Chapter 68 – The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Whispers echoed from below the stage as everyone in the audience looked at Emma. “Is that the model who got famous for being in Secret magazine?” Mia asked. Nathan nodded, replying, “Yeah, it’s her. Just because she’s slightly attractive, she thinks she can start scheming. Didn’t anyone tell her that Mr. Roberts hates people who ride on other people’s coattails? And especially people who try and ride on his coattails. She’s just asking for it. Let’s just sit back and watch the show. She’s a nobody, but she sure is brave.”

Everyone present was waiting to see how Emma would be humiliated and how pitiful she would end up looking. Nathan, Mia, and Amber were quietly cheering to themselves. If Emma were to offend the CEO of Kaleidoscope Entertainment, it would cause her to be blacklisted by the entire industry. This would be far more damaging to her than anything Global could pull off. Nathan was pleasantly surprised.

Meanwhile, standing on the stage, Eric knew exactly what was going through everyone’s minds. He knew they wanted to see Emma get humiliated. But unfortunately for them, this woman was his wife. He could never let his wife become a punchline. So he simply smiled and declared, “I hope this kind of coincidence happens more often. After all, Miss Miller is very beautiful.”

Hearing his reaction, the audience was shocked. The guests looked at each other in disbelief, wondering why he hadn’t said anything mean to her. His words had been gentle, kind, and polite. They didn’t contain a trace of ridicule. In fact, he had genuinely praised her. It didn’t take long for everyone to realize what Eric meant.

If Emma had indeed contacted his assistant or others around him to ask about his outfit, Eric would not have let her off easily. So it was obvious that their matching outfits were truly a coincidence, a beautiful coincidence.

Meanwhile, Emma did not appear to be playing up the moment, nor was she becoming defensive about it. This gained her even more favor with the crowd and made everyone feel at ease with her. Without trying to explain herself, she simply smiled and elegantly sat back down, leaving a lasting impression on the guests.

Everyone thought the incident was over, but suddenly Eric spoke again. “I remember Miss Miller’s performance at the Bellamy show at the Brooklyn City Center. I hope you continue to work hard.” His words completely stunned the audience.

The video from the time he had stood up for her at the show was still being circulated online, so he couldn’t deny that he knew her. But the fact that he told her to work hard suggested that Kaleidoscope hadn’t given her any offers, as the company only worked with the most powerful artists.

However, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t receive any offers in the future. A model like her, who conducted herself so professionally, had a promising future. No one could predict how far she would go. All the fashion personalities in the crowd stared at Emma with fascination.

Meanwhile, Emma looked at Eric helplessly. He had agreed not to interfere in her private matters, yet here he was doing all he could to increase her fame.

Eric returned her gaze. This event was a rare opportunity for the two of them to appear together, and he didn’t know when the next one would be. “What’s wrong with saying a few kind words to my wife?” he thought.

After all, he hadn’t gone out of his way to help her. He’d merely spoken the truth. The hosts adored Emma and her kind, friendly attitude. Plus, after witnessing how Global had treated her earlier, they felt she could use some cheering up.

The female host gathered her courage and said, “Mr. Roberts, since this amazing coincidence has come to our attention, why don’t we sign off with a happy ending? You should take a photo together.”

“A photo together?” The members of the crowd were in an uproar. “This is Kaleidoscope’s Almighty King she’s speaking to!”

They thought even someone who just won an Oscar wouldn’t dare for such a thing. Does this host want to get fired? The male host sensed the atmosphere had grown awkward, so he prepared to step in and save the situation. But at that moment, the crowd grew quiet as Eric responded, “I don’t think I can refuse such a happy ending,” he said, smiling.

“Great,” the female host replied. “In that case, could we please get Miss Miller onto the stage?” The host smiled at her, and her voice echoed through the microphone to all corners of the room. Emma looked around at the envious gazes. She quickly gathered up her courage. She knew that whether she agreed to the photo or not, people would still gossip about her. In that case, there was no reason she should give up on the chance to take a photo with Eric. So she calmly stood up and walked toward the stage, not allowing anyone to see what she was thinking.

A moment later, she was standing elegant and poised at Eric’s side. Looking at them, the crowd could see that one of them was handsome and respectable, and the other gentle and elegant. They were indeed a good match for each other. However, no one suspected they were in a relationship, as they both acted modestly, nodding politely at each other. Besides, everyone present was more focused on how lucky Emma was to be up there with him. The crowd began to murmur.

“She’s just a small-time artist, yet she gets called on stage to take a photo with Eric. She sure is lucky. Just wait and see, this small-time artist will definitely use this photo to gain publicity tomorrow.”

“Emma, don’t be shy,” the host said, moving a little closer. Eric stretched out his arm, placing his hand on Emma’s shoulder and pulled her toward him. The two of them were so close together they were touching. Everyone’s eyes were about to pop out from the shock of it all, including Emma’s. Eric looked down at her and smiled.

“We can’t get any closer, or else my wife will have it out with me when I get home,” a surprised expression swept across the faces in the crowd. “Eric has a wife,” someone whispered. He was truly the most low-profile and mysterious figure in the entertainment industry. He sure knew how to keep things under wraps.

Emma maintained her smile as she thought about what she’d say to him when they got home. Although he’d remained in control of the situation and navigated it well, the fluctuation of emotions it caused her was difficult to handle. The two of them smiled for photos and then quickly separated. Emma politely shook Eric’s hand before a staff member escorted her back to her seat.

After watching what happened on stage, the judge who had flirted with Emma no longer dared to try anything with her. He now understood that this model was not one he could mess with. Although she didn’t appear to be competitive, she knew exactly what she wanted and what she had to do to get it. On the other hand, only someone like Amber, who took shortcuts, would let him play around with her and do as he pleased.

The photo opportunity was followed by a brief interlude as Eric thanked the host and made his way to his seat in the audience. “So Eric is married,” Mia thought. She turned to Nathan and sneered, “Eric hates it when people use his name to hype themselves up. The Emma I know has no idea how to get publicity. I guess tomorrow we’ll have to help her.”

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The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Author:
Emma Miller, a former superstar, made a significant sacrifice for her love, Nathan Davis, her boss at the entertainment company. She willingly gave up her promising career and future opportunities for him. Emma was drunk on the eve of their wedding. Believing that she would remain oblivious throughout the night, Nathan brazenly engaged in intimate acts with his secret lover, Amber, right in front of Emma. Unbeknownst to them, Emma was fully awake, silently shedding tears as she witnessed the heart-wrenching scene. Emma felt deeply disappointed and uncertain about her next steps. In a twist of fate, she learned that a billionaire named Eric Roberts was urgently seeking a wife to fulfill his father’s wishes. Seizing the opportunity, Emma volunteered to marry Eric, and he accepted her proposal. With the marriage certificate in her hands, Emma couldn’t help but sport a sneaky grin. Little did Nathan and Amber know, she had already cooked up a devious revenge plan for them.


not work with dark mode