Chapter 57 – Offered to the Lycan King

Lionel stood there in the midst of the forest, using his senses to sniff the Lycans, using his enhanced vision to look around, but he was shocked that none of them were there. He ordered five of his men to go to the left and five demons to the left as he went forward. “Meet me a mile from here,” he said and shifted.

Rest of his men shifted and they all followed him. They ran across the forest, sniffing and penetrating their vision through the darkness of the dense trees. However, as they went in, they were unable to find the Lycans. Not a single Lycan was to be found. It was strange. The other werewolves and demons joined him as he had ordered them, a mile later. They reported that they didn’t see any Lycan,

Exasperated, he shifted back. “Where the **have, they gone?” Lionel gritted. If he went any nearer the Lycan territory, he wasn’t sure that they would be unharmed. After some time he decided not to go any further. His whole exercise went for a complete waste. “Let us go back!” he growled. “There is no point in going further.” He just didn’t want to risk it.

“How about we spread and look at more areas?” a demon suggested.

“Do you want to get killed?” Lionel snarled at him. “Don’t you know that a single Lycans can easily take down twenty of us? If we split, we all are going to ***. It is better to stay together!”

The demon growled back. “Then why did you send those ten to search for Lycans? You wanted to get them killed?”

Lionel didn’t like the demon. He knew that the demons were ***, but not this ***. “I asked them to search for Lycans and not attack them! Now if we are done with your questioning, can we go back?” The demon became quiet as he scowled at Lionel.

They all headed back to their hiding place. When they reached the hiding place, they saw that Falcon wasn’t there. Only a few demons were seen chatting and stoking fire to make food while some were simply wandering around aimlessly. They were surprised to see that the whole group of hundred men had returned so soon.

Lionel was looking extra ***off because it was his idea to attack the Lycan during the day. He wanted to take them by surprise. “Where is Falcon?” he asked as he came to sit with his men while all others busied themselves in casual works. The demon whom he had asked the question, shrugged. “We don’t know where our leader goes. He doesn’t mention his plans to us. But what happened to you? Why have you all returned so fast?”

Lionel clenched his jaws, fury rising in his chest. “It was futile!”

“Why?” the demon asked, but before Lionel could answer, they heard a blood curdling shriek. They snapped their heads in that direction. “What is happening?” the demon asked, shock lacing his tone as he got up. Lionel too got up.

The next moment the place got filled by more screams. The ground shook. Trees were ripped apart and sent flying in their direction. Lionel ducked and saved himself. Stunned, Lionel panicked. His chest heaved rapidly as he tried to pierce his vision to see the cause of mayhem. His eyes became wide when he saw that the Lycans had attacked them. “What the ***!” he rasped as he rushed to combat the Lycans.

He wanted to surprise them with an attack in the daytime, but now he was surprised by their attack. And suddenly he realized that he had led them to the demons’ lair. They all must be hiding when he came to attack them and when he returned, they followed him in order to see their hiding place and destroy it completely.

Dread skittered down his spine. Now there was no way that he would stay alive. With a frustrated growl

he thought of fleeing, but a Lycan jumped right in front of him and Lionel halted in his tracks. His muscles bulged as he sprang on the Lycan, but the next moment the Lycan warrior shot his hand towards his neck, grabbed it and slammed him to the ground. It all happened in a second.

Lionel crashed o

the ground, dead, his neck snapped in a weird angle. The Lycan went on to kill the rest of the demons and werewolves. No one could escape the place. Each and every demon and werewolf were lying dead in the next half an hour.

Asher wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and growled, “Have you taken down everyone?”

“Yes!” Decker answered. He was with him in most of the missions.

“Then let us return and report it to Alpha Hunter!”

“It is clear that Alpha Lionel was in cahoots with Alpha Maxim in this conspiracy. Why isn’t Alpha Hunter taking an action? He should kill Maxim ore that devil rises further!” Decker said with irritation.

“It is not for me to dee what Alpha Hunter decides, Decker,” Asher replied calmly. “If you like you can give him that suggestion.”

Decker Minch He pursed his lips and shook his head in reply. He would never go to suggest it to Hunter.

He loved his life.

Maxim picked up the table in his room and threw it out of the window in fury. “Lionel is dead!” And along with him the Lycans had killed every werewolf of the packs. They were the top warriors. How was this possible? Lionel was one of the strong Alphas of their alliance.

For two days he waited for the news about Lionel and his men but there was none. It was one of the warriors that Lionel’s twin brother, Jack had sent to search for him and found over hundred bodies lying in the open, rotting, with fleas flying all over them. The warrior had vomited. The sight was so ***that he was still having trouble sleeping.

After Jack had received the news, he messaged his allies about Lionel’s death and then he had gone silent. He wasn’t picking up Maxim’s phone and this was infuriating Maxim all the more.

Hector was standing next to his father. “Father, let us all also go silent on this,” he suggested. “The allies are in a shock just like us. This was the biggest attack. We should re-strategize. The Lycans are too clever.”

Maxim paced his room, trying to think of something to combat the situation, but his mind was blank. A hundred warriors dead was simply too big to ignore. And Lionel was also dead. That worried him the most.

When he didn’t reply to him, Hector added, “I wanted to speak to you about something.”

“What?” Maxim grunted as he continued to


“Victoria and I are planning to get married by the weekend.”

Maxim stopped as he glared at his son. “Are you in your right mind? Is this the time to get married?” he growled.

“It is never going to be the right time father!” Hector argued. “Especially with the current scenario.”

“Wait for a few months!” Maxim said.

“No father,” Hector refused. “I won’t. Victoria is the right girl for me. By marrying her, the pack is going

to forget River’s claim. My marriage would be bigger news.”

Maxim narrowed his eyes on his son, but he had a point. “Let me think about it,” he said, much calmer now. Hector nodded and then left. He was sure that his father wouldn’t deny him now. Alpha Maxim wanted to stop the gossip that was going around about River and this was the best way. He also thought of starting another rumor- That Victoria was pregnant with his child. That would seal the deal. Every pack member was only interested in one thing, which was that their Alpha gave them a secured future.

When he went back to meet Victoria, he said, “Don’t take those birth control pills anymore. We are going to make a baby!” She squealed in delight. “Are you sure?” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Of course! I mean it.” He picked her up and took her to the bed. “And I will start now.”

The next day, it was announced in the pack that Hector was getting married to Victoria. The whole pack got into the mood of celebration. Alpha Maxim was… satisfied. This is what he needed. Distraction. He decided not to call his allies to his son’s wedding. They would take it wrongly.

The temple where they were supposed to get married was decorated with flowers and bright lights. Alpha Maxim ordered his men to decorate every street of the pack to celebrate his son’s wedding. His only agenda was to keep his pack members busy enough to stop thinking about River.

“We heard that Alpha Maxim’s son, Hector is getting married this weekend,” Elijah reported to Hunter who was watching River. She was attending her online class on interior decorating.

“That’s good,” Hunter scoffed. “Things are going to get interesting from now on.”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode