Chapter 59 – Offered to the Lycan King

Victoria called a stylist to dress her up for her wedding She made Hector pay a handsome amount to get herself prettily dressed. She wanted to dazzle everyone at her wedding.

After all she was going to become the Luna of the pack. Since Hector was mostly a ***and couldn’t take proper decisions, she knew that she would be practically ruling the pack. And for that, impressions were everything Victoria wanted to start with the right impression.

Her dress was made with layers and layers of tulle and ***gauze wrapped over silk. The train of her veil was long. She wanted it longer, but her mother stopped her from making it that long. The stylist had pulled her hair up in an elaborate bun, the style of which she had seen in a video on the internet. A string of **roses coiled around her bun. Her shoes were no less than like that of Cinderella. They were made of glass and when she wore them, she couldn’t help admiring herself. At the end, the stylist gave her a bouquet of lilies, peonies and **roses, and said, “Luna, you look so beautiful that everyone would only have eyes for you! Poor Alpha’s son. He would be overlooked

Victoria giggled and waved her hand at her. “Oh, come on, Clara. You just flatter me a lot.” She liked the way she called her Luna.

“Not at all, Luna, Clara said. “Sarah told me about you. You are just so benevolent and beautiful Perfect traits of being a Luna.” She adjusted her train. “You must walk slowly and take care of your pregnancy. We all are very worried about it. You can’t imagine all the enthusiasm the pack members have. We are waiting for an heir. And who could be better than your pup?”

Victoria blushed slightly. The fake pregnancy news had spread throughout the pack like wildfire Hector and she had planned that after two months, they would go for their honeymoon and over there stage an accident in which she would come back and say that she lost the child. In two months, everything would become just like it was before. No one would remember River or her claim that she is Alpha Lowell’s daughter.

“Come,” said Clara. “I believe your parents are calling you. They want to take you to the venue. You must wait in the waiting room at the temple till the groom comes.”

Victoria took Clara’s hand as she helped her lift the train. Together they came downstairs and her mother squealed. “You look so beautiful!”

Victoria giggled. “Thanks, mother!” she said as she hugged her. Then she hugged her father.

“Come, pumpkin, said her father. “It is time that I take you down that aisle. It is time that you claim your destiny” She bit her bottom lip. Finally the time had come that she would become the Luna of the Crescent Moon pack. After that she was going to make sure that the alliance between the Alphas was broken. She wasn’t interested in any war with the Lycans. They were too powerful and she needed River to stay in the Veil as the Lycan king’s breeder. Why break the Veil and get her out of it? That was why she was going to urge Hector to challenge Alpha Maxim and become the Alpha of his pack. After that she would convince him to break the alliance. She wanted to ask him to go against it a few days back when they had gone to the Veil, but decided against it. At that time, she had to gain her footing in the Alpha’s home. The drive to the venue was short, and as they ***, Victoria could see how excited the pack members were about the wedding. They waved at her and blew kisses. They cheered her as “Luna! Luna”” all the way down to the temple. When they got down, Victoria noticed that there were hundreds of guests already in the garden.

This was her special moment. She held her chin high with pride. Her mother helped her in pulling the veil down and along with her father, she started to walk down the red carpet that was spread in the center and rolled right to the stairs. When she came to the door, she saw Hector waiting for her right over there on the dais. The Shaman was standing behind him next to the statue of the Moon Goddess.

Her bridesmaids were standing on the left while the best men were standing on the right, a little away from Hector.

She entered the temple and the guards closed the door. Only very special people who were close to the Alpha were allowed inside the temple.

Through her veil, she saw a beaming Hector. He had this huge smile on his face. Wearing his black tuxedo, he looked so handsome. Victoria took small strides to reach him, letting the pack members have their fill of how beautiful their Luna looked. Impressions. She felt slightly nervous.

As soon as she reached the dais, her father helped her to stand on it and moved to the side. They all waited for the ceremony to begin.

Alpha Maxim was standing beside Hector, holding the rings. He liked how Victoria made an entrance. He smirked. She was perfect for his son.

Hector took Victoria’s hand and kissed it. He murmured, “You look so charming”

She blushed and murmured back, “All for you, Hector.”

The Shaman started chanting the ancient incantations as the bride and the groom gazed in each other’s eyes.

All of a sudden, the doors of the temple opened with a bang. All those present inside, whipped their heads to see who had the audacity to enter the temple while the wedding was going on. Did they want to be killed?

Collective gasps were heard and blood drained from Victoria’s face when she saw that River was standing there, along with Alpha Hunter and about a dozen Lycans.

“***!” Hector snapped. He became pale like a ghost when he saw who had come.

Right beside Hunter was standing the doctor, who had produced the fake pregnancy certificate for Victoria.

Hector looked at Victoria and then at his father, as he broke into cold sweat. If the news of his fiancée’s fake pregnancy came out, his impression on his pack members is going to crash, and they would question his position as the next Alpha of the pack. He started shaking as those thoughts swirled in his mind.

As Alpha Maxim stared at Hunter, he narrowed his eyes. He felt like attacking him, but how could he? What was the


The pack members became quiet, but a moment later, they started snickering at River.

“Look at her. She is so sneaky She just doesn’t want them to be happy”

“She is so jealous of Victoria that now she has come to create obstruction in the marriagel

“Luna Victoria is pregnant. How will she take so much stress?”

“Why can’t she just stay in the Veil?”


Hunter walked down the aisle, holding River’s hand. Two Lycans pushed the doctor in front of them who seemed petrified. Hunter growled, “You didn’t invite us, Alpha Maxim?“

“This event is only for the pack members,” Maxim replied, growling back. He couldn’t forget that a week back the Lycans had killed a hundred of his men. Maxxim couldn’t even openly say that to Hunter and accuse him of mass slaughter because his pack members didn’t know anything. He despised the Lycan who was walking towards him. “It would be better that you leave the venue. My son is getting married and it would be rude to intervene on this auspicious occasion.” His gaze went to the man who the Lycans were pushing. Who was he?

“I agree,” River answered this time “But it would be ruder if your pack members wouldn’t know about this medical report She lifted her hand to reveal papers that were about Victoria’s fake pregnancy.

At this Victoria felt her world spinning like hell. Her face paled and a shudder passed through her body. She snapped her head at Hector who looked equally dizzy She gulped and felt that she would faint. In order to salvage the situation, she shouted at River, “You bitch! All you are interested in is Hector. You always hated me. Just because Hector rejected you as his mate, you have now come back with this ploy ?”

There were gasps in the temple. “Mate?”

“River was Hector’s mate?”

“He rejected her?”


Victoria slapped her mouth shut with her hands. This was a secret that no one knew Alpha Maxim had told her to never say it out. She looked with wide eyes at the pack members who were staring at her and then her eyes went to Hector. Hector wanted to slap Victoria. His jaws clenched as fury rose in his chest. “You imbecile he growled at her. Her outburst was going to weaken his position as the Alpha because Alphas never rejected their mates. The mate bond was so revered that rejecting it was like a crime in the werewolf world.

River let out a soft laugh. “I am glad that he rejected me. I wouldn’t have gone with a mate who loved you and never even acknowledged me. However, I haven’t come here to discuss mate bonds. I have come here to tell the pack members of the pack which rightfully belong to me, that you have faked the news of pregnancy. That you played with their emotions, only to become the Luna of this pack!



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode