Chapter 60 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Sophie nodded, sniffling.

“I know my love, I know you would be the best big sister ever.”

She nodded.

“You want to say Hello to your baby sibling? You want to touch my belly?”

Sophie nodded, crawling closer to her mother

Vee was putting on a pajama set so it was easy for her to raise her top a bit and for Sophie to bond with her little one.

She smiled when Sophie’s warm and small hand gently caressed her belly.

She couldn’t believe she had been looking into her daughter’s eyes for days now and had kept the news to herself all this while.

“Hi baby sibling,”

Vicky almost teared up when she saw her baby girl place a kiss on her belly. At this point, she wiped away tears from the corner of her eyes with her fingers and quietly made a promise to continue to be the best mother she could to her children.

Victoria had honestly not been excited about expecting the baby but seeing the love her daughter was snowing in less than one minute of her finding out about her sibling made her want to give this new phase of her life so many chances.

“Mommy,” Sophie looked up at her mother. “Baby sibling can share my cereal and snacks with me. Also, there is no need to buy another bed when baby sibling comes. I want him or her to sleep on this bed with me.”

Vee smiled, “if I knew you would give me all the motivation I needed, I would have told you first about the pregnancy.” She mumbled, her daughter not quite catching what she said.

“Is it possible to love you so much more than I already do? You are such an amazing girl with the most beautiful heart.” Sophie smiled beautifully, enjoying the praises from her mother.

“Yeah, you would be able to share your snacks with her when she is born and grown to eat all of it. Baby sibling will need to be in mommy’s room when it is still small and if it’s a girl, you can always share your room with her when she is of age. That is if you don’t change your mind.”

“No!” She said confidently, shaking her head. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

Vicky smiled, “We shall see about that.”

“I want you to go to bed early. We have a long flight to catch tomorrow.”

Sophie nodded.

The duo got comfortable on Sophie’s bed, with Sophie’s head on her mother’s chest and her hand on her mother’s belly, Vee started reading her bedtime story.

After two stories, Sophie fell asleep.

Vicky gently got off beside her, tucked her in after which she placed a deep kiss on the crown of her daughter’s forehead. She went to the other side of Sophie’s room and checked her travel bag which Gloria packed earlier, just to make sure the essential items were there. She added a few things to the travel bag after which she locked it up, then proceeded to pick out her baby girl’s outfit for the next day.

Getting back to her room, Vicky continued her packing and after she was done, She also selected the clothes she was going to wear the next day.

She proceeded to her nightstand, took her drugs, and gulped them down with a glass of water after which she crawled into her bed with her phone.

She sighed, scrolling through, then eventually went to her browser then typed Oscar’s full name in the search button.

There was lots of information about him that Vee had no idea which one to read first. She was only interested in knowing if he was still based in Wayde Enterprises. But the first news she saw on the page was about his divorce from his ex-wife which cost him a reasonable amount of his fortune but he was still a Billionaire regardless.

The page was also filled with other scandals and news but getting the information she wanted. She logged off after.

48 Hours Later.

Oscar Wayde had no f ucking idea why he had been feeling so distracted since the beginning of today. He lost interest in the meeting he was in, halfway through and couldn’t wait for it to be over as his thoughts were all over the place, feeling restless as hell.

After being stuck in the conference room for three excruciating hours, the meeting finally came to an end. He shook hands with other partners after which he exited the conference room with the secretary walking beside him and one of his guards behind him.

“Let me have the notes of today’s meeting in an hour.”

“Yes sir.” His assistant responded as they proceeded to his office.

“What else is on the list today?” He asked, hoping to have nothing really important so he could leave work early.

“You have a meeting with Mr Chu at 6

2 pm. Then there is nothing else for the day after that.” Oscar nodded with one hand tucked in his pocket.

“Your mom reached out to me. Told her we were in a meeting. She told me to plead with you to return her calls when you are done.”

“Tell her to go to hell!”

“Make sure you deliver my message to her or else you will have me to deal with,” Oscar commanded!

His guard opened the door to his office for him, then he entered, going straight to the fridge to help himself out with a bottle of water which he gulped down almost immediately, emptying the bottle in a nearby trash can.

He went over to his desk side, took out his phone from his pocket, and settled on his chair. Unlocking his phone, Oscar saw 8 missed call notifications from his mother and 1 from his sister.

Dismissing the notifications from his mother, Oscar dialed his sister’s number.

Fedora picked up after a few rings.

“Da mn, I was about to send a search party after you.”

“Why? I was in a meeting. That’s why I was unable to pick up your call.”

“You’ve not been responding to my messages. I got worried. What is going on with you?”

Oscar sighed, massaging his temple, “Sorry about that. I’ve been so busy with work that I hardly keep up with my phone.”

“You need a break, Oscar.”

“No, I’m good. Why did you call?”

“Yeah, very typical of you to say. You have been avoiding me for a week and when I call, this is what you tell me?”

“Dora, you know I love you, so please stop trying to put up a fight. This week has been a really exhausting one. The last thing I want is to be stressed.”

“Okay, why don’t you want to make up with Mom?”

“Did she report me to you?”

“Does it matter if she did?”

“Come on Oscar, know Mom is no saint, I know she really did a lot of horrible things, But you need to let go of the past and give her a chance”

“I’m never going to let go. She may biologically be my mother but there is no way I am going to physically acknowledge that. She hurt me beyond what any mother should do to her son and I never want anything to do with her.”

“Please Oacar, you really don’t need to be close to her like you used to if you don’t want to but please just talk things out and try to be at peace with her. At least, for sanity’s sake.”

“I know you’ve got good intentions, Dora but it is so sad that you’re just wasting your time because I’m not doing sh it!”

Fedora heaved a long sigh from the other end. “Just tell me what to do to make this pain leave your heart?”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing! So please, don’t waste your time.”

This family is all ruined and f ucked up. You’ve literally been a totally different person since your divorce, Mom and Dad are not exactly on good terms. I wonder if we would ever have any reason to smile again as a family.”

“I honestly don’t think so, Dora. But I just think you should put yourself first.”

“Our parents have lived their lives the way they want it. They’ve ruined mine too so whatever treatment I give them, I don’t feel guilty about it because I know that they deserve it.”

“I’m worried about you, Oscar. You deserve to be happy too.”

“I’m good. Fedora. I’m a man so I’ll definitely take care of myself. As far as you and my niece are happy and good, I think I’m okay with life”

“And sorry about not replying to your messages. It’s honestly not intentional. I have been so busy putting things in place in the company.”

“It is fine. Just don’t forget to take breaks. You shouldn’t always bury yourself with work. The sadness in Fedora’s voice didn’t go unnoticed. She wished her brother could also be genuinely happy. But things were just so unfortunate.

“I’m fine, Sis!” He chuckled, hiding his pain behind his words.

“What are you doing for the weekend?”

“Nothing special. You want me to come over.”

“Yes please.” She answered immediately. “It’s been long since I saw you.”

“It’s a date then. I’ll be seeing you in a couple of hours.”

“Sure, I will be expecting you.”

“Take care, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Oscar said, ending the call.

Hardly had Oscar put down his phone when the sound of the intercom came through.

He sighed, pressing the answer button.

“Good day, Sir, you have a visitor.”

Oscar frowned because he wasn’t anybody. And then it hit him. “If it is my Mom or Dad, please call security to walk them out. I don’t want to see them.”

“No sir, they aren’t the ones.”

“Then who is it?”

“She said her name is Victoria Adlyn.”


Oscar said, his heart beating twice faster.

“Victoria Adlyn, Sir. She is here with a little girl who goes by the name, Sophie.”

“Gina or whatever your name is, this joke is too expensive to pull on me. If I find out they are not the people I have in mind.

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The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode