Chapter 64 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Hearing her say that they look like a perfect couple, Eric’s heart warmed. However, deep down, he understood that Emma still had a long way to go before she was on his level in this industry.

Even the top superstars found they couldn’t get closer to Eric than simply tinkling wine glasses with him. Everyone in the industry knew that he didn’t like anyone who tried to ride on other people’s coattails.

As for announcing their marriage, he could do that anytime, but he had promised Emma he would give her time to prove herself first. He would wait to announce the marriage until her career had taken off.

He gently stroked Emma’s hair, conveying a sense of encouragement through his hand. He believed Emma had what it took to climb to the top and was eager to see her succeed. He had no desire for her to just be a pretty face by his side.

“I forgot to tell you, TTQ Magazine’s front cover has been finalized,” Emma looked up sweetly and teased, “The people from TTQ must have had no idea they were chatting with the infamous Mr. Roberts. I also got to enjoy the rare experience of being an assistant. Even more important, I’ve invited the editor of TTQ to escort you down the red carpet and protect you.”

After hearing this, Emma turned around and wrapped her arms around Eric’s neck. Her eyes were warm as she said, “You’ve given me so much. What can I do for you in return?” Eric gently returned her embrace and answered her simply, “All I need is you.” Eric buried her head into his shoulder as the tears flowed. He held her close, resting his cheek on her head. The woman in his embrace was so special; he’d never met anyone else who was so touched by small gestures.

The next day, Emma met the photographer that Linda sent from Mexico and started working on the front cover of the October issue for Secret. Afterward, all she had left to do with ISN was a stage event. TTQ’s front cover would be shot after the Bright Night Gala.

Regarding the Bright Night Gala, Global was handling it with a low profile. After all, there were so many big shots and superstars attending; they had to remain modest. They didn’t want a repeat of last time when Amber had shamelessly compared herself to someone famous.

Above all, they didn’t want Emma to pick up on any clues. So this time around, they decided not to speak about it openly.

“If you hadn’t broken up with Emma,” Mia said to Nathan, “her current fame and popularity would make it easy to turn her into an international supermodel. Global would have also gone up in value. But now, look what’s happening.” Mia searched through the comments about Emma online.

Fans were reaching out to Global right and left, asking them about Emma’s current status. Mia honestly felt it was all a waste. Worst of all, Emma always seemed to get right in the way of global success.

“Mia, I have a plan. After the award ceremony, Amber will go overseas to study. When the time comes, I don’t know how long Emma will stick around, so I want to train a newcomer. Let’s look for someone who resembles Emma, and we can use Emma’s fame to debut our newcomer. After all, Emma’s already 26 years old; someone younger will have limitless possibilities,” Mia looked at Nathan, suddenly realizing her younger brother still had something to offer.

At least this time, he’d managed to suggest something useful.

“In that case, I’ll instruct my staff to find a newcomer,” Mia responded.

 “Since Emma is still one of our models, we should make as much use of her as we can. Tomorrow will be the Bright Night Gala, and hopefully, nothing will go wrong. If she appears at the event, she’ll definitely get even more fans, which won’t be good for us. She’s so hard to control.” Nathan didn’t know how to respond, but to be honest, he really didn’t know the true Emma.

After all, up until recently, Emma had appeared to be like a sheep, allowing others to tell her what to do. And during that time, everything she’d done had revolved around him.

But he’d noticed that ever since the relationship between him and Amber had gone public, Emma was no longer the same.

“Mia, I’m still not sure. I need to ask Lisa about Emma’s schedule tomorrow night and make sure she won’t show up at the Bright Night Gala.”

Nathan couldn’t stop thinking about what Emma had said the previous day. Words that seemed to have a hidden meaning. He wasn’t certain if Emma knew. They had torn up her invitation.

“Call her then,” Mia commanded.

Nathan pulled out his phone and dialed Lisa’s number—one he hadn’t dialed for a long time.

“What does Emma have planned for tomorrow night?” he asked.

“She’ll be shooting the October front cover for Secret,” Lisa responded. “It’s a night scene, so the shoot will take place at 8pm.”

“Why are you asking? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just want you to take good care of her in case she’s upset about not being invited to the Bright Night Gala.”

Hearing these words, Lisa was disgusted.

It was obvious he wanted to know where Emma would be the next night. He was so fake. Did he really think she couldn’t tell he was just pretending to care? What did Nathan want?

Emma was putting on her makeup in the dressing room. A secret shoot had already begun. Linda was aware of Emma’s situation and had instructed her team to make sure to help her.

“He’s asking what you’re doing tomorrow night,” Lisa put her phone away and smiled at Emma. “From what I see, the jerks are being extremely cautious around you. It’s pretty funny. They have no idea that not only will you be attending tomorrow night, but you’ll also be attending with TTQ’s editor.”

Everyone knew that although TTQ wasn’t a best-selling magazine, it was still high-end. The founder came from a very wealthy background and didn’t need the magazine to make money. He was in the entertainment industry simply because he enjoyed it.

“Emma, tomorrow night you’re gonna grab everyone’s attention.”

Emma didn’t tell Lisa that Eric was going to be the special guest at the Bright Night Gala. She wanted to surprise her. Tomorrow night would be an opportunity to destroy Nathan and his dreams, and the perfect chance to tap into resources in the fashion industry.

Meanwhile, Amber was also carefully making preparations. She knew that the Gala would determine whether or not she could make a comeback.

She’d already decided that if she managed to secure extra connections and resources after the award ceremony, she would terminate her pregnancy. Otherwise, her life would have to be on hold for the next eight months, at the very least.

How could having a baby benefit her love compared to fame and fortune? Love was nothing.

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The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


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