Chapter 67 – Her Triplet Alphas


Chasity really did take an hour and forty-five minutes to get ready. Felix, Calix and I were sitting on the living room couch waiting for her.

“Hey boys!” Said a familiar voice.

Rhonda. Ugh.

“Hey,” we all said unenthusiastically.

“You missed me?” She asked.

“Like crazy,” lied Felix.

The sarcasm flew right over her head.

“I’m sorry things didn’t work out with Charity,” she said softly.


“Chasity!” Said Felix very slowly, enunciating the name carefully.

“Oops, sorry, Chasity!” She repeated.

She took off her coat revealing her club attire.

“You’re going clubbing?” I asked.

She was in a corset and booty shorts at five forty-five in the afternoon.

“No, of course not, silly-willy Alex,” said Rhonda.

I had been meaning to tell her to call me Alpha but I remembered something else that was bothering me.

“What do you mean sorry things didn’t work out with Chasity?” I asked, repeating her words.

Rhonda sighed in mock sadness.

“Well, I know if it had worked out, your parents would have called me to plan a Luna ceremony by now to reintroduce her to the pack and they didn’t so I came to check that they hadn’t lost my number and your Mom said Chasity didn’t say yes to being your mates,” said Rhonda, pretending to sniffle.

“You three are so sweet! You deserve so much better than her!” Said Rhonda dramatically.

Felix sat up straight and growled, his wolf coming forwards.

“Easy, Felix,” I warned putting an arm out in front of him.

Rhonda did not seem the least bit afraid.

“My grumpy boy,” she cooed.

“Rhonda, Chasity didn’t say yes to us but she didn’t say no either. She gave us a maybe. She’s getting ready for our date tonight,” said Calix.

Rhonda went from fake sad to authentically enraged.

“You’re letting her give you three a maybe! You’re the Triplet Alphas! What is there to think about? You’d think she’d be grateful,” retorted Rhonda.

Felix’s eyes were black. I kept a firm grip on him. Luckily, Chasity had great timing. “I’m ready,” she said, walking towards us.

She looked radiant in a simple short light pink dress with her stockings and boots on underneath. It was really cold out even for a werewolf. She put her blue coat on.

“We should get you a baby pink coat and some other colours,” I suggested, getting up and pulling Felix with me.

Felix went to Chasity and pulled her flush against him kissing the top of her head. Calix and I did the same.

“Chasity, you know if you don’t want the triplets, there are many girls waiting to take them off your hands,” said Rhonda snidely, her voice dripping with envy.

“Like who? You?” Snapped Chasity.

Rhonda glared at Chasity.

“Come here, Baby, you’re not walking through that snow. It’s too deep for you,” purred Felix, lifting Chasity up, holding her bridal style.

I seized this opportunity to talk to Calix.

“Felix go on ahead with Chasity! Calix and I will catch up in a sec,” I said.

Felix did not need to be told twice. He hurried outside with Chasity, whispering in her ear as he carried her. I could hear her giggling fade as they got further away.

“Rhonda, can you give Calix and I a minute?” I asked politely.

“Anything for you Lexipoo,” said Rhonda.

What the fuck?!

“I’m gonna miss you,” she cooed, pouting and still standing there.

“Go, please,” I said in my Alpha voice, compelling her to leave.

She stomped out indignantly.

“I have something really important to tell you,” I whispered to my youngest brother.

“It’s about Chasity,” I said, taking a deep breath.

“I’m listening,” said Calix, his face concerned.

“Dad told me something about Chasity’s Dad, Chase,” I confessed. “He…was our Mom’s younger stepbrother.”

Calix stared at me, his brow furrowed.

“So…that’s why he picked the pack house, hoping Mom would care for her step-niece?” Said Calix.

I nodded.

“But Mom treated her…not great,” mumbled Calix sadly. “This makes it so much worse,” whispered Calix, running his fingers through his hair nervously.

“So Chasity is our…step-cousin?” Confirmed Calix.

“Yeah, she’s not a blood relative,” I assured him.

Calix gave a sigh of relief. “But…why? Why did Mom treat her own step-niece like that? Most people would consider that family though they’re only related by marriage,” Calix said, leaning back on the couch, massaging his temples.

“Mom hated her stepmother’s mate,” I said.

“Chasity’s Mom?” Asked Calix.

I nodded. “Yes, Dad told me Mom thought Chasity’s Mom, Chalice, was bad news. She thinks Chalice got Chase into drugs and gambling and that he was a nice boy before he met her. Mom supposedly feels like Chalice took her little stepbrother away from her…and well, Chasity reminds Mom of Chalice, adding fuel to the fire,” I explained sadly. “The woman who took her stepbrother away had a daughter who is taking her sons away.”

“Wow,” breathed Calix.

“That doesn’t make it right. That makes it worse,” mumbled Calix more to himself than to me.

I heard the click clack of heels as Rhonda came back to the living room. What the hell was she still doing here?

“You should probably go now, Rhonda,” I said gently, feeling guilty for using my Alpha voice on her mere moments ago.

“Ok, Lexipoo,” said Rhonda, making my blood crawl. “Don’t you wish you each had your own mate?” She asked, scrutinising our expressions.

I wished we each had a restraining order against Rhonda.

“No, sharing is fine,” said Calix with a smile.

“Isn’t that so…kinky?” Whispered Rhonda.

I’d bet she’d love to hear about all the sordid details.

“Just how I like it,” said Calix with a wink.

Ew, Calix, don’t wink at the woman! She’s unhinged enough as it is. Don’t encourage her, I chastised him.


The more alone time with Chasity the better. I had a lot more to make up for than my brothers did when it came to Chasity. I bundled her up in her coat and carried her to the car, setting her down on the backseat. I shut the door and put my arm around her.

“Cosy?” I enquired.

She nodded.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Baby,” I purred in her ear. “You always do.”

“Thanks,” she said blushing.

She was twiddling her fingers in my lap while I had her tucked under my arm. I took her tiny hands in mine, comparing the size. I laughed. Her hands with her fingers spread out barely covered my palms when she placed them against mine. She felt my calluses.

“How’d you get these?” She asked curiously.

“Just Alpha training. Lifting tires. Pulling trucks by holding ropes tied to them. Lifting weights. Collecting the maple syrup from our maple tree forest. Any labour really will make your hands rough over time,” I said as I played with her small soft smooth hands.

“But I work hard. The house is huge. I clean it by myself and you guys eat a lot so there’s a lot to cook,” she mumbled. “Well, I used to do those things.”

“I’m sorry about that Baby. I’m so so sorry,” I murmured, inhaling the scent of her curls.

I kissed her forehead.

“But it’s not the same kind of work,” I pointed out.

Chasity was staring at me.

“Do you really think…” began Chasity before she lost her nerve and broke eye contact.

“Please, tell me Baby,” I whispered.

She bit her lip. “Do you really think I look…nice?” She asked shyly.

“I didn’t say nice, you little minx. I said gorgeous and you know it,” I growled playfully, brushing my nose against hers as I grasped her by the waist and tickled her sides.

She squealed and unsuccessfully tried to extricate herself from me. She stopped trying, sighing, slumping back into my arms, tired.

“I’m never letting you go,” I hissed in her ear.

“Who says I’m trying to leave?” She whispered back.

“I wanna kiss you, Baby,” I breathed against her lips.

She shook her head a tiny bit.

“When?” I asked, pleading with her with my eyes.

“Soon,” she said vaguely.

“Before or after Christmas?” I asked.

“Hmmm, before,” she said slowly.

“In November or December?” I added.

“Felix!” She exclaimed indignantly.

I looked at her pointedly.

“December,” she whispered.

I nuzzled her.

“It’s gonna be a Merry Christmas indeed,” I joked.

“There’s three of you so I hope I don’t feel like a ho ho ho,” she chuckled.

“Not your best joke, Baby,” I said bluntly.

“Hey!” She whined, swatting my arm playfully.

She stiffened, realising she had hit me even though it was in jest. I raised my hand, intending to pinch her cheek. She recoiled as I reached for her, thinking I would hit her. We had only fought once years ago as children. I would never hit my woman. I was not that kind of man.

“I won’t hurt you, Chasity,” I said soothingly.

She nodded slowly.

“I’m so sorry I put so much fear in you,” I said, feeling like crying.

I could not cry in front of Chasity. I held the tears back with everything I could muster and pulled her onto my lap. I settled for kissing every inch of skin on her face besides her lips. She moaned softly. Wetness was pooling between her thighs. I reached down and began squeezing them. I started massaging her inner thighs through the fabric of her stockings. She whimpered, leaning back into me. My hands roamed her body, squeezing her tender areas. She was shivering but it was warm back here.

“How am I gonna handle all of you?” She whispered more to herself than to me.

“You were meant for us. We were meant for you,” I assured her.

“There’s three of you though. Three mouths, Six hands, thirty fingers,” she said.

“Ninety-six teeth,” I added, baring my canines.

She shrieked, pretending to try to run from me but I tightened my arms around her.

“Are we done doing math?” I asked.

She smiled.

“Do you have a boyfriend at school I should know about? One you had to break up with when the mate-bond came into effect?” I queried.

“No,” she mumbled.

“Oh, come on,” I said. “The guys must be crazy for you.” I had seen a lot of eyes on her at our Alpha ceremony.

“No way!” She chuckled, blushing.

“This’ll be my first time at the movies not making out with the girl I’m seeing,” I grumbled.

Chasity winced at the thought of her mate kissing other girls before her.

“Baby, Baby, shh, I’m sorry,” I whispered. “Those didn’t mean anything.”

She sighed and buried her face in my neck, cuddling up with me. Those two chuckleheads showed up.

“Felix it’s your turn to drive,” pointed out Alex.

“Is it?” I asked, feigning confusion.

Chasity giggled at my expression and I tickled her.

“Why are you so damn cute?” I snarled playfully, kissing her cheek over and over again.

She wiggled away with Calix’s help.

“This isn’t over, Chasity Thorn!” I warned her, laughing, as I got into the driver’s seat.

She blushed. Thorn was our last name not hers, not yet anyway. She was Chasity Thorn as far as I was concerned so she might as well get used to it. Alex was in the passenger seat. Calix had Chasity on his lap in the backseat. I could hear the soft smacking sound of him planting kisses all over Chasity’s face and neck. She let out a little moan and I got instantly hard. I looked at Alex who was also fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. Chasity gasped and then whimpered in response to something Calix did. I gripped the steering wheel harder.

“Baby Boy Calix, it sounds like it’s getting pretty grown-up back there,” I said, glancing in the rearview mirror.

His gloves were off and Chasity’s stockings had been pulled down to her knees. He was caressing the bare skin of her inner thighs just under her skirt, trailing his fingers back and forth, stopping just short of her pussy each time. I knew moisture was pooling in her underwear. I could smell it.

We neared the centre of town where the movie theatre was. Chasity hastily adjusted her stockings, blushing furiously. She scooted away from a smirking Calix who took his time putting on his gloves. We all got out of the car and Chasity shyly walked several feet away from us to my chagrin.

“What do you want to see?” Asked Alex as we reached the ticket booth. “How about Lone Alpha? It’s a romance in a western setting.”

Chasity frowned.

“A She-wolf’s Choice made Mom cry! She recommended it!” Added Calix

Chasity grimaced. Calix pinched her cheek. He tried to grab her because she was standing defiantly far away from us to be a little tease but he missed. She was rather fast. I should start teaching her how to fight. She would be good at dodging attacks. I caught her by the fuzzy hood of her coat.

“Hey!” She protested, giggling.

I pulled her back to us so that she was in a circle with Alex in front of her and Calix and I flanking her. She wrapped her arms around Alex’s waist from behind. He grinned in surprise.

“Aww, have you decided my gorgeous little Luna?” He whispered in her ear.

“Curse of the Thistle-witch!” She exclaimed.

Yuck. That was one of those horrors where the possessed person kept vomiting all over the place.

“Baby,” I said disapprovingly.

Little nutso.

“If you watch a horror and then sleep in my room tonight like the timetable says, you’ll be extra frightened of the eyes in my art pieces,” I warned her, trying to frighten her into picking something else.

“How about The Fluffiest Pixie?” I suggested. “It’s an animated comedy where a pixie has that skin problem where you grow hair all over.”

“No, that sounds like it has no plot,” complained Chasity.

“And the Thistle-witch movie has a plot? It’s just scary music, black and green vomit and an exorcism at the end,” I said.

“That movie is too scary for you, Luna,” said Alex, Chasity’s father apparently.

Chasity looked offended.

“I saw the Fluffiest Pixie already with Mom,” revealed Calix. “It was shitty.”

We ended up watching that witchy vomit movie which was not the romantic ambience I wanted. Christmas could not come fast enough. I was gonna hang mistletoe all over the damn place.

Chapter 21: Crazy About Chasity


The little minx was sneaking about the house, avoiding us so she didn’t have to talk about progressing our relationship.

“She’s been avoiding us lately even though the dates were going so well! She had fun at the movies! She loved that vomit movie and we took her to see three more movies, all with no plot. Now she’s tiptoeing about when she leaves her room and when she goes into her room, she locks the door and pretends to be asleep in there!” I fumed.

I was pacing back and forth in Alex’s room. I was trying to not rush Chasity but every time things got steamy naturally, she pulled back. She refused to even tell me what she wanted for Christmas. She had given me some vague answers like “I’ll be happy with anything” and “it’s the thought that counts”. Well, she was getting a Range Rover. It was already paid for, but the minx might use it to run away. I was terrified.

“Am I not sexy anymore? Am I losing my appeal?” I asked my brothers.

Calix burst into laughter. Alex rolled his eyes.

“You’re very good-looking,” said Calix, obviously just complimenting himself. “Your personality is kinda blah though.”

I hurled a pillow at his face. He caught it laughing. Alex took a break from drawing perfect lines in his Alpha notebook. He loved re-checking their measurements after to ensure they were as perfect as originally measured. He closed the book with a sigh.

“Alpha of Alphas has put his rule book down for you! You know shit just got real!” Commented Calix, grinning.

“Felix,” said Alex sternly. “Chasity is eighteen. She is shy. She is one person. We are twenty-one. We are outgoing. There are three of us. Do the math. She is intimidated. We also have a bad history with her, making the situation that much worse. We’re lucky she even agrees to let us take her out,” he said, frowning.

I took a deep breath.

“Thank you for pausing triple-checking your straight lines for me,” I said, putting my hand to my heart. “I am touched, really. Regarding Chasity, since you like math, tell me how many vomit movies away am I from a kiss?”

Alex opened the book and began measuring the lines again.

“I have to draw the timetable for January’s bedtime placements. I finished December already,” he said, talking to himself.

Calix was snickering. I threw another pillow at him.

“Felix, leave Alex alone. Honestly, I’m so glad I’m not a lone Alpha. We have Alex to do all the thinking, you to do all the fighting, me to be Chasity’s favourite and make sure we have an heir,” said Calix with a wink.

I had no more pillows so I tackled him. We wrestled on the ground until we hit Alex’s work desk and he parted us, using his Alpha Voice to throw us out of his room. Calix and I were Alphas too so we could not be commanded in the long-term but as Alex was the eldest Alpha, his Alpha Voice could stop us momentarily, a fact that pissed me off at first. Now, I was grateful for it. I would have bitten Chasity if not for that temporary command from Alex. I could storm back into Alex’s room to argue with him. The temporary command had faded already. I had realised I could also resist the compulsion to follow Alex’s commands.

I sighed. I was complaining to the wrong person. A sly smile spread across my face. It was the weekend so Chasity was home.

I knocked on Chasity’s door.

“Chasity!” I called.


“Baby!” I yelled, banging on the door.

I heard a squeak. I smirked.

“I just got out of the bath. One sec,” she called.

She opened the door. Her curls were drenched and she was sniffling. She had thrown a fuzzy robe on. The hood was made to look like a fox. I smirked at that. Appropriate. I playfully tugged on one of the fuzzy fox ears on her hood.

“Who got you this? You bought it with the credit card?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I only use that for emergencies! Calix got me some robes and onesies too! I have a unicorn, a fox, a uni-,” she started listing them off excitedly but I did not come here to play with stuffed toys. That was for her and Calix to do.

“Wanna go out with me?” I asked.

“Tonight?” She asked.

“No, now!” I said, grinning.

“We always go out Saturday night,” she said.

“Yeah, the four of us but I mean right now in the day and just you and me,” I said slowly pulling her fox hood over her head.

“Oh,” she said, her eyes widening.

She gave me a mischievous little smile.

“What did you have in mind?” She asked.

“Whatever my Baby wants to do,” I said. “Also, that credit card is not only for emergencies, it’s for shopping. Actually, let’s do that!’

“What?” Said Chasity.

“Get dressed! I’m taking you shopping!” I said.

I couldn’t let Baby Boy Calix out-Sugar-Daddy me.

“Ok!” Exclaimed Chasity.

“Um, I have to close the door,” she said.

I was standing in the doorway. I stepped into her room. She blushed. I knew she meant for me to step outside. She shut the door with me in her room anyway. She grabbed a towel and a dress and ran into the bathroom. I sat on her bed. Her room was neat, not serial killer clean like Alex, just reasonable.

She exited the bathroom, looking effortlessly pretty in a floral dress with stockings underneath. She grabbed her boots. I kneeled down and put them on for her. She smiled.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Not yet,” she mumbled.

She went to her vanity and sat down. She dried her hair and detangled her curls. She began putting on makeup. I watched her, completely fascinated.

“I feel like I’m doing a makeup tutorial with you watching like that,” she chuckled.

I grinned.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Mascara,” she said as though that were obvious.

“You used to have a new girlfriend every two months and you don’t know what mascara is?” She asked incredulously.

I shrugged. Obviously, I had heard of it. I just hadn’t known what the tube looked like until now.

“Don’t pretend…” she began and then sighed.

“Stop being afraid of me! I’d rather we argue incessantly than you be afraid to say stuff to me,” I said.

I wasn’t that great with words like Calix. I could have said that better.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t sleep with those girls,” she said softly. “You would have seen them get ready just like this.”

“I won’t apologise for that. I never cheated on you, Chasity. I just became an adult three years before you did,” I said bluntly.

“I’m not asking for an apology,” she snapped. “Well not for that anyway.”

“Were you jealous?” I asked.

I wanted her to say yes so badly but I kept my tone nonchalant and my expression impassive. She looked at me sitting behind her through her vanity mirror. She smiled playfully.

“You think you’re slick but you’re not,” she said.

“Oh, excuse me,” I said, grinning.

She rolled her eyes.

“You think you’re good with women but you’re not,” she said.

I glared at her through the mirror. She was being a rude little brat now.

“All those girls threw themselves at you because you were a good-looking, rich Alpha and I won’t so you’re getting antsy,” she said.

I stood up and went right up to her ear.

“What? You think you’re punishing me by holding out on me? Well, you’re not. You’re punishing yourself,” I said softly in her ear, knowing she was turned on.

I could smell it.

“No!” She said. “This isn’t a punishment. This is normal. Those girls doing backflips to get to you were abnormal, and frankly a little bit pathetic!”

I raised my eyebrows. She got up.

“Ready?” She asked.

“You’re not leaving,” I told her.

“To go to the mall?” She asked, genuinely confused.

“Yes, we’re going to the mall,” I said impatiently. “But, you’re not leaving me and my brothers.”

“We’re not together,” she said defiantly.

I bent down so we were nose to nose. She bit her lip. I could smell how much I was affecting her although she was trying so hard to hide it.

“I can’t force you to be with me but any guy who even thinks about you better sprout wings because I’m gonna throw him from the roof of this pack house,” I growled.

She rolled her eyes.

“You can me be with me and my brothers or you can be single. So sure, we’re not together but you’re not getting with anyone else! Just know that,” I said, walking out of her room.

I half-expected her to slam the door and cancel our shopping trip but she followed me to my car. I opened the car door for her and she hopped in. This was the most tense date atmosphere ever.

“The same should go for you and your brothers,” she muttered as I drove.

“What do you mean?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

“You guys can’t date other girls while I’m figuring out what to do,” she said.

“Chasity, other girls don’t exist to me anymore. I don’t see them. I only see you,” I grumbled.

She actually smiled. The mood got a little lighter.

“Why didn’t you use the credit card? Another girl would’ve burnt a hole in it by now!” I joked.

She sighed.

“I just don’t want to take advantage of the situation,” she said softly.

“You should!” I said bluntly. “You deserve to have fun. You deserve luxury.”

“My conscience won’t let me spend your money all willy-nilly while I contemplate leaving after graduation,” she admitted.

My heart hurt.

“What would it take to make you stay?” I asked.

“A time machine,” she joked.

“I’m sorry! I know I’ve been a jerk! I’m really trying, Chasity. Baby, I…,” I paused.

I was close to tears but I refused to cry in front of her. When I parked outside the mall, I pressed my forehead to the steering wheel.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?” I mumbled, raising my head to look at her.

“For stressing you out. You know what I wish?” She asked, her eyes brimming with tears.

“What?” I asked, hoping it was a wish I could grant her.

“I wish my parents had not dropped me off at the pack house. The ice incident wouldn’t have happened. We would be strangers. Then on the day you and your brothers became Alphas, I would show up to the ceremony with my parents just like all the other pack members. I would see you guys on the stairs when your father presented you all to the pack. I would realise you were my mates. You would look down and realise I was yours. It would be so easy that way to just…fall into your arms,” she said, sniffling.

It took so much out of me to keep holding back my tears but I managed it. I pulled her into my lap and cradled her head against my chest.

“I love you Chasity Thorn,” I whispered to her. “In every possible timeline, the end result of you and me is still me loving you.”

She wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. I leant in so I could inhale her scent. Her curls were so fragrant.

“You smell amazing,” I blurted out.

“Thank you. You do too,” she said.

“I can’t give up. I won’t,” I told her.

She looked up at me, smiling. I brushed my nose against hers.

“I want to kiss you,” I whispered.

She cupped my face in her hands.

“Felix, I’m really not ready,” she admitted.

“I’ll wait,” I said.

She kissed both my cheeks softly. I kissed her forehead. I held her hands and brought them to my lips, kissing each fingertip.

“Why do you always call me Chasity Thorn?” She asked. “Thorn is your last name.”

“I’m speaking it into existence,” I said.

She looked surprised.

“You’re my wife in my head,” I said simply.

She giggled. I pressed my forehead to hers.

“Let’s shop t’ill we drop, ok?” I said.

She nodded, grinning. She was hesitant to come out of the dressing room initially but she got more comfortable as the day progressed. I was holding her purse (whipped I know) while she tried on a tight little dress I picked out when her phone rang. I looked at it, scared it was gonna be some guy. It was a guy but it was just Calix. I answered it.

“Baby Boy Calix!” I greeted him.

“Where the fuck is Chasity?” He snarled.

“She’s right here! Chill!” I said, alarmed.

“Put her on the phone, then!” He demanded.

“Ok,” I said, annoyed.

What was his problem?

Chasity came out looking like a five course meal.

“I don’t know if it suits me,” she said bashfully.

“It suits me just fine,” I said, taking her hand and spinning her around so I could admire every angle of her in that dress.

She giggled. I put the phone to her ear.

“It’s Calix. He’s being a jerk but if he yells at you, I’ll slash his tyres,” I said loud enough for him to hear on the other end. I could hear the conversation.

“Hey Calix,” said Chasity sweetly.

“I would never yell at you, Chasity. I’m not mad at you. I got scared when you weren’t in your room and Alex and I had no idea where you went. Felix didn’t tell us you were going somewhere. I’m mad at him,” I heard Calix say.

“Sorry, it was spur of the moment. I didn’t mean to worry you. I’ll let you know where I’m going next time,” said Chasity.

“Thanks, Goddess,” he murmured.

Chasity grinned, blushing slightly.

“Alex wants to talk to you,” said Calix.

“Ok,” said Chasity.

“Hey! You scared me half to death, Luna! I thought…anyway. I’m glad you’re safe and nearby,” said Alex.

“Sorry about that! I should’ve said something,” said Chasity.

“No, Luna, it’s not your fault. Felix should know better. Put him on the phone, ok,” cooed Alex.

Chasity bit her lip nervously. “Ok,” she mumbled. “I don’t want you guys to argue because of me, ok?”

“Of course, Princess,” agreed Alex.

Chasity handed me the phone. I sighed.

“Yeah?” I said.

“You should have told us you were taking Chasity to the mall! You would be just as upset if you went to her room and she was gone and you had no idea why! We didn’t know if she ran away or if she was snatched by someone. A Luna is always a target for rival packs. We have to communicate with each other, Felix. I get that you want a solo date. That’s fine but just tell us,” said Alex.

Ugh. I hated when he was right and he usually was.

“I’m sorry, Big Bro. I got…excited and just ran out the house. I wasn’t thinking,” I said.

“Calix is furious,” Alex said.

I snorted with laughter.

“I realised,” I said.

We got something to eat before we went back to the pack house. When I walked in, Calix immediately grabbed the scruff of my shirt and slammed me into the wall.

“Stop!” Screamed Chasity.

“Calix!” Shrieked Mom.

“Boys!” Yelled Dad.

“What the fuck?” I snarled, taken by surprise.

“Don’t you ever take my mate somewhere without telling me ever again!” He yelled, his eyes black.

I growled and shoved him off of me. He moved to tackle me but Alex grabbed him, holding him back.

“Cut it out! No fighting!” Said Alex in his Alpha Voice.

Calix sighed. His eyes turned blue again. He glared at me.

“We thought…she left,” said Alex with a shrug.

I felt guilty now, looking at how shaken they both looked. I would have freaked out if I had thought Chasity had walked out of my life.

“I’ll be upfront next time. It wasn’t intentional. Sorry,” I said.

I had never seen Calix act like that. He took a deep breath.

“Ok,” he said softly. “Sorry,” he added.

I nodded. I ruffled his hair and tried to put him in a friendly headlock. He ducked out from under me and shoved me playfully. We were both laughing. I loved my little brother. I wasn’t trying to hurt him. Alex smiled at our antics.

“Luna, are you gonna model your new clothes for me?” Asked Alex.

Chasity blushed. “Maybe,” she said coyly.

Mom was glaring at Chasity. Shit. Mom would interpret this as Chasity driving a wedge between us.

“Mom, shopping was my idea,” I said.

Mom was smoothing Calix’s hair.

“I don’t like my boys fighting,” she said, adjusting Calix’s shirt and then mine.

She gave Chasity a disapproving look.

“You should want the best for your mates. All of them,” said Mom.

“I do,” said Chasity.

“Is that why you can’t make up your mind about…” began Mom but Calix cut her off.

“Not today, Mom. Stop it,” said Calix sternly.

Mom looked shocked.

“It’s time for dinner. We’re having it early. The new cooks are wonderful!” Said Mom pointedly since she couldn’t directly complain about Chasity.

“We should have hired professionals years ago,” said Mom.

“We did. You let them go after Chasity came to live here,” said Alex, annoyed.

“Biggest mistake of my life,” chuckled Mom.

“Letting the cooks go?” Asked Calix.

It sounded like she meant letting Chasity live here was the mistake. Mom laughed airily without replying to Calix’s question.

“How was the mall?” Asked Mom.

“Great!” I said. “Chasity looked beautiful in everything,” I gushed.

My brothers grinned.

“I want a fashion show,” said Alex pointedly, smirking at Chasity who blushed.

“After dinner?” Prompted Alex.

Chasity nodded. I raised my eyebrows.

“We should leave Felix out of the fashion show audience,” teased Calix.

“Whatever, I’m going to be the announcer,” I said.


Chasity did not model her new clothes for us. I was still pissed at Felix. He of all people should know the cold dread that filled me when Chasity was nowhere to be found. I wanted to have confidence in my relationship with Chasity but the reality was that things were on shaky ground. Felix should not have taken off with her but I was relieved she hadn’t just taken off period.

Chasity seemed more relaxed now that we had hired two cooks and two maids. The new maids were called Patty and Fanny. The new cooks were Yvette and Marlene. They were all middle-aged she-wolves who considered it an honour to work for their Alphas’ family. They had criticised my Goddess for not being domestic. They obviously didn’t know she had done all four of their jobs singlehandedly for years. Felix had quickly shut them down, making it clear that he wanted Chasity to be a trophy wife. Felix had this theory he was always going on about.

“If you let chicks do too much housework, their libidos go down,” he said. “See how frisky Chasity is now that she’s idle.”

I snorted with laughter.

“She still hasn’t kissed us though!” Pointed out Alex.

“Yeah but I can feel how horny she is,” said Felix, putting his hand over his heart.

“That’s your heart, Felix. Wrong place,” said Alex.

I burst into laughter.

“My horniness for my Baby Chasity comes from my heart. It’s all connected,” he explained. “I wanna get down on one knee so I can get Chasity on her knees. That’s kinetics.”

“There is nothing kinetic about that, Felix!” Said Alex. “You’re thinking of pathetic, not kinetic.”

I burst into laughter.

I was just in a cheerful frame of mind because of the holiday season. Mom and I loved this time of year. Mom had chosen silver, white and ice blue decorations this year. There were several trees throughout the house, the biggest one in the entrance room. I had hung yeti ornaments on that one along with gingerbread men, Santa and Mrs Claus, elves, reindeer and lots of twinkling lights. The entire exterior of the pack house was strung with lights too. I knew Chasity loved the decorations. I had to make this Christmas wonderful for her. I already knew what I was getting her, a tropical vacay. I had talked it over with my brothers.

On one December morning, Chasity asked a loaded question during breakfast.

“How much money do I still owe you guys exactly, Alpha Romeo and Luna Ronnie?” My brothers and I were uncomfortable. I could tell the cooks and maids were trying to listen in.

“Nothing,” barked Alex, throwing a disapproving look at our parents. “You owe them zero dollars and zero cents.”

I smiled.

“No, you still owe a lot,” said Felix, shocking me. “But I’m the Alpha now and I accept kisses as payment.”

Chasity rolled her eyes. I laughed, relieved he wasn’t being serious.

“I really want to know, please,” said Chasity.

Dad sighed.

“Your parents owed us about a quarter of a million dollars,” said Mom.

That was nothing to us. Why did Mom act like Chasity’s parents had left the pack destitute or something.

“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ok, and how much have I worked off?” asked Chasity.

“We would have paid you about $500 a week,” said Mom.

“So that’s $500 times 52 weeks a year for 9 years cause I never took my vacation or sick days,” said Chasity, laughing awkwardly.

The rest of the table was silent.

“That’s $234 000!” She concluded.

My Goddess was very good at math.

“To pay off the remaining $16 000, I’d have to work 32 more weeks,” said Chasity.

“That’s about 8 months. If I kept working I’d be almost totally done when high school is over. I’d just have one more month to go.”

“Great math, Baby,” said Felix. “But you won’t be working anymore. I’ve already told you this. Please don’t defy me.”

I was grateful we were all on the same page when it came to Chasity’s housekeeping.

Chasity frowned.

“What if I left after high school and went my own way, would you still feel the same about me not working?” She asked hesitantly.

Mom gave us her “I told you so” face. Mom didn’t get it. We didn’t want Chasity working whether we were her boyfriends or not.

“Yes, I would,” said Felix. “You’re done working here. You’re not obligated to be with us but your housekeeping days are over. I told you that already and I don’t like repeating myself. I’m only humouring this conversation because you’re my mate. You can ask my brothers how I act with pack members who defy me. You think you’ve seen the worst of me but I’ve went soft on you your whole life, trust me.”

Believe or not, Felix was right. He was merciless as an Alpha. He had zero tolerance for disobedient or disloyal pack members especially if their actions endangered the pack. For example, there was a young guy who lived near the edge of our pack lands. Just recently, we had found out he had been harbouring rogues in his cabin in exchange for free labour. These particular rogues had been given the option to join our pack but had refused. We found evidence that the rogues and the guy harbouring them had an allegiance with a rival pack. Paraphernalia from the rival pack had been on the premises but it was not enough to officially charge them with conspiracy or treason. The decision fell on Felix’s day to lead pack proceedings. Felix snapped everyone’s neck in less than a minute. Alex would have held a trial drawn out over days ending in fines, criminal records and jail time. I would have probably let everyone off with a warning.

“May I be excused?” said Chasity stiffly.

“No,” said Felix curtly.

She left the table anyway. Everyone looked at Felix. Alex looked ready to order Felix to calm down if need be.

“I would never hurt her,” said Felix. “I love her,” he whispered, more to himself than to us.

We heard the front door slam which meant that Chasity had gone out into the snow in her pyjamas. Felix roared and turned the breakfast table over because he was such a balanced guy. He stomped out of the room. I heard the front door slam twice as hard.

“They’re gonna break the fucking door,” mumbled Alex.

“My pancakes,” I said, sighing.

“Be a Dear and make some fresh pancakes,” ordered Mom, looking at one of the cooks.

Dad put the table upright. The maids began sweeping up the broken mugs and plates.

“He better not hurt her!” I said to Alex.

“He would never,” said Alex, looking uncertain.

I got up, feeling worried. Alex did too. We heard the front door slam a third time and ran to the entrance room just in time to see Felix carrying Chasity up the stairs. He took her to his room and shut the door, locking it. We listened at the door in case we needed to intervene.

“I hate you!” Screamed Chasity.

Fuck. We would need to intervene.

“I love you,” we heard Felix say softly.

Maybe not. We pressed our ears to the door, facing each other.

Felix is crazy but he’s even crazier about Chasity, I said to Alex over mind-link.

He’s so crazy about her, he’s sane, said Alex.

Chapter 22: Chasity and the Triplets Sitting in a Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G


I had lost my temper back there in the kitchen when I had flipped the table but thankfully Chasity had not seen that. She had been too busy trudging through the deep, crunchy snow. I marched outside after her and grabbed her swinging her over my shoulder. I stomped up the stairs. I took Chasity to my room and locked the door before I tossed her onto my bed. We were gonna talk about her crazy insistence that she continue her maid work. That work had been wrong to ask of her in the first place and everyone knew it.

“I hate you!” She yelled at me, catching me off guard.

Many different responses to that flitted through my mind but there was one thing I wanted to make clear to her.

“I love you,” I said softly, looking into her eyes, making sure she knew I was telling her the truth.

She stared at me, her eyes wide with shock. I had said it once before but I was pretty sure she had not fully believed it back then. She got up and walked towards me, seemingly close to tears. I pulled her flush against me, wrapping my arms around her tightly, squeezing her a little. She sighed contentedly into my shoulder.

“You don’t owe us anything,” I murmured in her ear. “Not money, and not even love,” I added.

She was crying openly now but she seemed to relax in my arms. There was so much I wanted to say. I was disgusted with my parents. They should have been the ones teaching my brothers and me right from wrong and making Chasity work off her parents’ debts at that age was very, very wrong.

“You should have never been made to work for us. Who asks a little girl to work off her parents debts? It never made any sense. It was wrong. And I’m ashamed of it. I’m struggling, Chasity. I’ve always thought of my parents as good people but they wronged you. That’s not the kind of Alpha and Luna I want us to be. I hope you’ll stay, Baby. I need you. The pack needs you,” I said, not able to hold back the tears any longer.

A few tears slipped down my cheeks and onto Chasity’s shoulder. She looked up at me, shocked that I was so emotional. For one fleeting horrific moment, I thought she might reject me once and for all, letting me know there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would get to be with her but she didn’t do that. She cupped my face gently bringing my head down to her while she stood on tiptoe. My heart sped up. She pressed her lips to each of my cheeks, kissing the path my tears had taken. Then, she kissed me. She kissed me. She grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine hungrily. I didn’t know who was more shocked and more ecstatic, me or my wolf. It took me a split-second to react. I pulled her against me and lifted her up easily, returning her kiss just as ravenously. She wrapped her legs around me. Her arms tightened around my neck while my hands squeezed the backs of her thighs as I held her up. We were both still crying. I could taste her sweet skin and her salty tears. I could feel that she wanted to forgive, she wanted to forget, she wanted to be with me. I just knew it. I kissed her with the same ferocity that I loved her with. I kissed her until she was breathless. She pulled away, panting. I pressed my forehead to hers, brushing my nose against hers. I was panting too.

“Stay,” I whispered.

She just had to stay. She did not say anything but she tightened her arms around me. I walked over to my bed and flopped down on it, landing so that Chasity was on top of me, still clinging to me as desperately as I held onto her. I did not know how long we stayed like that. I massaged her back and stroked her hair while she lay on top of me, her face nuzzled into my neck.

“You have to stay, ok,” I told her.

It was not a request. It was an inevitability. She belonged with me, with us. We would have no other. She remained silent but she kissed the place where my neck met my shoulder, where her mark would be, making me shiver with delight.

We must have fallen asleep like that. I woke up with her still draped over me. This was the only way I wanted to wake up for the rest of my life. I would remove one thing though, all of our clothes. This would be better sans our clothes.

“What are you smirking about?” She asked curiously.

“Just thinking about how crazy in love you are with me,” I said, teasing her.

She rolled her eyes and sat up slowly. She was still straddling me. I knew she didn’t want to go anywhere.

“Don’t pretend like you want to leave,” I said, pressing the huge bulge in my pants against her flower.

A little breathy moan escaped her. She bit her lip.

“I have to go get ready for the party,” she mumbled sheepishly.

“A likely story,” I said.

“You have to get ready for the party too!” She pointed out.

“Baby, I got your party for you right here. It’s a private party, I’m the host and you’re the guest of honour. I have to cater to your every whim and need,” I purred in her ear, rolling us over so that I pinned her under me.

She squeaked at the sudden change in position. I could smell her arousal and it was driving me and my wolf crazy. Technically, my wolf was already crazy but her smelling so delicious and ready for me made it worse.

“Felix,” she whimpered, pouting.

“What, Baby?” I cooed, immediately wanting to fix whatever was troubling her.

“I need to go get ready!” She said trying to tickle my sides.

I jumped up and hugged myself to protect my sides. I was actually really ticklish. It was kind of a secret. Very few people tried to tickle the most vicious Alpha in the north. Chasity gave me an evil look as she realised this.

“Stay away,” I warned her.

She lunged at me, trying to tickle my armpits. I ripped open the door and ran for it, bumping right into Mom on the stairs’ landing.

“Sorry, Mom,” I said, still laughing.

“Go get ready! I want to see my Alpha sons all looking sharp tonight,” said Mom with a grin as she pinched my cheek.

Mom spotted Chasity behind me and gave her a curt nod as they passed by each other on the stairs. Chasity sighed. I blocked her path.

“Baby, ‘parting is such sweet sorrow’,” I quoted.

Chasity laughed. “I’m going downstairs to take a bath. You’ll see me in an hour,” she said with with a dismissive wave of her hand.

“I’ll be sorrowful for an hour though,” I whined.

She kissed the tip of my nose.

“Juliet kissed Romeo on the mouth at this part of the story,” I said, referencing my quote, not even sure if that was how the play went.

“They were parting for longer than an hour,” retorted Chasity with a sly smile as she headed downstairs, hoarding the rest of my kisses for the time being.


I was so excited to get down to the Christmas party. I practically flew down the stairs when I was ready with my hair still slightly damp.

“Calix, Honey!” Chastised Mom, ruffling my hair, trying to fix it.

“No, Mom!” I hissed, making sure no one saw. “I’m an Alpha now!” I reminded her. “Don’t fuss over me in front of the pack,” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry, Honey!” Said Mom. “Of course you are! My favourite Alpha!” She said.

Dad frowned. I spotted Alex heading towards Chasity’s room and I followed him.

“Oh, hey!” He said.

“What are you doing?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

Was he trying to sneak away with Chasity like Felix had done the other day. The main reason I was excited for the Christmas Party was to dance with Chasity. She wasn’t going anywhere except the dance floor.

“I wanna take pictures of Chasity in the dress I got her,” he murmured, looking through his camera feed.

He had a professional camera. I glanced at the images, recognising some of the pictures from our birthday party of us cutting the cake with Chasity. She looked totally shell-shocked in all of these. I snickered.

“What?” Said Alex.

“Poor Chasity. She was beyond shocked we were her mates,” I chuckled.

“Yeah,” said Alex, looking at me thoughtfully. “Don’t you think…it was kind of obvious though?” He asked.

I thought about it. I had defiantly had a crush on Chasity growing up. I remembered trying and failing to impress her when we were both children.

“Maybe,” I said.

“Looking back, I can’t believe I never seriously suspected that sooner. I mean, we were all a little overly concerned with her whereabouts and activities even though she hated us,” he said, flipping through the pictures.

“I don’t think she hated us,” I said as we reached her door.

“She hated me and Felix,” he corrected himself.

I snorted with laughter and shoved him playfully.

“She didn’t, trust me. She wishes we had been friends growing up,” I said.

“You think so?” Asked Alex, perking up.

“I know so,” I said confidently.

Alex stroked his chin, thinking about it. I sighed dramatically.

“What would you do without your little bro to advise you on matters of the heart?” I said, placing my palm to my chest.

Alex rolled his eyes and knocked on Chasity’s door. He was always hesitant to interact with her though he spent every waking moment thinking about her and maybe pack laws and some math but mostly Chasity. He also liked cufflinks. He was wearing fancy ones right now with his shirt and blazer. Chasity did not answer right away. We knocked again. I sighed and began drumming a rhythm on her door and dancing to it until she opened it. She caught me dancing and drumming and raised her eyebrows at me. I was too busy staring at her though to feel embarrassed. She looked radiant. She was wearing a red velvet dress. Felix appeared out of nowhere. Sometimes I swore he had her tagged with a tracer or something.

“It’s a good thing you’re the Luna because you are the prettiest girl in the pack by far,” I said in earnest.

She blushed.

“Thanks, Calix,” she said sweetly.

“You’re wearing the dress I got you,” said Alex, grinning.

“Yes, I am. Thanks again, Alex” said Chasity, tiptoeing to kiss Alex’s cheek.

Alex was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

“You look radiant, Chasity. I just wanna take some shots,” he said, holding up the camera.

Chasity instantly adopted her deer in the headlights expression at the sight of the camera.

“How about some candid shots?” I suggested, hoping she would look more relaxed in those, if she were less aware of the camera.

“Alex bought you a red velvet dress?” Asked Felix incredulously, taking Chasity’s hand and twirling her around.

She giggled.

“Yeah, why’s that surprising?” Asked Alex, annoyed.

“I would think you would buy her…a pencil skirt, crisp white shirt and white socks,” said Felix, shrugging. “You know, a sexy librarian look.”

Alex rolled his eyes.

“Red velvet is more…me,” said Felix, grinning. “Anyway I’m glad you’re dressed like the dessert you are, Chasity,” he purred.

Chasity giggled. Felix pointed to his cheek and she stood on tiptoe to kiss it.

“Aren’t you gonna complain about not getting a kiss on the cheek?” Asked Felix.

I ignored him. Music was filtering in from the huge living room where the party was starting.

“Chasity, may I have this dance?” I asked, extending my hand to her.

She placed her hand in my palm.

“You have to lead ok? I’m not so good,” she said apologetically.

“Don’t worry about anything, Chasity?” I whispered, taking her in my arms as we reached the centre of the room with Christmas lights twinkling all around us.

“Just dance with me,” I said, holding her close and brushing my nose against hers.

All the pack members were looking on but Chasity’s nervousness seemed to dissipate as we locked eyes. She followed my lead easily as I twirled her and dipped her. She was actually enjoying herself.

“I love this time of year,” she whispered to me when I pulled her close again.

“Yeah?” I said, a little surprised.

She had never seemed particularly thrilled at any of our past Christmases. I knew she liked the lights though. Her face always lit up when she beheld them.

“I used to love it, you know, back home,” she said softly.

I knew home meant her life before she came to pack house, her early childhood with her parents. My goal was to get Chasity to say ‘home’ and mean her life with me and my brothers.

“You ok, Chasity?” I whispered.

She had fallen silent quickly. I knew talking about her parents was always difficult for her.

“I’m more than ok, actually,” she murmured into my shoulder.

“Good,” I said, kissing her neck gently as we swayed on the spot to a slow song.

Many other couples had joined us on the dance floor.

“You’re the first boy to ask me to dance,” she revealed.

“Yeah?” I said, grinning.

“Yep,” she confirmed.

I could not help the huge smile plastered on my face. I wanted to be all of her firsts but I knew I had to share some with my brothers.

“Do you remember New Year’s Eve?” I breathed in her ear.

“When you kissed me?” She said. “Yeah. We were out on the porch and you pecked me at midnight so quickly, I barely registered what had happened,” she chuckled.

I would fix that.

“Come with me,” I said, laughing, leading her away from the pack members.

I walked her out to the porch. I leant against the railing. She cuddled up next to me. The night’s sky was filled with stars and the moon was big and bright. The moonlight and the glow of the Christmas lights made the snow glisten. Snow was falling slowly.

“Look up,” I told her, nudging her gently.

“At the stars?” She asked.

I laughed. “A bit closer,” I said.

She looked at the strings of twinkling lights above and then realised what I was pointing at. Mistletoe. She smirked at me. I waggled my eyebrows at her. She giggled, nodding. This would not be a peck. I brushed my nose against Chasity’s softly as I leant it. Her eyes were closed. I took a moment to look at her, amidst the silver stars, the crisp white snow and the vibrant decorations, she held my attention effortlessly. I pressed my lips to hers. This kiss was slow and gentle. I caressed her cheeks and her hair as our lips moved together. Chasity placed her hands on my shoulders, pulling me closer. Tingles spread through me. My whole body felt warm and satisfied even as the snow fell around us. We parted. I was grinning so widely my cheeks were starting to hurt. Chasity giggled at my enthusiasm.

“Did you register that one?” I asked cheekily.

“Yes, that was most definitely a kiss worthy of registering,” said Chasity in an official manner.

I pulled her into my arms, hugging her from behind to keep her warm, as we leant over the railing to watch the falling snow.


I had gotten some great shots of Chasity while she had been dancing with Calix. She actually looked relaxed and happy in all the pictures tonight. I wanted her to feel at home here. I wanted her to be comfortable, to feel safe, loved, cherished. I found myself heading up the stairs to her tiny makeshift room. I went in and sat on her cot. I sighed. Ever since Chasity moved to her downstairs bedroom, I would sometimes go to her old room to think. I wanted to go back to the past so badly and right so many wrongs. The guilt got to me at times. I was the eldest. If Chasity did not become our Luna, I would consider that a failure on my part. She had every right to hate me for the way I had treated her. Every good thing I had done for her had been in secret and every mean-spirited thing had been plain as day. I sighed, shutting my eyes tightly, leaning against the wall. This room still smelled like her. Her scent was shockingly potent still.

I sat up, opening my eyes. Chasity was peeking in at me. Oh. No wonder her scent had been so strong. I looked at her, unable to hide the sadness in my eyes. I knew she was probably wondering what the hell I was doing in here.

“You don’t know how sorry I am,” I said softly,.

She looked so beautiful in that red velvet dress I had gotten her. She came inside, shutting the door behind her. She approached me hesitantly. She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as she climbed into the cot with me. I pulled her flush against me, draping her over me. I was way too tall for this cot. My legs were dangling from the edge. I snorted with laughter at our awkward position. Chasity laughed too. She had the most beautiful laugh in the world.

“I love hearing you laugh,” I told her.

She did not say anything in response. Her head was resting on my chest. I stroked her curls absentmindedly. Chasity was fingers were gently tracing patterns on my chest through the fabric of my shirt. I tightened my arms around her and she snuggled in closer. I wondered if she had come looking for me on purpose. My wolf told me that she had. That was a first. Chasity coming to me.

“Look at me,” I said softly.

She did just that, turning her beautiful face towards me. I crashed my lips against hers with an urgency that shocked even me. For one brief moment, I had a fleeting panicked thought: What if my Chasity squeaked in surprise and promptly extricated herself from my embrace? However, she did no such thing. She responded to my urgency with eagerness, moving her lips against mine. My hands roamed her body, squeezing her most tender areas. She moaned into my mouth allowing my tongue to invade her mouth. I stroked Chasity’s tongue with my own, deepening our kiss. I could feel her shiver with delight in my arms. I tilted her head back to allow myself better access to her mouth. I sat up, without breaking the kiss, allowing Chasity to straddle me. I rocked her back and forth on my lap. I knew she could feel how hard she made me. My large erection was pressing against her core. I smelled her arousal as her flower lubricated itself in preparation for me. Of course we would not be going quite that far tonight but my wolf purred at what a good little Luna she was, readying herself for us like that. Her scent and her taste were driving me wild. Chasity’s fingers were tangled in my hair as she lost herself in the kiss. When she finally broke apart from me, she was breathless. I was amazed that she had let me kiss her like that. I frowned, a bit worried she might regret it but she quickly gave me a little peck on the lips. She flashed me a smile. I beamed at her.

“Stay smiling like that,” She told me. “That’s an order!” She said, laughing and waggling her finger at me.

“It’s a little cramped here, Luna,” I said softly.

“Yeah,” she giggled.

I gestured to the door, meaning we should go to my room. I got up and she followed me. I shut the door, making sure it was locked. My room was dark and cold which was how I liked it to be honest. I kicked my shoes off and crawled under the covers of my bed. Chasity was sitting on the edge of the bed, fumbling with the straps of her heels. I crept up behind her and reached down to help her unbuckle them. I snatched her under the covers with me. She squealed in surprise and then giggled. We were facing each other, our noses close together, our heads on the same pillow with the covers over us.

“I feel like I’m at a sleepover,” whispered Chasity.

Sleep was the last thing on my mind. Chasity made every nerve ending in my body fire. I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her slowly this time. We wrapped our arms around each other as we deepened the kiss, our breath intermingling. I pinned her under me and she instinctively wrapped her legs around my torso while her arms went around my neck. I lost myself in the kiss. I was rock-hard. Chasity was wet with excitement and the aroma was making me melt for her. I pressed her into the bed, rubbing the huge bulge in my pants against her core through the fabric of her underwear. Her dress had gotten hiked up. I couldn’t resist kissing my way downwards from her throat down her exposed torso as I pushed the hem of her dress up farther. She squeaked in surprise as I planted kisses all over her midriff. I reached her legs, peppering her inner thighs with kisses, my mouth getting dangerously close to her wet core. Her smell was overwhelming me. I heard my Alpha wolf roar in my head. I sat up suddenly.

“Let’s go back to the party,” I said suddenly, feeling like a moron.

“Did I do something wrong?” Asked Chasity, fixing her dress and looking up at we with her wide doe eyes.

“No, my perfect little Luna,” I said, kissing her forehead, her cheeks and her lips softly. “I don’t want to rush you.”

And my control was wearing thin which was unheard of for me but there was a first time for everything.

“Ok, I had fun,” she said softly.

I grinned slyly at her.

“There’s plenty more fun in your future, Luna, don’t you worry!”

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode