Chapter 55 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

“He was really angry then about you depriving him of his child and now you want to get rid of this one? Gosh, Vicky, I would definitely hunt you down if I happen to be Oscar.”

“Honestly, the last thing on your mind should be wondering about what Gabriel or any other person would say. Yes, he may be disappointed and angry at first, but trust me, he is still going to come around. This is your life we are talking about right. now. You should own it in such a way that people would respect your decision no matter how good or bad your decision may look in their eyes”

“I am sure Sophie would never forgive you if she finds out that you deprived her of the opportunity of having a younger sibling.”

“We all respected your decision of wanting nothing to do with Oscar but have you been happier ever since?”

“Sorry that my statement might be harsh but I feel you just crossed the line by wanting to get rid of this innocent baby. It is so uncalled for.”

“I know this news is shocking and it is a whole lot to process but I really want you to be calm and think things through.”

“Just know that this is your f ucking life and you own it. I know I have said a lot but do not let anyone bully you into making any sort of decision you don’t want. But I would just plead with you to think things through once more and try to come up with a well-thought decision.”

As Kathie said her mind, Victoria did nothing but stare at her very close friend and her eyes got all teary

Kathie had always had her back and they were both on the same page most times but seeing her lash out this way made her feel so much like a bad person already.

She had no idea when the tears rolled down her cheek. But she subsequently brought her hand to her face and wiped tears off with her palm.

“So what do you want me to do now?” Her lips quivering. “To keep the baby and bear the humiliation?”

“What humiliation?”

“You are already getting on my nerves by the term of words you are using”

“You are a very smart woman, Vee. I honestly cannot tell you want to do. You do not need to make any decisions right now. Please just think deeply about it. You are going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Look, I do not know anyone that personally did an abortion but I have read about it and the stories of those women hit really hard. There are lots of emotions that come with getting rid of babies and that include forever guilt or stigma. I just want you to be happy and to make the right decision.”

“I believe in every problem, there is a healthy solution. Trust me, you would not want Sophie to know that you got rid of her baby sibling because, in the end, you will still have to explain her missing father to her. I know how much you love that little girl so much and the last thing you need from her right now is forever hatred.”

She reached for Vicky’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Please, babe. Just think deeply about it.”

The duo said nothing as Kathie kept staring at a very confused Vicky, trying to figure out what was going on in her head. through the expression on her face.

The two friends were distracted when the door opened. It was Dr. Nayla. She approached her desk-side and took a seat.

“Based on the report you have here, you are fit to carry your baby. We only recommend abortion in situations where the pregnancy poses a risk to your health or that of the baby. And from what I can see here, you are perfectly fine.”

“Please think more about it before making any decision. I am happy to tell you that we have got the best ob-gyn in this. hospital so there is no doubt that you are in safe hands.”

“Here is your prescription and the meal plan. The drugs will definitely help with the nausea and appetite. I am not guaranteeing the total disappearance of the morning sickness, especially in these early times of your pregnancy but the drugs will help a bit and you can also have some cra ckers.”

Victoria did not make any move to collect the prescription as well as the meal plan but Kathie did it on her behalf.

“Thank you, Doc.”

“You are welcome. You have my number so please feel free to call me for anything. I would be happy to assist you and I hope to come to see you register for antenatal.”

“Thank you, Doc, Kathie said once again.

She rose to her feet and urged Vee to do the same after which they exited Dr Nayla’s Office.

“We should go get your prescription” Kathie broke the silence the moment they were out.

“I will be waiting in the car.” She said, then started making her way out of the hospital, not caring about what Kathie just said.

Kathie stared in shock until Vee was out of her view.

Coming out of her shocked state, She asked a nurse for the Hospital’s pharmacy. The nurse directed her, and she thanked the nurse after which she made her way to the pharmacy, bought all the prescriptions, and paid for them after which she exited the hospital building, walking in the direction of the car pack.

Vicky already occupied the front passenger seat just like how they came so Kathie helped herself into the driver seat. She placed the bag of drugs in the back seat as well as her handbag, then turned her attention to Vicky who was literally sitting. staring at nothing in particular, obviously deep in thoughts.

“I’m sorry!”

Her voice brought Vicky out of her thoughts.

“What for?”

“If I was too harsh withi my words.”

I’m good.”

“No, you are not. You did not collect the prescription and you did not come to the pharmacy with me. I think that is enough of a message to convey.”

“Please take me home. I do not want to go back to the office.” Vee said to her friend.

“You do not have to bottle up your feelings, babe. Please feel free to lash out at me. I want to know what you are going through”

“What do you want me to say, Kathie?”

“Anything! No matter how senseless or sensible it might be. I will listen to you.”

“I don’t know what to say!”

“I am being honest with you. I really don’t know what to say.”

“I was so confident that the pill worked and there was no way I could be pregnant.”

“I lied about having drugs for bug Infection at home so I told Gloria to get some for me on her way back from dropping Sophie at school.”

“What the doctor said was really unexpected. I don’t know what to think, say or do. I do not know where to start from or who to talk to.”

“I just need my bed right now. I feel that is the only thing that can console me for now.”

“Please don’t be hard on yourself.”

“It is too late, because I hate myself already.”

“Please don’t. Your me ntal health is very important, babe.”

“Nothing is important to me right now. I just want to crawl into a hole and hide forever.”

“You are stronger than what you think.”

“Please stop with such a statement. I have no strength left in me.”

“I am not sugarcoating anything. You have been through worse situations than this and you have been fine.”

Vee shook her head.

“You need to stop trying to make me feel better with your words. It is true I have been through harsh situations but with this, I really do not know what to do.”

“You will figure this out. I know it. Just take a deep breath and take your time to think well.”

“I know this is very unforeseeable but I want you to look at the bright side of things. You should honestly make the best out of it.”

“Thank you for trying to make me feel better but I really want to be alone.”

Kathie sighed. She buckled her seatbelt, started the car engine, and drove out of the hospital’s parking lot.

Despite Vee’s refusal, Kathie stopped by a restaurant, and ordered takeout, after which they continued their journey back to Vicky’s home.

The moment Vicky stepped into her home, she replied to Gloria’s greetings and went straight into her bedroom.

Kathie handed the takeout to Gloria and went after her best friend.

By the time Kathie got to Vicky’s room, Vicky had already gone to the bathroom. So she sat on the edge of Vicky’s Queen size bed.

Suddenly, the ringtone of her phone came through and she reached for the device in her handbag beside her.

It was Ashton calling. She sighed, answering the call.

“Hi” She said to him on the other side.

“Hi. Where are you all? The meeting is about to start.”

“S hit!” Kathie mumbled, taking a glance at her wristwatch.

“Bessie said she saw you and Vicky leave the office. Is anything the matter?”

“Yeah, something came up. Vicky is under the weather so I had to take her to the hospital.”

“F uck! Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she will be better. I think she is going to need some time off to get better.”

“Can you please stall this meeting for like 30 mins. I will try my best to be there.”

“Wait, you can’t leave her alone. Who is going to take care of her? 1 will just cover up for you guys.”

A sad smile crept to Kathie’s lips as her heart went out to Ashton. She knew he was a good guy who cared so much about her friend. It was just a pity that the bond between Vee and Oscar was so strong and with the baby on the way, no one knows what the future holds.

Thank you but Vicky will be fine. Besides, she needs rest and I can always come back after work to check up on her. She has worked really hard on the presentation and I will come to present it on her behalf.”

“Okay, my regards to her. I will let everyone know about the emergency.”

“Okay. See you soon.” Kathie mumbled, ending the call.

Almost immediately, the door to the bathroom opened and Vicky appeared with a towel wrapped around her body. She dashed into her closet and came out a few minutes later in her pajama dress.

She immediately went to her bedside and crawled into bed..

Kathie stood up from where she was and went over to her side.

“Your drugs.” She gestured to her nightstand where she had kept them earlier while she was in the bathroom.

“Should I serve you your food before I leave? Ashton just called me. The meeting is about to start. I told him the weather. He sent his regards.”

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The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode