecting you to provide an actual solution.”

She smirked, “trust me.”

“I could have fired her for that but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Something I think I would not hesitate to do if it was another person.”

“All I remember was that I was very bitter and I wanted a sweet revenge. I knew it was going to be hard getting that revenge if she left the company.”

“She humiliated me in public and I wanted to return the same favor.”

“I had my assistant bring me all the information about her. I almost did not find any dirt to use against her. She was almost perfect so I decided to always be on her neck till I am opportune to strike back at her.”

“As much as she is good at what she does, I tried so much to frustrate her by doubling her workload and being involved in projects she was handling.”

“I had no idea when the revenge I had for her in my heart was replaced with care and tenderness. I started liking her and before I knew it, she occupied the whole of my thoughts and I found everything about her really admirable.”

“It was tough!”

Bessie chuckled, “How though?”

“My trick did not work on her!”

“All I had to do was to snap my fingers and then every lady would instantly run to me.”

“But with Vicky, it was different. I was with her almost every day and I had no idea why she was not throwing herself at me or trying to seduce me in any way.”

“I kept questioning myself if I had lost my touch or my charm because I couldn’t comprehend why she was not getting attracted to me and I had no idea what to do.”

“I was too embarrassed to discuss it with my friends or anyone else. I had a reputation which I had to upload sol”

Oscar sighed, “She really made me go through sh it!”,

Bessie chuckled, “What did you do?”

“I found myself on YouTube countless times, watching relationship videos on how to woo a girl.”

“You didn’t?!” Bessie burst into a peal of laughter, finding it hard to believe someone like him could actually succumb to that.


“Yeah, you can laugh at me all you want. I actually cannot believe I did all that also. I think situations just hit you in a different way when you find yourself liking and being attracted to one person.”

“I did all I could to woo her. I know I almost gave up at some point. But the thoughts of not wanting her to be another man’s babe, triggered me to keep pushing.”

“It took her months before she agreed on going on a first date with me and our relationship became official four months after that.”

“She is still the most calm person I have ever been with.”

“No one knew we were in a relationship except those extremely close to me.”

She wanted us to be private because she did not want the attention that came with being my girl which was very shocking to me because any lady would do anything for that kind of attention.”

“She was just so humble and so sweet while we were together. She was so gentle but really nasty when we were together. I miss her and I wish things did not end up between us the way they did.”

“Thank you for sharing this with me. It is obvious you both had a very good relationship and yes, I was able to get the answer that I wanted.”

“You just said it that you had to put in so much effort before she agreed to be yours. I feel the same thing goes for this one


Oscar shook his head immediately. “No. This is different.”

“How?” Bessie couldn’t help but ask.

“It is obvious here that she is naturally punishing me and she wants nothing to do with me.”

“I am sure you are misinterpreting everything but give her time.”

“Time? No, she does not need time. She has made up her mind. Nothing I say can make her do otherwise. Trust me, no one knows her better than me.”

“So you are going to give up! You’re going to throw everything away?”

“I think what you wanted to say was that she was the one who threw everything away.”

“You are the man of the house. You need to keep fighting for your family if you really want her.”

“I have been doing that and she has made up her mind that she wants me to stop. I honestly wish her all the best and I won’t disturb her anymore.”

“You really look chilled about it. Is there something I do not know about?”

“I may look really okay but my heart is broken. I promise you that I have never felt empty like the way I feel now. It seems like I have got no more sense of direction in my life. It is probably going to be all work and club for me from now on.”

“Is there anything I can do to convince you?”

Oscar shook his head.

Bessie heaved a long sigh. “I am sorry, I thought I could help.”

“It is fine, thank you.”

“So what are you going to do all day today?”

“I am definitely going to catch up on some sleep because I honestly haven’t rested well since I came here.”

And probably do some work until it is time to go to the airport.”

“I think I am going to miss you. Just a bit though.”

Oscar smiled. “I told you already. Let me know when you are free. I will arrange a trip for us.”


“But you scem like a really busy person. Hopefully, you will still want to hang out with me when you get back.”

“Why did you say so?” He arched his brow, looking at her surprisingly.

“I don’t know. We have known each other for only a few days so it is easy to move on and forget about me.”

“I get you. But I do not joke with my friends.”

Bessie nodded, processing what he said. “You are not a bad person after all.”

Oscar couldn’t help with the chuckle that escaped his lips.

“Yeah, except you have some other personality you are hiding that I do not know about.”

“No. I have shown you the real me.”

“I don’t know what made you walk into our club that night but I’m really glad that you did.”

“Same here.”

“I am not going to leave here if I keep making conversations with you and I need to catch up on sleep before I prepare for my weekend job.” Bessie rose to her feet along with her sling purse.

Oscar rose to his feet too.

“I am glad you came. Thank you. And just so you know, you look good in decent dresses too.”

“You will always be a Pe rvert

“No. I wouldn’t call myself that.”

“I just love good-looking people and also love associating myself with them.”

“Then you should always keep that to yourself. No woman would want to hear that, especially the love of your life.”

Oscar chuckled, “Women and jealousy!”

“Well, it depends on your wife’s personality. But I see you as someone who wouldn’t want your wife to keep admiring other men so you’ve got to mind that.”

Oscar nodded, “Noted.”

“And thank you so much for the money. You’ve got no idea how much relief you have brought to me.”

“What are friends for?”

“Can I hug you?” Bessie asked.

Oscar chuckled, closing the gap between them and pulling her into a friendly hug.

The duo shared a friendly kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

They said their goodbyes after which Bessie took her leave.

Once Bessie was out of sight, Oscar changed his clothes, grabbed his phone, and got into bed.

He spent the next few minutes pressing his phone after which he slept off.

Oscar spent the whole Saturday sleeping and the last meal he had was the meal he had with Bessie.

By 9 am on Sunday, he checked out of the hotel into the taxi that was to take him to the airport.

The ride to the airport took about 40 minutes and after what finally felt like forever, they got there.

Oscar helped himself down, paid the driver, and collected his luggage.

Oscar Wayde was thinking of where to go to get to his destination since he was going on a private jet. He spent a second, looking around and before he knew it, his eyes eventually landed on a set of familiar faces.

At the arrivals gate was a man in his 30s walking out and beside him was a woman too who looked of the same age as him. It wasn’t quite clear if they were lovers or siblings or whatever. But in their middle was a very familiar face. Sophie.

Her face suddenly lit up at the sight of someone.

She left the two adults she was walking beside and ran towards a more familiar face who was already in a crouching position, ready to hug her.

Oscar froze where he stood as he watched the duo exchange a very tight hug after which she kissed Sophie’s cheek and they made conversations with each other.

At this point, a lot of things were going through Oscar’s mind but what got him the most was the feeling of jealousy that ran down his spine.

Watching Vicky hug their daughter was a beautiful sight to behold and the fact that he was going to be deprived of that feeling made him start getting angry from within.

Not caring if his luggage got lost or stolen, Oscar left his items there and then found himself taking steps toward Vicky and Sophie.

He had no idea what he was going to say when he got face to face with them but he knew that he needed to be there.

Vicky was still crouched down before her daughter, smiling at what her daughter was telling her when Oscar joined them, crouching to Sophie’s height 100.

“Hi Sophie,” His voice came through, making Vee freeze where she crouched.

“You know my name?”

“Yes, I do.” Oscar answered, feeling all confident.

“But I don’t know you.”

“I’m your Father!”

That statement instantly brought Vicky out of her shocked state.


He ignored her and the way she called out his name, with his attention remaining on Sophie.

“Tm your Daddy!” He said again, standing his ground.

Oscar saw his daughter shake her head.

“But my Daddy is dead!”

Oscar knew that sometimes, kids say the darndest things. They often say things that were false and at the same time they were the most honest set of humans but the statement she made just made him so confused.

He frowned. “What do you mean by your Daddy is dead? I’m not dead. I’m right in front of you!”

“You are not my Daddy. Mama said Daddy is dead. Right mama?” She turned her attention to Vicky who was honestly not looking good.

Oscar too turned her attention to her, wanting to hear the truth.

“There is a misunderstanding here and we can always talk it out.” She directed at Oscar, stammering. She was so uncomfortable with the look of hurt she saw in his eyes.

She rose to her feet and Oscar did the same.

“So this is the best you can do?

“After claiming you are a good mother, is this the best you can do? Telling our daughter that I am dead when in fact I had no idea of her existence? And even when I did, you refused to tell me where she spent the night.” He said at the top of his voice, not minding that he was causing a scene..

“You are way more pathetic than I thought. How can you fill her head with so many lies just to paint me a terrible person? How could you

“Hey, who the hell are you to talk to her that way?” Gabriel came from nowhere, grabbing Oscar by the neck,

“Gab please,” Vicky grabbed her brother by the arm, just so he could free Oscar.

“You are in this too, right? You all told my daughter that I am dead just so you could squeeze your way into her life and act like her go dd am father when you are not.”

“So you are here to claim the perfect father after ruining her years ago and almost killing the baby?”

“Please stop, Gabe. Leave him and let us go!” Vicky pleaded, almost crying. Her eyes were heavy with tears already.

“Really? That is what you told him? Oscar directed at Vicky.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at her before I strangle you.”

“Please, Gab. Please, just let him go.”


The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode