Chapter 63 – Her Triplet Alphas


Where the fuck was everybody? I could not go and bother Chasity in her new room. I wanted her to get a break from us so she’d be more eager for date night. Calix and Alex were not in their rooms. Calix was probably with Mom. Ugh Momma’s Boy. Dad’s car wasn’t in the driveway. Alex and Dad had probably gone for one of their family secret drives where Dad told Alex something and then told him not to tell Calix and me but he would tell us anyway if we promised not to tell Dad we knew. I had been nervous for dates with girls I liked before but this was something different. I knew I was in love with Chasity and I knew she hated me. I had never been at such a disadvantage. I had no idea how I was gonna pull this off. I needed Chasity to love me back. I started getting ready too early and then sat around in my date clothes twiddling my thumbs. I almost jumped for joy when it was time to go get Chasity.


I gave myself a pep talk. I didn’t think Chasity hated me but I knew she didn’t necessarily like me either. She seemed indifferent to me and that hurt. I would prefer passionate love-hate over this. I sighed. I wanted to take things slowly with her but it was maddening. My wolf wanted some reassurance that we wouldn’t wake up one day with her gone. That would destroy us. I had to give her a reason to stay. The tides had certainly turned. Sandra seemed less crazy now. I wouldn’t mind trapping Chasity with a baby. I pushed that thought away. Chasity was in her senior year of high school. She was only eighteen. She was too young for a baby. She was probably even too young for a marriage though I would marry her in a heartbeat if she insinuated she was ready. The talk with Dad had left me a little shaken. Chasity was my ex step cousin or something like that. We were not biologically related but it still changed everything. Chasity and my younger brothers had a right to know, but not tonight. I needed tonight to be carefree and romantic for my Luna.


I couldn’t stop thinking about what Mom had said. Why wouldn’t she give Chasity a chance? What was so wrong with me and my brothers wanting to be with our fated mate. Chasity was beautiful, sweet, smart, hardworking. What did Mom not like about her? I knew Chasity had been sullen at times but she had every right to be. Her childhood here had been miserable. Who could expect a little girl to be happy cleaning a huge house and cooking three square meals for a family of five daily? It was too much work for one person. Mom was already organising two maids and two cooks. Four paid employees to do the job Chasity was made to do for free. I usually didn’t have much of a temper but I felt enraged every time I thought about it. I took a deep breath. It was time for our date with Chasity. I already knew Chasity liked me. All I had to do was amp that up several notches to love. My wolf and I were over the moon. We were about to have our first real chance to woo our mate. We headed downstairs once we were ready.

“I’m nervous,” said Felix softly to Alex and me at the foot of the stairs.

That was a first.

“Really?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes! Aren’t you?” Asked Felix.

“I’m anxious,” said Alex.

“I’m excited,” I said grinning. I could barely contain myself.

We heard a set of soft foot steps. We looked up to see Chasity walking towards us. She was radiant which is just what I had come to expect from my goddess.


Chasity’s mini skirt was tiny and her sweater was cropped. She was dressed all in baby blue which looked amazing on her. She had on her coat and boots thankfully but I wasn’t going to let her walk through the deep crunchy snow to the car so she wouldn’t actually need the boots tonight.

“You look gorgeous, Luna,” said Alex softly, bending down to kiss her cheek.

“Thank you,” she said sweetly, giving him a peck on the cheek.

I made sure to get my kiss even if it was just a cheek kiss.

“The most scrumptious meal at the restaurant tonight won’t be the food,” I said grinning.

She rolled her eyes and then giggled.

“You’re perfection,” said Calix, kissing her forehead.

“Thank you! All of you!” She exclaimed.

She headed towards the door but I swiftly stood in front of her.

“Wait! The snow is too deep! Gotta carry you, Baby,” I told her.

“I’m fine!” She whined.

I scooped her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I wanted to brace her against a wall and rip her tight little skirt off. I kept my dirty thoughts at bay a bit while I crunched through the snow, holding Chasity with my brothers flanking me. Chasity seemed quite comfortable She relaxed into my touch. Perhaps, my Baby did have feelings for me already.

I placed her carefully in the backseat and got in with her before someone else could call it.

“Only one person should sit in the backseat with Chasity. We shouldn’t crowd her,” I said.

Calix rolled his eyes but sat in the front passenger seat and Alex drove. Calix kept glancing back at me and Chasity to make sure I was behaving “appropriately”. Whenever he wasn’t watching though, my hands did roam a little, caressing her gently. I massaged her neck, shoulders and back. I squeezed her waist.

Is this ok? I asked, worried I was crossing the line. She wasn’t saying anything.

It is, she said, with a small smile. My heart leapt a little.

I do have some pain in my lower back from so much bending over to clean the floors, she hinted.

I frowned. I felt so guilty. She should have never had to do that stuff. I focused on her lower back and hips. When Calix looked back, I quickly pulled my hands away. Chasity stifled a giggle. Her giggles were so cute. I kissed the top of her head lightly, continuing the massage.


“Alex,” said Chasity.

She said my name so rarely, I perked up instantly. I locked eyes with her in the rearview mirror.

“Yeah, Luna?” I said.

“Where are we going?” She asked curiously.

I smiled.

“We are going to the Winter Moon Snack. It’s a restaurant our family has always loved,” I said, grinning.

“Oh, Winter Moon Snack like Winter Moon Pack,” she said with a smile. “That’s clever,” she said serenely looking out the window. She seemed so fascinated by the pack lands. I remembered she didn’t get out much. We were passing through a busier part of town where there was a night life: clubs, casinos, bars, lounges, concerts, a cinema.

“You like downtown, Luna?” I asked.

She nodded. “So many people are out on a Sunday night! I thought it would be a ghost town!” She exclaimed.

I grinned at her through the rearview mirror.

“Happy you’re not stuck at home?” Asked Calix.

“Yes!” She said enthusiastically.

“When’s the last time you’ve been out?” Asked Felix curiously. “Like to a restaurant or the cinema or…anything. A school dance?” He added.

“Um…before…with my parents, we went to a play a little while before they left. It was a comedy. There was this comedy troupe that took fairytales and made them funny and we saw their version Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” said Chasity, smiling at the memory, the light in her eyes dazzling me.

“We’ll take you to any play you want, ok?” I promised instantly.

“Really?” She squealed excitedly.

“Yes!” Said my brothers and I in unison. I guessed we were all eager to please. We didn’t do that talking together thing often though we were very much in each other’s heads.


Chasity seemed to enjoy the car ride so much and absolutely nothing exciting had happened yet. We parked in our reserved spot. Many places tended to have special parking spots for pack leaders.

“Come here, my little Goldilocks,” I said, pulling her against my side to cross the street with her. The restaurant’s parking lot was opposite it. I held her close to me. It was cold out even for an Alpha.

“Carry her,” instructed Felix.

I went to lift her up but she protested. “No, no, it’s fine,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I grinned at how she was clinging to me. We went inside and they seated us immediately. Alphas never waited for tables. Chasity had a small request as they were leading us to our seats.

“I used to like sitting in booths with my Mom and Dad,” she whispered to me.

I steered her towards a booth.

“She wants a booth,” I said to the guy seating us.

“Yes, Alpha,” he said.

I pulled Chasity into a booth with me, taking the corner seat while Felix took the end. Alex was not too pleased to be the only one not next to Chasity.

“You must be so hungry, Luna!” Said Alex. “You didn’t have lunch. I didn’t see you eat after that one meal Mom made.”

“Literally, the one meal Mom made in her lifetime,” joked Felix.

I grinned and Chasity laughed. Calix did not laugh. He was very protective of Mom. I saw Chasity’s eyes darting all over the restaurant. I could feel her anxiety through our bond. She wasn’t used to so many eyes on her. The staff and other patrons were constantly glancing at us, curious about her especially.

Word has definitely spread that Chasity is our mate, I said to my brothers over mind-link.

Good, said Felix pointedly. I don’t want anyone claiming they didn’t know and acting disrespectful with her.

I wish we could re-introduce her to the pack but we can’t do it without her permission, said Calix.

I don’t even wanna ask her if she’d be willing to do that. When we asked her for a chance, she was pretty undecided, I said.

She wants us, said Felix, recovering some of his usual cocky bravado.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that, I said.

Sexually, I mean, explained Felix.

That’s not enough, I said.

It’ll help, said Alex.

“You guys are being quiet. Is something wrong?” Said Chasity softly.

“No, Baby, everything is right, once you’re here with us,” Felix practically purred.

“Nothing’s wrong, Chasity,” I insisted grasping her chin and making her look up into my eyes.


I reached my hand across the table and held one of Chasity’s hands.

“You ok?” I said.

She nodded.

“Then we’re ok too,” I said with a wink.

I heard Chasity’s stomach growl.

“Let’s feed you, Luna, ASAP,” I said, waving the waitress over.

I smiled, recognising the waitress. It was Martha, a pale blond pack member in her forties. She was always helpful whenever we came here. I looked at Chasity leafing through her menu like it was the most interesting novel. I smiled to myself at that.


Chasity was doing what she did best, being cute. She was intensely studying her menu. I knew she didn’t get out much and the foods might be unfamiliar to her.

“Do you want me to order for you, Baby?” I purred in my ear, her sweet scent hitting me as I leant in.

“No!” She said, annoyed.

I frowned. I always managed to upset her.

“No, thank you…Baby,” she added.

I grinned from ear to ear. She called me “Baby”!

I resumed where we had left off with her massage, squeezing her tense shoulders, trying to help her relax as she continued looking at the menu.

“This one is nice,” I said, pointing to a type of pasta she might enjoy. “It’s creamy and the shrimp in it doesn’t taste too fresh. They serve it with lime so you can squeeze it on the shrimp to cut down the fresh taste even more,” I explained, not sure if I was being helpful or not.

Chasity nodded. She was using her finger to trace along the Lobster Mac N’ Cheese on the menu.

“You would love that Chasity! The Lobster Mac N’ Cheese! It’s a really nice comfort food. They make it with four cheeses,” I continued.

I kept suggesting different items to her. I noticed Martha, the waitress, was looking at Chasity as though she were jealous. I was not surprised. Many girls would covet Chasity’s life now that she was ours. Who wouldn’t want three hot boyfriends who are all cool with each other? Alex and Calix were oblivious to the disapproving looks Martha was giving Chasity.

“Hey boys,” said Martha cheerfully. “My new Alphas,” she said, emphasising the word.

“Hey, Martha,” I said, grinning.

“Hey!” Said Calix.

“Speaking of Alphas, meet your new Luna,” said Alex, nodding towards Chasity.

Martha frowned, looking like she had just received terrible news. She quickly recovered though.

“Luna Charity! I’ve heard of you,” said Martha, smiling.

Ugh. I wish I had never made everyone get used to calling Chasity the wrong name.

“It’s Chasity and make sure everyone here knows that. That’s an order ok,” I said sternly.

Martha nodded eagerly.

“What does Luna Chasity want to drink?” Said Martha.

“A cookies n’ cream milkshake, please,” said Chasity.

She was so cute. A milkshake in harsh winter?

“In this cold weather?” Martha said.

My brothers and I laughed.

“How about a hot chocolate?” I suggested.

“No!” Snapped Chasity.

We stopped laughing abruptly. We placed the rest of our order. As soon as Martha was gone, Chasity turned towards me.

“Stop bossing me around, Felix, how is now any different from before with you telling me what to do?” She said.

Alex and Calix glared at me. I was mad at me too. I was not good at reading her at all.

“Ok?” She said softly.

“Ok, Baby,” I said.

Had I already messed up our date? Chasity leant towards me. Her smell intoxicated me. She kissed my cheek. Tingles spread through me where her lips touched my skin. I grinned at her. She wasn’t all that upset with me then. I was shocked when she continued kissing me, planting kisses along my jaw and down my neck. It took all I had to hold my wolf back. A little growl escaped me. Calix had to go and interrupt, nudging Chasity.


Chasity was kissing Felix’s neck. I was the first to give her a hickey so I wanted mine first. I nudged her and she smiled at me, leaning in. Her lips brushed against my neck. I could feel the tip of her nose on my skin. I knew she was looking for the right spot. She found it and sucked on my skin. I held back a moan. We were in the middle of a restaurant. My dick hardened as she finished making the hickey. It was gonna be a long night. I was hard before the appetisers. Alex and Felix stared, mouths agape, at my hickey. Chasity seemed pleased with it.

“You didn’t leave one on me!” Whined Felix, sounding like the baby he always accused me of being.

“You should mark us…temporarily,” said Alex.

Chasity seemed to be considering it. I was pretty sure she had not initially intended to give us hickeys, she had just gotten carried away.

“I know you’re not ready to be named Luna but you wouldn’t want other girls thinking we’re single, would you?” Tried Alex, gauging her reaction.

I saw a flash of jealousy in her eyes and Alex saw it too. He smiled triumphantly. Felix was in his glee because he was next.


Chasity grabbed me and latched onto my neck. Fuck. I got hard instantly. I was shocked at her enthusiasm, her aggression. We really were well-matched after all. I groaned as she teased the skin of my neck with her teeth. I hoped she would elongate her canines and mark me but that was wishful thinking. Sadly, she pulled away once she had made her hickey. I would have gotten up to let her out of the booth but she climbed right over my knees to get to Alex on the other side. This was the Chasity I wanted to see more of. I watched her in awe. Alex was grinning from ear to ear as she neared him.


Chasity got into my side of the booth. She grabbed me by the shoulders. I bared my neck for her, the most vulnerable thing an Alpha could do. Martha came over with our drinks: three hot chocolates and Chasity’s milkshake. Ugh. Martha’s timing. Fuck me.

“Food’s coming right up, boys,” Martha said, standing there, smiling.

I resisted the urge to shoo her away. That would be rude but she stood there a little too long. I knew we were usually really friendly with her but she needed to read the room.

Felix nodded pointedly pulling the tray of drinks to the centre. Martha got the hint and left. Thank you, Felix. I tugged on Chasity’s sleeve. She started peppering my neck with open-mouthed kisses, sucking on certain areas. I gripped the seat of the booth so hard, I knew my talons were tearing the fabric a little. I let go of the seat when I heard the sound of ripping fabric. I slipped my hands under Chasity’s little skirt. I was painfully hard. I squeezed her thighs and she moaned against my neck. She pulled away, admiring her hickey on my neck.

“Yay, my milkshake!” She said innocently, pulling it towards her and sipping it like nothing had happened.

My usually disciplined wolf was going crazy. Chasity would be the death of me.

Chapter 15: Felix Loves Chasity


My Luna, Chasity, remained on my side of the booth. I could not stop smiling. She was feeling cold from drinking the milkshake which is exactly what everyone tried to tell her but I wasn’t going to make the mistake of getting too bossy with her. She had been bossed around enough. I hugged her close to my side, warming her up with my own body heat. She had made a decent attempt with her chicken cordon bleu, half-finishing it. Now, we were trying to get her to order some dessert. She wasn’t used to eating this much but I wanted my Luna to have a healthy appetite. She ended up getting a warm Nutella brownie topped with vanilla ice cream.

“How is it, Baby?” Said Felix, gazing at Chasity like she was the dessert.

“Good!” Exclaimed my Luna. “Thank you for dinner!”

I kissed her forehead gently.

“Don’t mention it, Luna,” I murmured against her skin.

“Anytime, Goddess,” said Calix with a wink.

“You’re our responsibility, Baby. It’s our job to put ice cream and milkshakes on the table,” said Felix.

Chasity giggled.

“Yeah, but when I finish school, I’ll get a job eventually and help out,” said Chasity.

Felix frowned.

“That’s not necessary,” he said curtly.

“I know but…” began Chasity.

“You have a job already,” said Calix, grinning.

“No, I’m not doing the housework these days remember? You guys changed that,” said Chasity.

“He meant that being Luna is a job,” I said, instantly knowing what Calix meant.

Calix nodded.

“Oh!” Said Chasity. “Right,” she said, looking down.

Calix reached across the table and held her hand.

“Look, Chasity, we know you’re not completely sure if you wanna be with us but trust us, we wanna give you the best and happiest life possible,” said Calix in earnest. “And when you’re Luna, you’ll have an entire pack to run alongside us. I know it doesn’t seem like work but it is!”

Chasity nodded. She rest her head against my shoulder.

“Home time?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she said smiling up at me.

I wanted to kiss her so badly but I knew she wasn’t ready. Her eyelids were drooping.

“Aww, she’s so sleepy,” cooed Felix.

“We should get the cheque and go,” said Calix.

“Yeah, can one of you drive back at a reasonable speed please?” I asked.

Felix rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, sure,” said Calix.

We payed and got up to leave with me cradling a sleeping Chasity in my arms.

“Take care, Alphas!” Said Martha brightly, glancing at Chasity in my arms with a certain displeasure that did not match her cheerful tone.

“Thanks, bye Martha!” I replied.

“Thanks, see ya,” said Calix.

“Later,” said Felix with a nod.

We crossed the street and went our car.

“It could be my imagination but was Martha sorta…cold towards Chasity?” I asked my younger brothers.

“Definitely,” said Felix, emphasising the word.

“Really?” Said Calix.

“Yes, really! She was giving my Baby the evil eye,” said Felix.

I got into the backseat with Chasity who remained asleep the whole drive back. She woke up when I was carrying her to her room.

“We’re home, Luna,” I said softly, kissing the top of her head.

I lay her down on her bed.

“Thanks, guys,” she mumbled sleepily, instantly falling asleep again.

We had already removed her coat and boots. I wondered if she wanted help putting on her night gown. I wasn’t ready for the date to be over but I could tell Chasity was exhausted. My first date with Chasity had been so different to every other first date I had had. Girls usually threw themselves at me as the eldest Alpha. Felix and Calix experienced it a lot too but I got the lion’s share of the super ambitious ones, the ones who would do anything to be Luna. By the end of the first date, they always wanted to go back to my room. We all sat on the edge of Chasity’s bed, talking softly so as not to disturb her. It was only ten o’ clock at night.


My first date with my Baby had not been a disaster and for that I was grateful. However, I hadn’t hit it out of the park like I was used to doing. My dates usually ended with a steamy embrace.

“Chasity didn’t really…you know…respond the way girls usually do with us,” I said cautiously and quietly.

“We’ve dated separately up to this point,” said Calix. “So the girl would just have one alpha to deal with if things got frisky.”

“Did you just say frisky?” I snickered.

“Frisky!” Said Calix doing a little shimmy.

Alex snorted with laughter.

“You make a good point, Baby Bro,” said Alex.

“Thank you, Big Bro,” said Calix with a little bow.

“If she had initiated anything, she would have three lustful alphas all over her,” said Alex.

“True that,” I said.

“She probably won’t want to do anything much in that department until she’s really sure of herself,” said Alex.

“I can wait,” I said.

It was Calix’s turn to laugh. “You rushed her on the very first day let alone the first date,” he said, chuckling.

“I’ve atoned for that,” I said indignantly.

“As far as I know, Chasity has never had a boyfriend so having three would be intimidating,” added Calix.

“She’s got to be at least a little bit horny,” I said, keeping my voice down to a whisper and checking to make sure my Baby was asleep.

“I smelled it…she definitely was at the restaurant,” said Alex.

Calix nodded.

“Should we…entice her a little?” I whispered.

“I have school tomorrow, guys,” said Chasity suddenly, startling us.


I had a feeling Chasity had been fake-sleeping. I really would not sleep well without my Goddess next to me. Even if I wasn’t one of the two directly next to her tonight, it would still help to be in the same bed as her. I could breathe in her scent and listen to her soft breathing.

“I really wanna sleep here,” I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes..

“No, Calix, come on!” Said Alex sternly.

Whose side was he on?

“Good night, Chasity,” said Alex softly, going over to kiss her on the forehead and cheeks.

I kissed the tip of her nose and continued to look at her with sad eyes. “Good night,” I said begrudgingly, pouting at her.

Felix stroked her hair. “I’ll leave my door unlocked if you need me for anything,” he said.

I saw a flash of her wolf in her eyes. Her eyes had darkened momentarily. So she was a little horny?

Did you see that guys? Her wolf came out just now! I said excitedly over mind-link with my elder brothers.

Yeah! Exclaimed Felix with a wide grin. Her eyes turned black for a split second.

She’s blushing too! Pointed out Alex.

Let’s give her a little more to blush about, said Felix mischievously.

We grinned at each other.

“You’re such a mean mate,” said Felix to Chasity, eliciting a flabbergasted expression on her face.

“You won’t let me kiss your lips,” he explained.

She shook her head no. Felix chuckled and sighed. He kissed the corners of her mouth slowly and carefully, getting as close to her lips as possible without actually touching them.

“Don’t you wanna wear your pyjamas?” He said suddenly.

You devil you, Felix, I said slyly.

Let’s put Chasity to bed, said Felix.

“I can dress myself,” she insisted but Felix began pulled her stockings off for her.

I licked my lips at the sight of her perfect legs. Her thighs were calling to me. I wanted them wrapped around my waist or at either side of my face.

Chasity seemed somewhat conflicted but highly curious as we helped her undress. Felix unzipped the back of her dress revealing more of her smooth golden skin, Alex pulled her dress off and I unhooked her bra. She hugged herself, preserving her modesty.


I could not resist the opportunity to massage Chasity’s gorgeous legs. I gently squeezed and kneaded each muscle group. I could smell the wetness that was pooling between her thighs in her underwear.

Alex got up and rummaged through her drawer, producing a nightgown for Chasity to wear. Ugh. He could have taken longer than that. He was ruining the fun.

“Raise your arms so I can put it on you,” Alex said, keeping his tone innocent.

Perhaps, the fun had just begun. I grinned. I could scarcely wait to see her beautiful breasts. Chasity stood up, still hugging herself. She walked right up to Alex who seemed surprised. All Calix and I could see now was her back.

“Close your eyes,” she commanded.

Alex obliged her, closing his eyes. She quickly slipped the nightgown over herself.

Calix and I sighed in disappointment.

“You can open them now,” she said to Alex.

He opened his eyes, trailing them over Chasity’s form. The night gown was a little sheer. Alex smirked.

“Good night!” She said pointedly.

We all left.

I could barely sleep that night. I kept wishing Chasity would come. I had left my door unlocked for her. I hoped her wolf would lead her to me. My wolf told me she would. Her wolf would bring her to us. I continued to toss and turn. Eventually, sleep came to me and brought me sweet dreams of Chasity.

In my dream, Chasity was deeply in love with me already.

“You’re my favourite, Felix,” she whispered to me as she climbed into bed with me, straddling me.

“Mmm,” I groaned.

She was dressed in a totally sheer night gown. She slipped one strap off her shoulder and then the other. She was about to drop the night gown on the floor when her voice echoed through the room.

“Felix,” she whispered.

My wolf interrupted the dream. Our mate is here. Wake up! He ordered.

I smelled her before I saw her. Delicious. I felt a tendril of her beautiful hair touch my cheek as she leant over me. I pulled her under the covers without warning. She gave a cute little squeak of surprise. I locked her into my embrace, nuzzling into her neck. I began planting kisses on her neck as I held her. I found the hickey I had made earlier and sucked on it, darkening it so the stupid boys at school would keep the fuck away from my beautiful Baby, Chasity. She moaned as I sucked on her neck. I could smell her arousal filling the air under the blanket.

“I knew you would come,” I murmured.

Technically, my wolf knew. I had been a little unsure. My Alpha wolf could feel his mate, her she-wolf. She was exuding so much joy. Chasity, on the other hand, looked worried.

“Felix, I don’t know what to do,” she said sadly, pouting.

I kissed her cheeks. “What’s the matter, Baby? I’ll fix it,” I promised instantly.

Her problems were my problems. Her pain was my pain and her pleasure was my pleasure also. I waited patiently for her to tell me what was wrong.

“I’m hungry but you banned me from cooking and the new cook isn’t hired yet,” she said softly.

Aww, my poor Baby. I got up. I was a bit groggy. I yawned and stretched. I quickly snatched Chasity up and carried her down the stairs, cradling her to my chest. I put her on a chair near the kitchen counter and went to look in the fridge. I knew how to make a few things, unlike Mom.

“What do you want to eat, Baby? I can make you pancakes and then I’ll drive you to school,” I offered, rubbing my eyes.

I hoped she would say yes. I was tired of following her to the bus stop from a distance. We were mates now. I wanted to drive her to school in my car. It was a perfect opportunity to bond with her a little and to make sure the kids (read boys) saw her with an Alpha.

“Pancakes are good,” she said softly.

I remembered that day I had taken the last pancake away from her and told her that she was fat. Ugh. She was beautiful. I had not even known until the morning after our birthday that she had ended up not eating at all that day. A pang of guilt hit me. I started on the pancakes.

“I wonder if I should wake up Calix and Alex?” I said more to myself while glancing at Chasity.

“They might be pissed at me, keeping you to myself. Hmm, but you came to me. You’re a big girl. You know what you want,” I said.

I had a huge grin plastered on my face. Chasity blushed. I grinned even wider. I made chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs. We ate together.

“Good?” I asked.

“Delicious!” She said, nodding enthusiastically.

I flashed her another wide grin.

“Next time, I’ll make you blueberry ones,” I said.

“No!” She said quickly. “I don’t like those. Chocolate chip is my absolute favourite!” She revealed.

I noted that.

“You want me to make you something to carry for lunch or do you wanna buy cafeteria food?” I asked.

“Um…I’m ok,” she mumbled.

I frowned at her.

“Ok,” she said, chuckling. “I’ll take the lunch money.”

I handed her a couple hundred dollar bills.

“Felix!” She squealed.

“What?” I said, startled.

“This is five hundred dollars!” She said in disbelief.

“Yeah,” I said slowly. “It’s always good to have cash on you in case of emergency!” I insisted, handing her five more hundred dollar bills which she tried to refuse. I put the money on the counter.

“Go get ready, Baby! I’ll wash up while you do,” I said kissing her forehead.

“Thank you,” she said sweetly.

“Felix?” She said.

“Yeah,” I said.

She stood on her tip-toe and kissed the corners of my mouth like I had done to her last night. I grinned. I would have dipped her and kissed her with everything I had if I knew that would not alarm her. She scampered away. I heard the shower turn on. I did the dishes quickly and ran upstairs, hopping in my own shower. Damn, I wished we could shower together. I resisted the urge to get carried away and stroke myself. I would relive myself at some point. This was going to be a long courtship. I threw on a black T-shirt and pulled up my black jeans. My hair was still damp but I didn’t wanna make her late. I knew she was kinda nerdy about school, taking it super seriously. I headed downstairs only to find that sneaky little scamp trying to slip out the door without me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked.

She turned around swiftly, startled. She took a deep breath and then fixed me with a defiant glare.

“I usually walk to the bus stop,” I said.

I knew that, Baby. I’ve walked there everyday with you for years. She didn’t know I did that though. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. We were mates now. We needed to be on the same page.

“I said I was driving you after breakfast. Didn’t you hear me?” I said, grabbing my keys.

She opened her mouth to argue but I lifted her up and swung her over my shoulder. She squealed. I smirked to myself as I carried her through the snow and buckled her into the passenger seat. I drove her to school in silence. She was so cute when she was mad. I could not wipe the smirk off my face.

We arrived at her school. Her peers immediately recognised me as one of the Triplet Alphas. I could see girls squealing as they spotted me. Now why couldn’t Chasity react like that every time she saw me? She rolled her eyes at my fan girls. I refused to open the door. I had earned a thank you kiss. The gaggle of swooning girls and inquisitive guys continued to grow. I made sure to glare at the guys. Chasity was mine.

“Thank you,” she said feebly.

I pointed to my cheek. “Where’s my kiss?” I asked.

She blushed. I turned the engine off and sat back, relaxing as I scrolled through my feed on my iPhone. I would wait patiently for my kiss. More students showed up to stand there and gawk at us. I knew Chasity was shy. She would want to get rid of the on-lookers soon. She dove towards me and quickly kissed my cheek. It happened so fast.

“I barely felt that,” I complained.

She glared at me. Get used to kissing me, Gorgeous. It’s you and me forever, I said to myself.

She kissed my cheek softly and slowly this time, her lips lingering against my skin, making me shiver. I was usually the one to make a girl shiver. Here Chasity was with zero experience making me feel like a giddy school boy.

“I’m gonna miss you, Baby,” I murmured and I meant it. “What time to come get you?” I asked, trying to sound casual but it came out eager because it was.

“Four,” She said, giving me a sweet smile.

Ugh, school days were so long.

I opened the door for her and watched her walk into the school. The small crowd of students were staring at her and me, swivelling their heads back and forth. As she disappeared from view, I began to miss her already. I was in deep. She better not run off. I had not bothered to send someone to spy on her at school, figuring that she always came home before even when things at the pack house used to be shitty for her. Why would she suddenly run away when my brothers and I were wrapped around her little finger? My wolf immediately began showing me after-school activities I should do with Chasity later. My horny side fought my sensitive side. Yes, I had a sensitive side, believe it or not. I sighed, missing Chasity with every fibre of my being. I was like a raw nerve when it came to her.

Chasity, I love you so fucking much, I thought to myself as I forced myself to drive away.

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode