Chapter 60 – Offered to the Lycan King

Victoria’s **fell to the floor. She didn’t recognize the werewolf who the Lycans were pushing forward because Hector had gone on his own to get the medical report.

In her dreams she didn’t think that her wedding was going to end like this. Her entire reputation was holding grounds on the fact that she was pregnant. It was the main reason why every and each member of the pack was giving her so much importance. After Hector had said that she should announce her fake pregnancy so that the pack members would stop thinking of River, she did exactly that. Once she announced it, everyone had started showering their affection for her. She was like the apple of their eye.

But now-Standing right in front of her was the doctor who procured a fake medical report. Her dreams crashed to the ground and shattered a million pieces. Moreover she just declared in front of all that River was Hector’s mate and that he rejected her. It projected her as the villain of the pack.

“This-this is not true!” she blabbered in a shaky voice, as tears flooded her eyes. “You are playing games with us. You are trying to sabotage my wedding because you are jealous, because you have been doomed just as a breeder while I will become the Luna of the pack.” With her lips trembling, she looked at the pack members and squeaked, “River is hurting our emotions because she wants to put your Alpha in your bad books. She is unhappy that she was chosen as the breeder of the Lycan King. That is why she has come to sabotage your future Luna’s wedding.” She placed her hand on her tummy and said, “I am pregnant!” She whipped her head to look at Hector. “Why don’t you tell them that I am pregnant with your pup?”

There was stunned silence in the temple. Everyone looked at each other awkwardly while some looked at Victoria with pure disgust and rage. Hector didn’t reply to her because he was ***with her for revealing that he rejected River. Alpha Maxim was all the more ***. He wanted to ***Victoria on the spot and then ***River.

River chuckled. “This doctor belongs to a neighboring pack. Can you elaborate to the pack members as to why you went to the neighboring pack and got yourself checked up? And from your reaction, it is clear that you hadn’t even met this doctor earlier. Otherwise, you would have run away from here long back!”

Victoria was caught. She opened her ***to speak but the next moment she was cut off.”

If you are pregnant, then why didn’t you go to get a pregnancy test done from one of our pack’s doctors?” carne a voice from the back. It was Sarah, the seamstress. She made her way through the maze of the crowd and came to stand next to River. “I am sure you are pregnant, Luna Victoria,” she said in a stern voice, throwing daggers at River with her eyes. “Please get yourself checked by a doctor here and slap the medical report on this breeder’s face!”

Victoria gulped. If she did that, reality would come out. “I can’t!” she blurted. “I have been advised by the doctor not to undergo any more ultrasound. It’s not good for the health of the pup!”

River started to laugh. She clapped as she came forward towards the dais. “You don’t have to get an ultrasound done, Victoria,” she said with mocked sarcasm. “You just have to get a urine test done. If it is positive, which it is definitely going. to be because you are…” she looked at the medical report with a cursory glance. “Eight weeks pregnant.” She pursed her lips, stifling a smile and nodded at her. From the corner of her eyes, she saw that both Alpha Maxim and Hector had become absolutely quiet. And she knew why.

“River is right!” said Sarah. “Get the pregnancy test done and be off with her. Once you give her the right report, we are going to make sure that she is turned out of the pack once and for all.” A growl from behind made Sarah shiver and she immediately snapped her ******. Alpha Hunter was extremely possessive about River.

Victoria turned her face to see Hector for help. He was standing there with his hands clasped at the back, looking like he had seen a ghost. As for Alpha Maxim, he narrowed his eyes on her. She turned her gaze to her parents and they seemed petrified. The whole situation was like a ticking bomb. It could explode anytime. She had to salvage the situation. In a last bid to finish the ceremony, she said, “Okay, I will go to the doctor to get tested, but right now we have to let the wedding ceremony go on. After that I will go with my parents and get the report.”

“What? No!” Some of the members protested. The seeds of doubt were sown in the minds. They wanted to confirm whether their future Luna was fake or genuine. And if she was faking her pregnancy…

“You must come with us for the test right now,” they demanded.

Now Victoria knew that she was trapped and trapped very badly. She had to get out of the temple and run for life else the pack members were going to ***her for playing with their emotions. “I-I am feeling dizzy,” she said. “I have to go home.” She looked at her parents and they came forward.

“Yes, she is really not well,” her mother said. “She has been shamed in the temple of Moon Goddess for the only fault that she loved Alpha’s son. We are taking her away. This ceremony can take place on another day.”

“You know what?” River said, stopping her mother as she dug out a small kit from her pocket. “I have a pregnancy kit right- over here with me.” She walked towards Victoria and gave it to her. “Go, test it. We all are waiting here for you.”

“I will come with you,” said Sarah. She motioned to Clara who also came to join her. “We don’t want the wedding dress to get damaged in the toilet.

“No!” Victoria shrieked. “I won’t fall from the honor just to prove that I am pregnant. If you don’t want to believe, you all can go to hell! I am leaving!” She got down from the stage, glaring at Hector who wasn’t supporting her at all. He stood there like a statue.

“Not so soon,” Sarah growled. She was joined by other pack members. They formed a circle around her and stopped her from leaving.

Victoria’s father shouted at them. “How dare you disrespect my daughter?”

Alpha Maxim let out a growl that stopped all of them from speaking. He glared harshly at Victoria and said, “Take the pregnancy test now!”

“Wh- what?” Victoria replied, wincing.

“You heard me. Take the test now,” he repeated in a cold voice.

There was no way she could go against her Alpha’s orders. She was compelled to take the test. “B-but Alpha, this is- “GO!” Alpha Maxim roared.

Victoria grabbed her wedding gown and lifted it before running towards the toilet that was outside the temple. Many of the she-wolves of the pack followed her. Her father and mother also followed her.

Moments later Victoria handed her pregnancy stick to Sarah.

“Oh my goddess!” Sarah rasped as she slapped her hands on her ***with wide eyes. She lifted the stick up for all to see. “Victoria is not pregnant! She was faking it all just to trap our future Alpha!”

There were audible gasps and sneers and hoots.

“She should be sent to the dungeons!”


“Banish her!”

River crossed her arms as she watched the downfall of the girl who was responsible for hers. Hunter came to stand beside her. “What are you going to do next, River?” he asked as he placed his hand

possessively on her hip.

“Watch some more of it,” she chuckled. “The drama isn’t over.”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode