Chapter 62 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The elevator went directly to Eric’s office, so Emma didn’t have to worry about running into any of Kaleidoscope staff. She was relieved when she saw Eric’s huge office as soon as she stepped off the elevator. The office’s decor was different from the Spanish Palace-style vibe at home. His office was decorated in a minimalist style with angular metal furnishings that represented his efficient, concise, and dignified approach to work. The office gave off an air of respect and power to anyone who entered.

The man behind the desk was currently focused on signing the documents in front of him. Emma thought the mole on his right earlobe made him seem reliable and sexy, especially when paired with his serious expression. While she was admiring him in work mode, Eric lifted his head and noticed her.

“Go take a seat on the sofa, Emma,” Eric told her gently before turning to Luke. “Go prepare some English black tea and pastries. Also, grab a blanket on your way back.”

“Yes, sir,” Luke replied.

Emma watched as Eric quickly signed all the documents on his desk before he walked over to sit beside her.

“Why didn’t you bring Lisa up?” she said.

“She didn’t want to be a third wheel,” Eric replied.

Luke entered the office with the pastries, tea, and blanket. He handed the blanket to Eric, who immediately covered Emma’s legs with it.

“The air conditioner is a bit strong,” she smiled and nudged him. “Don’t let me distract you. Go finish your work while I enjoy the view.”

“The view? Yes, I love watching you work,” Eric smiled, then got up and returned to his desk. Emma wanted to keep him company, but she was so tired. She watched him for a while before leaning against the sofa and falling asleep.

Eric walked over to the sofa and repositioned her body so she was laying horizontally on the sofa. He placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a blanket. Various staff members, including Luke, Eric’s secretary, and other board members, walked in and out of his office. Everyone was shocked when they walked in and saw Emma sleeping on the couch. They left Eric’s office wondering who she was and what his relationship was to her.

“The boss is taken. Who is that beautiful woman in the boss’s office? I can’t believe she was brave enough to fall asleep in his office. He looks at her with such a gentle, loving expression. Oh my God, this is huge!” The staff weren’t allowed to gossip, thanks to their contracts, but they were dying to find out more about the woman in Eric’s office. Who was she? How did she get the boss’s attention? Was she famous?

Emma was sleeping peacefully and had no idea her presence was throwing Kaleidoscope into a frenzy. Eric finally finished his work around 8 pm and carried Emma out of his office, taking the elevator down to his Rolls-Royce. She woke up after he placed her in the car and gazed at him sleepily.

“Did she get everything finished?” she asked.

“Yes. What would you like to eat?” he asked her as he started the engine.

“You pick,” she responded, tilting her head and wrapping her arm around him as she went back to sleep. Curious staff members gathered around and watched Eric’s sports car drive out of the garage. They may not be allowed to gossip about the woman with him, but they still wanted one last look, even if it was a little blurry. They all had one thing on their minds as they watched the car drive away: Who was the woman their boss cared so much about?

Eric decided to cook rather than take Emma to a restaurant. She watched him for a minute before walking up and hugging him from behind.

“You’re so good to me. You’re easy to take care of. A simple dinner touches you and puts a smile on your face,” Emma’s hand slipped under his shirt and caressed his muscular chest.

“I’m hungry, Eric.”

“Dinner’s almost ready.”

“I’m hungry for you, not food.”

Without a word, Eric stopped what he was doing, turned around, and picked her up, carrying her out of the kitchen. He had a request to fulfill: what his beautiful wife wanted. She got it.

Later that night, the news was covering the upcoming Bright Night Gala, which was in three days. Eric glanced at the TV briefly before looking down at Emma, who was lying in his arms.

“I looked at the guest list for the gala. It looks like you and Amber were both invited,” Eric said. The Bright Night Gala was only part of the annual Model Awards, one of the biggest events of the year. The awards, usually given to the most famous models in the industry, were the highlight of the event. About 80 percent of the winners were models from Kaleidoscope and Starking.

Emma lifted her head, confused. “Clearly, Global had no intention of telling you about it. I had a feeling you weren’t supposed to find out,” Eric’s voice lowered as he studied Emma’s reaction.

Emma straightened, trying to release her body’s sudden tension. Eric noticed her reaction and quickly stroked her hair, soothing her. “I think you should remain clueless. Don’t tip your hand. Let them think they’ve won. And on the night of the gala, I’ll arrange for both a car and a red carpet escort. You’ve considered all the possibilities and knew they would try something like this. Don’t let it upset you.”

Emma slowly calmed and nodded her head, agreeing. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Their plan probably would have worked if not for you.”

“You do have me, so you’ll never have to find out,” Eric reassured her. Emma wrapped her arms tightly around him. He was her safe space.

The next morning, Emma walked into Global with Lisa. She played her part to perfection, never once letting on that she knew about the gala invite. Meanwhile, Nathan was in an extremely good mood as he sat in his office. He thought about all the back and forth he’d gone through with Emma. They had finally got one over on her. As long as they didn’t gloat or slip up and pretend nothing was wrong, she’d never be the wiser.

He sat up straight as Emma walked into his office. “Are you going to continue working once your collaboration with Isn is done? You had a lot of magazine and endorsement offers. Have you made a decision?” Nathan asked as she sat down.

“I want to work with Top Trends Quarterly,” Emma said, placing the contract in front of him. Nathan was surprised. He didn’t quite understand why she picked TTQ. While they were a high-end magazine, they didn’t have the same market share or reputation as the other magazines. Why did she want to work with them?

“Are you sure?” Nathan didn’t understand what she was thinking. She had just taken a huge step towards success and should have been trying to increase her exposure. Instead, she was taking two steps back by choosing a failing magazine and an unusual career path.

“I’m sure,” Emma said, nodding. “With Amber receiving an award, I know you’ll be using every resource at your disposal to support her. I’m sure you’ll have your hands full and won’t have any reason to interfere with my jobs, right?”

“Are you afraid that board members will reject it, Emma? You think too highly of yourself,” Nathan said coldly. “If you want to do it, then do it. I’ll convince the board members, though I hope you’re aware of the dangerous decision you’re making.”

“I’m aware, and I’m not worried,” Emma said, standing up. She had nothing left to say.

“Emma, are you that desperate to destroy your career? I didn’t think you’d make our wishes come true that easily,” Nathan said mockingly as she headed for his office door. Emma paused and turned her head slightly.

“I think you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about you and Amber.”

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The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode