Chapter 53 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Vicky confidently ignored the knocks that came through on her door, not caring how consistent they were. She also turned her phone to silent the moment calls started coming through.

Vee lost track of time as she buried herself with work. The moment she was done with what she was working on, a knock came through on her door, making her look at her phone for the time. It was past 12 pm.

She rose to her feet and left for the door, ready to explain herself as she had an idea of who it was but opening the door, it turned out to be someone else. Someone she least expected.

The duo stared at each other for a few seconds before she broke the silence.


“Look Bessic, I promise you that I am in no good mood. I kept my word by being very far away from you and Ashton. Kindly take your leave if this is not work-related which I am very sure that it isn’t”

“I don’t know why you think so ill of me but I am going to come in.” She said, making her way in, shutting the door. Vicky sighed, folding her arms.

“How are you?”

Victoria frowned. “I am sure you didn’t come all the way here to ask me that?”

“Exactly why you should take me seriously and respond to me because it is not a thing for me to talk to you or ask you how you are doing.”

“If this is a kind of joke, please stop it.”

“I know we are not friends but I would like for you to please take my words seriously.”

“I am fine, thank you.”

“I don’t know if anyone told you before but you are a terrible liar. Do you know that?”

“You know it is disrespectful to ask me these questions especially when we are not exactly friends, more less accusing me of being a liar.”

“You have every right to flair up but I will try not to be mad.”

“I understand this is weird for me but I won’t take any offense to it because I am doing this for my friend.”

“Your friend?” Vicky frowned, reiterating.

“Yeah, Oscar!”

“Oh, you mean your f uck buddy?” Vicky had no idea when this statement left her mouth.

“Jealous much?” Bessie smirked at her.

“I am not in a good mood Bessie. Please take your leave.”

“You are the one calling him f uck buddy when he actually isn’t”

“I’ve got Ashton and Oscar is not my type.”

“I honestly do not care about all this information you are giving me.”

“I came here in peace but you are the one turning this into a fight because of your jealousy. I know your man does not mean I am f ucking him. Or should I call him your ex-man?”

“I had a good relationship with him but that does not make me a bit ch because you are the one who pushed him away.”

“Despite our differences, I made him a promise that I was going to look after you from afar and that is whatll have been doing.”

“You look really awful today.”

“I told you I am fine unless you have no respect for my privacy.”

“I promise you that I do. And no, you can’t fool me. You are not fine and I know that very well. You are looking so dull. This is not the usual Victoria Adlyn.”

Vicky folded her arms tighter. “What is now the usual Victoria Adylyn?”

“Flashy, commanding, stylish but I can tell from your face that you are not feeling well.”

“You had this dull look initially after Oscar left but it isn’t as terrible as the way you look today.”

“You must have looked down on Oscar so much for you to think that he was or he is f u cking me. You really don’t know how much respect that guy has for you and let us not go into details of how much you broke him.”

“You know nothing, except whatever nonsense he spilled to you to make himself look better. Thank you for your concern but it is best if you stay out of my business.”

“We are all humans and it is likely for us to fall ill at some point, which is the stage 1 am at but Thank you for your concern.”

“Not that I owe you any explanation but Oscar did not spill any details to me. In as much as I would love to know everything. I guess the respect he has for you has made him keep whatever happened very private.”

“I wouldn’t be here if he had not requested that I take care of you from afar. He is a good friend and that is why I am carrying out hus request.”

“Coming here to check up on you, you have no idea what it has done to my Ego. I genuinely hope you feel better because anyone who sees your face every day can tell you are under the weather. I really hope you get well soon. And if there is any way that I may be of help to you, please do not hesitate to let me know.”

The door slammed open.

“Gosh!!! I swear I am going to kill you for tricking m……. Kathic’s voice came through. She eventually mellowed when she surprisingly saw Bessie.

“What are you doing here?” She frowned at Bessie.

“I was just taking my leave.” She said, taking a final glance at Vicky and taking her leave.

“Why was she here? Did she do or say anything to annoy you? Tell me fast so I can rip off her head before She goes far.”

“Talk to me, babe!” She pushed when Vicky did not say anything.

“I know I do not feel too okay but is it that bad? I mean, is it that obvious?”

“Why are you asking?”

She rolled her eyes, “Just answer me,


“Yes, it is very obvious. You look dull and you had to wear a black dress to compliment it. How perfect!”

“You all’s mind really run crazy. I was running late for work and this is the fastest dress I saw.”

Kathie shrugged, then the realization hit her, “Don’t tell me she came to check on how you were doing?”

“She did.”

Kathie scoffed. “Impossible!”

“She said she is doing it because she promised Oscar she was going to look after me from afar!”

“That bi tch is crazy! When did they make such a deal? Do they still communicate?”

“Please Kathie, I don’t want to talk about them. My head aches already.” She massaged her temple, proceeding to her desk arca.

“Hey, I am still mad at you for locking me out. You wouldn’t even open the door for me no matter how hard I knocked.”

“Sorry! That was the only way I would be able to work. Keeping you away! I know you care about me but I am tired of you fussing all over me.”

“I am so pis sed about it but I won’t get mad. Let’s get going.”

“Going where?” She mumbled, taking her seat on the chair behind her desk.

“I fixed a Doctor’s appointment for you at 12. It is way past 12 now.”

“Oh, about that!”

“Don’t tell me you have changed your mind?”

“Do I really need to go? I feel so much better. I think I will be able to eat now. I am no longer weak.”

“I am not going to argue with you to confirm if you feel better or not. We are going to the doctors whether you like it or not.”

“Come on, Kathie, you of all people should understand me better.”

“You know what? I think it is time that I get Gabriel involved.” Kathie said, unlocking her phone, and navigating to her contact list.

“Fine! I’ll go with you!” Victoria’s voice came through almost immediately, glaring at Kathie as Kathie smirked in triumph.

In a couple of minutes, Vicky and Kathie left the office in Vicky’s car with Kathie driving.

They got to the hospital in no time and went straight to the Doctor’s office. She rose to her feet the moment the duo walked in.

“Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Nayla.”

“Good to see you. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice and sorry that we are a bit late.” Kathie said.


“It’s fine. Dr Amber is an amazing colleague so anything for her. Please take your seats.” She gestured to the visitors’ chair opposite her.

Kathic and Vee took their seats.

Dr. Nayla took her seat too, picking up a clean chart from the table as well as her pen.

“So this appointment is in the name of Miss Wayde. Which of you please?”

“My friend here.” Kathie gestured to Vicky who had been nothing but quiet all through the ride here. “But you can call her


Okay. Please can you tell me why you are here?” The Doctor directed to Vicky. “Your symptoms.”

“Loss of appetite, a bit of nausea. I have been throwing up lately and I feel a bit tired due to it.”

The doctor nodded, writing down something on her chart.

“When did all these symptoms start?”

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The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode