Chapter 78 – Offered to the Lycan King

They both strolled around the markets in the mainland of Maldives, savoring the local dishes. At 5PM, Hunter said, “Let us go back. It is getting late.”

River was also very tired. “Yes,” she said as she leaned her weight over his arms while they were walking back to the pier. The promenade that they were walking on had several shops lined up on the right. They included alfresco dining and souvenir shops. Smell of coffee and beer wafted in the air. Though River thought of sitting and having coffee before leaving, she resisted the urge.

“Do you want to grab a coffee?” Hunter asked, as if he read her thoughts.

“I would love to!”

He grinned and led her to the last shop. They sat under a jacaranda tree and ordered two mochas for themselves. Hunter picked up her feet and placed them on his lap. He removed her flip-flops and massaged her sole.

“Ummm,” she groaned as he massaged her feet. “Thank you, hubby,” she said in a ****voice that made his chest swell with pride. She called him hubby in front of all. His lips curled up and he pressed her feet at the right points.

The server brought the coffee for them. She saw Hunter and a blush formed on her cheeks. “Would you like to eat. something with it?” she asked him, ignoring River completely.

“No, he doesn’t want to eat,” River growled at her.

The server jerked her head back and turned to look at River. “Excuse me?” she said, feeling offended.

“I said that my husband doesn’t want to eat anything. He just wants coffee,” River repeated, narrowing her eyes.

The server huffed and walked away from there. Hunter burst out laughing. “Why are you so jealous, love?” He was pretty proud that she was jealous, but he wanted to tease her.

“I am not jealous!” she pouted.

He leaned forward and kissed her pout. “It’s fine. Have your coffee. We have to go back.”

River picked up the coffee and started to sip. She watched the sun setting over the sea and it was a beautiful sight. The soft sky above caressed the sand and the stone with its reflected light. Waves rippled in a steady rhythm. The birds above were circling and getting ready to go back to their nests. A breeze brought a long-awaited relief to her skin. Twilight began its descent and figures started turning dark against the backdrop of setting sun.

Just as she watched it over the rim of her cup, a figure came into view. A girl wearing a pink swimsuit. River stilled. Her eyes became wide as saucers. She stared through the crowd to look at the girl. Was that Rosalie? River placed her cup on the table and rushed towards the girl she saw.

“River!” Hunter called her. He followed her. “River!”

But River meandered her way through the crowd and reached the spot where Rosalie was standing. She placed her hand on her waist as she whipped her head around.

“What’s wrong, River?” Hunter asked, bewildered at her sudden action.

“I saw-” River swallowed down. Should she tell him? “I think I saw Rosalie!”

Hunter shook his head. He stood akimbo and said, “You are imagining things, River. Why would Rosalie come here? That is ****! If you want confirmation, let me call her home and get the information?”

“Yes, do that!” River said in an angry voice. She wanted this confirmation badly.

Hunter took his phone out and called Rosalie’s mother. He put the phone on speaker. “Mrs. Jenna?”

“Good morning, Alpha Hunter!” a soft voice sounded on the phone.

“Where is Rosalie?” he asked without greeting her back.

“She is sleeping in her room, Alpha.”

Hunter looked at River with a raised eyebrow as if asking her if she needed more confirmation.

She leaned towards his ear and whispered, “Ask her to send a photo.”

“No!” Hunter scolded her in a whisper.

“Is there anything else, Alpha Hunter?” Mrs. Jenna asked.

“No, thanks,” he said and disconnected the call. “River, what is wrong with you? You look like Rosalie!”

“But I saw her here!” River insisted.

“She can’t be here. Trust me!”

you are obsessed with

River pursed her lips, looked around and then walked towards the pier where their yacht was waiting. Hunter came after her. He picked her up from behind. She squealed, “Put me down!”

“No. My wife is upset and I can’t let her walk. I will carry her to the boat.”

She giggled and swatted her forearm as he carried her all the way back to the boat.

After three more days of fun, they finally came back. Rosalie was not seen during that time and so River was sure that it was her imagination. Instead of going to the Crescent Pack, she went to the Dark Moon pack directly. Hunter had too many things that were pending and he wanted to be with her.

Jetlag was the main reason why she slept and woke up at odd hours. It took them about two days to come out of the jetlag. Hunter was able to adapt faster than her. On the third day he was already training his warriors in the morning while she was still sleeping.

Faria woke her up. “Lady River!” she called her as she opened the curtains to let the light in. “It is midafternoon. You have to get ready. There are so many things to be done. The pack members are asking for a formal party in the honor of their new Luna!”

River mumbled something incomprehensible and pulled the pillow on her head. She really wanted to keep sleeping. Her husband didn’t let her sleep at all in the night. His sexual hunger was insatiable.

“Lady River, please wake up!” Faria goaded.

If that wasn’t all, Mia came rushing in the room and jumped on River’s sleeping form. “Rivvveeerrrr!” she squealed and hugged her sister-in-law over the blanket. “I am sooooo happy!”

Mia’s enthusiasm was something River loved. She pulled her blanket down and let out a soft laugh. “Mia, how are you?” “I am well!” Mia said with a grin. “But how are you? Goddess, I missed you so much! Do you know that you have become the hottest topic of the Dark Moon Pack? You have opened the doors for the Lycans to mingle with the werewolves. Something which no one could do in hundreds of years!”

River smiled as she rose up. “Is that so? Then I deserve a treat, don’t I?”

Mia hugged her again. “I am so glad that you are my sister-in-law and not that pink fish walking on the stick.”

“Mia!” River chided her playfully.

“Oh really!” Mia said with her hand on her chest. “Rosalie was only after my brother’s money. Ever since she had come to this castle, she thought no one could replace her. In reality, no one liked her. I ***people who go ahead of themselves!” Mia’s cheeks puffed in anger.

River patted her cheeks playfully. “No more talking about Rosalie. Now let me take a bath. I will join you in the dining room.”

“Yes, you have to join her for lunch, Faria’s irritated voice came from the back.

River chuckled. She knew that Faria was angry because she had been trying to wake her up from a long time, but she woke up when Mia came.

“Do you know the number of appointments you have for today?” Faria added. “There’s a high tea in the mid evening with the wives of the councilors. There’s a dinner party in the evening with the councilors where Alpha Hunter will be introducing you and before all this you have to address, she Lycans on domestic management.”

River blinked her eyes as if she was hearing foreign language. “That is a lot. When will I meet Hunter?”

Mia giggled from behind as Faria sighed. “He will be there with you in the dinner party and after that.”

River had thought that she would be free in the Dark Moon Pack because she didn’t have to think much about her pack because Lena was already there taking care of it. Lena would send her the reports morning and evening to keep her updated. But this was more than River had anticipated. This was like full time work as a Luna.

“Now hurry up and take a bath,” Faria scolded her as if she was a child. “I have to dress you up.”

“I can get dressed, Faria,” River replied.

“No way!” Faria protested. “I can’t leave you on your own. I have already prepared the three different dresses for different occasions.” Then she looked at Mia. “Mia, can you help with the jewelry selection? I just don’t understand that part.”

“Oh sure!” Mia jumped from the bed and followed Faria to the dresser while River looked at the two who were her closest in the castle.

Three dresses? When will she find time to change? She let out a rough exhale and went to take a bath.

Her life was about to change drastically.



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode