Chapter 52 – Offered to the Lycan King

Along with Hunter, River walked into the corridor that led to her former class Memories of how everyone ridiculed her, flooded her mind. She took a deep breath in to calm herself Seeing her nervous, Hunter grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly as if to are her that he was with her And River felt assured with him.

Hector and Victoria walked ahead with them. They reached the class and when Hector announced that their former classmate, River had come to meet them, most of them sneered, their hatred apparent on their faces. But the moment they saw her with Alpha Hunter, their demeanor changed. They all looked at him with wonder, some pitying her for being his breeder while some getting jealous seeing their intertwined hands. They also noticed how beautiful and confident she had become. She was no longer the same old craggy, thin and depressed girl they were used to seeing.

Awkward murmurs and silence crept in the air and River realized that Hector brought her here to embarrass her or rernind her how she was dealt with earlier. She put her chin high and gave them a rebellious smile “It’s great to see you all. Hope you all are doing well!” Some smiled while some glared at her but no one dared to speak a word against her. It was her aura that compelled them not to speak but they couldn’t point it out.

Seeing her impact on the students, Victoria was surprised. She said, “Let us go to the greenhouse. It has changed drastically ever since you have left.”

The greenhouse was the only place that River used to spend her time when she was alone, which was most of her time in the school. It stung her when Victoria said that it had changed a lot. Maybe Victoria wanted to make her feel bad about it.. Well, she was ready to move on. In fact, she had moved on..

When she entered the greenhouse, she saw that it had changed a lot for the worse. The roses that she was so fond of were no longer there. Most of the plants were drying up and no one really cared about it. Buckets, shovels, hoses and other tools were lying scattered everywhere. River realized why Victoria

brought her here. She chuckled and said, to her “The greenhouse looks quite like your ***state now.”

“What do you mean?” Victoria growled.

River looked at Hunter, ignoring him, said, “Let’s go, Hunter I am done.”

“Wait” Hector stopped them “I came to show you the greenhouse to take ideas from you. When you were here, it was blooming”

Victoria’s ***fell to the floor at how he insulled her. “Hector, we don’t need her opinions about the greenhouse. I can- He hissed at her. “***up.”

Victoria snapped her ******at the obvious insult and looked hatefully at River.

“I don’t have any opinions about it,” River replied. Along with Hunter, she walked back to the headmistress’s office.

“But I am sure that the headmistress isn’t done with her work, River!” Hector tried to stop her. “It will take a day to make the certificate for you.”

“Then we will wait for it in the hotel,” she said and continued to walk.

“Why don’t you join me and Victoria for a tour of the pack?” Hector suggested.

“She can’t!” Hunter growled, not happy with the way he was flirting with her. “We have work to do.”

“Then how about you come to the pub with me. Recently a pub has opened up with a dance floor. I am sure you will enjoy it

River stopped in her tracks. She crossed her arms and slowly turned to look at him. “Hector, there is nothing that I can enjoy with you. Like Hunter said, we have work to do.” Saying that she continued to walk without waiting for his reaction. Hector hadn’t changed at all. He was the same and the fact that he was stalling her work and trying to lengthen her stay when it wasn’t needed, made her suspicious.

When they walked into the office of the headmistress, she was surprised. She got up with a start as if she was caught doing something w g. There were documents lying in front of her which she immediately covered with a blank paper. “River!” she exclaimed.” thought you would come back in an hour. The certificate isn’t ready.”

“Yes,” River said politely. “I decided to come early and wait here with you for the certificate.” Hunter was standing right behind her like her guard.

The headmistress wanted to scold her for her audacity but she was too scared of the Lycan. “Okay!” she said with a shaky breath. “Please take a seat.” She pointed at the leather sofas in the corner.

Hector and Victoria too sat down opposite to them on the sofa. River was now sure that the two were keeping an eye on her and Hunter. This only made her suspicions turn into belief. She recalled what Ella said to her. Her father, Alpha Lowell. was killed by Hector’s father, Alpha Maxim. The thought made her blood boil. Her wolf wanted to come out and attack Hector and snap his head, but River controlled herself. ‘In time, Layla. In time.”

After a long time, Mrs. Miller said, “Your certificate is ready”

River got up and so did Hunter. This was the moment she was waiting for. She went to the table and slid the certificate towards her. She lifted her gaze to look at Mrs. Miller and said, “You have written my father’s name wrongly, Mrs. Miller”

The headmistress frowned. She pulled the certificate back and said, “No. It clearly says Kirk is your father” She chuckled and slid it back to her. “Have you forgotten who your father was?”

River heard a restless shift on the sofas behind her. She tilted her head and crossed her arms across her chest. “No, I haven’t.”

“This is getting too boring!” Hector jumped up. “Maybe, we should just take the certificate and leave. I have to attend a meeting that my father has called urgently.”

But River ignored him.

“This is very important for her,” Hunter growled at Hector. “If you want to go, you can, but she has to sort it out. Now!” Hector gulped but he didn’t back down. He strode to the table and picked up the certificate. “This looks fine to me. It would be better that we don’t waste Mrs. Miller’s time. She has a thousand duties to attend to.”

“I am not wasting her time, River stated. Then she looked at Mrs. Miller and in a low, threatening voice said, “My father’s name is not Kirk. It is Alpha Lowell. Change it to that.”

“What?” the headmistress squeaked as her eyes widened with shock.

“Yes,” River said in the same tone. “Change my father’s name to Alpha Lowell ”

Mrs. Miller whipped her head to Hector who looked like he had eaten a bitter pill. He was not ready for what River just said As for Victoria, she was dumbfounded. She stared at River as if she had grown two horns. She was Alpha Lowell’s daughter?

“Th- that is ***! Mrs. Miller said, half believing her. “Wh-what proof do you have? Ever since I know it has been Kirk who was your father. Why are you misleading us? Do you even know anything about Alpha Lowell? He was our-” “**the ****up!” Hector hissed. “River you are getting out of your element right now. You can’t just claim that you are Lowell’s daughter!”

Hunter took a step towards him as his muscles bulged. “Don’t you dare to challenge River’s claim.”

Hector took a step back as his chest heaved heavily. If this information got out of this room, too many terrible things would happen. And the first one would be that River would try to claim back her territory. But the main question was how did she come to know about it?



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode