Chapter 95 – Her Triplet Alphas

Hey by popular demand I’m letting you know that chapter 52 and 53 are the triplet version of Chasity’s Chapter 28 Close Call. Not every chapter matches another exactly due to overlap among other things. I’m gonna try to put together a list and post it here.


I woke up tangled up with Chasity. This was the life. I sighed. It was almost dinnertime but I did not want to wake her. I didn’t even want to move. I could lie here forever in pure bliss, her mark on my neck and her body intertwined with mine.

I could hear Mom calling us down to dinner. Damn! She was gonna be pissed! Now all three of us were marked by Chasity including Mom’s Baby Boy Calix.

I had to admit it though. Her face was gonna be priceless. She was already aware of Alex’s mark and her eyes trailed over it as he sat at the dining table. Then, she noticed the mark on my neck that my Baby had gifted to me just a few hours ago. I could still smell Chasity on me. Mom’s eyes just widened as she gazed at my neck reproachfully. She sighed deeply and dramatically. She threw a dirty look at Chasity. Calix was not at the table yet. Dad had no reaction to either of the marks on my or Alex’s neck.

That was when Calix arrived. Chasity looked up and smiled at him. I smirked at him. Alex grinned. Dad actually looked impressed. Dad always liked it when Calix did anything manly because Dad thought that Mom babying Calix so much had stunted his macho-ness. Mom’s face lit up the way it always did when her baby boy walked into the room. She smiled brightly the moment she spotted him and then, just as quickly as it had come, her smile slipped right off her face. She paled, looking at his neck. I saw her knuckles blanch as her hands gripped the table. She steadied herself with a deep shuddering breath.

She had to have expected this on some level. It was inevitable. Had she seen Chasity?! My Baby was gorgeous, a knockout. We were hot. It was simple math. I was surprised it had taken us this long to get some real action. Since our shared birthday on November eleventh, I had been secretly hoping and planning on getting some action on Christmas Day. The moment Chasity had begun showing signs of forgiving us, I had gotten a little overexcited and gone out and bought her a sexy Mrs Claus outfit. I had even bought a Santa suit for me, thinking we could have had a little Christmas Day role play. To get into that gift-of-giving spirit, I had begrudgingly gotten a snowman outfit for Alex, cause he could be pretty cold and frosty sometimes, and an elf costume for Calix, cause he still played with toys and baked sugar cookies with Mom so that screamed elf to me. I sighed thinking about that sexy see-through red dress with the fluffy white edges just going to waste in my closet. It would not feel the same to whip it out now in January so I would wait till next Christmas.

Calix took his seat between Mom and Chasity. I was on Chasity’s other side so I graciously decided to give her a little knee and thigh massage. She smirked at me. I grinned, remembering when she would glare daggers at me for trying to get cosy with her.

Look at you now, huh! I teased. What would you do without your man Felix?

She did not say anything but she put her hand on my thigh and squeezed, instantly making my dick hard.

Minx! I snarled in her mind.

That bruise on the side of her face still made me furious. I wasn’t done contemplating on killing that guy.

“Mom and Dad, so I suppose you’ve noticed,” began Calix.

Mom sighed.

“Yes, the marks,” said Mom.

“Yeah, on Chasity’s face. They’re from an altercation at school,” explained Calix, talking about a completely different set of marks to Mom’s annoyance.

Dad was listening intently.

“This disgusting Neanderthal thought he could get away with hitting our Luna!” Snarled Calix. “There were four footballers in the vicinity who stopped him.”

“Winter Moon Wolves,” chuckled Dad proudly. “I was one. Pa played. You three were great on the field as well. One day, your children will win the Wolf Country football tournament too! Keep that trophy in the family!”

Dad clapped me on the back. Mom was not amused.

“Your Mom was a cheerleader,” revealed Dad.

Alex stifled his snickering. I knew what he meant. Mom? Cheerlead? Didn’t you have to be cheerful to do that?

“The school nurse called me and I sped down there. When I saw Chasity’s face…” Calix stopped, his eyes turning black.

I could feel my own eyes turning black just thinking about it. Even Alex was sporting black eyes and he had the most controlled wolf.

“I won’t even go into details of what that piece of shit said to Chasity because it’ll just ruin my appetite,” said Calix.

“Calix honey, language,” said Mom feebly.

Usually, Calix would quickly apologise. This time he just went back to his story. I could sense he was miffed about Mom’s indifference to Chasity’s injuries.

“The football players showed me where he hung out: on the bleachers, skipping class,” said Calix.

“Lowlife,” muttered Dad, shaking his head.

He was almost as pro-education as Alex.

“I stood at the foot of the bleachers and told him to come down there!” Said Calix, raising his chin defiantly.

I chuckled. Alex smiled. Mom seemed to be resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Dad was riveted by this story’s detailing of Calix’s display of masculinity.

“He refused to come down,” snarled Calix. “Saying he didn’t know she was spoken for!”

“He disobeyed you?!” I growled, livid again.

“That’s unacceptable,” snarled Alex.

“How could he miss three Alpha marks on her neck?! What an idiot!” Commented Dad.

From my vantage point, I could see the flicker of movement when Mom nudged Dad under the table.

“Don’t worry! I handled him!” Said Calix proudly. “I went up to him and he said he was not afraid of me because I was the nice one. Then he laughed so I laughed with him. While he was still laughing, I picked him up and threw him straight across the football field!”

Alex and I burst into laughter. Mom gasped, horrified that her Baby Boy had gotten his hands dirty.

“Was it a touchdown?!” Guffawed Dad.

Chasity smiled a little. Mom glared at Dad until he stopped smiling. I pulled Chasity to me for a quick kiss. I was pissed about what had happened but I was glad she was safe now.

“No making out at the dinner table, please,” hissed Mom.

“You call that making out!” I exclaimed. “I’ll show you making out!”

I grasped Chasity’s waist again but before I could reel her in, Mom grabbed a spatula and swatted my hand away from my Baby with it. I frowned.

“What’s this kid’s name?!” Asked Dad.

“Parker,” said Calix as he ladled marinara onto his pasta.

The maids had already brought in all the dishes the cooks had prepared. Usually Mom fixed Calix’s plate for him but not tonight.

“He’s alive then?” Confirmed Dad.

“I know I should have killed him,” said Calix regretfully.

“You did good,” said Dad decisively.

Calix beamed.

“We don’t want to seem too blood thirsty!” Agreed Alex. “You sent a clear message and you gave him a chance.”

“What chance?” Squeaked Chasity, speaking up for the first time tonight.

“He’s alive. A life is a chance. A chance to be better. To try again,” explained Alex, ready to give a sermon at the dinner table.

I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted that fucker dead.

“You’re both nuts. We need to be firm. If someone can get away with stepping to our Luna, then they’ll think they can get away with anything. Who knows what he’ll do next?” I muttered, feeling the heat rise to my neck.

“He won’t be doing anything for a while,” said Calix coolly.

“I’m glad he’s alive. Thank you. All of you,” said Chasity in her sweet as honey voice.

I looked at her. I wanted another kiss but Mom had kept the spatula near to her dominant hand on the table. It was a warning, a silent threat. Mom was glaring at Chasity. The way Mom looked at my mate irked me. Couldn’t she just give my Baby a break? Mom cleared her throat theatrically.

“So Chasity, then you’ve decided that you’re staying and you wanna be with my boys? You’ve accepted the ring. You’ve marked them. Only a crazy person would do all that and then still run off,” said Mom, her lips curling into a sneer.

I looked at Chasity.

“I’m so happy to finally make the guys feel as secure as they’ve helped me feel,” said Chasity innocently.

I could not help but grin. My brothers were doing the same. Mom did not look pleased and Dad was hard to read. After that, the rest of dinnertime passed by in silence. The tension in the room was palpable. I was halfway done with my pasta when Mom snatched my plate up so quickly that I accidentally stabbed the table with my fork.

“Mom!” I said indignantly.

She snatched Alex’s plate next. Alex just sighed and threw his cloth napkin on the table. Dad willingly handed over his plate without making eye contact with Mom. He leant back in his chair, seemingly tired of Mom’s antics. Calix was guarding his plate. He slid it into his lap and continued eating his pasta defiantly. Chasity offered her plate to Mom as a feeble olive branch. Mom looked Chasity right in the eyes and refused to take her plate. Instead she pointedly handed the stack of plates to the maid. Chasity’s faint smile disappeared. Calix looked at Mom in annoyance at her refusal of Chasity’s plate. Chasity moved to get up and give her plate to the maid but Alex put his hand on hers, stopping her.

“The staff will clear the rest, please and thank you,” said Alex politely with a smile at the maid who simply nodded and smiled.

Calix threw his plate on the table with a clatter, making everyone jump. He was leaning back with a scowl on his face. Well, damn. Calix was the Bad Boy now. Did that make me the Baby Boy? I didn’t wanna be the Nerd like Alex. Don’t worry, dear readers, I was just kidding. I was still the original Bad Boy around here. And right now, I needed to exert my authority.

Go upstairs to my room and wait for me, please, Baby, I said over mind-link to Chasity.

I included Alex and Calix in the mind-link so that they would know I planned to have a chat with Mom. I waited for an eye-roll or a frown from my minx but Chasity shocked me by getting up right away and heading upstairs.

“Please excuse me,” said Chasity stiffly. “Thank you for dinner,” added Chasity, looking at the maid.

As soon as Chasity was gone, I launched right into the discussion.

“Mom! What more do you really want from Chasity and the three of us?!” I demanded to know.

Mom folded her arms and sniffed.

“I want honesty,” she said finally. “Chasity’s honesty!”

“She honestly wants us,” said Calix with a shrug. “Do you really not believe that?” Asked Calix incredulously.

Mom scoffed at us.

“Are my three boys really this naive?! She’s using you! She’ll drop you as soon as she graduates high school! That’s the whole point! She wants to finish school in relative peace and comfort,” said Mom.

“I wouldn’t call the environment you’ve created here for Chasity peaceful or comforting,” I said bluntly.

“Because that environment was supposed to be temporary!” Hissed Mom.

“That was then! This is now!” Said Alex with a tone of finality.

Mom was speaking of the original arrangement: Chasity staying at the pack house until she payed off her debt which would have been roughly at the age of eighteen and a half had she kept working. However, that was before we knew she was ours.

“Our Luna is bound to us for eternity!” Said Alex sternly.

“An eternity of regret if she leaves,” mumbled Mom, shrugging.

“She’s not going to leave,” said Calix, getting frustrated.

Mom laughed humourlessly.

“So basically you’re never gonna give her a chance, Mom?” I asked, annoyed.

“She lives in this house, doesn’t she?” Said Mom.

“But she has always lived in this house,” I said pointedly.

“All I am saying is I can’t believe you would all mindlessly let her mark you. Think of the pain you’ll be in when she leaves the minute high school is over. It was bad enough you marked her. Oh and proposed! I was under the impression that ring was for the future…” complained Mom, her voice cracking as she was seemingly close to tears.

“Calm down, Ronnie, come on,” said Dad gently, pulling Mom into his arms.

“Mom, mom,” said Calix softly, grabbing her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“It’s ok. You have to believe just a little bit when we say that Chasity won’t leave us. She loves us,” insisted Calix.

“She needs us,” added Alex.

“Especially me,” I decided to add, trying to lighten the mood.

“FELIX!” screamed Chasity suddenly, her scream piercing through the night and my heart.

My stomach dropped. My Baby was in trouble and she needed me.

Chapter 53: Chasity’s Close Call

Hey by popular demand I’m letting you know that chapter 52 and 53 are the triplet version of Chasity’s Chapter 28 Close Call. Not every chapter matches another exactly due to overlap among other things. I’m gonna try to put together a list and post it here.


My reaction was instinctive. Before I even realised what I was doing, I rushed to her. She was standing just outside her room downstairs. The fear was evident in her expression. I smelled the strong chemical scent immediately. Chloroform! Someone was trying to fucking kidnap my Luna!

I heard Chasity’s sigh of relief upon seeing me. I rushed right into her room and saw the fiend. He had just broken in through her window and he was holding the chloroform soaked rag. My wolf roared in my mind.

“A kidnapper,” I heard Chasity cry as Alex arrived just a second after me, immediately picking Chasity up and keeping her in the hallway.

My hands grasped the throat of the intruder. I held him up, his feet dangling a few inches above the ground. Somewhere amidst all my rage I remembered how Chasity had tried to make a deal with me to spare that piece of shit Parker. This piece of shit could not be spared but Chasity could be spared the sight and sound of his demise. Calix rushed into the room at that moment and we exchanged a split-second glance during which an understanding passed between us. Calix nodded, meaning: yes, kill this one! Alex, cover Chasity’s eyes, I said.

And her ears, added Calix.

Ok, go ahead, said Alex, also in agreement with the death sentence for this one.

I snapped his neck, a much quicker and easier death than he deserved. I let his body hit the floor. Calix slid his ski mask off. He was no one I recognised, no arch nemesis or old friend. I looked at Calix, wondering if he knew the man but Calix shook his head. I went to the window that asshole had pried open and glanced outside. There was no getaway vehicle in sight. How exactly was he planning on kidnapping Chasity? Was he a kidnapper or was he an assassin, a hit man? The second option made my blood boil. Was he just an obsessive pervert, a peeping Tom? I shut the window and locked it. Calix was taking a photograph of the man’s face with his phone.

Alex, switch with me, please? You’re much better at this part than I am! Pleaded Calix, sucking up to our elder brother.

Calix hated being part of the cleanup crew. He liked the action.

Yeah, sure, come watch Chasity! Instructed Alex. We’ll have to be joined at the hip from now on, guys! She eats, sleeps, breathes and pees with us. No closed doors between us at any time until we get to the bottom of this.

Calix and I agreed wordlessly with Alex’s new system. We could not let minx out of our sight until this was solved. It was for her own good. I was wondering if I should have tortured the truth out of this guy before I offed him. Calix left and Alex came in.


My heart almost stopped when Chasity screamed like that. A few moments later, I was holding her tightly. She buried her face in my chest. I covered her ears when it was time for Felix to do away with the intruder. I did not want my little Luna to be traumatised by witnessing a kill. I stroked her hair, trying to soothe her afterwards. She was trembling in my arms. I kissed the top of her head. Calix entered the hallway. He wanted to exchange places with me to avoid the disposing of the dead body. That was fine with me.

“Who is it?” I asked the moment I saw him.

“I have no idea. Don’t recognise him. Did you?” Asked Calix, looking at Chasity who was peeking up at him from the safety of my arms.

She shook her head. I left my Luna in Calix’s care. The guy was lying on the ground near the window when I walked in, a ski mask on the floor by his head. He was pale and had dark circles under his cold grey eyes. He had a mop of dark hair and a tall, strong build though not quite the size of an Alpha.

“You know him?” Asked Felix.

I shook my head.

“Search his pockets,” I instructed.

We found his wallet. There was cash in there but no cards.

“No ID. No credit. No debit. Just cash. He came here prepared to fail just in case,” I mumbled. “He’s working for someone.”

Felix sighed. That meant this wasn’t over and that was the opposite of what we were hoping.

“It’d be a lot easier if he were some random creep with a fixation on our Luna,” muttered Felix as we rolled the body up in a bedsheet. “Then, he would have been working alone.”

“I know,” I said softly.

“Should we have kept him alive and…” began Felix.

“Ugh,” I said instantly.

I hated trying to torture the truth out of someone. It almost never worked anyway. There was no way of confirming the truth in the moment. The person could “reveal” anything as the truth and I didn’t want a witch hunt in case he named a bunch of innocents just to seem useful.

I kept my voice low. I was not sure if my Luna was listening at the door. I did not want her to be scared.

“I’m glad he’s dead. It’s better this way. They’ll know their man is dead when he doesn’t return and the next guy they send will be much more reluctant. If they send a second guy, that one will talk and readily,” I explained. “He’ll know his team doesn’t care about him. He’ll be easy to flip.”

“We should have snapped this one’s neck in a different room,” grumbled Felix. “This is Chasity’s room.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, looking around at all her pretty, girly things.

Fuck. Now her dream room housed a dead body.

“Well, she’ll be sleeping upstairs with us indefinitely anyway,” I said with a shrug. “She’s banned from this room,” I pronounced.

“You gonna tell her that?” Asked Felix incredulously.

“I was hoping you would,” I said honestly.

We looked at each other.

“Calix,” we both said in unison.


I held Chasity close to me, massaging small circles on her back, trying to calm her down. My parents came into the hallway. My eyes immediately went to my mother to gauge her reaction to all of this. Her expression was unfathomable. Dad looked mildly concerned which was not unusual for him. As an Alpha, he never showed fear or even too much worry or concern. He said it was bad for the morale of the pack.

“You all right, Chasity?” He asked.

Chasity just nodded wordlessly.

“Call the Calvary?” Said Dad, his go-to expression in these times.

I did not answer at first. That was usually an instruction to someone. I realised now it was a question to me. He was actually deferring to me as the current Alpha. He must have been truly impressed earlier.

“Send them in,” I confirmed.

Wolves are known for their speed. Werewolves are known for their super-speed. Less than five minutes later, the house was filled with people: squads of warriors and their squad leaders, the pack police, a group of pack doctors to check on Chasity, our Gamma and our Beta of course.

My brothers carried the body out themselves. That was how seriously they were taking this. They did not even want it to exchange hands too many times in case someone was a traitor. If the kidnapper had an insider among us, that person could steal the body to prevent us from finding too many clues or simply to give the kidnapper a proper burial. I knew Felix would want to toss the guy in an unmarked grave in the most inaccessible frigid place as his final revenge. It was his thing. It sent a powerful message. If someone messed with Winter Moon, they never returned in any form, dead or alive. Even their remains were lost, scattered in the wind or buried in an unmarked grave on a frozen mountain peak.

I made sure to bundle Chasity up in my jacket when the body was being removed from the house. She kept her little face buried in my chest so I doubted she even knew when the body passed right by us in the hallway. Felix gave me a “don’t let her see this” look. Alex gave me a “good job keep her calm” look. I breathed a sigh of relief when the body was out of the house and handed over to our most trusted squad leader in conjunction with the pack police. The squad leaders and warriors were here to beef up security while the pack police were here to solve the case. The guys were accustomed working together. They greeted each other with brief one-armed hugs and claps on the back.

The most senior detective in the pack police was placed on this case but I knew Felix would want to hire a private investigator too. He always said “money talks.”

Alex and Felix were back with me and Chasity while the pack police looked at Chasity’s room and the window which was the place of entry. The flash and click of the camera they had was so bright and loud respectively. Chasity kept flinching with every flash and click. Felix kissed her forehead and Alex played with her hair. I kept my arms around her, afraid to let go. Mom did not even say anything in person to me. I glared at her pointedly and she just looked away.

I know you think I did this, she said in my mind.

I would never! I snapped, offended.

I would never! She went on.

Fair enough, I said, ending the conversation.

She sighed in my mind.

Even when you hate me, I love you. I’m your mother, she said and then she left me alone.

She had given birth to me. She would not kidnap my mate. However, I was pissed. She did not breathe a word to Chasity. She could at least stand physically next to us for a bit and look concerned. I hoped the pack members here did not notice that. The disapproval of a former Luna regarding a new Luna could mark the start of a difficult reign. Luckily Chasity was charming even in her shaken state. She spoke politely with everyone who interviewed her and was shockingly meek for a Luna considering her background. Everyone seemed fond of her.

“Luna Chasity, I have to take your official statement, okay,” said the head detective gently.

He was middle-aged burly werewolf with salt and pepper hair, a strong jaw and bushy eyebrows. He was on his third cup of coffee. Chasity sat on the living room couch and almost everyone involved in the investigation was trying to walk past to discreetly eavesdrop. He put his tape recorder on. Chasity launched into her story without being prompted.

“I was trying to eavesdrop on a conversation the Luna was having with her three sons in the dining room,” said Chasity immediately, eliciting a round of soft chuckles from all present.

She was honest.

“Clarify who you mean by Luna, Luna Chasity,” specified the detective. “Be as specific as you can.”

“Oh,” said Chasity. “Luna Ronnie. I don’t have three sons,” said Chasity with a shrug, eliciting more chuckles.

“Yet,” said Alex and Felix in unison, prompting more soft laughter.

“Fair enough, stupid question on my part,” joked the detective, making his juniors snicker.

Chasity smiled faintly.

“I was in the hallway and I wondered if I could hear it from my new room, the downstairs bedroom, the one with all the caution tape there now,” specified Chasity innocently.

Felix chuckled. She was between him and myself on the couch to Alex’s chagrin. Alex did not take his eyes off of her, even for a second, from where he sat, perched on the arm of the couch on Felix’s side.

“There was someone prying open my window with a…wrench or a…I don’t know any tools that well,” she admitted bashfully.

“But you’re mated to Alpha Felix?” Joked Beta Keaton, trying to lighten the mood.

Chasity let out a small gasp with wide eyes at Felix. The warriors stifled their laughter out of fear until Felix chuckled himself and they burst out laughing. Keaton came to the couch to try to hug Felix but Felix playfully shoved him away.

“I helped changed your diapers!” Complained Keaton, eliciting more laughter.

“I’ll help change yours soon enough, old geezer,” grumbled Felix, grinning.

The warriors were besides themselves. Chasity giggled a little and Felix kissed her forehead.

“He was tall, muscular and kinda pale. He had a sky mask on. He had dark hair. I smelled the chloroform on the rag he had with him and that’s what panicked me. I screamed for Felix to come,” said Chasity.

“There, selection of an appropriate tool! And she says she doesn’t know about them! My Luna is too modest!” Said Keaton.

“Keaton, they want you outside,” said Felix seriously.

“The police team?” Asked Keaton.

“My Luna and me,” said Felix. “Go home.”

More laughter from everyone. I knew Keaton was trying to make Chasity feel less tense. He was a “laughter heals all” kinda guy. I smiled at him. Alex remained stone-faced and fixated on Chasity.

“So, Felix rushed into the room, Alex came and held me. Calix rushed into the room too. Alex covered my ears and I buried my face in his chest but I heard it,” she confessed.

My brothers and I stiffened in response to that.

“Heard what?” Asked the detective.

Chasity looked at Felix for confirmation. He nodded. She looked at me and I nodded. She looked at Alex and he winked, stealing my move. She smiled at Alex. She took a deep breath.

“The snap of his neck,” she said. “And the thud of his body as he hit the ground.”

There was silence.

“Ok, thank you, Luna Chasity,” said the detective.

Chasity nodded. Alex, Felix and I pulled her into a group hug. We had hoped she would not hear that.

The ambulance was outside and the doctor insisted on examining Chasity even though she had not been injured.

“He never touched me,” Chasity assured us for the umpteenth time while the doctor took her vitals and listened to her heart and chest.

She told the doctor the story and the doctor gave her some tips for dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic experience.

“Um, are there any therapists I could see in this pack?” Asked Chasity meekly.

“Many!” Exclaimed the doctor, nodding.

The doctor was a young woman. She leant in.

“About this experience or is there more on your mind?” Whispered the doctor.

My brothers and I had refused to leave the room for the medical examination and interview.

“More,” said Chasity simply.

She was given a small list of the best therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists in the pack.

My brothers and I were relieved when we finally took Chasity upstairs to bed. We all ended up in Felix’s room.


Chasity was curled up on my chest. Alex and Calix sat near the head of the bed. I let my wolf come forward just a little so that my claws came out. My wolf was going crazy with worry for his mate and he needed to comfort her himself so I let him use his claws to lightly graze Chasity’s arms and legs. Goosebumps sprang up on her everywhere we touched. Tingles were spreading through myself and Chasity.

“Don’t worry, Baby, we’ll get to the bottom of this and figure out who sent the kidnapper. There’s already suspects,” I said decisively.

“Luna Ronnie,” said Chasity.


“Huh,” said Calix.

“Luna,” said Alex disapprovingly.

I realised what Chasity meant. She thought our mother had set this up!

“Baby, no, no,” I cooed, my wolf speaking with me, as we pulled her even closer.

“We know you heard the arguing,” said Calix apprehensively.

“But it’s not like that,” added Alex.

“She would never endanger you. She knows that would destroy us,” I explained, burying my nose in Chasity’s silky fragrant curls.

Chasity yawned but I knew she was too on edge to fall asleep yet. This was nothing my dick couldn’t fix.

“She wanted it to seem like I ran off like she always says I would,” concluded Chasity.

“No, Princess,” said Alex gently, leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

“She’s just protective of us. She’d never do that!” said Calix, coming closer and kissing her forehead.

“She’s traumatised. She’s shaken up. That’s why she thinks that. It happened just as she probably overheard the kinda things our Mom was saying!” I explained, feeling like I had to defend my mate and her accusations.

Chasity clung to me more tightly.

“Please, if you ever look for me and I’m gone, I didn’t leave you, someone took me ok. That’s all I want you to remember,” said Chasity, sitting up so that she could lock eyes with each of us in turn.

“That’s all I’ll ever believe heaven forbid that happens,” I said, not even wanting to think about that.

I’d rather die than lose Chasity. Calix nodded and then leant in again to nuzzle Chasity. Alex sighed, his eyes tired.

“You’re not going anywhere. Even if I have to handcuff us all together so it’s not an option to snatch you, I will,” said Alex firmly.

Chasity smiled and pulled Alex in for a kiss. He pressed his lips to hers gently.

“Kinky,” I said, regarding the handcuffs.

Chasity and my brothers laughed. I did have some fuzzy handcuffs lying around here somewhere.

“I’m not going anywhere by choice,” said Chasity.

Alex turned off the light while Calix turned on Chasity’s nightlight. She now had a nightlight in all three of our rooms. She was less afraid of the dark with us around though.

I could see the anticipation and need shining through plainly from Chasity’s eyes. We descended upon her, ridding her of all her clothes and her underwear quickly. Her breathing and heart rate quickened as our hands teased her nipples, caressed her pussy and squeezed her thighs.

I’m not going anywhere by choice, she kept whispering like a mantra across mind-link.

I know, we all know, Baby, I assured her as our lips connected.

She sighed into my mouth, relaxing her body, surrendering it to us.

That’s it, Baby, easy does it, I cooed as she melted into us.

The pleasure was threefold now that we were all marked and our connection with her was unbreakable. She was ours and we were never letting her go. Ever.

Her Triplet Alphas

Her Triplet Alphas

Score 9.4
Status: Completed Author:
Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas


not work with dark mode