Chapter 64 – Offered to the Lycan King

As Maxim watched Hunter coming towards him with a paper that looked like another set of medical reports, his shoulders drew back in tension. After all that she had done so far, what was left?

Hunter handed the papers to Maxim roughly and then walked back to River. He looked at his Lycan warriors and nodded at them. The five warriors who were standing at the door of the temple left quietly

Maxim’s eyes became wide as he read the papers. “This is- this is ****he growled. “It can’t be” He snapped his head to look at River and could have burned her to ashes with his gaze. “This is a fake medical report!” He was growing tired of so many medical reports. Why was it all happening only today?

River shook her head. “Unlike the one that was produced by your son, this one is an original and is attested by the doctors in the human world. If you like you can go to the government site, login to my account and see the original one uploaded by the government. You can match it with this one and verify it, she said with firmness

Maxim rubbed his hand over his face, unable to take the shock, unable to think what he had to do next. This was rapidly getting out of control. He would have tom or burned this report had it been the only copy in his hand. But River was smarter than he thought she was. The ***report was on the government site which meant that it was original. He clenched his fists as he crumpled the report in his hand.

“What is the report about?” Hector murmured. He was dazed as to what was going on around him. The Lycan warriors had punched him hard.

Maxim wanted to beat the ****out of his son. Did he have to ask that question? “It’s one of her antics!” he growled. Then he looked at his pack members and said loudly. “This girl over here is a fake. She is claiming to be Alpha Lowell’s daughter and challenging me. And the Lycans are helping her. The Lycans have always wanted to control us. We will never let them control our packs. If you will allow River to challenge me today, then I am afraid, you will forever become slaves of the Lycans. Do you want to become their slaves?”

He studied his pack members who were now grunting and snarling. Some looked at the Lycans with hatred. Some looked at River with hatred. They all seemed ready to attack.

Maxim continued, “I beseech all my pack members to attack the Lycans and ***all those who are

present here. We never liked them. We don’t want them. So ***them! As for this mutt over here- he whipped his head to look at River. “I am going to throw her in the dungeons to get the Lycans to attack us and take over this pack. She was always a lowly girl right from the beginning and is now taking advantage of my son’s generosity. We will not let it happen!” His chest was going in and out as his breath became ragged.

River narrowed her eyes on Maxim. She realized that this was his last attempt to provoke his pack members against her. He was playing with their emotions regarding the age old enmily between the Lycans and werewolves. She was feeling very nervous now. She thought that she would lose this battle because the emotion that Alpha Maxim just stirred up was a powerful one. She wanted to build bridges in the relationships between the Lycans and werewolves, but this was going in the opposite direction.

“Before you even think of attacking us,” Hunter’s loud roar left everyone frozen to their spot. “Think of what you are going to put your members through. We Lycans are much stronger than you. Your pack will be wiped out within an hour. If you think that we are only a few Lycans here, then you are a ****. There are many of my warriors on the outskirts of the Crescent Moon pack, waiting for my instructions on what to do next!” He couldn’t have left his mate alone. And certainly not without a large number of Lycan warriors. Before he came out of the Veil, he made sure about it

Alpha Maxim looked like he had eaten a bitter pill. His face pinched as frustration mounted. It was as if he wasn’t able to get out of the situation. “Do you think my pack members are scared of you Hunter?” he growled.

Hunter chuckled. “If I were you, I would have revealed the contents of that medical report in your hand. I would have accepted River challenge and not put the lives of my people in jeopardy!”

A murmur broke in the pack. After they heard that there were Lycan warriors on the outskirts of the pack, their resolve was getting weaker by the minute. The Shaman of the pack intervened. “Alpha Maxim, please let us know what is in the report you are holding”

“Yes, please let us know!” Many pack members started to demand it. “We all should know what it is that you are hiding.” When the murmurs grew louder, it looked like they were pushing him. Maxim was in

the midst of the worst crisis of his life. He thought that the medical report was so important but this was the only one out here. He crumpled it and to the horror of those present in the temple, he put it in his

****and swallowed it. “There it is!” he growled, gulping it down. Hunter raised an eyebrow. “You really are a ****, Maxim!” he said and dug his pants to produce another medical report. Maxim gasped. He lunged at Hunter for the report but Hunter hurled it towards the pack members.

It fell in the hands of two pack members in the middle of the crowd, who immediately opened it.

“Give it to me!” Maxim growled as he lunged at them. But the members had read it all before he reached and snatched it

from them.

“This is the DNA report that proves that River is the daughter of Alpha Lowell,” said the pack member who read it with incredulous expressions.

Everyone was stunned. They all looked in the direction of River, feeling awed. A blush rose on River as emotions swirled in her chest. She was finally being recognized by her original identity.

Suddenly there was a small commotion at the back of the crowd as the Lycan warriors came in with Kirk, Hazel, Brianna and two more unidentified women. Kirk looked like he was smashed badly. He was bleeding from his ears and Hazel was crying loudly while Brianna looked like she had seen a ghost.

The Lycans pushed the three of them in the middle of the crowd and the two women followed. The moment the women. saw River, they grinned, their eyes gleaming with an emotion akin to love.

“Now tell them!” One of the Lycans growled and Kirk started to shake in a fresh dose of fear.

“This is all because of you, you ********!” Hazel shouted as she and Brianna strode towards River. They lifted their hands to slap her when Hunter intervened and slapped them both hard even before they could blink an eye. Both of them fell on the ground, skidding a few feet away and shrieking with pain. Eyes wide, they looked at Hunter who was towering them with fury blazing in his eyes.

“Alpha Hunter!” Brianna said in a shaky voice. “Y-you?” In her rage, she hadn’t seen him. Scared as ***, she scrambled back and tugged her mother to come back.

Hunted walked like a predator towards Kirk and grabbed his collar. He lifted him up without effort. “Tell everyone what Maxim told you to do!”

Kirk was shaking like a leaf in the breeze. He blurted, “Alpha Maxim asked me to keep Alpha Lowell’s daughter after he ***him!”

There was a collective gasp amongst the crowd.

Kirk continued, “He asked me to not feed her well and-”

All of a sudden, there was a loud crash. Maxim had shifted into his wolf and had attacked River.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode