Chapter 58 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

“I don’t know. I am still thinking things through and trying to weigh my options.”

“Options? Lara reiterated.

“I do not know what is on your mind but if you are going to get rid of my nephew or my niece, I might as well get rid of you

Vicky glared at her brother while Lara tried to muille her laughter.

“Don’t look at me that way. I am being serious though. Whatever option you are weighing, just take that off your mind if it is part of the option.”

“That means you are keeping the baby. Are you going to tell Oscar?” Lara said.

“Sophie has been praying really hard. G od definitely answers Children’s prayers. I guess you haven’t told her.” Lara said.

“No, I have not said anything to her since I wasn’t sure if I would be keeping it.”

“I don’t know what is going to happen next. I just felt the need to let you guys know of my condition.”

“Kathie attended the meeting and did the presentation on my behalf. She said Mr Philip nominated me to go to California to oversee the startup process of our branch there and I would be spending a few months there.”

“Yeah, about that….” Gabriel started to say.

“Philip told me yesterday about nominating you. I knew you were not going to consent to it because of the history you have in that city. I tried to convince him to pick another person but he said he spoke to the rest of the board and they also nominated you since you are the best person for the job.”

“No matter how much they want you to be there, just know that they cannot make you do anything you do not want to do.”

“But now that you brought up the topic, with the situation at hand, I think you really want to be there.”

“Don’t put words in my mouth, Gabe. I really haven’t decided anything.”


“As I said before, now is not the right time to hide anything from us. And that includes your feelings. You still like that ba stard and in as much as it upsets me, I don’t know if I have any choice than respecting your wish.”

“You are not mad if I make up my mind about giving him the chance he had always wanted?” She said in disbelief.

“Not really?”

“Not really?” Vee reiterated.

“About two weeks after the encounter at the airport, Oscar’s lawyer reached out to me. You know he is no longer a shareholder?”

Vee nodded.

“Since him being involved in the firm would upset you, he decided to step down and that included giving away the shares. He wanted Sophie to have it.”

“Since She is still young, he appointed a trustee on her behalf. Sophie will get the shares when she is of age. That is why the shareholder’s name remained undisclosed except to the rest of the shareholders.

“Oscar reached out to me before everything was finalized. He apologized, and told me about what transpired in the past and how it transpired.”

“I felt a bit of pity for him but that did not mean I forgave him completely because I believed he could have handled things differently.”

“Him being sorry cannot replace all the maltreatment he caused you.”

“I won’t stop you if you want to be with him or if you want him to be involved in your Baby’s life. It is just that, this time around, I am going to be readily available and active to deal with him if he ever hurts any of you.”

“You need not be embarrassed or sad about anything. I am cool with whatever you decide as long as you are happy. And I promise to continue to protect you.”

Victoria had no idea when she started wiping tears from the corner of her eyes. She had no idea why she was all teary. If it was because of the sweet things that Oscar did behind her back or because her brother did not lash out at her as she had envisioned. Instead, he was willing to support her decision as far as she was happy.”

“Don’t cry, you know I can’t stand seeing tears in your eyes.” He tossed his now-empty glass of wine on the table beside him. rose to his feet and went over to where Vee was seated, and pulled her into a brotherly hug.

Lara smiled proudly at the duo. “You both are so sweet.”

“I would do anything for my baby sister.” He whispered, still hugging Vicky but blowing kisses at Lara.

After a few seconds, the duo eventually pulled away from the hug.

“How are you feeling? Good report from the Doctor?,”

Vee nodded, sniffing. “Said I am fit to carry the baby. And I was given prescriptions.”

“You have done this before with Sophie. You are going to do amazingly well with this little buddy.”

“I agree!” Lara grinned.

Victoria found herself smiling at her brother’s words. “How do you know it’s going to be a boy?”

Two Weeks Later

“I really can’t believe you are leaving me!” Kathie’s sad voice came through, pouting.

“I really can’t believe that you are acting childish. I am not going to be gone forever you know!”

“No, I don’t believe that!”

“I think if you are finding it hard to believe anything I say, then you should know that I am not the one with issues. By the way, why don’t you believe me?”

“I don’t know. I just have this strong feeling in my heart that is making it hard for me to believe you.”

“I feel like Oscar will be thrilled to have you over and this time around, he would not want to let you go. I saw you right after you guys had sex. If he can be so possessive by dropping that much of a deep hi ckey on you, then I can imagine how possessive he would be, having you around, plus Sophie and this little one in your belly.”

Victoria could not help but chuckle at her friend’s reply. “Sometimes I don’t get how you think.”

“I know you very well my friend. I can predict well on what is going to happen.”

“Well, I am glad to tell you that you are wrong.”

“Why do you say so?”

*Because, even 1, don’t know what I am doing or what I want out of the whole situation.”

“It is true that I finally gave in to going to California. I remember I was still against the idea two weeks back. Now look at me.”

“The point is, I honestly don’t know what I want yet and what I want out of the whole situation. Yeah, it is certain that I am going to his country but I am not promising that I am going to see him, make up with him, or tell him. Anything. I don’t have a plan. I’m going there for work, then any other thing I do is going to be directed by my mood and the way I feel.”

“I am going to kill you myself if you go over there and don’t make up with Oscar!”

“What? You want me to see him so he can get me pregnant again?”

“Oh cool!” Kathie smiled sheepishly. It is amazing to hear you confess about how you both cannot keep your hands off each other. At least, now I know that you both still have that burning fire in you which is really exciting.”

“And don’t be a weirdo! You are pregnant already, there is no way he can get you pregnant again for now. Well, except he wants to double the baby. Instead of one baby, he can make it twins or triplets. I am sure Sophie will be the most excited!”

Vicky sighed. “It’s high time I got rid of you. You freak me out with your thoughts!”

“No, I am going nowhere because you need me and you can’t do without me.” Kathie giggled, “Plus, I see the way you are hiding your blush. It gives me so much confidence that I am doing and saying something very right.”

“What blush?”

“Stop being in denial, bestie!”

“You are really something else, Kathie. I don’t know how you come up with these talks.”

“But for real, what are you going to do?”

“I honestly don’t know. I told you already. My mood will decide if I want to see him and even if I do, I still don’t know what I am going to say to him, and neither do I know what I want from this or from him. It is just a lot to process.”

“I think I know where the problem is. You are used to living everything too planned out and I can’t be mad at you because you are just doing the needful. But I feel you should also take it easy. Just follow your heart and do what you feel is right for you.”

“I will try.”

“What about, Sophie? Told her already?”

“No, but I’m hoping tonight or tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t know which to tell her first. To confess about her father or the fact that she is going to be a big sister.”

“You are her mother. I’m sure you know what to do best. I wish I could be there to see the smile on her face. She is going to be so happy.”

“I hope so! And if she eventually sees Oscar, I hope she warms up to him. But I am just really scared because I know my daughter. She can be exhaustingly clingy. I’m not sure What I want with Oscar but I know I am tired of being on bad terms with him. So even if we return here, which I think is going to happen, I am not sure how Sophie would feel about it “I understand you my love but I don’t want you to think too much about the future. Just do as your heart directs and I

promise you that everything is going to fall in place, way beyond your imagination.”

“I hope so! And thank you for your kind words. Thank you for putting up with me but I think I have to go. My flight is very early in the morning and I still need to pack.

Vicky rose to her feet from where she was seated behind her desk and started arranging her things in her bag.

Kathie stood up too, assisting her.

“You know I can do this myself, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but you are pregnant with my godbaby so you need to be extra careful which is why I’m here.”

Vicky chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. “You never cease to amaze me.”

Before Victoria knew it, She saw Kathie beside her, and before she could say anything, Kathie pulled her into a warm hug. “You are amazing Sis, and you deserve so much happiness. I really hope you will do away with your ego and just enjoy life.”

“Thank you,” Vicky smiled, returning the lug. “You see, this is why I still keep you with me. You can be very sweet to me. I only start to get angry when you become too blunt.

Kathie chuckled, pulling away from the hug.

“I still don’t trust you tho.”

“Here we go again!” Vee mumbled, rolling her eyes. “You just had to ruin the moment.”

“Not really. I just want to remind you not to be too harsh on Oscar if you see him. You’ve got quite a temper so?l “You have been crazily obsessed with him lately. Are you sure you are not going to come with me to California?”

“No! I don’t want to be a third wheel”

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The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode