Chapter 61 – Offered to the Lycan King

Victoria was shaking inside the room that was adjacent to the bathroom. She knew that now the pack members would not spare her. She was scared for her life “What do I do mother?” she asked, as her body shook with fea

“Tell them the truth her mother replied, holding her shoulders. “If you are going down, then that ***son of the Alpha will also go down with you”

“Yes” her father growled. “Tell the truth that you didn’t know that doctor and that Hector arranged it for you. River already caught me saying that you didn’t know the doctor. That will work in your favor” Her father was interested in getting out of the pack as soon as possible to save their life.

Victoria nodded. She couldn’t help feeling wobbly. She had planned it all so well and this had to happen? Along with her parents when she came out, there were many pack rembers gathered over there. Scared that they would attack her, her mother said, “You have to allow us to talk to the Alpha and after that whatever he says, we will accept” This was the only way they could go back to Alpha Maxim and Hector and spill the truth.

The crowd was beginning to get thicker. If they decided to attack her and her parents, Victoria was sure that they would be dead in a few seconds. Betrayals were taken badly and this was the highest form of betrayal. If she didn’t speak the truth about Hector, they would think that she connived her way up, and that wasn’t the case. Hector was involved just as much as she was in it.

The crowd parted slightly to give them the way. She caught her parents’ hands as she walked in between them. Her eyes were swollen with tears and her makeup was all flowing down her cheeks. She

had removed her veil and wanted to tear the train of her wedding gown.




Words fell on her ears, making her all the more nervous. When she reached the temple, she saw that Alpha Maxim was leaning towards Hector and speaking something in his ear. She looked at Hector with hatred. He was responsible for this condition. Her gaze drifted to River who was standing beside Hunter. Her eyes went to how Hunter was holding her waist with his large hand and tucked her beside him. How possessive he was about her and she was just his breeder. That made her jealous of River so much that she wanted to wring her neck. Hector should have shown this behavior to her. “I want to say something to you, Alpha,” she said to Maxim.

Maxim turned to face her. His face was filled with fury. He glared at her. Crossing his arms across his chest, in a cold voice he said, “Do you have more to say after the way you betrayed us?”

Victoria’s eyes snapped to Hector and she found him looking at the crowd behind her. He ignored her completely. Anger blasted in her chest. She started, “Alpha Maxim, it wasn’t me who procured that medical report from the neighboring pack” She pointed at the doctor. “I don’t even know this doctor. It was all Hector’s idea. He said that I should fake the news of pregnancy so that pack members would start liking me and forget about River who was claiming that she was Alpha Lowell’s daughter.”

Exactly the thing that Maxim wanted to avoid in front of pack members was now happening. “Victoria!” she growled. But a fresh murmur started all over again.

Victoria winced. She was now so shaky that she sank on the ground on her knees. “Alpha Maxim, please hear me out. It was Hector who went to the neighboring pack to get the medical report. He had bribed

the doctor to get it. It wasn’t me!” She started crying all over again. Her life was about to become a curse.

Maxim jumped from the dais and stood right in front of Victoria. Everyone gasped as they saw their Alpha in front of her. Fear ran amongst them. Victoria’s father and mother came behind her instantly. “You ***!” he yelled and backhanded her. Victoria fell on the ground, skidding some ten feet away. “Now that your lies are out, you dare to malign my son’s name! Her mother ran to her with a shriek and helped her get up. They both started crying together.

Victoria’s father was shocked. “Alpha Maxim!” he shouted. “You can’t do that to my daughter to save your son! Your son was the one who connived it all. He loves Victoria and that is why he rejected River. It is not Victoria’s fault that Hector is such a ***. Why didn’t he accept River as his mate? What was the reason? Why don’t you tell everyone clearly that you were against it? And the main reason was that she is Alpha Lowell’s-”

Alpha Maxim was enraged as ***. He attacked her father, shifting into his wolf. Victoria’s father too shifted into his wolf but he was no match to that of Maxim. The crowd shrieked in fear and panic as they ran around to give way to the two wolves.

The next the crowd knew that Victoria’s father was lying dead on the ground. His neck was severed from his torso and blood sprouted like a fountain. Victoria screamed and rushed towards her father as her mother sat there, numb and stunned.

Maxim growled as he looked at his pack members who were now scared. He shifted back. His fangs were dripping with blood. “Throw these two in the dungeons!” he ordered his warriors. And then he looked at River who was standing beside Hunter and looking coldly at him. A smirk formed on her face. Dread skittered down his spine. What was she up to? With one action, she had done enough damage to his reputation.

The warriors lifted the two women from there amidst the shrieks and cries, rashly and took them out of the temple’s premises.

After they left, Hector opened his ****. In a very low voice that was laced with ****, he said, “I am sorry for what Victoria did to you all. She was so cunning. I had no idea. She was the one who made me reject River, saying that River could never be the Luna of the pack because she was too weak.” He took a deep sigh. “And that was my mistake. I shouldn’t have let my mate go. But now-” he looked at River with sadness. “If River will accept me, I would love to take her back.”

A while back, this was the plan that Alpha Maxim had whispered in his ear. If they took River back, he was sure that the pack members would appreciate the gesture. He had to make Hector confess that he rejected River to gain sympathy. And for that Victoria needed to be the scapegoat.

“River had always been very kind,” Hector continued. He stepped down from the dais and took a step in her direction. He walked slowly towards her.

Hunter was hating every step he took towards River. He was sure that if Hector came anywhere within ten yards of her, he would rip his limbs off. He let out a low growl to warn him.

Hector heard the growl and stayed several paces away from River. Then to everyone’s surprise, he sank on the ground on one knee and clasped his hands as if to beg her. He said, “Will you accept me back in your life, River? I am ready for any punishment you want to give me. But please take me back in your life. I was blinded by Victoria. She hated you and that’s why she played with me and all of the pack member’s emotions.”

River raised her eyebrow at his antics. In a very low voice she leaned towards Hunter and scoffed, “Didn’t I say that there is more drama?”

“If he dares to come near you, I will ***him,” Hunter replied back to her. His beast was hating that anyone else was trying to woo his mate. It was taking all his will to control himself and not ***Hector.

What happened next was a complete shock to the pack members.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode