Chapter 65 – Her Triplet Alphas

(It’s the triplets who like baby blue on Chasity)


I slammed my foot on the breaks and the car screeched to a sudden halt, causing my Baby Chasity to become startled.

“You scared me!” Squealed Chasity.


“Sorry, Baby,” I said quickly. “Who touched you?” I asked, staring at her.

She had been wearing a hair tie that smelled like another male. I was gonna throw him off a balcony. No one was allowed to put their hands on my mate but my brothers and me. We were her rightful Alphas.

“No one,” whined Chasity.

“Then why does your hair smell like a different guy? Tell us the truth, Chasity!” Said Calix.

Baby Boy Calix was actually spewing the facts. Good.

“Why? What are you gonna do to me?” She yelled.

Ugh, when was she gonna get it in her head that she was our everything? We were not gonna hurt her ever. We were gonna hurt him, whoever he was.

“Nothing, Baby,” I grumbled.

I started driving again.

“We’ll just have a talk with the guy. Tell him to watch his hands if he wants to keep them,” I explained.


Some guy at Chasity’s school was sniffing around her. I knew we should have announced her as our mate officially to the pack. She had not actually accepted the position of Luna yet but we could word our announcement careful, just making it clear that Chasity was fated to us, the three pack Alphas.

“You’re ours,” I said sullenly.

Chasity sighed. Did she not want to be ours? Did she not want to be mine? My heart threatened to cave in.

“A boy who stole my hair tie before my birthday gave it back today because he didn’t want any trouble,” explained Chasity.

“Smart boy,” commented Calix.

Oh. I felt massively relieved. I felt a little stupid also. Why had I over-reacted and jumped to conclusions? She was already wary of us. Now, we had demonstrated plainly how possessive we could be.

I slipped the offensive hair tie out of her hair and rubbed it in my palms, ridding it of the weaker male’s scent and coating it with my own scent. When Chasity was distracted, I would go through her things and leave my scent on them as a deterrent. I put the hair tie in my pocket, smiling at the thought of Chasity smelling like me. Smelling one’s own scent on the skin of one’s Luna was a huge turn-on for an Alpha like me. Nothing would top seeing her belly swollen with my heir in future though. We had a lot of work to do. With three of us Alphas, it should not be too hard to get Chasity pregnant. Once she was made to feel comfortable and the romantic side of our union had properly begun, we would be able to complete the marking and mating process.

I started massaging her scalp to soothe her. I knew she was pissed. I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I scratched her scalp gently and continued the massage. It was working. I could tell. She relaxed into my touch.

That’s it, Luna. That’s it, I said to myself.


Alex was massaging Chasity’s scalp. Calix was massaging her shoulders. I had somewhere else in my mind. I knew this was probably pushing it. If she protested I would pull away and apologise. I kept one hand on the steering wheel. My other hand parted her pretty knees and trailed along her soft thighs until I got to her core. I knew Chasity would be wearing underwear. She wasn’t quite that wild to go commando. I felt the thin cotton fabric. It was already damp. I smirked. I was pretty sure our display of dominance had excited her a little even if she would not admit it. I used the heel of my hand to rub against her core. She gasped. I continued to caress her between her legs, through the thin layers of fabric. She was wearing stockings too. I wanted to feel her bare skin but I knew if I ripped her clothing she would be pissed. Chasity moaned. We were almost home. Time flew by while we had been having fun. I parked my car in the driveway, the wheels rolling over crunchy snow. I would need to shovel the driveway again later but I had some more pressing activities to tend to first.

“Let’s take her to my room,” I suggested to my brothers.

“I have homework,” insisted Chasity.

The little minx was probably lying.

“I’ll do it for you,” offered Alex.

“I wanna do it. It won’t take long,” she replied.

I felt she was lying. I was right. We got through a lot of alpha work to my dismay and to Alex’s glee while we waited on her. Calix was surprisingly well-prepared for the territory discussion as if he had been looking forward to it.

“Baby boy Calix, did Mommy teach you about our territory lines?” I asked, grinning.


Mom had taught me about our pack’s territory lines. I was too embarrassed to ask Dad. He would have chastised me for not learning about that stuff earlier. So I had asked Mom instead when Dad had been out and she had explained it all really well. I should teach Chasity the same things as she would soon be Luna.

“We need to teach Chasity some basic pack knowledge, our territory lines, our plans for expansion, our allies, our strengths and weaknesses as a pack,” I said, distracting Felix from teasing me about Mom.

“Yeah, you’re right,” said Alex.

Felix nodded.

“Chasity has a snippy little attitude though,” pointed out Felix.

“You love her snippy little attitude,” laughed Alex.

I laughed too.

“I never said I didn’t like it. I just said she had one,” said Felix, smirking.

It had been two hours since Chasity had went off to do her homework. I knew she was taking a long time on purpose.

“She’s taking long on purpose,” grumbled Felix.

I nodded.

“She’s studying. Don’t either of you two dare interrupt her. I want an educated Luna,” snapped Alex.

He was very against us distracting Chasity from school in any way.

“Says Mr I’ll do your homework for you,” said Felix, rolling his eyes.

“That was said in the heat of the moment,” said Alex defensively. “Chasity did the right thing by doing it herself.”

“A good Luna knows when to say no, even to her alphas,” added Alex.


The little minx showed up about two and a half hours after she had run off to “do homework.” She sauntered into Alex’s room, dressed in pink pyjamas. She blushed as soon as we looked up at her. She was looking at the territory map with some curiosity. I quickly put it away before she asked a question and Alex went off on a tangent and explained every pack law ever invented.

She walked hesitantly towards the bed. She always acted so shy one minute and so sassy the next. I snatched her up, pulling her onto my lap.

“You had her all morning!” Protested Calix.

“That’s because she came to me and woke me up. She wanted her Felix,” I explained matter-of-factly.

Chasity’s blush deepened.

“Do you have a favourite?” Asked Calix.

“Calix, that’s childish, don’t ask her that. She’s all of ours. Don’t make it weird,” Alex said.

“You’re scared it’s me,” said Calix smugly.

Alex and I rolled our eyes. Inwardly, I was a little sad that it probably was him. She had a thing for Calix, long before the mate-bond. I was surprised nothing had happened between them when we had all been teenagers, growing up in this house. She wiggled about in my arms and I pinched her behind, eliciting a little squeak from her. I smirked at her and she narrowed her eyes at me but didn’t leave my lap.

“I love how…sweet Calix is,” she said, looking at him, smiling. Calix beamed.

My wolf and I were bummed.

“I love how tough Felix is,” she added.

Oh, so she was generous today, just handing out compliments. I was tough, fair enough.

“You’re my weakness though, Baby,” I said to her.

“And I love how responsible Alex is,” she said.

Alex smiled, his eyes lighting up. She seemed pleased with herself now that she had gone around the room saying something nice about everyone like we were at the first day of camp.

“We love everything about you, now let’s fuck,” I said quickly, catching her off guard.

She looked at me in shock until she realised I was half-joking. She rolled her eyes. My brothers laughed. I laughed too, my laughter a bit delayed. Had she been down to fuck, it would have been on but her name was literally Chasity so I supposed I had a wait on my hands, or in my arms rather. Chasity relaxed into me, seemingly enjoying being on my lap. We had bonded a little this morning. If I had to earn her heart and get into her panties, one plate of pancakes at a time, I would do so.

“When will you let us kiss you?” Asked Alex softly.

Good. Someone was thinking clearly for once. The faster we marked and mated Chasity, the better. As long as she was willing, there should be no delay. She could run away too easily if she was not properly bonded to us and she would be extremely difficult to track if unmarked and unmated.

“I’m afraid if we kiss, things will escalate,” she admitted.

“That’s the general idea,” I said.

It was true.

“No!” Said Alex sharply. “A kiss is just a kiss.”

Tricky. Tricky. Alex was picking up some of Calix’s go-to approaches and it was working too.

“Will your parents be furious if I sleep with you guys tonight. It’s easier to fall asleep next to all of you,” whispered Chasity as though scared our parents would pop out at any moment.

“We’re the Alphas. You’re our mate. They can’t stop us. They just don’t advise it, that’s all,” said Alex firmly.

She smiled, clearly pleased with that answer.

“I will sleep here then,” she said.

“Why not in my room?” I asked.

“Don’t be offended ok,” said Chasity hesitantly.

My heart began to race. What was it? Was she rejecting me? She couldn’t reject me without rejecting all of us, Calix included.

“What is it?” I asked, trying to keep my tone cool and measured.

“Your paintings are great but I paintings with people scare me at nighttime. I feel like their eyes are always watching me,” she revealed.

So Chasity was nuts. I had figured as much. I liked a little crazy in a girl so fate knew what was up when she paired us together.

“Oh, ok, right,” I said offhandedly.

What was I supposed to say?

“One of those paintings is of you,” I reminded her.

“That scares me most of all!” She squealed.


“Like a me staring at me. It looks scary at night,” she said.

Alex looked like he wanted to laugh but was keeping his expression sympathetic.

“We want you to be comfortable,” he struggled to say.

Calix actually did laugh.

“Chasity, you’re crazy,” he chuckled.

She giggled and flung a pillow at him playfully.

How the fuck did he get away with saying stuff like that? Had that been Alex she would have gotten pissed and if it had been me she would have burst into tears and ran from the room.

“If I sleep in your room, Felix, I need to be in the corner by the wall, away from the eyes,” she said.

Fine with me. Alex and Calix could hug each other. They always agreed on everything anyway. I would sleep next to Chasity and she would have the protection of me and the wall too apparently.

“That’s fine,” I said.

“Excuse you,” said Calix. “That’ll mess up our next-to-Chasity schedule!”


“What?” Asked Chasity.

Alex smiled sheepishly.

“I uh took the liberty of drawing up a timetable so we could keep track of whose turn it is to be next to you when we share a room,” said Alex.

He legit pulled out a fucking colour-coded time table. The top columns read left, middle, right and end. Chasity was always listed as being in the middle and given baby blue as her colour. Whoever was on the right or left was next to her. End meant you were the poor loser not next to Chasity. Alex was dark blue. I was red. Calix was yellow.

“This is the weirdest fucking thing you have ever done,” I said slowly and softly.

“Thank you,” said Alex.

Chasity burst into a fit of laughter.

“I don’t want to be yellow though, Alex, remember? I asked to be changed to green?” Whined Calix who had seen this before apparently.

“Oh, sorry, little bro, I’ll fix it,” said Alex, genuinely apologetic over this nonsense.

“Can’t we just keep a mental log of this?” I asked.

“No!” Said Alex and Calix in unison.

“What? Why not?” I asked.

“This is fairest for everyone,” explained Calix. “So that no one throws a tantrum or pretends to forget how often they have been next to Chasity.

Ohhh. I saw what this was about. This was about Alexis.

“This is because of Alexis,” I said bluntly.

Chasity stopped laughing instantly.

“Who’s Alexis?” She asked sharply.

She did not look pleased. Good. I liked seeing a little jealousy on her. It was hot. Green was her colour. Every colour was her colour. She was so pretty.

“Alexis was this girl we all liked,” admitted Calix.

“It was the only time before you, Luna, our mate, that we all wanted the same girl,” explained Alex.

Chasity went from looking annoyed to looking down-right murderous. She actually got up to leave. I quickly snatched her back onto my lap.

“Chill, we were ten. It was a crush we all had on our hot babysitter, Alexis,” I said.

“That was before I even came to live here then,” said Chasity, calming down a little.

“Yep, by the time you came to live with us, we were twelve and Mom was cool with us staying home alone without a babysitter,” said Calix.

“Yeah, cause you cried and begged her,” I reminded him.

“Those were fake tears and it was on all of our behalves,” said Calix, frowning.

“We would take turns sitting next to Alexis on the couch. She would watch horror movies with us. She would grab the arm of whoever was next to her cause she was scared and at that age, that was thrilling so it was a big deal to sit next to her,” said Alex dryly.

“And Felix had a convenient memory. Alexis didn’t know we were taking turns to sit next to her obviously but we did and Felix would always act like he hadn’t sat next to her the last time she babysat even when he had!” Snapped Calix, clearly still upset about this eleven years later.

“So we’re doing a time table,” concluded Alex.

“Wasn’t it weird crushing on someone named Alexis for Calix and Felix. She practically has your brother’s name,” said Chasity.

“Well, Alex didn’t have huge boobs so it was easy to tell them apart,” I explained.

Chasity rolled her eyes. I smirked at her.

“Alexis was pretty hot but she has nothing on this other blond I know,” I said, pulling on one of Chasity’s dark golden curls.

She smiled slyly at me.

“I still want to be green,” said Calix, as though everyone was forgetting the most important part of the discussion.

“Where are the coloured pencils?” Asked Chasity.

“Here,” said Alex, handing her a pencil case.

She took out a blue coloured pencil and coloured over all the yellow Calix boxes so they would become green.

“There,” she said when she was finished. “Now, you’re green.”

Calix beamed at her.

“Are you two happy with your colours?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I chuckled.

“I made the table so yeah,” laughed Alex.

“I actually want to be purple,” revealed Chasity.

Calix picked up the red coloured pencil and began colouring over Chasity’s light blue boxes. Alex found another red coloured pencil and began to help. Ugh. I searched Alex’s meticulously organised stationery collection for a third red pencil. I started colouring too. I was an Alpha but I was also Chasity’s bitch. She could make me do anything.

Chapter 18: Embracing Chasity


I was so happy I was one of the two next to Chasity. Alex was in the corner tonight so he was bummed. Felix was in his glee, spooning Chasity. I liked being the little spoon even though Chasity was the tiny one.

“Chasity?” I whispered.

The light was off and Chasity’s nightlight was throwing a small circle of yellow light in the corner. Chasity remained still, her arm over my waist, the tip of her nose brushing against the back of my neck. Was she asleep? Her warmth, her soft touch and her sweet smell were lulling me to sleep.

I woke up earlier than everyone else. Yes! I would drop Chasity to school today. She was missing from the bed. Felix had grabbed a pillow. Alex was practically falling off the side of the bed. I went to my room and showered at werewolf speed, throwing on grey sweatpants and a grey tee shirt. I leapt down the stairs and practically ricocheted into Chasity’s room, walking right in on her changing. She squealed and wrapped her towel around herself but I had already seen all of her. I felt guilty for replaying her gorgeous naked form in my mind. I covered my own eyes.

“Sorry! Sorry, Chasity!” I said. “I just wanted to take you to school.”

“I’m not going to school,” she said softly.

“Why not?” I asked. I heard her footsteps as she came towards me. She pushed me against the wall.

She whispered in my ear.

“I’m staying home with you,” she breathed.

I grinned. She pulled my hands away from my face. I stared at her and the fuzzy pink towel covering her figure. Her curls and skin were still wet. She smirked at me and dropped her towel.

I woke up at exactly the wrong moment, or perhaps the right one. I missed the dream Chasity’s peepshow but the real Chasity was moaning softly behind me. I turned around so we were nose to nose. She whimpered in her sleep. I caressed her cheek. I could smell how wet she was. I smirked. I wished mind-link allowed me to peek into her dreams.

“Calix,” she mumbled and then smiled in her sleep.

I kissed her forehead gently so I wouldn’t wake her. The real Chasity was my dream girl anyway.


Finally, I was sleeping next to Chasity, my Baby. I spooned her, her fine ass cradled perfectly by my pelvis. She kept wiggling about, rubbing herself against my already painfully hard member. I growled in her ear playfully and a sly smile formed on her face. She was fake-sleeping. Little minx. I got up and went to the bathroom. I had to relieve myself. I couldn’t take it anymore. I dropped my boxers and took myself into my hands. The door creaked open. The little minx was peeping in at me.

“Ever heard of knocking?” I said, raising my eyebrows as she eyed my huge member while her cheeks turned pink.

She licked her lips and shut the door. I sighed. I heard a light knock on the door. I smirked. I pulled up my boxers and sat on the huge marble counter.

“Come in,” I called.

She opened the door hesitantly and shut it behind her. She leant against the shut door, staring at my crotch.

“Chasity? Need something?” I teased.

“You put it away,” she mumbled.

I almost broke out into a fit of laughter.

“Yes, it’s been put away,” I said.

“Well, take it out again,” she said with a small mischievous smile.

I grinned. I got off the counter and walked up to her until we were barely an inch apart. She lowered her eyes to the bulge I was harbouring for her. I dropped my boxers. She grinned at me and I grinned back.

She reached for it. I closed my eyes, holding my breath, waiting for her touch.

Calix’s loud snore woke me up. Fuck! Ugh! One thing had been real though. I was painfully hard. Chasity was sleeping a bit fitfully rubbing me on me a little. I wanted to wake her up in case it was a nightmare but she settled down so I left her be. I remained in bed. I was too addicted to her warm little body and the smell of her curls and skin to get up. I snuggled closer to her, putting my leg over her waist.

“Felix,” she whispered.

“Baby!” I said, perking up.

I looked over her shoulder at her face. She was asleep. No pretence here. I sniffed her hair like the stalker I was, inhaling deeply. I had to figure out how to make Chasity horny or I would die of blue balls. Alex claimed that did not exist but he ironed his socks. What did he know?


I was on the end. I made the timetable fairly so we each had to sleep away from Chasity one third of the time, including me. I did not slip in any extra days for myself. Felix would have done that if he had made the timetable. Felix also would not have made a timetable in the first place. Ugh! I missed spooning Chasity. Felix better not be grinding up against her. She was not ready for that. I missed her soft tendrils in my face. Her hair always smelled amazing. I still slept better than when she was not in the room at all though. Her floral smell still filled the room. I relaxed, reminding myself I was next to her tomorrow night.

I made sure to not oversleep this time. I woke up before everyone. Chasity was snuggled up between Felix and Calix.

“Chasity,” I whispered, gently shaking her arm.

“Luna,” I said, brushing the hair off her face.

She stirred. She slowly opened her eyes.

“Alex?” She said.

“Hey Luna,” I cooed.

I had fallen so hard for her so fast. If I was being completely honest, I had been into her from before the mate-bond but I had suppressed it while we were growing up. I had been afraid of being vulnerable, of liking a girl who did not like me back, or totally despised me, in Chasity’s case.

“Chasity, let’s get you ready for school,” I said.

She extricated herself out from under Felix’s arm and climbed over Calix. I was surprised they didn’t wake up disgruntled the moment she got up. She walked across the bed to me and jumped into my arms playfully, wrapping her legs around my waist and flinging her arms around my neck. I carried her to my bathroom, letting the door close behind us. I headed to the bathtub.

“No, shower,” she protested.

I put her on the counter and went to the shower to make sure the temperature wasn’t too hot or cold.

“Ok, I’ll leave you to it,” I said.

“Or you could watch,” she suggested, stopping me in my tracks.

I looked at her, wondering if she was just teasing me.

“Or you could also hop in,” she added, her eyes trailing over me.

I realised there was a large bulge in my boxers from when she had her legs around my waist.

“Well, get in,” I said, testing her.

“You first,” she said.

“Ladies first,” I insisted.

She pouted.

“Alex,” she whined.

I smirked at her. She got off the counter and walked up to me. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my boxers, trailing her fingertips around my torso, giving me goosebumps. She yanked my boxers down and knelt down while she did this. She looked up, locking eyes with me. There was some pre-cum dripping from my engorged tip. I could feel her breath on me.

“You sure you wanna move this fast?” I asked softly.

“It’s not fast. I’ve dreamt about you for years, Alex,” she whispered.

“Really?” I asked, grinning.

“Let me prove it to you,” she breathed.

I woke up with a start. I was rock-hard. Fuck. I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Said a soft, small voice.

I jumped.

“Chasity?” I gasped.

She was sitting up between Felix and Calix. They were sleeping peacefully.

“Being on the end kinda sucks,” I said, using that as my excuse and putting my pillow on my lap to hide the huge bulge.

“I…” began Chasity before she lost her nerve and looked down.

“No, no, Luna, talk to me,” I said.

Her cheeks were red. She smiled a little.

“I don’t know as much as you three on the topic and I have no hands-on experience but I know about morning wood,” she admitted.

I raised my eyebrows.

“You don’t have to hide it,” she said, getting up and hopping off the foot of the bed.

I moved the pillow and followed her. She headed downstairs to her own room, to use her dream bathroom.

“You may use bathroom whenever you want,” I reminded her.

She nodded. “I know, thanks.”

“What’s mine is yours,” I added.

She smiled. She was gathering her stuff in her bedroom to take a shower.

“What do you want for breakfast?” I asked.

“Pancakes?” She said, hope blossoming in her warm brown eyes.

I grinned.

“Sure,” I said.

What was her obsession with pancakes? They were good but there were other things.

“Chasity,” I said before she went into the bathroom.

“Yeah?” She said, looking up.

“Did you actually hate me before the mate-bond?” I asked.

She stopped what she was doing. She looked at me. She frowned, really pondering the question. My heart was racing while I waited.

“No,” she said finally.

My wolf and I rejoiced. We sensed our mate was being honest.

“I dreaded being around you though, but that’s not hate,” she explained.

“I’m so sorry,” I said immediately. “I know I was mean and…overbearing…and annoying…and…”

“Arrogant, inconsiderate, unfair, pushy, condescending, rude…” she listed off.

I frowned, looking down.

She burst into laughter. I relaxed a little.

“I’m getting over it…slowly,” she said.

I nodded.

“Take your time,” I said encouragingly.

She walked towards me.

“Why did you hate me…before the bond?” She asked.

My eyes widened.

I shook my head. I never hated her.

“I never hated you,” I said, willing her to understand.

She looked at me like she didn’t fully believe.

“I resented the fact that you never paid attention to me and I handled it like an ass,” I said.

She chuckled.

“Not that that makes it ok,” I added quickly.

She nodded.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make you lo-…to make it easier for you to stay with us,” I said.

“If I was not your mate, you three would still be awful to me, and I would still have that tiny room,” she said with a shrug.

“No,” I said, still being honest.

She raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

“Wait right here!” I said, dashing away.

I ran up the stairs at werewolf speed and got my Alpha notebook. I kept a list of everything I wanted implemented when I became Alpha. I had started it when I was around eighteen years old. I couldn’t disagree with my Dad that much when he had been Alpha but I had planned to be my own kind of Alpha. I presented Chasity with the book as embarrassing as it was. There was definitely some nonsense in there but most of it I actually still wanted and planned to do. Some I had done already even though I had not been Alpha for very long.

“What is this?” She asked, sitting on the bed.

I sat next to her, close enough so that my thigh was pressed against hers from hip to knee.

“My Alpha Book,” I said sheepishly.

She grinned.

“Stuff I could not do back when I wasn’t Alpha that I was gonna change,” I explained. “Pack progress, changes to pack law, you.”

She sifted through it. She read some of it out-loud, the parts that concerned her.

“Number one: Absolve Chasity of her parents debt,” she read. “Make pack debts not inheritable. People’s debts should die with them. Children not at fault. Number three: Calix’s idea, give Chasity a normal bedroom. Felix’s idea: offer her an apartment rent-free until she finishes school. My idea: if she remains at pack house, offer to pay her normal wages for the cooking and cleaning. Debt cleared, see number one. Number seven: retroactive payment of wages to Chasity for all the years she has worked already. I have calculated it to be $174 720 for the past six years so far if we put wage at $10 an hour, considering she has no days off. Will need to be recalculated. Note, if she wishes to have official employment at pack house, offer her vacation leave and compensatory days. Can add overtime payment and rate for vacation and compensatory days she should have been entitled to in years past,” read Chasity.

I hoped this would be enough proof that I wasn’t a total monster.

“Um, yeah,” I said, unsure of what to say.

She stared at me, her expression unfathomable. She put the book down slowly. She straddled me and I almost jumped out of my skin. Immediately I assigned a sexual meaning to her actions but she just wrapped her arms around me, in a tight hug, resting her head on my shoulder. I hugged her back just as tightly.

“I wasn’t gonna let them…I…I should have had these done before I became Alpha. I waited too long. I should have stood up to them earlier,” I mumbled, thinking about Dad mostly but Mom too.

We hugged each other so tightly and for a long time. I fell backwards and Chasity fell with me, still holding each other, my back against the sheets and Chasity on top of me, her face still nuzzled into my neck. I felt something wet against my neck. Was Chasity crying?

“Shh, Luna, shh,” I murmured, rubbing her back and stroking her hair gently.

I was not sure how it happened. I supposed I was tired from not being near enough to Chasity so I didn’t sleep deeply. We fell asleep, both of us, like that. On the previous day when Felix, King of Truancy and Tardiness, had taken Chasity to school, she had been early. On the day I took her, I, King of Punctuality, made her late as fuck but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I walked her inside despite her protests and escorted her to her class so I could speak to the teacher. Everyone’s eyes almost bugged out of their heads as they watched me give the teacher some bullshit excuse for why she was late. I could have said anything though. I was the eldest Alpha. The teacher nodded eagerly, eating up my lame excuse though he would have had a fit if that had come from Chasity or another student. Chasity scampered to her seat, no kiss, no proper goodbye. She bent her head, her nose in her textbook as her classmates craned their necks to stare at her.

“Bye Luna, see you soon. Pick you up at four,” I called.

Chasity looked up from her book, her whole face flushed.

The class erupted into whistles from the guys and “Ooooohhs” and giggles from the girls. Ugh, high-schoolers. Some of them began to make cheeky comments under their breath.

“He’ll see you after class, Luna,” joked some guy.

“Alpha will be back at four for you Chasity!” Said a cheerleader.

“It’s almost noon. He should have just kept her home,” said another cheerleader, folding her arms and huffing, clearly boiling with jealousy.

Chasity was looking at me, mortified. I gave her an apologetic look. I looked at the teacher pointedly to see how he would handle it.

“Settle down, Class!” He said sternly.

The stupid comments continued.

“How did you oversleep so much, Chasity?”

“What made you so tired?”

“I can think of three reasons.”

“SETTLE DOWN, CLASS!” I said in my Alpha voice, making the classroom shake.

There were a few squeals and then silence fell over the room. Chasity breathed a sigh of relief. I headed to the door. I heard the girls whispering again but it was not directed at Chasity anymore.

“God, he’s so hot!”

“Which one was that?”

“Alpha Alex, my husband.”

“That was so sexy!”

“I know right!”

“He won’t need his Alpha voice to boss me around!”

I really did not miss high school though I had a much better and easier time than my little Chasity. I could not stop smiling to myself as I got to my car. There was a spring in my step. It was corny to say but best hug ever.

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode