Chapter 78 – Her Triplet Alphas


My eyes opened slowly. Chasity. I smiled looking at her laying on my chest. I did not want to wake my Sleeping Beauty. Not yet. I ran my fingers through her dark blond curls. I watched them uncoil and then spring back into place. She was so beautiful. All her bare skin on display. We had gotten frisky in the middle of the night and although we had not gone all the way, we had rid Chasity of her night gown. It was on the floor somewhere or perhaps tangled up in the blankets. I gently massaged Chasity’s scalp. She awoke with a little moan. She was enjoying her scalp massage. I smirked. Calix and Felix stirred, enticed by Chasity’s moan.


What better way was there to start the day than eating Chasity’s ass? Her sweet little moan had woken me up. She was lying on her front on Alex’s chest. I moved her curls aside and kissed my way down from the nape of her to her tailbone, licking the skin at the dip in her spine. I kissed the globes of her behind and then parted them. I teased her tight back opening with my tongue. She squealed. I smirked to myself as I went in for more, darting my tongue in and out of her ass. She was still draped over Alex but her lips were on Calix.


Chasity tasted so sweet. I moved my lips against hers gently. It was pretty early in the morning based on the faint light seeping through the break in the blackout curtains of our hotel suite. Alex nipped at Chasity’s neck and she gave a little gasp of surprise, allowing me to slide my tongue into her mouth. I explored her mouth gently, caressing her tongue with mine. We both had our hands cupping each other’s faces as we became more and more breathless with each passing tender moment. Chasity broke our kiss to glance at what Felix was doing.


I continued my exploration of Chasity’s behind while I plunged two fingers into her tight pussy. She groaned as I widened the gap between my two fingers, parting the folds of her pussy and stretching her, little by little, bit by bit.

I could feel her eyes on me as my tongue continued to work its magic on her behind while my fingers tested how much her tight pussy could take. I knew she was wondering if I was prepping her for something. I was not about to rush her. However, I could not deny I was game for her to try to take all three of us, whenever she was ready, whether that me three minutes from now, three months away or three years from today. It was her call. Alex seemed to be reading my mind. We were good at guessing each other’s thoughts. It was a triplet thing.


I wanted Chasity to be comfortable with every new experience. I also wanted her to know that her pleasure was of paramount importance to us. Of course we wanted more but we were willing to go at her pace.

“Yes, eventually we all want your pussy at the same time if you can handle that, Princess,” I murmured in her ear, my dick stiffening at the very thought.

I could sense and smell her arousal. Her sweet scent filled the air and excited my wolf and me. I was sure my brothers felt the same.

She was locked in another lingering kiss with Calix. She pulled away, needing air. I gave her a moment and then claimed her lips next. She seemed surprised at the gentleness of my kiss. She had probably been expecting more fire. Of course, Chasity lit the fire of desire within me but she also inspired softer yearnings: for companionship, for stability, to protect and provide for, to love and be loved in return. I tangled my hands in her soft silky curls while she nibbled my bottom lip, making me groan. I grasped her chin and angled her face upwards, granting myself better access to her soft sweet mouth. Her tongue met mine. They entertained together slowly as I lost myself in our kiss. I was vaguely aware of Felix and Calix continuing their exploration of other parts of Chasity’s beautiful body.


I peppered Chasity’s thighs with kisses as I made my way down to her calves. I licked the indents behind her knees before planting kisses down her calves. I could hear her sigh happily as my fingers kneaded her lower calves while I kissed her ankles. I ticked the soles of her feet, eliciting a squeal of surprise followed by the sweet sound of Chasity’s laughter. I could listen to her laugh all day.


My Baby Chasity was doing so well. I slid a third finger deep into her pussy and she cried out though my wolf assured me it was not in pain. She was enjoying the feeling of my fingers knuckle-deep in her. I grinned at her. My bros were all smiles too. Chasity’s breathing was coming in quick little gasps. I started pumping my fingers in and out of her, faster and faster, while I continued sliding my tongue in and out of her behind.

“Mmmm,” moaned Chasity.

Fuck. She was making me painfully hard. I could sense how close she was. We could all sense it. Her whimpers were muffled as Alex was gripping her to him, her face buried in his chest. Calix kept his hands on her lower back, kneading the muscles there, massaging her and soothing her while I fingered her tight little pussy until I got her to cum screaming.

I groaned as my dick spasmed. Watching her orgasm always got me off. The only thing better than making Chasity cum was to reach that peak together, inside of her. I slid my dick between her deliciously round butt cheeks, shooting strands onto the small of her back right in the dip by her tailbone. I smirked at my handiwork.

My bros were gazing at Chasity with lustful black eyes while they stroked themselves. Calix flipped Chasity over suddenly onto her back. She squealed. She had not been expecting that. Calix grinned at her reaction. She was so cute. I kissed the skin right under her belly button while my bros moved to lie at either side of her. Chasity was being a good girl and thinking of her Alphas. She reached out to take over stroking her other two mates, squeezing their shafts from base to tip. Her hands were much too small to wrap all the way around any of our cocks but she always did her best. I positioned myself between her yummy thighs, squeezing the flesh there with my hands as I pushed her legs further apart. I was hard again already. It was different with our mate. We could go and go and go. The recovery time was almost instant.

I pressed my huge hard member against her pretty pussy, rubbing my shaft against her vulva up and down, just between her labia. She trembled. I could tell she liked that. I tried four fingers this time, slipping them gently into her pussy one by one now that she was so wet. She squirmed a little, trying to wiggle away but my bros held her waist and gently pushed her back to me. I watched her face carefully, scrutinising her expression while I fingered her, making sure it was not too much for her, judging by her smiles, smirks, giggles and gasps what she liked and how much she liked it. She was really tight but after a while of getting her soaked and stretching her a bit, she might be able to take more than one cock but only if she wanted to.

I kissed her gently on her pouty lips. Chasity was so effortlessly pretty. I watched Alex and then Calix kiss her before I penetrated her with one sharp thrust, pushing all the way in to the hilt. She cried out at the intrusion while pleasure burst through me. I had to force myself to hold back. I could not cum this early like some ridiculous teenager. I took a few deep breaths while I moved my hips back and forth, grinding against her. The walls of her pussy were already throbbing around me. She whimpered as I gave her deep, slow strokes, filling her tight body with my thick, long manhood. I smirked at the little O she always made with her mouth whenever a thrust was harder or faster than the one before it.

Alex and Calix moved down, closer to Chasity’s core, facing her from the foot of the bed. I wondered if she would let us.


Chasity was flushed. I stroked her cheek gently. Our eyes met and I smiled.

“Baby, can we try?” I asked gently, hoping she understood what I meant.

The look in her eyes told me that she did. She understood. I kissed her hand and then the tip of her nose. Chasity nodded. I grinned.

We had to go really, really slowly. She was made for us so I knew it would be okay but her pleasure was always my top priority whenever we hit the sheets. Alex and I positioned ourselves between her quivering legs. Alex was slightly in front of Felix and I was slightly behind him. She was definitely wet enough but Alex still insisted upon using lube to make it as easy as possible. He handed me the bottle and I stroked myself, covering my shaft and engorged head with lube. I tossed the bottle aside. Alex and I slid into Chasity at the same time, moving extremely slowly, with Alex penetrating her above Felix and me penetrating below. We had never actually attempted this before. We had liked the same girl before but not this much. Being inside of Chasity always made my mind numb so I had to rely on instinct. My Goddess and her beauty melted me. This was like nothing I had ever experienced. Through the mate bond, I could feel how satisfied Chasity felt at being filled like this.


It was an extremely tight fit. We stayed still within her, waiting for her to adjust. She tossed her head back and moaned. I stroked her lower lip with my thumb. She was doing amazingly well. There was no need to rush. I could scarcely believe she was letting us do this.

“You are doing so good, Baby,” cooed Felix, keeping his eyes on her beautiful face.

In response to his words, she very slowly arched her back a little. We had to move forward slightly to adjust to that. I could tell she was ready for us to move. I expected this to be very technical but my Alpha wolf made it seamless. We slid in and out, slowly and gently. The noises coming out of Chasity were driving me crazy. There was something about her that just made me want to pleasure her more and more, again and again. My bros clearly felt the same way as we all started caressing her flushed body at the same times. She had six hands roaming over the curves and indents of her overheated skin.

It was easy to anticipate each other’s movements. We quickened the pace ever so slightly and Chasity groaned loudly. I smirked. She usually tried to stifle or quiet her noises a little but she was too overwhelmed for that right now. Her toes curled. She whimpered. She knew the most intense climax yet was coming. During the triple penetration, she began having many mini-orgasms. Her pussy couldn’t stop coming but this was different. Those had been numerous little waves of pleasure crashing over her but this was a tsunami.

I could tell the intensity of the buildup alone had her a bit unnerved. I caressed her sides and her outer thighs, soothing her a little.

“Ohhh, yes, yes, yes!” Moaned Chasity.

I smirked. If that was any indication, I would say my Luna Chasity was enjoying this. We sped up, just a little at first and then significantly. Our Luna screamed. She was so close and so was I. We switched angles ever so slightly. The pressure built and built and built. Fuck. Chasity cried out as the biggest orgasm of her life hit her, making her squirt all three of our lower torsos. My climax shattered me too. Her pussy contracted around me, intensifying my orgasm. I groaned as I poured into her as did Felix and Calix.

We had all just woken up but we were spent again. I slid out of her. Her eyes were half-closed as Calix fetched a slightly damp towel to clean her off with. Felix fetched her a clean pair of underwear and I fetched her a fresh night gown. We dressed her and I changed the bedding at werewolf speed, wanting her to be comfortable and dry. She tossed to and fro a little. She whimpered, sleepily realising her Alphas weren’t with her in bed yet.

“Coming, Luna,” I cooed as I fetched an extra blanket.

Chasity and Calix were both blanket-hogs. Felix was a recovering blanket-hog. We cuddled Chasity and she soon settled down as our warmth and scents soothed her. She was out like a light now. I smiled to myself as I let sleep embrace me.


I was dreaming about Chasity. I know, shocking! She was on one of those unicorn-shaped pool flotation devices that you could ride across the pool. Well, dream Chasity thought she could ride it across the pool before I explained that it had no motor. She could sit on it and float. She pouted so being the hardcore stone cold killer that I am, I acted as the motor for her unicorn helping her race back and forth across the pool.

“Giddy up!” She laughed. “Felix!”

“I’m carrying you across, you little brat,” I said, splashing her with water.

I held onto the unicorn and swam a bit faster. This pool stretched on and on.


“It’s not me, it’s the stupid pool,” I grumbled.

Wait, this was real. I shot up. Chasity had woken up before us. My brothers were passed the fuck out. Should I wake them? No.

I noticed they had on boxers and I had fallen asleep naked. In my humble opinion, we weren’t completely identical. My guy felt cramped in boxers. It was a fate I was willing to bear. Should I throw on something before I go out to Chasity? No.

I strutted into the kitchen in all my glory, morning wood and all. Of course, I was flexing a little.

“Felix!!” She squealed.

She was really into me. Always calling me for everything. I knew once she had this D all thoughts of leaving would dissipate.

I yawned and stretched.

“You called, Baby?” I asked, smirking.

She was blushing. She had thrown a robe on.

“Put a robe on,” she said.

She did not mean that. Her eyes were right where they needed to be. I walked towards her.

“Do you really want me to?” I asked with a sly smile.

Her eyes went from my pecs, to my abs to my morning wood and then she slowly remembered I had a face. She shrugged. Her cheeks were flushed.

I knew my little brat would want pancakes. Baby always wanted pancakes. If I made something else, she’d probably start threatening to run away again. I really did love cooking for her but I would love to show her some unique things. I tried her with a frittata one morning back at Winter Moon. She tried hard to hide how pissed she was when she came to the table and there were pancakes. She ate it but slowly and then she moped about.

I put on my new hat. I had planned this outfit since I realised Chasity was my mate. I had said to myself that when I won her over, I would cook for her butt naked with a Chef’s hat on and an apron that said Kiss the Cook but I had forgotten to get the apron. It was a good thing. The apron would have been too much. This was more stylish and my Baby was checking me out. I loved her so much. I grinned at her and she blushed. She was so adorable.

“Should I go get Alex and Calix?” She asked.

She was so sweet. Should I pretend to be sensitive? Calix always won with that one. I should try it too. Nah.

“Who are those people?” I asked calmly as I arranged a stack of chocolate chip pancakes for Chasity.

I was a grown man. An Alpha. I did not used to cook with chocolate chips. Now, it was a staple on my grocery shopping list. Her pretty face was zeroed in on the heap of pancakes. She already had a knife and fork in hand. I was naked here and her mouth was watering over the breakfast. I had made some coffee with hazelnut chocolate creamer because this minx would never drink black coffee. I took a sip. Not bad.

“Thank you for making me breakfast, Baby,” said my Baby Chasity.

This little minx. She knew just how to get me. I could not help the huge grin that spread over my face. My wolf and I were finally friends and it only took us nine years of being at war over Chasity. Now, we could both fanboy over her in peace. I leant in for a lingering kiss. Every time our lips connected I was transported to a state of pure bliss. I wanted to carry her back to the bedroom right now but I knew she needed to eat. So did I. I hoped to get some alone time with her later.

My brothers walked in, both in their boxers. Baby Boy Calix yawned. He spotted my ensemble and laughed, his eyes on the fluffy white chef’s hat. Alex rolled his because he was a hater but even he had a bit of a smile on his face.

“Great hat!” Said Calix, giving me a thumbs-up.

I nodded, winking at my lil bro. He was a young-un as Pa would say but he had taste.

“You made breakfast again Felix? You’re making breakfast a lot these days,” said Alex appreciatively.

I knew my pancakes tasted good, better than his, better than Baby Boy Calix, better than professional minx Chasity back when she was made to cook.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Asked my Baby.

Alex looked at me. I inhaled sharply. I had said I would agree to propose if we hit it off. I wanted to be Chasity’s husband obviously but the point of proposing was to get a yes. A proposal that got a no was not a good proposal. Something was wrong if it got a no whether it be the proposal itself or the relationship. I wanted to plan a successful proposal to Chasity. I looked at Calix. He had a big part to play in Chasity letting us woo her. She had a hard time saying no to him. I smiled at my brothers and they grinned. We could pull this off. We could be taking our fiancee Chasity back home. I could not stop smiling.

“Something big,” I told my beloved Baby.

“And…unexpected,” said Alex theatrically.

“And yet…completely obvious,” concluded Calix.

My brothers and I were ready to pop the question.

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode