Chapter 88 – Offered to the Lycan King

You both have gone mad!” River chided them. “Howard would never allow you to get in his house and you can forget entering Natalie’s room Then we have to find a way in which we can enter his house without telling him. We need to sneak in to find out the truth,” Fana replied. She was feeling terrible about the whole situation. She was extremely loyal to Hunter and ever since he had got married to River, she had become protective of River too. However, the ***she heard that River was pregnant with Alpha’s pups, she had become fiercely protective of her It was as if River was going to give birth to her pups.

River gritted her teeth. “Do you realize the risk of entering Howard’s house without telling him about it? Your smells are going to be everywhere You will be caught.”

“No one can stop Alpha Hunter from investigating.” Mia interjected Howard has to admit us inside his house.”

“Howard is under no obligation to allow you in his house!” River pointed. “And if you both will go in, the doubt about her seeing Hunter would be confirmed “She stared at both of them hoping they would see the flaw in their plans.

Fania narrowed her eyes. “How will people see us when we have disguised ourselves and entered?”

Fana!” River yelled at her with her hands balled into fists. “You are not going there!”

Fana became absolutely quiet when River’s Alpha aura spilled out. Mia too winced. This was the first time they had experienced it and River

was… strong

“Okay, okay.”Faria replied in a weak voice. “We won’t go.”

Mia pursed her lips as she got out of the bed and then walked to her table. She took out a paper and a pencil. “Come here, River. Let’s just chart out what has happened and log it. At least we would know what to do next, even if that means we have to stay quiet”

Now that makes sense!” River replied, thanking the Goddess that she had drilled sense into Mia and Faria.

Mia looked at Faria and said, “Could you please bring us more lemonade, Faria?”

Fana didn’t want to leave, but she left reluctantly.

For the next one hour, Mia charted out all the details with River. The picture became slightly clear but there were still too many gaps. Other than the fact that Natalie accused Hunter to the older man, there was no evidence that he was the one who stalked her or was seeing her River wondered that even Hunter must be knowing about it all but he was keeping it low. He wasn’t even talking about it to her.

Faria hovered in the background as the two talked about it. She was listening very attentively to what they said. She would sometimes come and peek over the paper they had written on.

“I am tired,” River said finally. She saw that Mia was feeling much better now that she had spoken it all out. It was as if a burden had come off

her shoulders.

Mia stretched her hands over her head. “I am also very tired. I would love to sleep!”

River chuckled. She was happy to see that Mia was relaxed. “You better go to school tomorrow. Let it all slide, okay?”

Mia hugged River. “Thanks for coming over, River. You can’t imagine the tension I was going through. Though the mystery over the stalker hasn’t been cleared, I am feeling better”

River patted her back. “I am glad.”

That evening Mia was busy because she called her friends and finished up the homework, took notes and generally chatted with them. She was in her room all the time. River came to talk to her friends for a while and then she went back to her room. It was pretty late in the night. At 11:30PM River went off to sleep after having dinner. Mia’s friends were still in her room when she went to sleep.

In the morning when she woke up, she checked her phone hoping to see Hunter’s call or texts. There were several. She smiled as she sent him back all the love and kiss emojis. She missed him a lot. Once he returned, she planned to go and see her pack and meet her Beta, Lena. It was long due.

Mia got up in the morning and stretched her limbs with a big yawn. She was eager to go back to the school with new energy. Her gaze landed on her table and she was surprised to see that the paper that she had written with River wasn’t on it. She had kept it back in the drawer of the table when her friends came over, but she had put it back on the table after they had left and was reading it all over again. She had started searching for clues on Natalie’s Facebook page and even called some of their common friends.

Mia jumped out of her bed and searched for the paper in case it had slid down the table, but it was nowhere. Did River take it? She scratched her head and was going to River’s room to enquire about it, but her eyes went to the clock. “***!” she rasped. Only half an hour was left to go to the school. River hurried dressing up and she reached school in a record twenty-five minutes. She rushed to her locker and opened it to take her books out when an A4 size paper slid out of it and landed on her feet, imitated, she picked it up and her eyes went wide when she read it “Leave your investigation, ***!”

Dread blasted in her chest and her heart beat like a wild horse. She stared at the warning on paper for a long time. The bell rang, pulling her out of her thoughts She crushed the paper and ran to her class. Who could have stashed the paper in her locker? Who had the access to it? As she walked to the class, her body trembled with fear. She whipped her head everywhere to find who had done it, but not a single person was in the corridor. She dug her phone out and called Faria, but Faria didn’t pick it up. She thought of calling River, but remembered that she would be in her interior designing class.

Mia reached her class a few minutes later. She went to sit at her place as her friends glared at her for coming late. She couldn’t focus on anything. When the teacher asked her a question, she gave her a blank face. Other students laughed at her for being so careless. Some said that she needn’t be so attentive because she was a royal. Mia didn’t pay attention to any of them, her mind at the crushed paper which was lying in her skirt’s pocket.

When the class got over, she called Faria again. But her phone went unanswered. An hour later, her phone was switched off. Panic surged through her By the time it was lunch, instead of going to the

cafeteria, she went to the roof of the school and called River. As soon as River picked up her phone, she said, “Where is Faria, River? Her phone is switched off!”

“Why?” River said, sounding busy Thaven’t seen her since morning”



Offered to the Lycan King

Offered to the Lycan King

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023
River, a half-blood she-wolf, was the daughter of a human and an omega werewolf. On her 18th birthday, she felt a surge of joy as she sensed her mate approaching. Finally, she thought, someone who could protect her from the abuse at home and the bullying at school. However, her happiness quickly turned to despair when her mate, Hector, the son of Alpha Maxim, expressed his disgust towards her and rejected her. Instead, he claimed Victoria, a stunning girl, as his mate. Hector’s rejection was not the end of River’s suffering. He subjected her to physical violence, slamming and beating her mercilessly, while also threatening her to keep their “mating” a secret. Adding to her misery, Alpha Maxim conspired with her father to offer her to the notorious Lycans in the Veil. This group of ruthless super werewolves engaged in raiding, killing other werewolves, and seizing their properties and she-wolves. Upon hearing this news, River was filled with terror and grew pale. She felt trapped, unable to defy her father and Alpha Maxim. The future seemed bleak for her. What lies ahead for River? Let’s find out.


not work with dark mode