Chapter 54 – Offered to the Lycan King

****and anger warred in her and she felt like challenging Hector right now, but she controlled herself She was walking on eggshells and she had to be extremely cautious She looked at Hunter and realized that he was speaking the right thing

Besides, if she continued to claim that she was Alpha Lowell’s daughter, no one would believe hier. Instead they would only rebel against her, What was important was that she sowed the seeds of doubt in the minds of people around her and this was going to become the hot topic of the Crescent Moon pack for a few days.

River was going to take advantage of the situation and so she had to move fast. “You are right, she said to Hunter. “This isn’t over!” She squeezed his hand and together they walked out of the office, parting the little crowd that had gathered over there.

Hector and Victoria watched her leaving and when the door closed behind her, Hector growled, “If any of you mentions a thing about this /*****conversation out of this room, you will invite my father’s ***!”

All students and teachers were stunned into silence. “We won’t,” said one of them, afraid that Alpha Maxim would **what happened inside the office today.

Hector shouldered his way out of the office with Victoria following him. His father had asked him to keep River and Hunter busy because he was going to call other Alphas, but from what just happened, he was sure that the two would leave soon He opened his mind link with his father and apprised him of the situation.

That wench!’ Alpha Maxim shouted through the mind link making Hector flinch The Alphas are about to corne and you couldn’t even contain this small situation?”

Father, the situation went out of control rapidly! A crowd gathered in the headmistress’s officer Hector tried to explain. “Don’t give me all that nonsense! Maxim growled. Just go after and stop her!

Hector let out a frustrated growl and rushed after River and Hunter,

“Hector?” Victoria called him. “What are you doing?”

“I am going after that **, Father has asked me to stop her.”

Victoria grabbed his arm. “Don’t be mad. How will you stop her? She has insulted you so much and you will stop her from leaving? What will other pack members say? Don’t you think about your reputation?”

Hector’s fists balled tightly. “Then what do I do, Victoria?” he said through his clenched teeth. “Father is going to be mad if I don’t stop her. I don’t know what his agenda is but it is ***! She just challenged the Alpha of the pack and his son and yet my father-”

Victoria placed her hands on his chest. In a very low voice she said, “Let her go and tell your father that Hunter didn’t want to stop. It is better that she goes back to the Veil. That way you will also have time to think of your next strategy. Also in a few days, this whole rumor would subside.”

Hector stared at Victoria and realized that she was making sense. He nodded as excitement surged. “Okay!” he murmured. Victoria grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the school. They noticed that River and Hunter had already left. “Come with me!” she said. “We are going to my place.”

Hector sat with Victoria in the car and they drove to her home. Over there, Victoria made Hector stay for more than two hours and only when she received information that the Lycans had left, did she say, “Now is the time.”

Hector frowned. “What time?”

Victoria punched him on his face.

“Victoria!” Hector roared.

She punched him again and made sure that he was bruised on his cheeks. Hector was shocked and he lifted his hand to punch her back but she shrieked and stopped him. “I am doing this for your next act!”

“What the ***?” Hector was confused as he wiped blood with his sleeve from his cheek.

Victoria took a ragged breath. “Now go and tell Alpha Maxim that the Lycans gave you this because of River. Make him believe that you apologized to her but the Lycans had vicious intentions.”

Hector chuckled. He shook his head. Then he grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards him to capture her lips wi’ his kiss. “You are brilliant. This is going to only make things worse. I will make sure that others see my bruise as well.”

Victoria grinned. “I will take you to the helipad from where they left and from there we will go to your house”

“Sounds great

Victonia and Hector reached his house an hour later. Alpha Maxim was sitting in his office. His eyes became wide when he

saw the bruises on Hector’s cheeks. “Who did that to you?” he said, rage building inside of him.

Hector took a deep breath in and sat on the chair opposite to him “Hunter” he shook his head as his lips downturned. “That ***instigated him. I went after them to apologize to River, but she was so malicious that she didn’t accept my apology. Instead she threatened me that she was going to kill me and that she would come back to claim what is hers. After that, they flew back.”

Alpha Maxim pounded the table as he got up. “The gall! Who the hell does she think she is? I should have got her killed that time. Now the serpent is rearing her head?” His chest was heaving up and down in anger. “I am going to kill her the next time I see

“Father, there is no point in spending your energy in getting angry over her idiotic claims. But we have to be ready if she comes back and claims the pack. She needs to first prove that she is Alpha’s Lowell’s daughter and that is going to be difficult!”

Alpha Maxim got up and walked to the window. He leaned over the edge and stared at the garden outside. His mind raced on what to do next. He had to call all the Alphas and tell them that River and Hunter had left. The Lycan was too sharp. He was using River to get back at the werewolves who were rebelling. Ella was killed and Maxim had no way to wage a full-fledged war against the Lycans at this time. Only she was friendly with the demons and liaised with them every time. Closing his eyes, he tipped his head back. His efforts to conquer Veil were going down. “Go away!” he growled at Hector. “T have to rethink my strategy and make sure that what River said in the headmistress’s office doesn’t go out.”

“I will!” Hector replied and got up. He loved the way Victoria staged the whole act. Instead of going to contain the went to Victoria. Throwing her up on his shoulder, he took her to his room and had passionate sex with her.

In the next two days, the whole pack was gossiping about River’s claim. Those who were still in favor of Alpha Lowell and knew that he never betrayed the pack, became active. They were surprised to know that River was Alpha Lowell’s daughter and wished secretly for her to come back and claim the pack and clear his name.

Alpha Maxim was busy charting his strategy along with his beta and representatives of other Alphas who were with him on this while Hector was least bothered. He was spending his time with Victoria.

Maxim went to the forests surrounding the Veil to meet the demons along with the rest of the rebel Alphas along with a large number of werewolves. Now that Ella wasn’t there, he had to create new plans and deal with them.

The demon leader, Falcon, was difficult. They were standing in the cave in front of him where he was sitting on his throne, a stony chair carved from the same stone as the cave. He rested his hands on the armrest and said, “What is there in it for us?”

“The terms are the same,” said Maxim. “Ella negotiated that the forests will belong to you and that everything that enters this area would be offered to you for eating”

Falcon chuckled. “Ella promised us fifty percent of the wealth that you will loot from the Lycans and half of the Veil.” Maxim gulped. “That is… impossible

“Then we don’t have a deal, Falcon replied, resting back in his seat. “You may leave.”

Maxim gritted his teeth as he looked at other Alphas. They glared at the demon but didn’t have the guts to speak out their discontent. Finally Maxim said, “Okay, let me talk to my allies and get back to you.”

Falcon shrugged. “Be my guest.”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode