Chapter 54 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

“Three days go.”

“Are you sexually active?”

Vicky felt like a glass of cold water was splashed on her face. Not only did she hate hospitals for asking triggering questions. She felt those doctors were too Interested in meddling in other people’s lives.

“No!” She finally answered, ignoring the glare that Kathie gave her.

“Any cravings amidst the loss of appetite?”

“No, I can count the amount of food I ate and even at that, I could hardly keep them down.”

Nayla nodded, penning down notes on the chart.

“When was the last time you had sex?”

Vicky stylishly glared at Dr. Nayla.

“I don’t know. Six weeks ago I think.”

“Are you on any form of birth control?”

“No, but I used a morning after pill one time.”

“On a scale of 1 to 10 how stressed have you been lately?”

Before Vicky could reply, Kathie interrupted. “She never takes a break. Always working. I am sure that is why she is sick.” She said, ignoring the glare that Vicky was giving her.

“Please you would come with me to the Laboratory for a blood sample so we can do some tests.” She directed to Vicky.

“And you can wait for us at the reception.”

“Sure, Katie answered, rising to her feet along with the duo.

They got to the lab in no time, Vicky’s blood test was taken after which went to join Kathie at the reception area, taking a seat beside her.

“Happy now!”

“Don’t make me feel bad. I am just looking out for you.”

“We have to wait about half an hour for the results. G od I hate hospitals and all the people and things involved. They just pray into your personal life.”

“Don’t tell me you are freaked out by the Doctor’s question? She was just doing her job. I promise you.”

“By asking deep and personal questions?”

“Why are you being this sensitive, Vee? You are learned enough to know what her job entails. You don’t need me to tell you that she was asking questions relating to your symptoms.”

“I can’t wait to get the results so we can leave here.”

“That is not the point. At least we can know what is wrong with you and you will be properly treated.”

Vicky rolled her eyes, mumbling, “Whatever!”

“How do you feel now? Do you want us to go get some food? There’s a cafe close by.”

“No, it is fine. I’m okay.”

“Having cold feet?”

*Cold feet? What is the worst that could happen?”

“You mean what is the best thing that could happen when the results come out and it is a bug infection. I get to slam the test papers in your face for making me come here against my will.”

Kathie chuckled, “Don’t you think you are too confident about this?”

“Too confident?”

“Yes! Too confident and carefree.”

“I don’t think I am. You are the one feeling that way.”

“I really thought Bessie was there to confront you about Ashton. Isn’t it crazy how she claims to be friends with Oscar?”

Vicky sighed. “I honestly don’t care who Oscar is friends with. I was just surprised he told her to look after me. Or maybe she is just pulling my legs.”

“I respect Ashton so much but I really do not feel anything romantic towards him. I have put a reasonable distance between us so if Bessie still feels threatened by me, then she has got a whole lot of issues.”

“Indeed!” Kathie mumbled.

The two friends eventually got occupied with their phones and in forty minutes, Dr Nayla called their attention, calling them back into her office.

After they were all seated she opened the envelope.

A small smile crept to Dr, Nayla’s lips making an irritated Vickie wonder why.

“Congratulations ma’am. You are six weeks pregnant.”

“Holy sh it! I knew it, Kathie mumbled.

“Sorry?” Vickie stared in confusion, her heart beating faster than ever.

“You are six months pregnant ma’am.”

“Are you sure you got the right result?”

“This is your result, Ma’am. There was no mistake. I already suspected it with your symptoms but I did not want to say anything until the test confirmed it.”

“Now that we know you are expecting, I will write out your prescriptions and also give you a meal plan you can follow. They will help with your appetite and your morning sickness.”

“And you need to slow down on your work too. You are pregnant so you are to avoid any form of stress.”

“May I know if this is your first baby? If this is not your first baby, then I am sure you understand me more.”

Vicky was staring at Dr. Nayla. She saw her lips moving but she heard nothing the Doctor said.

“Ma’am. Are you listening to me?”

“Vicky!” Kathie placed a hand on her arm which she shrugged off, coming back to reality.

“No!” She whispered, shaking her head.

“Sorry!” Dr, Nayla said.

“There is no way I’m pregnant. I had sex but I took the after pill.”

“I’m sorry you don’t seem delighted about this news but that is what the test says. You are pregnant, Victoria. We all know that these contraceptives fail at times.”

“I don’t care! I can’t be pregnant.

“Babe, please calm down.”

“There is no way I can be calm, Kathie. You know how my first pregnancy ruined me, there is no way I am going to allow this one to ruin me too.”

Dr. Nayla stared in confusion between Vicky and Kathic.

“Please don’t think this way?” Kathie said to her.

“So what do you mean?” This doctor’s voice came through.

“What are my options? I want to get rid of the baby!”

Kathie stared in shock.

“Babe, what are you saying?” Kathie mumbled, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“What do you mean by what am I saying? You heard me right”

*Get rid of it? Are you f ucking kidding me?”

Seeing that the issue was getting a bit out of hand and it was beginning to seem like the duo needed privacy, Dr. Nayla did the needful.

She rose to her feet, “I will give you both a few minutes to discuss. She excused herself, then exited the office.

“I know you are not happy about this but pleaseeeee Vee. How can you just make that decision on an impulse?”

Vee turned to Kathie’s side so she could look her in the eyes.

“Do you know who the father is?”

“Oscar and so?”

“Don’t make comments that would make me angry, Kathie, this is hard enough for me.”

“Do I have to remind you that Oscar is not my man? We officially separated, I do not know where he f ucking lives, I made it clear my daughter and I want nothing to do with him and don’t even let me get started on what Gsbriel would say when he finds out that I am pregnant for Oscar. He does not even know that we f ucked.”

“Look Vee, I am very sorry that this is happening to you but I promise you that this is not the right solution or the right step to take.”

“I understand that you and Oscar are officially over and this kind of topic is really triggering, especially for you since you were the one that put him in his place. But you guys are adults who had sex and I hope I am not sounding harsh but you really have to take responsibility. You and Oscar.”

“You deprived Oscar of having anything to do with Sophie, his first child, and this is his second child, which you want to get rid of without his consent. You may think he is not here so he would not know anything but I promise you that that is not how life works.”

“It is true that he may not be here but I promise you that nemesis is going to catch up with you if you do so.”

“You may be my very good friend but that does not mean I am going to support you for doing evil.”

“And before you attack me about supporting Oscar and not supporting you, just know that getting rid of the baby is the silliest thing to do at this point. Just put yourself in Oscar’s shoes or even if you can’t relate perfectly, you might as well. imagine Gabriel being in Oscar’s shoes. Would you like it for your brother to go through such a heartbreak?”

“You said it yourself that Oscar was really broken when Sophie mentioned that her father was dead or do I need to remind you of how depressed you were for days?”

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The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode