Chapter 56 – Offered to the Lycan King

Alpha Maxim was desperate to know something about Hunter. The Lycan King was too powerful and had an army of warriors that were so strong that they had kept the demons at bay and thwarted all their attempts to capture them for decades.

He had sent his men outside of the packs in the hurnan world to know more about Hunter, about his businesses, but they came back with the information that Hunter had a very flourishing business with the humans and that the humans wouldn’t dare to go against him. There were rumors that he was also into production of movies. And for that reason, no one spoke against him. It was simply impossible for Maxim to penetrate Hunter’s empire. But it also meant that Hunter was ***rich.

“What do you want to talk about River?” he asked her, irritated by the very mention of her name. Ever since she had come here last, his life had spun out of control.

Victoria bowed to Alpha Maxim. She was afraid of him and knew that one mistake would cost her. She was walking on eggshells around him as well. “I wanted to talk about the time when I went to the Veil. Over there I saw how Hunter treated River. He was very protective of her.”

“So?” Maxim said.

“I mean-” Victoria bit her lip. “I mean she is very important to him. He really takes care of her. When he had come here, he had shown a lot of care for her. He protects her.”

“You are wasting my time!” Maxim growled. “He will protect her because she is his breeder.”

“I know,” Victoria said, wincing. “What I mean is that River is his weak point.”

“Get out!” Maxim shouted at her. “You think I don’t know that. What are you suggesting? That we harm River? And where will all the blame go?” His muscles bulged in tension and irritation.

Victoria recoiled. “Alpha Maxim, I am sorry. I just thought that I should-”

“Get lost, Victoria!” he shouted. “You are only good enough to keep my son warm in bed. Do that. That is the only purpose you should serve because that is the only purpose you are good enough for!”

Victoria was aghast. Alpha Maxim thought so low about her. Tears flooded her eyes because of his strong aura. She sank on her knees and couldn’t even breathe. “1-1 am sorry Alpha,” she said in a shaky voice. “I only wanted to help you.” “You will help me by keeping my son out of all this. Do you get me?” Maxim wanted to keep Hector out of the whole situation so that he would become the next Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack in case during his war against the Lycans, he died. He was aware that Hector spent most of his time with Victoria and that was working well according to his plans. “Y-yes,” she nodded, crying and shaking. She didn’t know why he was so angry. She was only trying to help him. Instead she ended up getting insulted.

“Now get out, and don’t you dare talk about it to anyone else!” Maxim was aware how much Hunter liked River. The Lycan King came to get her high school certificate along with her and that gesture spoke volumes. And that also meant that if he tried to harm River, Hunter would go all ballistic. So he was waiting. Waiting for River to come to claim the pack. He was going to **her the way he ***her father, Alpha Lowell. At the same time he had increased his activity across the forest that surrounded the Veil. That would keep the Lycans busy. Very busy.

Victoria got up and scurried out of his office. She was so scared that it took her a long time to calm down. When she reached her home, her parents asked her about her condition, but she didn’t say anything. She just dashed to her room, crashed on the bed and cried and cried.

Later when Hector came to visit her, she gave him mind blowing ***. He was breathless and appreciating her, peppering kisses on her face. In the throes of pleasure, he said, “I can’t live without you!”

Victoria took advantage of the situation and said, “Hector, you have already marked me. Why don’t we get married?” She wanted to teach a lesson to Alpha Maxim. And this was her first step. Once Hector married her, she was going to instigate him to become the Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. And for that he would have to fight his father. She would make sure that Alpha Maxim was defeated.

Hector looked at her with a frown. “Marry? So soon? But why?”

“Because I can’t live without you too!” she said in a breathless voice.

He chuckled. Curling his arms around her waist, he thought that he did right by rejecting River. River would have never given him this pleasure and she was such a shitty girl. Had he not marked Victoria and accepted River, then that bitch would have rebelled against his father earlier and that would have been so embarrassing. Then how about we get married this weekend?”

“Really?” Victoria squealed.

“Yes. This is the right time to marry so as to show the pack that we are a close-knit family and that we

are thinking of

moving ahead rather than dwelling on the daughter of their former Alpha who betrayed them!”

Victoria’s mouth fell to the floor. Hector had barely shown his intelligence, but today he proved that he was wise and that he loved her. “Oh, thank you!” she shrieked and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You can’t imagine how happy you’ve made me?”

“And you can’t imagine how happy you’ve made me,” Hector replied.

Victoria wanted to shout out to the world that Hector was marrying her. She would do that, but she had to give him his reward. So she went down to suck his cock and Hector realized that he really liked her a lot.

“We will be attacking tonight!” Falcon said to Lionel, one of the Alphas allied to Maxim.

“Last time when you attacked in the night, you were all defeated in an hour. The Lycans are too smart and intelligent. It would be stupid to attack again during the night!” Lionel spat, impatiently. He didn’t like working with the demons. They were too stubborn and had a putrid smell.

“Are you suggesting that we attack the Lycans during the day?” Falcon growled, crossing his arms against his chest. He was leaning against a tree’s trunk, surrounded by his men and a few werewolves.

“Yes!” Lionel shot back. “The Lycans would be anticipating your attack at night. They will be lazy during the day. We will surprise them by attacking in the daytime!”

Falcon narrowed his eyes. The werewolf had a point. “But our movement is going to be noticed during the day easily,” he put forth his doubts.

“I highly doubt that,” Lionel replied. He assessed that Falcon was gravitating towards his notion. “Their warriors would be sleeping. Let us take them by surprise and **them! We are stronger in numbers.”

“Hmm.” Falcon pushed himself from the trunk and stood straight. The demon was so tall at seven feet that he towered the rest of them. “Then let us attack them tomorrow. It is already evening and we will take ample rest.”

Lionel took a deep breath in, thanking the goddess that for once the demon leader listened to him. He looked at his men. and nodded. There were fifty werewolves with him, ten from each pack. These were the best ones that the Alphas had chosen this time. They had to ***as many Lycans as possible. And along with fifty demons, their strength would be a hundred. It was surely going to be lethal for the Lycans.

They all waited in their caves for the night before the attack. None of them could sleep. The werewolves had to keep up with the demons and they were hating it. But Lionel had warned them before about it. Somehow, they all slept through the night.

In the morning, they all grouped together. The werewolves were led by Lionel, but the demons weren’t

led by Falcon. Instead, they were led by one of his gamma warriors.

“I am their Alpha,” Falcon shrugged when Lionel questioned him. “If I go there and am ***, who will lead the rest of them?”

Lionel gritted his teeth. He scowled, but didn’t say anything. Basically he would be leading them all. He hated how smartly Falcon shirked off the responsibility.

Along with the group of hundred warriors, Lionel walked through the forest to reach where the Lycan warriors were. The Lycans were too sharp. They had uncanny fighting **and power-the reason why he wanted to attack them in numbers. He ordered his men to attack only a few Lycans at a time.

But when he reached there, he was caught by surprise. There was not a single Lycan over there.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode