Chapter 62 – Offered to the Lycan King

“Calm down, Alpha Hunter,” River whispered back to him. She loved the way he was all protective about her. In fact, her chest filled with pride that he was her mate and that Moon Goddess had given her such a wonderful person as her mate Seeing that she was whispering something in Hunter’s ear, Hector was getting distracted. He needed to grab her attention. He had to charm her so that he could create the right impression on his pack members. This was very important and he had to seize the occasion, but the only problem was Hunter.

“River, will you take me back in your life?” he said with downturned lips. He tried his best to get tears in his eyes. When they became red, he said, “I have been such a *** that I don’t deserve you, but if you will give me just one chance, I will make sure that you become my Luna right away.” He looked at his father who rushed to give him the ring that he was supposed to make Victoria wear. Hector took the ring out and lifted it to his eye level. “I would love to slip this ring in your finger.”

There were murmurs in the crowd about how Hector has changed. People were divided, but overall they liked the gesture. “Please give me another chance to take you back in my life and trust me I will not let you down,” Hector continued. “I need you. This pack needs you.”

More than Hunter, River wanted to slap him. “I am asking my warriors to take him out so that I can punch his face till it’s a pulp!” Gunter growled as fury blasted in his chest.

River squeezed his hand, asking him to calm down. She took a deep breath and pursed her lips, she started clapping “That was a wonderful performance, Hector,” she smirked. “Now you say that you need me? Just like you needed Victoria in whose neck you sank your fangs the day I turned eighteen and discovered that you were my mate?”

The crowd gasped

“Yes,” River nodded as she came to stand in front of Hector. “I remember you telling me in the green house of the school to never let anyone know that I was your mate and after that you slammed my head on the shelves!”

Hector clenched his teeth. The ***had to reveal it all here. He had to stop her. “It was Victoria’s plan to make you miserable. Like I said, I was blinded by her.”

“That’s what I am trying to tell, Hector. Why were you blinded by her?” River asked, narrowing her eyes. “The mate bond is supposed to be greater than everything else in this world, yet you chose Victoria over me. And not only that, you chose to mark her in front of the whole school. I think that speaks volumes about your love for her. However, now-” she circled him and studied the crowd. “Now that your reputation is at stake, you have conveniently blamed her. She has become a patsy. And all in a few minutes? Didn’t you love her enough to protect her?”

Hector felt like getting up and backhanding her. She was showing her importance. Shoving his thoughts of hating her, she donned a mask of self-pity. “I loved her a lot, but I love my pack more than her. She betrayed my pack members and that is. something I can’t tolerate.”

There was an immediate wave of sympathy in the whole crowd. Just as he had predicted.

River couldn’t believe that he was such a crocodile. She lashed, “If that is the case, then you also betrayed your pack members!”

“What? How?” Hector ***his head back.

“On many accounts. But the two dominating ones are: One, you rejected your mate and deprived them of getting the rightful heir for their pack. And two-” she looked at the doctor. The doctor was shivering under her gaze, between two Lycans. River pointed at him and said, “He will let you all know the next reason!”

“River!” Alpha Maxim shouted. “You are going beyond your capacity here.” He glared at her and peeled his lips back. “My son is giving you a second chance to be his wife which means that you will become the Luna of this pack. What more could a girl want? Are you trying to show your importance or act pricey?

There are many girls who would throw themselves at my son’s feet. Who the ***are you? Some craggy wolf with no manners? You have come here to disrupt his wedding out of total jealousy. Now that you have achieved your purpose, you are still ***bent on humiliating him?” Hector lowered his head as he let tears roll out of his eyes. This was perfect to gain more sympathy. Now either the ***would leave the pack because the pack members would begin hating her, or, she would have to accept his offer. Once she accepted the offer, Hector was going to make her life miserable. “Please father,” he said in a low voice filled with sadness. “Don’t say anything to her. She was a victim of circumstances, just like I was.”

Maxim let out a rough exhale. “See, how benevolent my son is. He is accepting you in his life and yet you are being such a mean character!” He was beginning to get afraid that she was

River shook her head. The father and son made a good team. “You know what? Both of you should join the opera. They have plenty in the human world.”

“River!” Alpha Maxim roared. “You are going out of your league!”

She didn’t feel an iota of fear even as every pack member winced hearing Alpha Maxim’s roar. She turned her face to the doctor and said, “Show it to them.”

The doctor looked at Alpha Maxim and gulped. With shaky hands he dug his pants pocket and took his phone out. He searched for a video and handed it to the Lycan warrior who then gave it to one of the pack members. A crowd gathered to see what was in the video. And they were shocked to see its content.

“What is there in it?” Alpha Maxim roared. “Give it to me?” He was getting too worried as to

what was this girl having up her sleeve now. He strode towards the crowd and snatched the phone from them. The video was over. “What is there in sneered. He replayed the video and saw Hector talking to the doctor

Doctor. I can’t give you a false medical report. If my Alpha will come to know, he is going to throw me out of the pack. My medical practice license will be revoked.

Hector: 1 will give you a hundred thousand dollars.

Doctor. I won’t do it even for a hundred million. What if this comes out in the public?

Hector: Nothing will come out unless you say anything about it.

Doctor. I refuse. Please go and ask someone else.

Hector. Then I have only one way to convince you.

Doctor: You can’t convince me. So please leave. I am not a member of your pack

Hector. But your sister is. She and her mate will remain in the dungeons until you give me the medical report. Victoria and need it to show it to my pack members.

Doctor. I am shocked. You are Alpha’s son. You shouldn’t betray your pack members like this!

Hector. You don’t have to bother about them. Just do what I have asked you to else I am going to

***your sister Alpha Maxim looked at the doctor and threw the phone on the ground. It shattered on impact. This is doctored This video is false?” He strode back, his muscles bulging. “You have bribed this doctor to give false information” He looked at his pack members. “What are you waiting for? ***her!

She doesn’t deserve staying in our pack. She has insulted your Alpha and his son!” He whipped his head to look at River. “How do you know all this? How did you even come to know that this was the doctor? You have planted evidence against us just because you think you can claim this pack from me?

River tsked. “Some people just don’t improve.” She motioned one of the Lycan warriors. He rushed outside. About a dozen Lycan warriors had entered the temple premises in order to protect their Alpha. There was a stunned silence in the crowd. Everyone was looking at Alpha Maxim. Within minutes, the Lycan warrior got a girl who was looking like she hadn’t seen sunlight in ages. Her clothes were dirty and she was crying

“Gloria?” One of the pack members, rasped. “Goddess, what happened to you?”

Gloria sank on her knees as her brother came rushing to her. “Are you fine?” He was crying along with his sister Hector paled. He got up from his place, his knees became wobbly. He looked at his father and then at the crowd. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he started to step back. He had to run away and run fast. So he turned and ran



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode