Chapter 8 – The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Vicky took a 360 glance at the place, trying to figure out who her client was and that was when she sighted him.

The man in suit. He was the only business-looking person in the cafe. Even though his back was turned to the entrance where she stood, she noticed that not only was he in suit attire, he was the only one occupying the table which made sense because he was waiting for her.

With gentle steps, Vicky made her way over to where he was seated.

Getting to the table, she saw that the Client had his head down as he was focused on typing away on his phone.

Vicky was about to greet the client since she met him there but he beat her to it.

“Why are you just coming?”

Vicky froze, clutching her handbag tightly. It wasn’t the statement that made her heart start beating twice faster or the venom and harshness contained in the tone of the voice but the familiarity in the voice.

She could recognize the voice, any time, any day. The same voice that kept torturing her in her dreams for the past five years.

“Can’t you talk? I said what took…..” The stranger was saying but suddenly looked up and got lost in his words.

Victoria’s heart stopped.

His face was the same, just like she remembered. Round, chiseled jaw, little mustache, his hair was neatly styled and his beautiful eyes… was as though she was staring into the eyes of the little angel she dropped at school this morning.

Vicky had no idea how long she continued to stare at him as her heart ached. She couldn’t wrap her head around one thing. What the hell he was doing here in Australia.

And that was when it hit her. That he could be the client she was there to meet. “No.” She mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw his mouth quiver and thought he was about to say something.

“Viii…Victoria?” He finally voiced out, looking really surprised to see her.


“Vicky?!” He called again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who’s Vicky?” She responded with a stern look, still on her feet, wondering what excuse she would come on with to avoid this meeting with him.

“Victoria.” He mentioned again and this time around. She swallowed painfully, as he rose to his feet. Even though there was a table in between them, separating the duo, she couldn’t help but feel intimidated by his presence and his muscular body. She remembered him being taller than her and that hasn’t changed a bit as she would always tiptoe just to steal a k**s from him.

“Victoria?? Is this really you?” He looked confused and lost confronting her.

“What? Victoria? I don’t know who that is.”

Oscar sighed, rubbing his face with his palm to know if he was dreaming or if this was real. He had mistaken her for other people on the street in the past few years. He just wanted to clarify if he was daydreaming this time around.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw the same figure. She looked exactly the same and anyone who knew her before would be able to testify to that.

Except that she looked even more mature, more beautiful than he could remember. He couldn’t help but notice that she had fuller b**bs, wider hips, and even a well-defined as s. He knew Vicky had never been a fan of excessive makeup and she looked just as beautiful as he remembered. She looked really gorgeous in her work clothes, Oscar was tempted to take a look at her lower profile and saw that her long legs were still there. Heaven knew how much he missed the way her legs were usually wrapped around his waist whenever they were having a good time and how could he forget those beautiful eyes which never failed to hunt him everywhere he went in the past few years.

“G od, Vicky? Is this really you?” He was still stunned that he couldn’t even form a proper sentence nor did he even know how to react or what exactly to say to convey his emotion.

He was almost walking towards her with the intention to hold her to know if she was real but she stopped him with her voice.

“Don’t come near me, please. I don’t know you or who the hell Vicky is.” She tried to say with so much confidence but eventually turned around and rushed towards the exit.

The moment Vicky was out of the Cafe, She rushed into the car and buried herself in the driver’s seat, started the engine, and tried to catch her breath, with her mind trying to replay what just happened in there.

As far as Vicky was aware, Oscar was very rich and would get anything that he wanted at the snap of his fingers. She started panicking at the thought of him coming down to Australia to come to ruin her again.

At this point, Victoria’s eyes were filled with tears, thinking of what to do. She was almost losing it with her deadly thoughts when the buzzing sound of her phone caught her attention.

She sniffled, reached for her handbag which She had placed earlier in the front passenger seat, opened it, and took out her phone.

It was a text message from a stranger, apologizing for being late and promising to be with her in the next ten minutes.

Vicky sighed in reljef as she kept her phone aside, glad that he wasn’t the client that she was dealing with. She men tally slapped herself for approaching him, thinking he was her client.

Victoria’s relieved heart started pounding really hard again when she thought of the fact that she saw him again. She knew Oscar to be more of a traveler but fie would never go as far as Australia no matter what. This country had been her safe haven and now that he was here, She had no idea what was going to be her fate.

“Breathe, Vicky, Breathe.” She tried to do a few breathing exercises, ignoring the tears in her eyes.

Even though she had thought She would never set her eyes on him again, She felt all weak and teary not because their path crossed again but because his presence reminded her of all her struggles and pain she has had to endure.

With Vicky being lost in her thoughts, She had no idea how time passed her by, and soon enough, her phone buzzed beside her.

She reached for it and it was her Client, telling her that he was already in the cafe. He told her the color of the suit he was putting on for easy identification. She responded that he would see her soon.




The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

The Regretful Billionaire: Victoria and Oscar

Status: Ongoing
Victoria Adlyn was overjoyed with the relationship with her boss, Oscar Wayde. They had a passionate encounter in his office, and to her surprise, Oscar proposed to her, slipping a beautiful ring onto her finger. Victoria was also carrying their unborn child and couldn’t wait to share the happy news with him. The following day at the office, Victoria was taken aback when she heard about Oscar’s upcoming wedding. She had assumed that she would be the bride, but all that unfolded were difficult for her to accept. Victoria received a termination letter, supposedly issued by Oscar himself. To make matters worse, she witnessed Oscar walking arm in arm with a stunning woman, seemingly oblivious to Victoria’s presence. When she confronted Oscar directly, he feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. However, fate showed some mercy on Victoria as she gave birth to a daughter later on. Five years later, when she returned with her daughter, what would transpire between Victoria and Oscar? Let’s discover below.


not work with dark mode